Edit VSCode JSON Settings NOT the Gui Settings - visual-studio-code

There are many tutorials out there that give info about editing VSCode's JSON settings.
How do you SKIP the Gui setting and go straight to the JSON edit page?

File → Preferences → Settings → search JSON


Where is the editor layout stored in VSCode?

Whenever I open a folder that I've already worked in, VSCode is clever and reopens it in the exact same layout I already had it. However, I have absolutely no clue how it does that - I can't find a config file or anything anywhere, which is something I'd love to have; in my specific usecase I create a lot of workspaces and they all have the same sort of structure, so if I could save that layout so I didn't have to recreate it every time it'd be great.
The answer ends up being super annoying... they're stored in %APPDATA%\Code\User\workspaceStorage in some hashed looking folder names, which contain a pretty useless workspace.json file (all workspaces) and all other info stored in a *.vscdb (and its associated *.backup file), which is a SQLite Format 3 file storing all that information. It's barely used as a database from what I can see, a json file could do just as well, but I digress...
tl;dr they're a pain to get out.
VSCode mainly saves all of the preferences and user choices in the settings.json file. Moreover, you can actually set your preferences in VSCode Settings. But if you want to copy/paste your workspace settings to different workspaces, I guess the best choice would be to look at your settings.json layout settings.
Go to File > Preferences and adding them in the right pane, in "User Settings" if you want to keep them for all workspaces or in "Workspace Settings" for this workspace only.
To see settings for layouts and explorer, search for explorer.
You can read more about settings.json defaults and attributes exposed here

How to disable autocomplete for just one file in Sublime Text 3?

I do understand that autocomplete/(tab to complete) can be disabled by toggling true/false in the settings file. But is there a shorter way to do it. Also, can we encode it for a particular folder/file?
I don't think you can accomplish this for a single file other than by manually toggling it. However, the sublime settings work on multiple hierarchical levels: General Settings < Syntax Settings < Project Settings. So if you want enable/disable a specific setting for all e.g. python files, you can open a python file and edit the settings in Preferences > Syntax Settings. If you want to enable/disable a specific setting for a project folder, open the project and add the setting via Project > Edit Project.

How to configure Cucumber feature file in Eclipse?

I have a feature file as below:
Feature: Log in to the application
Scenario: Login to application as valid user
When User enter the valid credentials
And Click on Login
Then Home Page should be displayed
Scenario: Login to application as Invalid user
When User enter the inValid credentials
And Click on Login
Then Error Message Should be displayed
But the problem is it is being shown as plain file not at all with the gherkin colors, also I can't see find step option when I right click on a step.
I was also looking for a solution to this. Can't find anything on the web. So I keep looking on eclipse editor and found this.
Window -> Preferences
On the left side Preferences window click General -> Editors -> File Associations
on the right side click Add... Enter *.feature on the textbox then click OK
Select the newly added *.feature on the list
Under Associated editors click Add... then choose the Editor with the green cucumber icon. click okay
Apply and Close
Please follow the following steps
-Right click on . feature file -> Open With -> Cucumber Editor
I found an answer :
When everything is installed right, and if feature file does not display the gherkin colors, We need to first create a sample cucumber.feature file in the same path.
Once this is created if it is auto-populated with sample gherkin code, then other feature file will also work or we can simply paste content of our feature file into cucumber.feature and then rename it.

Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up

A few days ago it was just fine. I haven't made any change to the IDE or anything else in the preferences.
Looks like random instability, but I hope I'm wrong, I don't want to go through the IDE setup again.......
Here are two screenshots to tell the story:
Before Ctrl+Shift+F (format):
After (format results):
What can I do about it?
I've tried comparing settings in another Eclipse setup that I have which has XML formatting working properly. (Window -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor). Also (Structured Text Editors).
It looks like "Android Common XML Editor" took over, and the above crappy formatting belongs to it.
All I had to do is right click on the XML file and choose Open With -> XML Editor.
You can revert the default editor for XML files to be the original XML Editor at Preferences / General / Editors / File Associations:

Export single Eclipse Perspective and Settings

I customized my Eclipse for a special Latex Perspective and saved this perspective as "MyLatex". I even added shortcuts in my texlipse preferences, so that I can type "tab"+strg+space to insert a table.
Now I would like to offer this to friends. I found out that I can use Export->General->Settings, but this exports ALL perspectives.
Is there any way to export only the perspective "myLatex" and the texlipse editor templates?
Best regards
There exists another way to do this.
Share Eclipse perspective layouts across multiple workspaces
To save your perspective, select Window > Save Perspective As… from
the application menu. A dialog should popup (shown below), prompting
you for a perspective name. Enter a name that you’ll remember, eg. My
Java or Debug Jack. Click Ok once you’ve entered a new name.
Note: You can choose to overwrite one of the default perspectives, eg.
Java, without fear. However, I prefer to leave these intact, so always
choose a new name, but you can choose whatever works for you.
Now you can go through the normal routine of exporting the preferences
to a properties file via File > Export > General > Preferences. Then
import the same file in another workspace via File > Import > General > Preferences. All you now have to do is switch over to the perspective you saved and all your layout settings will be restored.
If you overwrote one of the default perspectives, you may have to
select Window > Reset Perspective… to restore the saved settings.
If you’ve chosen to create a new perspective, be sure to point your
Run/Debug settings to the new perspective under Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Perspectives. For example, if you made a new perspective
based on the Debug perspective, then you’ll need to change references
to the Debug perspective to the My Debug for launchers you use.
I don't know of a nice way to export/import one perspective from eclipse, but maybe try the following:
open this file -
and copy the part that relates to your new perspective to the same file for the users you want to share it to. If this doesn't work you may have to replace the entire file in their workspace with your one.
In my case I had to copy from one workspace to another