iOS Charts Radar Chart size - ios-charts

I'm using the Charts library and am trying to replicate this design:
I'm sort of getting there, but the chart is rendering itself way too small:
I'm expecting the chart to fill the entire width of the screen, and use all the vertical space. To be clear: the RadarChartView is the width of the entire black area, and the entire vertical space right up to the legend (which is not part of the chart view itself).
Any ideas?
This is the table cell code that shows the chart:
import Charts
import UIKit
final class ReportSpiderChart: UITableViewCell {
private let labels = ["ARTISTS", "TRACKS", "ALBUMS"]
#IBOutlet private var chartView: RadarChartView!
override func awakeFromNib() {
chartView.webLineWidth = 1
chartView.innerWebLineWidth = 1
chartView.webColor = .init(hex: "28282A")
chartView.innerWebColor = .init(hex: "28282A")
chartView.legend.enabled = false
let xAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.labelFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 11, weight: .semibold)
xAxis.xOffset = 0
xAxis.yOffset = 0
xAxis.labelTextColor = .init(hex: "919198")
xAxis.valueFormatter = self
let yAxis = chartView.yAxis
yAxis.labelCount = 3
yAxis.labelFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 11, weight: .semibold)
yAxis.labelTextColor = .init(hex: "919198")
yAxis.axisMinimum = 0
yAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = false
func configure(data: ReportData) {
let entries: [RadarChartDataEntry] = [
.init(value: Double(data.artists)),
.init(value: Double(data.tracks)),
.init(value: Double(data.albums)),
chartView.yAxis.axisMaximum = Double(max(max(data.artists, data.tracks), data.albums))
let dataSet = RadarChartDataSet(entries: entries)
dataSet.fillColor = UIColor(hex: "FA4B4B").withAlphaComponent(0.75)
dataSet.fillAlpha = 0.75
dataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
dataSet.lineWidth = 0
dataSet.drawHighlightCircleEnabled = false
let data = RadarChartData(dataSets: [dataSet])
data.setDrawValues(false) = data
extension ReportSpiderChart: IAxisValueFormatter {
func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
return labels[Int(value) % labels.count]

It seems that their is a spaceTop and spaceBottom property on axis, did you try to set them to 0 on both axis ?


Set labels at RadarChartData

I am using Charts v3.2.2 framework by danielgindi for iOS and macOS to draw a RadarChartView. There is a github repository that provides an example xcode project including Playgrounds. One is for RadarChartView.
Following the example I can set RadarChartData with two different RadarChartDataSets
var chartView = RadarChartView(frame: rect)
let data = RadarChartData(dataSets: [set1, set2]) = data
It shows a chart like this:
The green labels set to x-axis are numbers from 0.0 to 4.0, but they should be string labels.
I cannot figure out how to set these labels that should be drawn around the RadarChart at the end of each web line. I guess it should be something like this:
data.setLabels("London", "Paris", "Berlin", "New York", "Tokio")
But this isn't working although it is a feature of class RadarChartData to set the desired labels.
Can somebody help me with that issue?
EDIT: complete code example
import Cocoa
import Charts
import PlaygroundSupport
let r = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 400, height: 400)
var chartView = RadarChartView(frame: r)
// General settings
chartView.webColor = NSUIColor.lightGray
chartView.innerWebColor = NSUIColor.lightGray
chartView.webAlpha = 1.0
// xAxis settings
let xAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.xOffset = 0.0
xAxis.yOffset = 0.0
xAxis.labelTextColor =
xAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = true
// yAxis settings
let yAxis = chartView.yAxis
yAxis.labelCount = 5
yAxis.axisMinimum = 0.0
yAxis.axisMaximum = 80.0
yAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = true
// Legend settings
let legend = chartView.legend
// ... (irrelevant)
// Description
chartView.chartDescription?.enabled = true
chartView.chartDescription?.text = "Radar demo"
chartView.chartDescription?.textColor = #colorLiteral(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
// RadarChartDataEntry
let mult = 80.0
let min = 20.0
let cnt = 5
var entries1 = [RadarChartDataEntry]()
var entries2 = [RadarChartDataEntry]()
for i in 1...cnt
let values1 = (Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(mult))) + min)
entries1.append(RadarChartDataEntry(value: values1, data: "a" as AnyObject))
let values2 = (Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(mult))) + min)
entries2.append(RadarChartDataEntry(value: values2, data: "b" as AnyObject))
// RadarChartDataSet
let set1 = RadarChartDataSet(entries: entries1, label: "Last Week")
set1.drawFilledEnabled = true
set1.fillAlpha = 0.7
set1.lineWidth = 2.0
set1.drawHighlightCircleEnabled = true
let set2 = RadarChartDataSet(entries: entries2, label: "This Week")
set2.drawFilledEnabled = true
set2.fillAlpha = 0.7
set2.lineWidth = 2.0
set2.drawHighlightCircleEnabled = true
// RadarChartData
let data = RadarChartData(dataSets: [set1, set2])
data.setLabels("London", "Paris", "Berlin", "New York", "Tokio")
data.setDrawValues ( true )
data.setValueTextColor( NSUIColor.white ) = data
chartView.animate(xAxisDuration: 2.0, yAxisDuration: 2.0, easingOption: .easeInBounce)
// show chartView
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = chartView
You need to override IAxisValueFormatter func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {} function.
Like below:
Step1: Customize your xAxis with custom formatter.
let xValues = ["X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10"]
let chartFormatter = RadarChartFormatter(labels: xValues)
let xAxis = XAxis()
xAxis.valueFormatter = chartFormatter
self.xAxis.valueFormatter = xAxis.valueFormatter
Step2: Implement Custom formatter with below method.
private class RadarChartFormatter: NSObject, IAxisValueFormatter {
var labels: [String] = []
func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
if Int(value) < labels.count {
return labels[Int(value)]
return String("")
init(labels: [String]) {
self.labels = labels
You will get below output in your RadarCharView:
Hope this will help you to get your custom labels on Radar chart!

Allow PieChartView to hide labels for tiny slices in Swift

I'm making a chart by using chart iOS framework. but the value will overlay when the slice is tiny. How can I hide it? This question is similar to this GitHub link, But I don't understand how it works. Do I just need to add the code in my View Controller or drag the PieChartRenderer.swift file to my project?
Can someone explain to me how to use the pull request or some open public function...
Sorry I'm new in iOS framework.
This is my code.
#IBOutlet weak var myChart: PieChartView!
var valueColors = [UIColor]()
var dataEntries = [PieChartDataEntry]()
var record = [Record]()
var category = [String]()
var categoryTotal : [Double] = []
var categoryArray : [String] = []
func setDataCount() {
let set = PieChartDataSet(values: dataEntries, label: nil)
set.colors = valueColors
set.valueLinePart1OffsetPercentage = 0.8
set.valueLinePart1Length = 0.2
set.valueLinePart2Length = 0.4
set.xValuePosition = .outsideSlice
set.yValuePosition = .outsideSlice
set.selectionShift = 0.0
let data = PieChartData(dataSet: set)
let Formatter:ChartFormatter = ChartFormatter()
data.setValueFont(.systemFont(ofSize: 11, weight: .light))
data.setValueTextColor(.black) = data
func setup(pieChartView chartView: PieChartView) {
chartView.usePercentValuesEnabled = true
chartView.drawSlicesUnderHoleEnabled = true
chartView.holeRadiusPercent = 0.58
chartView.chartDescription?.enabled = false
chartView.drawCenterTextEnabled = true
chartView.centerAttributedText = attributedString;
chartView.drawHoleEnabled = true
chartView.rotationAngle = 0
chartView.rotationEnabled = true
chartView.highlightPerTapEnabled = true
func valueAndColor(){
for i in 0..<categoryArray.count{
let dataEntry = PieChartDataEntry(value: categoryTotal[i], label: categoryArray[i % categoryArray.count])
if categoryArray[i] == "吃喝" {
}else if categoryArray[i] == "δΊ€ι€š"{
Create a custom formatter, I set the minNumber as 10.0 and the empty string is returned when a value is less than the minNumber, otherwise the value is returned.
public class ChartFormatter: NSObject, IValueFormatter{
public func stringForValue(_ value: Double, entry: ChartDataEntry, dataSetIndex: Int, viewPortHandler: ViewPortHandler?) -> String {
let total = UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: "totalValue")
var valueToUse = value/total * 100
valueToUse = Double(round(10*valueToUse)/10)
print("valueToUse: \(valueToUse)")
let minNumber = 10.0
if(valueToUse<minNumber) {
return ""
else {
return String(valueToUse) + "%"
Then make sure you set the totalValue variable, store it in UserDefaults (to make it possible to access it in the formatter) and set the formatter for your graph
var totalValue = 0.0
let units = [10.0, 4.0, 6.0, 3.0, 12.0, 16.0]
for a in units {
totalValue += a
UserDefaults.standard.set(totalValue, forKey: "totalValue")
let formatter:ChartFormatter = ChartFormatter()
Newer versions of the Charts library have added this feature and made it a simple property to set on the instance of the PieChartView:
pieChart.sliceTextDrawingThreshold = 20
The sliceTextDrawingThreshold property sets the minimum angle that is required for a label to be drawn.

Line chart fill color is faded

I am trying to setup a line chart with one fill colour but for some reason, the fill colour is faded.
Both the random view I have added to middle of screen and the fill colour of the line chart are set to be red, but for some reason the fill colour of the chart is faded.
Can see code here
#IBOutlet var liveChart : LineChartView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.title = "Chart Tests"
configureChart(chart: liveChart)
var xAxis = [String]()
var yAxis = [Double]()
for _ in 0..<10
let yVal = Double(randomBetweenNumbers(firstNum: 1.0, secondNum: 100.0))
setData(xAxisArray: xAxis, yAxisArray: yAxis, chart: liveChart)
let testView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)) =
testView.backgroundColor =
func randomBetweenNumbers(firstNum: CGFloat, secondNum: CGFloat) -> CGFloat{
return CGFloat(arc4random()) / CGFloat(UINT32_MAX) * abs(firstNum - secondNum) + min(firstNum, secondNum)
func configureChart(chart : LineChartView)
chart.chartDescription?.text = ""
chart.noDataText = "Loading Data"
chart.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
chart.drawGridBackgroundEnabled = false
chart.dragEnabled = true
chart.rightAxis.enabled = false
chart.leftAxis.enabled = true
chart.doubleTapToZoomEnabled = false
chart.legend.enabled = false
chart.pinchZoomEnabled = true
chart.highlightPerTapEnabled = false
chart.highlightPerDragEnabled = false
chart.xAxis.enabled = false
chart.leftAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
chart.leftAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
chart.leftAxis.labelCount = 5
chart.leftAxis.forceLabelsEnabled = true
func setData(xAxisArray : [String], yAxisArray : [Double], chart : LineChartView)
var yVals1 : [ChartDataEntry] = [ChartDataEntry]()
if(xAxisArray.count > 0)
for i in 0 ..< xAxisArray.count
let chartEntry = ChartDataEntry(x: Double(i), y: yAxisArray[i], data: nil)
let set1: LineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(values: yVals1, label: "")
set1.fillColor =
set1.drawFilledEnabled = true
set1.drawCirclesEnabled = false
let data = LineChartData()
data.addDataSet(set1) = data
Is there a way to fix this? Or is this just the way the fill colour of the chart works?
I am using
I assume you use this library:
So the LineChartView automatically set alpha for the fill color:
try to set fillAlpha property of the data set

Change yValue label vertical spacing in combined chart (ios-charts)

I have a combined chart that uses a line and bar chart to show yValues.
In some instances the line and bar chart values will overlap, is there a way to set the vertical spacing of the labels for the yValues so that they're not on top of each other (like Jan to Oct in the image)?
Combined Chart Image
I'm using the Charts framework (formerly ios-charts), here is the code to setup the CombineChartView:
let xValues = getXAxisLabelsForYear(year)
let runningTotalsByMonth = getRunningTotalByMonthForYear(year)!
var yValsBar = [BarChartDataEntry]()
var yValsLine = [ChartDataEntry]()
for i in 0 ..< xValues.count {
let yBarDataEntry = BarChartDataEntry(value: monthlyWinnings[i], xIndex: i)
let yLineDataEntry = ChartDataEntry(value: runningTotalsByMonth[i], xIndex: i)
let barChartDataSet = BarChartDataSet(yVals: yValsBar, label: "Monthly Winnings")
//setup bar chart
var barChartColors = [UIColor]()
for i in monthlyWinnings {
if i >= 0.0 {
} else {
barChartDataSet.colors = barChartColors
barChartDataSet.barShadowColor = UIColor.clearColor()
barChartDataSet.valueFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(10.0)
//setup line chart
let lineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(yVals: yValsLine, label: "Cumulative Winnings")
var lineChartColors = [UIColor]()
for i in runningTotalsByMonth {
if i >= 0.0 {
} else {
lineChartDataSet.colors = lineChartColors
lineChartDataSet.circleColors = [UIColor.blueColor()]
lineChartDataSet.drawCircleHoleEnabled = false
lineChartDataSet.circleRadius = 5
lineChartDataSet.lineWidth = 2
lineChartDataSet.valueFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(10.0)
//combine data
let data = CombinedChartData(xVals: xValues)
data.barData = BarChartData(xVals: xValues, dataSet: barChartDataSet)
data.lineData = LineChartData(xVals: xValues, dataSet: lineChartDataSet) = data
//format the chart
combinedChartView.xAxis.labelPosition = .Bottom
combinedChartView.descriptionText = ""
combinedChartView.rightAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = false
combinedChartView.rightAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
combinedChartView.drawGridBackgroundEnabled = false
combinedChartView.leftAxis.drawZeroLineEnabled = true
combinedChartView.xAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
combinedChartView.xAxis.wordWrapEnabled = true
You can draw bar chart values below the top of the bar using
chartView.drawValueAboveBarEnabled = false
and setting some color
barChartDataSet.valueTextColor = UIColor.someColor()
Will look like this:
See my comment above, but something like this may work if you're not using auto layout:
let labelA = UILabel()
let labelB = UILabel()
let padding: CGFloat = 5.0 // or whatever
if CGRectIntersectsRect(labelA.frame, labelB.frame) {
// If the minY of labelA is <= labelB's that means labelA is ABOVE labelB
if labelA.frame.minY <= labelB.frame.minY {
// Set it above, with some (optional) padding
labelA.frame.origin.y = labelB.frame.origin.y - padding - labelA.frame.height
} else {
labelB.frame.origin.y = labelA.frame.origin.y - padding - labelB.frame.height
Of course you'll need additional code for checking if it's too high and other edge cases.

Swift does not draw chart (XYPieChart)

I am using the XYPieChart library in order to draw a pie chart in my project but it doesn't draw the chart when I run it in the simulator. I tried it in a UITableViewController class but did not get result switched to UIViewController but got same results.
What am I doing wrong in here ?
import Foundation
import XYPieChart
class MainVC:UIViewController,XYPieChartDelegate,XYPieChartDataSource{
let z = Share.sharedInstance
let dbm = DatabaseManager()
var chart_dNameArr = [""]
var chart_dAmountArr = [0.0]
override func viewDidLoad() {
func makeChart(){
let pieChart = XYPieChart()
let viewWidth: Float = Float(pieChart.bounds.size.width / 2)
let viewHeight: Float = Float(pieChart.bounds.size.height / 2)
pieChart.delegate = self
pieChart.dataSource = self
pieChart.startPieAngle = CGFloat(M_PI_2)
pieChart.animationSpeed = 1.5
pieChart.labelColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
pieChart.labelShadowColor = UIColor.blackColor()
pieChart.showPercentage = true
pieChart.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//To make the chart at the center of view
pieChart.pieCenter = CGPointMake(pieChart.bounds.origin.x + CGFloat(viewWidth), pieChart.bounds.origin.y + CGFloat(viewHeight))
//Method to display the pie chart with values.
print("made a chart")
func numberOfSlicesInPieChart(pieChart: XYPieChart!) -> UInt {
return 2
func pieChart(pieChart: XYPieChart!, valueForSliceAtIndex index: UInt) -> CGFloat {
var value: CGFloat = 0.0
if index % 2 == 0 {
value = 25
else {
value = 75
return value
func pieChart(pieChart: XYPieChart!, colorForSliceAtIndex index: UInt) -> UIColor! {
var color: UIColor
if index % 2 == 0 {
color = UIColor.redColor()
else {
color = UIColor.greenColor()
return color
I think you did not add the piechart to the view
func makeChart(){
addSubView(pieChart) //<- Add this line