This is one problem I can't understand. I'm using windows 10 and by default the form border should be displayed like this:
But for some reason or the other, my windows form app's form border is like this:
... despite the form border property is set to FixedSingle. I also tried the same with form border property Fixed3D but still it is of no use.
It would be great if someone could guide me about how this can be fixed and the reason my form's border is wired. Please download the images to get a clarity of what I'm asking.
Fixed here means to get back the default form border.
I also use Bunifu Framework. However I don't know the relevance it has here
The image attached was taken during debugging
I'm pretty sure this must have been asked before but I can't seem to find a solution. I have some pop-up forms which I want to show without title bar since I've designed custom placement functions and I don't want them to be moved or closed from the title bar, so having it show only makes the form look uglier. I haven't found a way to hide it other than setting the form border to none, but that makes some small forms that popup on top of other forms (which I don't want to close when opening the other form because of crossed references and various visual reasons) merge with the form on the background and make it hardly distingishable.
So, I need a way to hide the form title bar while being able to set a thin border for the form to establish its bounds clearlier. I've tried setting a rectangle around my forms, but since I'm using form headers I can't put it around the whole form. I guess I could put one around the header section and another around the details section, but it makes it look horrible. Any simple way to achieve what I intend to do?
I'm using the Angular UI Bootstrap typeahead to display a customized list of suggestions as the user types into a text input form control. This form control exists inside a div using jQuery slimScroll in order to maintain a constant div size despite the size of its contents fluctuating. I really hoped the typeahead would display over everything like a regular html select dropdown, but unfortunately it does not, as can be seen in this plunker. I've tried futzing around with the z-index and adjusting the position and display properties; all fruitless endeavors.
Does anybody know how to get the typeahead popup to display over its parent border? If not, is there a way I could coerce the select tag to display HTML content so I can include glyphicons, emphasized text, etc. in the list of suggestions?
The problem is with the slim scroll - you are inside a div with relative position and overflow hidden (think of it as an iFrame). There is a small workaround...
You could, essentially set the position of the generated UL (.dropdown-menu) to fixed, set a height for it, then set an overflow:scroll...
It would work in some scenarios where the input field has a fixed position... otherwise you'd need to control where the input is and adjust the position of the auto-complete to follow, and a whole other bunch of nasty scripts.
Without looking at your application, I cannot understand why your have this particular architecture, but I can say that there must be cleaner options for handling autocomplete outside of slimscroll.
I just set typeahead-append-to-body="true" on the typeahead control and it worked. Not sure exactly why, but it's certainly a simple solution.
I am finding that in Dojo 1.7.3, setting required: true on a dijit.form.Select does not properly apply a red bordered error display to the Select as it does with other dijits such as FilteringSelect. If it is in an error state and has focus, it displays the tooltip, but it doesn't apply the red borders to the Select input.
Past answers I've seen regarding this are:
Select wasn't originally constructed to allow for validation, so it is missing the proper classes/divs in its template (such as for the red box with exclamation point), meaning you'd need to add your own CSS.
A blank value for a Select box isn't necessarily invalid.
I found this example page where a normal dijit.form.Select with required: true seems to work (almost) as expected. I say almost because it looks like it keeps its blue border with the red exclamation point box when it first loses focus and doesn't get the full red border until a secondary focus change (in Firefox, at least).
I haven't been able to discern anything in this example page that could be used to get the error formatting to work for dijit.form.Select. It does appear to be using Dojo 1.7.4, but I don't see anything in 1.7.4 release notes about the Select error display being fixed.
Has this not been considered a bug that needs to be fixed? Is there a way to easily apply the validation styles without having to mess with the dijit template?
Any help/ideas appreciated.
I think here is a relative link to a test file:
I'm working on a website template and Internet Explorer is giving me a headache since I'm unable to display the search form field and button correctly. z-index in CSS is not doing much either.
By the way, how can I move the input area after the loupe icon?
Check the website here:
In IE8:
Three things:
IE8 does not support border-radius, which is being applied to that field.
Your CSS references a file that's missing, which is for adding rounded corners in "all major browsers other than IE."
You should be able to add a left padding value on the field to force the text further to the right. It may be safer to make a white, rounded container and position the search button and text field within it.
Edit: I was wrong; the border-radius (curved-corner) file should work for IE6-8.
This sounds like a pretty simple thing to do but I havent been able to find an easy way to do this. How do I create a panel with a title and a border which can contain my widgets? I have seen the SectionStack class which provides this. But I dont want to create a section stack.
Window can be added to a layout and drawn. But is it the only way or is there a container class that I am missing?
Also, how does one center things? Say a textfield and a button at the center of the page. How is this achieved?
If you are using a DynamicForm, you can give it a border and title with
This actually works for Canvas, too (which is the superclass of most widgets and layouts in SmartGWT).
(I just had the same problem, and found this question, as well as the thread Is there a "titled Border" on the SmartGWT Forums, which gave this answer. I tried and it seems to work.)
To do form-related tasks, look into DynamicForm. To set the inputs in the form, you use setItems(Item...). A text field is a TextItem. You set it's title to control the label that SmartGWT will build. To get a title for the form, the best I've come up with is to use a container canvas that will contain both the title (probably a Label element) and the DynamicForm. To center the inputs, I believe you'd need to use setAlignment on the DynamicForm.
You could create an object that is actually a VLayout that contains a Label (the tile), has a border as you need and includes a Canvas (the generic stuff you want included).
In my experience, I noticed that very often I have a DynamicForm visible, so I just add a BlurbItem control to diplay the tile and a small explanation.