How do you convert mongod to mongo service? - mongodb

I have been running MongoDB on two Windows 10 PCs. However, one has mongo always running it seems where I only need to open command prompt and type mongo. This gives me access to the db on PC #1.
However, on PC #2, I must open command prompt and type mongod. Then I have to open a second command prompt to type in mongo, then I get access to the db on PC #2.
After doing this for about a year, I find I want to just want both PCs to work like PC #1, where I just type in mongo and not mongodb and only have to use one command prompt.
I checked online but there's nothing I found straightforward to accomplish this specifically.
Does anybody know the answer?

If in PC#2, your MongoDB version is < 4.0, then you can't do anything i.e., you have to continue with mongod to start Mongo as you do now.
But if your MongoDB version is >= 4.0 or you want to upgrade from lower version of MongoDB, you can follow the below steps.
Take backup of all databases with mongodump. If it is large volume data, then go through this.
Uninstall your MongoDB using Windows Uninstall Program features.
Reinstall MongoDB using the link.
While installing, ensure you select 'MongoDB Service' feature.
Start the MongoDB now in PC#2 as you do in PC#1.
Restore the old databases with mongorestore.


I am not able to start MongoDB ON WINDOWS 10

Mongod is not starting on windows 10 it shows 'access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestr 10.
Mongo is started and is running. This message is simply a notice, not an error. It says that your Mongo database is insecure because anyone is able to read and write. This is fine for your development purposes on your computer, but you should change the settings if you use Mongo for a production, customer-facing website.

Using a BASH script to edit a Mongo database when there is no Mongo client installed

I have an application running on a Raspberry Pi and it's storing data in a Mongo database, but the Mongo client is not also installed on the Pi. I'm using Alpine Linux for my OS.
I want to search for entries in the database using a single parameter in that entry (i.e. a filename) and then completely delete the entry from the database.
How can I accomplish this with a BASH script when the Mongo client is not installed on the Pi?
Please let me know.
The simple solution is install the mongo shell, or use one of the drivers such as pymongo.
If you're really good with bash, you might be able to use nc, telnet, or expect to connect to the mongod port, and speak Mongo Wire Protocol, which is not nearly as fun as it sounds.

mongodb tables disappereared somehow

I am using mongodb 3.2.11 in Ubuntu Zesty 17.04 and I am connecting from Nodejs 4.6 to mongodb in HTTPS, the database server is bound to its own address ( and I have created a user besides admin for read/write to the database.
Although, most of my tables were certainly dropped somehow, only users (empty) and sessions table were left.
I grepped my logs for "drop" with grep -r "drop" and got no results. Despite I am using very recent versions of the software and made some security measures they don't seem enough. At this time I don't need to recover the data, but I wanted to know what else should I be looking at?
Try to use "show collections" in the mongo shell in ubuntu and see if the collections are shown after doing "use dbnamehere".

can't connect mongoDB to localhost

hey there I don't know why the server refuse to connect to mongo local host and the same problem also for robomongo =[. I was looking for the same error in this site and others but no answer is relevant...I thought it might happened because robomongo is also running and I uninstalled it didn't solve it...I'm using windows 10. tried to do from mongo's directory mongod.exe and it didn't work than mongo.exe but also didn't work...can someone help me?
run the MongoDB you need to open another command prompt and use the following command. “C:\Experiments\MongoDB\MongoDbServer\bin>mongo”. It will show the version of MongoDb and connected database, By default it is test. Other window will show one connection is open.
Read this Article

How to run a mongod instance

I am a starter of MongoDB. According to the "Import Example" section of MongoDB 3.2 Manual, the prerequisite for importing data into the database is to have a running mongod instance. With limited background knowledge of MongoDB, I failed to fully understand this line of instruction. Could anyone please give me some explanation on how to run a mongod instance step by step in Mac Terminal? Thanks.
Here are several steps to do start mongodb var mongod
created the ./bin/data/db directory storing mongodb data file.
Start one terminal for mongodb server
Go to mongo/bin, and execute this command
Start another terminal for mongodb shell
Go to mongo/bin, and run
Now we can connect to mongodb now, more command like show dbs, show collections, use dbname, For more commands in mongodb, refer to