my shader is ignoring my worldspace height - unity3d

Im VERY new to shaders so bear with me. I have a mesh that I want to put a sand texture on below a worldspace position y of say 10 else it should be a grass texture. Apparantly it seems to be ignoring anything I put in and only selecting the grass texture. Something IS happening because my vert and tris count explodes with this function, compared to if I just return the same texture. I just dont see anything no matter what my sandStart value is
this is in my frag function:
if (input.positionWS.y < _SandStart) {
return tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv)* mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
} else {
return tex2D(_SandTex, input.uv) * mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
Is there also a way I can easily debug some of the values?

Please note that the OP figured out that their specific problem wasn't caused by the code in the question, but an error in their geometry function, this answer is only about the question "Is there a way to debug shader values" as this debugging method helped the OP find the problem
Debugging shader code can be quite a challenging task, depending on what it is you need to debug, and there are multiple approaches to it. Personally the approach I like best is using colours.
if we break it down there are three aspects in your code that could be faulty:
the value of input.positionWS.y
the if statement (input.positionWS.y < _SandStart)
Returning your texture return tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv)* mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
Lets walk down the list and test each individually.
checking if input.positionWS.y actually contains a value we expect it to contain. To do this we can set any of the RGB channels to its value, and just straight up returning that.
return float4(input.positionWS.y, 0, 0, 1);
Now if input.positionWS.y isn't a normalized value (a.k.a a value that ranges from 0 to 1) this is almost guaranteed to just return your texture as entirely red. To normalize it we divide the value by its max value, lets take max = 100 for the exmaple.
return float4(input.positionWS.y / 100, 0, 0, 1);
This should now make the texture full red at the top (where input.positionWS.y / 100 would be 1) and black at the bottom (where input.positionWS.y / 100 is zero), and a gradient from black to full red inbetween. (Note that since its a position in world space you may need to move the texture up/down to see the colour shift). If this doesn't happen, for example it always stays black or full red then your issue is most likely the input.positionWS.y.
The if statement. It could be that your statement (input.positionWS.y < _SandStart) always returns either true or false, meaning it'll never split. We can test this quite easily by commenting out the current return texture, and instead just return a flat colour like so:
if(input.positionWS.y < _SandStart)
return float4(1,0,0,1);
return float4(0,0,1,1);
if we tested the input.positionWS.y to be correct in step 1, and _SandStart is set correctly we should see the texture be divided in parts red (if true) and the other part blue (if false) (again since we're basing off world position we might need to change the material's height a bit to see it). If this division in colours doens't happen then the likely cause is that _SandStart isn't set properly, or to an incorrect value. (assuming this is a property you can inspect its value in the material editor)
if both of above steps yield the expected result then return tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv)* mainLight.shadowAttenuation; is possibly the culprit. To debug this we can return one of the textures without the if statement and shadowAttenuation, see if it applies the texture, and then return the other texture by changing which line is commented.
return tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv);
//return tex2D(_SandTex, input.uv);
If each of these textures gets applied properly seperately then it is unlikely that that was your cause, leaving either the shadowAttenutation (just add the multiplication to the above test) or something different altogether that isn't covered by the code in your question.
bonus round. If you got a shader property you want to debug you can actually do this from C# as well using the material.Get<type> function (the supported types can be found in the docs here, and include the array variants too, as well as both Get and Set). a small example:
_Foo ("Foo", Float) = 2
_Bar ("Bar", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
can be debugged from C# using
Material mat = getComponent<Material>();
Debug.LogFormat("_Foo value: {0}", mat.GetFloat("_Foo"); //prints 2
Debug.LogFormat("_Bar value: {0}", mat.GetFloat("_Bar"); //prints (1,1,1,1)


Unity is returning material color slightly wrong

I have this mini task in my game where you need to click trophies to change color of the wood on them. I have two arrays of colors, one is an array containing all possible colors and the other one contains four colors (the answer) as follows:
I've double checked that the colors are equal between the two arrays. For example the purple in Colors-array has exactly the same r, g, b & a values as the purple in the Right Order-array.
To check whether the trophies has correct color I just loop through them and grab their material color. Then I check that color against the Right Order-array but it's not quite working. For example when my first trophy is purple it should be correct, but it's not because for some reason Unity is returning slightly different material color than excepted:
Hope somebody knows why this is happening.
When you say, they are exactly same color, I assume you are referring rgb values from Color Inspector, which are not precise values.
Now I dont know what could be causing in different values of colors but
You can write an extension method to compare the values after rounding them to closest integer.
public static class Extensions
public static bool CompareRGB(this Color thisColor, Color otherColor)
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.r * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.r * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.b * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.b * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.g * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.g * 255);
Color red = Color.Red;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Red); // true;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Green); // false;
Hope this helps.
I would use a palette. This is simply an array of all the possible colors you use (sounds like you have this). Record, for each "trophy", the INDEX into this array, at the same time you assign the color to the renderer. Also, record the index for each "button", at the same time you assign the color to the renderer.
Then you can simply compare the palette index values (simple integers) to see if the color matches.

How to draw concave shape using Stencil test on Metal

This is the first time I'm trying to use Stencil Test but I have seen some examples using OpenGL and a few on Metal but focused on the Depth test instead. I understand the theory behind the Stencil test but I don't know how to set it up on Metal.
I want to draw irregular shapes. For the sake of simplicity lets consider the following 2D polygon:
I want the stencil to pass where the number of overlapping triangles is odd, so that I can reach something like this, where the white area is the area to be ignored:
I'm doing the following steps in the exact order:
Setting the depthStencilPixelFormat:
mtkView.depthStencilPixelFormat = .stencil8
mtkView.clearStencil = .allZeros
Stencil attachment:
let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptor(pixelFormat: .stencil8, width: drawable.texture.width, height: drawable.texture.height, mipmapped: true)
textureDescriptor.textureType = .type2D
textureDescriptor.storageMode = .private
textureDescriptor.usage = [.renderTarget, .shaderRead, .shaderWrite]
mainPassStencilTexture = device.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor)
let stencilAttachment = MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor()
stencilAttachment.texture = mainPassStencilTexture
stencilAttachment.clearStencil = 0
stencilAttachment.loadAction = .clear
stencilAttachment.storeAction = .store
renderPassDescriptor.stencilAttachment = stencilAttachment
Stencil descriptor:
stencilDescriptor.depthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.always
stencilDescriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = true
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.stencilCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.equal
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.stencilFailureOperation = MTLStencilOperation.keep
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.depthFailureOperation = MTLStencilOperation.keep
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.depthStencilPassOperation = MTLStencilOperation.invert
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.readMask = 0x1
stencilDescriptor.frontFaceStencil.writeMask = 0x1
stencilDescriptor.backFaceStencil = nil
depthStencilState = device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: stencilDescriptor)
and lastly, Im setting the reference value and the stencil state in the main pass:
Am I missing something because the result I got is just like there is no stencil at all. I can see some differences when changing the settings of the depth test but nothing happens when changing the settings of the stencil ...
Any clue?
Thank you in advance
You're clearing the stencil texture to 0. The reference value is 1. The comparison function is "equal". So, the comparison will fail (1 does not equal 0). The operation for when the stencil comparison fails is "keep", so the stencil texture remains 0. Nothing changes for subsequent fragments.
I would expect that you'd get no rendering, although depending on the order of your vertexes and the front-face winding mode, you may be looking at the back faces of your triangles, in which case the stencil test is effectively disabled. If you don't otherwise care about front vs. back, just set both stencil descriptors the same way.
I think you need to do two passes: first, a stencil-only render; second, the color render governed by the stencil buffer. For the stencil only, you would make the compare function .always. This will toggle (invert) the low bit for each triangle that's drawn over a given pixel, giving you an indication of even or odd count. Because neither the compare function nor the operation involve the reference value, it doesn't matter what it is.
For the second pass, you'd set the compare function to .equal and the reference value to 1. The operations should all be .keep. Also, make sure to set the stencil attachment load action to .load (not .clear).

Physicsjs Screen wrap

I am currently having a bit of trouble making objects in my world wrap. It sort of works, but very often objets appear to get stuck on the boundaries. My wrap code is as follows:
// Wrap our position if we are outside of the world bounds
if (this.state.pos.get(0) > 860) {
this.state.pos.set(0, this.state.pos.get(1));
else if (this.state.pos.get(0) < 0) {
this.state.pos.set(860, this.state.pos.get(1));
if (this.state.pos.get(1) > 640) {
this.state.pos.set(this.state.pos.get(0), 0);
else if (this.state.pos.get(1) < 0) {
this.state.pos.set(this.state.pos.get(0), 640);
Is there a better way of doing this? Should I use a translation on the object's position vector rather than simply setting it?
Without a jsfiddle it's a bit hard to diagnose, however this might be due to the this.state.old.pos not being set too. If the position (only) is set, then the velocity will be calculated as the difference between the current and the previous positions (in accordance with verlet integration). In that case, you're implicitly giving the body a huge velocity.
I'd recommend adding/subtracting an amount rather than setting, then you can do the same with the old position.
Here's a working example:
With the relevant line of code:

World.QueryAABB giving incorrect results in libgdx

I'm trying to implement mouse selection for my game. When I QueryAABB it looks like it's treating objects much larger than they really are.
Here's what's going on in the image
The blue box is an actor containing a body that I'd like to select
The outline on the blue box is drawn by Box2DDebugRenderer
The mouse selects a region on the screen (white box), this is entirely graphical
The AABB is converted to meters and passed to QueryAABB
The callback was called for the blue box and turned it red
The green outline left behind is a separate body to check if my conversions were correct, this is not used for the actual selection process
It seems to be connected to my meter size, the larger it is, the more inaccurate the result is. At 1 meter = 1 pixel it works perfectly.
Meter conversions
val MetersToPixels = 160f
val PixelsToMeters = 1/MetersToPixels
def toMeters(n: Float) = n * PixelsToMeters
def toPixels(n: Float) = n * MetersToPixels
In the image I'm using MetersToPixels = 160f so the inaccuracy is more visible, but I really want MetersToPixels = 16f.
Relevant selection code
val x1 = selectPos.x
val y1 = selectPos.y
val x2 = getX
val y2 = getY + getHeight
val (l,r) =
if (x2 < x1)
val (b,t) =
if (y2 < y1)
world.QueryAABB(selectCallback, toMeters(l),toMeters(b), toMeters(r),toMeters(t))
This code is inside the act method of my CursorActor class. And selectPos represents the initial point where the use pressed down the left mouse button and getX and getY are Actor methods giving the current position. The next bit sorts them because they might be out of order. Then they are converted to meters because they are all in pixel units.
selectCallback: QueryCallback
override def reportFixture(fixture: Fixture): Boolean = {
fixture.getBody.getUserData match {
case selectable: Selectable =>
selected += selectable
case _ => true
Selectable is a trait that sets a boolean flag internally after the query which helps determines the color of the blue box. And selected is a mutable.HashSet[Selectable] defined inside of CursorActor.
Other things possibly worth noting
I'm new to libgdx and box2d.
The camera is scaled x2
My Box2DDebugRenderer uses the camera's combined matrix multiplied by MetersToPixels
From what I was able to gather, QueryAABB is naturally inaccurate for optimization. However, I've hit a roadblock with libgdx because it doesn't have any publicly visible function like b2testOverlap and from what I understand, there's no plan for there to be one any time soon.
I think my best solution would probably be to use jbox2d and pretend that libgdx's physics implementation doesn't exist.
Or as noone suggested I could add it to libgdx myself.
I decided to go with a simple solution of gathering the vertices from the fixture's shape and using com.badlogic.gdx.math.Intersector against the vertices of the selection. It works I guess. I may stop using QueryAABB all together if I decide to switch to using a sensor for the select box.

OpenGL ES 2.0 for iOS - multiple calls to glDrawElements causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Several years ago, I wrote a small Cocoa/Obj-C game framework for OpenGL ES 1.1 and iPhone. This was back when iOS 3.x was popular. My OpenGL ES 1.1 / iOS 3.x implementation of this all worked fine. Time passed, and here we are now with iOS 5.1, OpenGL ES 2.0, ARC, blocks, and other things. I decided that it was high time to port the project over to more... modern standards.
EDIT: Solved one of the problems on my own - that of why it was crashing on the simulator. Sort of - I am now able to draw smaller models, but larger ones (like the test police car) still cause an EXC_BAD_ACCESS - even if that is the only, single call to glDrawElements. I was also able to fix drawing-multiple-meshes on the Simulator - however, I don't know if this will function on-device until tomorrow morning. (my 5.0 test device is my friend's iPhone, don't). So I guess the main question is, why are larger models causing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the simulator?
Original post below
However, in moving it up to 5.0, I've run into some OpenGL ES 2.0 errors - two of them, specifically, although they may possibly be related. The first of them is simple - if I try to render my model on a device (iPhone 4S running 5.0.1), it displays, but if I try to display it on the simulator (iPhone Simulator running 5.0), it throws an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on glDrawElements. The second, also simple. I cannot draw multiple meshes. When I draw the model as one big group (one vertex array/index array combo) it draws fine - but when I draw the model as multiple parts (eg, multiple calls to drawElements) it fails, and displays a big black screen - the blackness is not from the model being drawn (I have verified this, outlined below).
To sum it up before the much-more-detailed part, attempting to render my model on the simulator crashes
Caveat: It all works fine for small meshes. I have no problem drawing my small, statically-declared cube over and over, even on the simulator. When I say statically-declared, I mean a hard-coded const array of structs that gets bound and loaded into the vertex buffer and a const array of GLushorts bound and loaded into the index array.
Note: when I say 'model' I mean an overall model, possibly made up of multiple vertex and index buffers. In code, this means that a model simply holds an array of meshes or model-groups. A mesh or model-group is a sub-unit of a model, eg one contiguous piece of the model, has one vertex array and one index array, and stores the lengths of both as well. In the case of the model I've been using, the body of the car is one mesh, the windows another, the lights a third. All together, they make up the model.
The model I am using is a police car, has several thousand vertices and faces, and is split into multiple parts (body, lights, windows, etc) - the body is about 3000 faces, the windows about 100, the lights a bit less.
Here are some things to know:
My model is loading properly. I have verified this in two ways -
printing out the model vertices and manually inspecting them, and
displaying each model-group individually as outlined in 2). I'd post images, but 'reputation limit' and this being my first question, I can't. I have also re-built the model loader twice from scratch with no change, so I know the vertex and index buffers are in the correct order/format.
When I load the model as a single model-group (ie, one vertex
buffer/index buffer) it displays the whole model correctly. When I
load the model as multiple model-groups, and display any given
model-group individually, it displays correctly. When I try to draw
multiple model-groups (multiple calls to glDrawElements) the big
black screen happens.
The black screen is not because of the model being drawn. I
verified this by changing my fragment shader to draw every pixel
red no matter what. I always clear the color buffer to a medium-gray (I clear the depth buffer as well, obviously), but attempting to draw multiple meshes/model-groups results in a black screen. We know it is not the model simply obscuring the view because it is colored black instead of red. This occurs on the device, I do not know what would happen on the simulator as I cannot get it to draw.
My model will not draw in the simulator. It will not draw as either a single mesh/model-group, nor multiple mesh/model-groups. The application loads properly, but
attempting to draw a mesh/model-group results in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS in the
glDrawElements. The relevant parts of the backtrace are:
thread #1: tid = 0x1f03, 0x10b002b5, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x94fd020)
frame #0: 0x10b002b5
frame #1: 0x09744392 GLEngine`gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore + 883
frame #2: 0x09742a9b GLEngine`glDrawElements_ES2Exec + 505
frame #3: 0x00f43c3c OpenGLES`glDrawElements + 64
frame #4: 0x0001cb11 MochaARC`-[Mesh draw] + 177 at Mesh.m:81
EDIT: It consistently is able to draw smaller dynamically-created models (~100 faces) but the 3000 of the whole model
I was able to get it to render a much-smaller, less-complicated, but still dynamically loaded, model consisting of 192 faces / 576 vertices. I was able to display it both as a single vertex and index buffer, as well as split up into parts and rendered as multiple smaller vertex and index buffers. Attempting to draw the single-mesh model in the simulator resulted in the EXC_BAD_ACCESS still being thrown, but only on the first frame. If I force it to continue, it displays a very screwed up model, and then every frame after that, it displayed 100% fine exactly as it ought to have.
My shaders are not in error. They compile and display correctly when I use a small, statically declared vertex buffer. However, for completeness I will post them at the bottom.
My code is as follows:
Render loop:
glClearColor(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f, 1.0f);
//muShader is a subclass of a shader-handler I've written that tracks the active shader
//and handles attributes/uniforms
//[muShader use] just does glUseProgram(muShader.program); then
//disables the previous shader's attributes (if needed) and then
//activates its own attributes - in this case:
//it does:
// glEnableVertexAttribArray(self.position);
// glEnableVertexAttribArray(self.uv);
//where position and uv are handles to the position and texture coordinate attributes
[self.muShader use];
GLKMatrix4 model = GLKMatrix4MakeRotation(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(_rotation), 0, 1, 0);
GLKMatrix4 world = GLKMatrix4Identity;
GLKMatrix4 mvp = GLKMatrix4Multiply(_camera.projection, _camera.view);
mvp = GLKMatrix4Multiply(mvp,world);
mvp = GLKMatrix4Multiply(mvp, model);
//muShader.modelViewProjection is a handle to the shader's model-view-projection matrix uniform
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.policeTextureID);
//ditto on muShader.texture
glUniform1i(self.muShader.texture, 0);
for(int i=0; i < self.policeModel.count; i++)
//I'll expand muShader readyForFormat after this
[self.muShader readyForFormat:ModelVertexFormat];
//I'll expand mesh draw after this
[[self.policeModel meshAtIndex:i] draw];
muShader stuff
muShader binding attributes and uniforms
I won't post the whole muShader's class, it is unnecessary, suffice to say that it works or else it'd not display anything at all, ever.
//here is where we bind the attribute locations when the shader is created
_position = glGetAttribLocation(self.program, "position");
_uv = glGetAttribLocation(self.program, "uv");
//ditto for uniforms
_modelViewProjection = glGetUniformLocation(self.program, "modelViewProjection");
_texture = glGetUniformLocation(self.program, "texture");
muShader readyForFormat
switch (vertexFormat)
//... extra vertex formats removed for brevity
case ModelVertexFormat:
//ModelVertex is a struct, with the following definition:
//typedef struct{
// GLKVector4 position;
// GLKVector4 uv;
// GLKVector4 normal;
glVertexAttribPointer(_position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ModelVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(0));
glVertexAttribPointer(_uv, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ModelVertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(16));
//... extra vertex formats removed for brevity
Mesh stuff
setting up the vertex/index buffers
//this is how I set/create the vertex buffer for a mesh/model-group
//vertices is a c-array of ModelVertex structs
// created with malloc(count * sizeof(ModelVertex))
// and freed using free(vertices) - after setVertices is called, of course
-(void)setVertices:(ModelVertex *)vertices count:(GLushort)count
//frees previous data if necessary
[self freeVertices];
glGenBuffers(1, &_vertexBuffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vertexBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(ModelVertex) * count, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
_vertexCount = count;
//this is how I set/create the index buffer for a mesh/model-group
//indices is a c-array of GLushort,
// created with malloc(count * sizeof(GLushort);
// and freed using free(vertices) - after setVertices is called, of course
-(void)setIndices:(GLushort *)indices count:(GLushort)count
[self freeIndices];
glGenBuffers(1, &_indexBuffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, _indexBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLushort) * count, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
_indexCount = count;
mesh draw
//vertexBuffer and indexBuffer are handles to a vertex/index buffer
//I have verified that they are loaded properly
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vertexBuffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, _indexBuffer);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, _indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
Shader stuff
Vertex Shader
attribute highp vec4 position;
attribute lowp vec3 uv;
varying lowp vec3 fragmentUV;
uniform highp mat4 modelViewProjection;
uniform lowp sampler2D texture;
void main()
fragmentUV = uv;
gl_Position = modelViewProjection * position;
Fragment shader
varying lowp vec3 fragmentUV;
uniform highp mat4 modelViewProjection;
uniform lowp sampler2D texture;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture,fragmentUV.xy);
//used below instead to test the aforementioned black screen by setting
//every pixel of the model being drawn to red
//the screen stayed black, so the model wasn't covering the whole screen or anything
//gl_FragColor = vec4(1,0,0,1);
Answered it myself, when using multiple buffer objects, glEnableVertexAttribArray has to be called for every time you bind the vertex/index buffer object, rather than simply once per frame (per shader). This was the cause of all of the problems, including the simulator crashing.