Task Scheduler executes too early - scheduled-tasks

I currently have two custom tasks in my Task Scheduler which have nearly the same trigger configured except one is executing 15 minutes after the other one
As you can see in the image above, one of the Tasks, was executed 1 DAY earlier than it should have.
In the history I can see that it says that its executed due to scheduler, but that's actually not true because there is only one trigger configured like this:
as you see below, it executes also on the first as it is in the scheduler, last month i also had the problem that it was executed one day earlier, i reconfigured everything and now i have the same problem again, probably its going to execute tomorrow also.
these are my other settings:
the tasks are running on a 2016 Server 1607
Does anybody know about any issues with monthly schedules?
i saw that in the 2019 Server there is a problem that on monthly tasks the tasks probably wont execute at all.

so this seems to be an issue inside Windows 2016 Build 1607.
I changed the time so it does not execute on 02:00 to 02:05AM and the task executed correctly.
I don't know why this is an issue or if only 02:00 is bugged but we opend an issue at microsoft for this.


Irregular Trigger BizTalk Scheduled Task Adapter

I have several receive locations of type schedule in a BizTalk 2016 server. All except one work fine. This one has been getting triggered as defined in the schedule daily at 04:00 am, however it suddenly began to start at 05:00 pm and one day it didnĀ“t run.
There is no Error Log in the Application Logs or the SQL Logs. The Receive Location is enabled. The Server Time is correct.
Does anyone has a hint, what this behavior might be caused by?
BTS 2016
Scheduled Task Adapter
The current version is 7.0.2. and that includes some fixes
In certain cases task won't trigger in set time with Timespan with Biztalk 2016
Timly Schedule Start Time (and Date) doest not work correct
So I would suggest downloading and installing 7.0.2.
I experienced a similar behavior when the Host Instance is shared and sometimes overloaded. Try to dedicate a HI for scheduling only. And as suggested by #Dijkgraaf, you can use the last version of this Adapter

Moodle: Scheduled tasks set for one minute sets itself to ASAP, but never reruns

I have been monitoring the Complete learning plans which are due task, which is set to run every minute. I have set the cron.php script with a password to force the cron job to run. When I reload the page I notice that the cron job runs, sets the next run date time, but doesn't run again and changes to ASAP.
I am using Moodle 3.6.3 on Windows IIS.
Create a task in task scheduler to execute the script after every minute (or any time you want). Use "Start a program" action. Replace "C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.2\php-win.exe" with your php version and also change the moodle path to yours.

Travis Build fails after 49 min even when logging output for all jobs every 1-2 min

I have a build for an Ionic project and its E2E testing with SauceLabs. The build is timing out after 49 min 17 sec(50 min). All of my jobs are running well and logging output frequently at least every 1-2 min. The timeout is happening consistently at 50 min.
My build goes meets all the requirements as mentioned here to not suffer a time out. Also, there is no timeout for the build as mentioned in the docs. So the build shouldn't timeout as it is happening in the case. Any resolutions for this Issue?
Here are some of the logs:
Your build ends with this message:
The job exceeded the maximum time limit for jobs, and has been
It is the expected behaviour. Exists a limit of 50 minutes as explained here and here:
Build Timeouts #
It is very common for test suites or build scripts to hang. Travis CI
has specific time limits for each job, and will stop the build and add
an error message to the build log in the following situations:
A job produces no log output for 10 minutes
A job on travis-ci.org takes longer than 50 minutes
A job running on OS X infrastructure takes longer than 50 minutes - (applies to travis-ci.org or travis-ci.com)
A job on Linux infrastructure on travis-ci.com takes longer than 120 minutes
Some common reasons why builds might hang:
Waiting for keyboard input or another kind of human interaction
Concurrency issues (deadlocks, livelocks and so on) Installation of
native extensions that take very long time to compile There is no
timeout for a build; a build will run as long as all the jobs do as
long as each job does not timeout.
Your build doesn't complete before for a specific issue in your build.
I would ask another question focused in your code and language node_jsand no in this limit.
I develop native apps so I can not help on this topic but I found this ticket:
It seems that they updated Node.js to 6.X, tested it using Travis-ci, it failed and currently they don't use Travis-ci, so I would ask directly to MoodleHQ in their forums.
jleyva Juan Leyva added a comment - 03/Nov/16 6:05 PM Dani, can you
enable in your Travis account your moodlemobile2 repository so we can
see if Travis is working with the new dependencies? I already changed
the tracker fields so Travis is aware of the branch (but it requires
first you to enable you forked moodlemobile2 repo)
jleyva Juan Leyva added a comment - 03/Nov/16 7:31 PM Builds are
failing: https://travis-ci.org/dpalou/moodlemobile2/builds/172896611
Protractor or Jasmine or whatever is not working with this dependency
You can also check related issues and compare, this configuration works using:
node_modules/.bin/protractor e2e-tests/protractor.conf.js --directConnect
in protractor-conf.js change chromeOnly to directConnect

moodle no change in status 'in progress'

I am facing problem with moodle configurations. I have 2 courses setup and the activity completion set for these courses are 1. manual self comletion and 2. Manual completion by manager.
I have also added required blocks for the same.
I completed the course successfully, marked completed by student as well as manager. In the status block it shows block image
Need help to get the status showing complete. I dont know what exactly i am missing.
You should start the Moodle cron tasks in order to update the completion status.
You can manually start the tasks either by running (only if you are an admin) a command from your browser:
or by running a command line in you system (from a terminal), like:
A list of predefined cron tasks of you system can be found under:
or going under Site administration->Server->Scheduled tasks

Schedule single package from within SSIS package

I have a SQL job agent that has two job steps: PackageA and PackageB.
PackageB follows PackageA but PackageB should never run between 06:00 and 18:00.
Unfortunately, PackageA sometimes takes a long time causing PackageB to run between 6:00 and 18:00.
In PackageB I have a constraint+expression that checks whether the time is between 06:00 and 18:00. If so, PackageB exits nicely and sends an email to an operative reminding him/her to reschedule PackageB.
However, things would be very much better if I could have the package reschedule itself.
Logic in PackageB:
ExpressionTask --> fills variable #Hour with datepart("Hh",GETDATE())
If the found value is <6 or >18 the 'normal' procedure is executed or it starts an 'send email' and exits.
What I would like is to add a command after sending the email that would schedule PackageB to run once that same evening at 19:00. Ideally the procedure would check whether there is a job for just running packageB and schedule that to run once that evening at 19:00 and if there is no existing
job for running PackageB it should be created.
My feeling says this should be doable using TSQL. Any suggestions or are there better ways to do it besides using TSQL?
Thanx for thinking with me!
You can implement a T-SQL job step between PackageA and PackageB or a Execute SQL Task in SSIS that checks the time and uses the WAITFOR statement to wait till 19:00.