Swift Combine framework multiple async request responses into one - swift

Here is a pseudo code of what I need to achieve:
func apiRequest1() -> Future<ResultType1, Error> { ... }
func apiRequest2() -> Future<ResultType2, Error> { ... }
func transform(res1: ResultType1, res2: ResultType2) -> ResultType3 { ... }
func combinedApiRequests() -> Future<ResultType3, Error> {
(resultType1, resultType2) = execute apiRequest1() and apiRequest2() asynchronously
resultType3 = transform(resultType1, resultType2)
return a Future publisher with resultType3
How would combinedApiRequests() look?

There's no need to return a Future publisher. Future publisher is a specific publisher, but as far as a downstream is concerned, a publisher is defined by its output and failure types. Instead, return a AnyPublisher<ResultType3, Error>.
Zip is a publisher that waits for all results to arrive to emit a value. This is probably what you'd need (more on this later). This is how your function could look:
func combinedApiRequests() -> AnyPublisher<ResultType3, Error> {
Publishers.Zip(apiRequest1, apiRequest2)
.map { transform(res1: $0, res2: $1) }
There is also CombineLatest publisher. For the first result from each upstream, it behaves the same as Zip, but for subsequent results it differs. In your case, it doesn't matter since Future is a one-shot publisher, but if the upstream publishers emitted multiple values, then you'd have to decide for your specific use case whether to use Zip - which always waits for all upstreams to emit a value before it emits a combined value, or CombineLatest - which emits with each new upstream value and combines it with the latest for other upstreams.


Swift Combine erase array of publishers into AnyCancellable

Is it possible to fire multiple requests which return a Publisher and be able to cancel them without sink?
I would like to combine the requests into a single cancellable reference or store each one if possible without sink (code below). Is this possible?
func fetchDetails(for contract: String) -> AnyPublisher<String, Error>
Fire Multiple requests and store
#State var cancellable: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
let promises = items.map {
self.fetchFeed.fetchDetails(for: $0.contract)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { _ in }) // ** is this required?
.store(in: &cancellable)
It really depends on what fetchDetails does to create the publisher. Almost every publisher provided by Apple has no side effects until you subscribe to it. For example, the following publishers have no side effects until you subscribe to them:
NSObject.KeyValueObservingPublisher (returned by NSObject.publisher(for:options:)
NotificationCenter.Publisher (returned by NotificationCenter.publisher(for:object:)
Timer.TimerPublisher (returned by Timer.publishe(every:tolerance:on:in:options:)
URLSession.DataTaskPublisher (returned by URLSession.dataTaskPublisher(for:)
The synchronous publishers like Just, Empty, Fail, and Sequence.Publisher.
In fact, the only publisher that has side effects on creation, as far as I know, is Future, which runs its closure immediately on creation. This is why you'll often see the Deferred { Future { ... } } construction: to avoid immediate side effects.
So, if the publisher returned by fetchDetails behaves like most publishers, you must subscribe to it to make any side effects happen (like actually sending a request over the network).

How can I create a Swift Combine publisher from two publishers A and B where publisher B consumes the value from publisher A?

I want to create a Swift Combine publisher which achieves the following:
The publisher should be triggered by changes in either Defaults (a UserDefaults Swift package) or changes in GRDB sqlite database values (using GRDBCombine).
The updated UserDefaults received from the Defaults publisher should be used within the database query in the GRDBCombine publisher.
Here is a simplified version of what I have tried so far:
func tasksPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<[Task], Never> {
.flatMap { change in
let myUserDefault = change.newValue
return ValueObservation
.tracking { db in
try Task.
.publisher(in: database)
However, this publisher produces the following error (edited according to the simplified version of my publisher above):
Cannot convert return expression of type 'AnyPublisher<Publishers.FlatMap<_, AnyPublisher<Defaults.KeyChange<Int>, Never>>.Output, Publishers.FlatMap<_, AnyPublisher<Defaults.KeyChange<Int>, Never>>.Failure>' (aka 'AnyPublisher<_.Output, Never>') to return type 'AnyPublisher<[Task], Never>'
My bet is that there is a problem with the two publishers having different values: [Task] and Defaults.KeyChange<Int>. However, I cannot find a way to work around this.
Assuming you want to start a new database publisher each time the Defaults publisher emits a change, you need the switchToLatest() operator.
This operator needs errors from both publishers to be harmonized. Here, since Defaults.publisher has the Never failure type, we can use the setFailureType(to:) operator in order to converge on the database publisher failure type: Error.
This gives:
func tasksPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<[Task], Error> {
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.map({ change -> DatabasePublishers.Value<[Task]> in
let myUserDefault = change.newValue
return ValueObservation
.tracking { db in
try Task
.publisher(in: database)
Note that the returned publisher has the Error failure type, because the database is not 100% reliable, as all I/O externalities. It is difficult, in a Stack Overflow answer, to recommend hiding errors at this point (by turning them into an empty Task array, for example), because hiding errors prevents your app from knowing what's wrong and react accordingly.
Yet here is a version below that traps on database errors. This is the version I would use, assuming the app just can't run when SQLite does not work: it's sometimes useless to pretend such low-level errors can be caught and processed in a user-friendly way.
// Traps on database error
func tasksPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<[Task], Never> {
.map({ change -> AnyPublisher<[Task], Never> in
let myUserDefault = change.newValue
return ValueObservation
.tracking { db in
try Task
.publisher(in: database)
.assertNoFailure("Unexpected database failure")

How to properly pull from cache before remote using swift combine

I perform many repeated requests in order to populate a field. I would like to cache the result and use the cached value the next time around.
public func getItem(_ id: String) -> AnyPublisher<Item?, Never> {
if let item = itemCache[id] {
return Just(item).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return downloadItem(id: id)
.map { item in
if let item = item {
itemCache[id] = item
return item
func downloadItem(_ id: String) -> AnyPublisher<Item?, Never> { ... }
And this is called like this:
Just(["a", "a", "a"]).map(getItem)
However, all the requests are calling downloadItem. downloadItem does return on the main queue. I also tried wrapping the entire getItem function into Deferred but that had the same result.
First, the issue was that the function is being evaluated and only a publisher is returned. So the cache check is evaluated each time before the network publisher is ever subscribed to. Using Deferred is the proper fix for that. However, that still didn't solve the problem.
The solution was instead to first cache a shared publisher while the network request is pending so all requests during the network call will use the same publisher, then when it's complete to cache a Just publisher for the all future calls:
public func getItem(_ id: String) -> AnyPublisher<Item?, Never> {
if let publisher = self.publisherCache[id] {
return publisher
let publisher = downloadItem(id)
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: {
// Re-cache a Just publisher once the network request finishes
self.publisherCache[id] = Just($0).eraseToAnyPublisher()
.share() // Ensure the same publisher is returned from the cache
// Cache the publisher to be used while downloading is in progress
self.publisherCache[id] = publisher
return publisher
One note, is that downloadItem(id) is async and being recieved on the main loop. When I replaced downloadItem(id) with Just(Item()) for testing, this didn't work beause the entire publisher chain was evaluated on creation. Use Just(Item()).recieve(on: Runloop.main) to fix that while testing.

Mapping Swift Combine Future to another Future

I have a method that returns a Future:
func getItem(id: String) -> Future<MediaItem, Error> {
return Future { promise in
// alamofire async operation
I want to use it in another method and covert MediaItem to NSImage, which is a synchronous operation. I was hoping to simply do a map or flatMap on the original Future but it creates a long Publisher that I cannot erased to Future<NSImage, Error>.
func getImage(id: String) -> Future<NSImage, Error> {
return getItem(id).map { mediaItem in
// some sync operation to convert mediaItem to NSImage
return convertToNSImage(mediaItem) // this returns NSImage
I get the following error:
Cannot convert return expression of type 'Publishers.Map<Future<MediaItem, Error>, NSImage>' to return type 'Future<NSImage, Error>'
I tried using flatMap but with a similar error. I can eraseToAnyPublisher but I think that hides the fact that getImage(id: String returns a Future.
I suppose I can wrap the body of getImage in a future but that doesn't seem as clean as chaining and mapping. Any suggestions would be welcome.
You can't use dribs and drabs and bits and pieces from the Combine framework like that. You have to make a pipeline — a publisher, some operators, and a subscriber (which you store so that the pipeline will have a chance to run).
Subscriber (and store it)
So, here, getItem is a function that produces your Publisher, a Future. So you can say
getItem (...)
.map {...}
( maybe other operators )
.sink {...} (or .assign(...))
.store (...)
Now the future (and the whole pipeline) will run asynchronously and the result will pop out the end of the pipeline and you can do something with it.
Now, of course you can put the Future and the Map together and then stop, vending them so someone else can attach other operators and a subscriber to them. You have now assembled the start of a pipeline and no more. But then its type is not going to be Future; it will be an AnyPublisher<NSImage,Error>. And there's nothing wrong with that!
You can always wrap one future in another. Rather than mapping it as a Publisher, subscribe to its result in the future you want to return.
func mapping(futureToWrap: Future<MediaItem, Error>) -> Future<NSImage, Error> {
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
return Future<String, Error> { promise in
// cancellable is captured to assure the completion of the wrapped future
cancellable = futureToWrap
.sink { completion in
if case .failure(let error) = completion {
} receiveValue: { value in
This could always be generalized to
extension Publisher {
func asFuture() -> Future<Output, Failure> {
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
return Future<Output, Failure> { promise in
// cancellable is captured to assure the completion of the wrapped future
cancellable = self.sink { completion in
if case .failure(let error) = completion {
} receiveValue: { value in
Note above that if the publisher in question is a class, it will get retained for the lifespan of the closure in the Future returned. Also, as a future, you will only ever get the first value published, after which the future will complete.
Finally, simply erasing to AnyPublisher is just fine. If you want to assure you only get the first value (similar to getting a future's only value), you could just do the following:
The resulting type, Publishers.First<AnyPublisher<Output, Failure>> is expressive enough to convey that only a single result will ever be received, similar to a Future. You could even define a typealias to that end (though it's probably overkill at that point):
typealias AnyFirst<Output, Failure> = Publishers.First<AnyPublisher<Output, Failure>>

Combining two Observable<Void>s

I'm still a reactive newbie and I'm looking for help.
func doA() -> Observable<Void>
func doB() -> Observable<Void>
enum Result {
case Success
case BFailed
func doIt() -> Observable<Result> {
// start both doA and doB.
// If both complete then emit .Success and complete
// If doA completes, but doB errors emit .BFailed and complete
// If both error then error
The above is what I think I want... The initial functions doA() and doB() wrap network calls so they will both emit one signal and then Complete (or Error without emitting any Next events.) If doA() completes but doB() errors, I want doIt() to emit .BFailed and then complete.
It feels like I should be using zip or combineLatest but I'm not sure how to know which sequence failed if I do that. I'm also pretty sure that catchError is part of the solution, but I'm not sure exactly where to put it.
As I'm thinking about it, I'm okay with the calls happening sequentially. That might even be better...
Start doA()
if it completes start doB()
if it completes emit .Success
else emit .BFailed.
else forward the error.
Thanks for any help.
I believe .flatMapLatest() is what you're looking for, chaining your observable requests.
.flatMapLatest({ [weak self] (firstResult) -> Observable<Result> in
// Assuming this doesn't fail and returns result on main scheduler,
// otherwise `catchError` and `observeOn(MainScheduler.instance)` can be used to correct this
// ...
// do something with result #1
// ...
return self?.doSecond()
}).subscribeNext { [weak self] (secondResult) -> Void in
// ...
// do something with result #2
// ...
And here is .flatMapLatest() doc in RxSwift.
Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences and then
transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. It is a combination of map + switchLatest operator.
I apologize that I don't know the syntax for swift, so I'm writing the answer in c#. The code should be directly translatable.
var query =
.Zip(doB.Materialize(), (ma, mb) => new { ma, mb })
.Select(x =>
x.ma.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError
|| x.mb.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError
? Result.BFailed
: Result.Success);
Basically the .Materialize() operator turns the OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted notifications for an observable of type T into OnNext notifications for an observable of type Notification<T>. You can then .Zip(...) these and check for your required conditions.
I've learned RxSwift well enough to answer this question now...
func doIt() -> Observable<Result> {
doA().map { Result.Success },
doB().map { Result.Success }
.catch { _ in Observable.just(Result.BFailed) }
) { $1 }