When using the builtin settings sync on vscode, where are the actual files? - visual-studio-code

I'm using the builtin setting sync with vscode (not the extension), I've successfully synced, yet I do not see the actual files anywhere through github. Do these files exist somewhere that is accessible through github?

From what I can tell the files are not accessible through github, obviously they are at the root of the repo in .vscode/, but I'd love to actually see the backed up version.
The way I handled this with vim was to add a source command in the .vimrc, then link that to it's own github repo.
I guess I'll have to just trust that github and vscode have it handled


GitHub Desktop - how to change default storage directory?

I am using GitHub Desktop on Windows, and want to change the directory where cloned repositories go by default (currently %USER%\Documents\GitHub\).
I have looked at this question from 8 years ago in which OP is using the GitHub for Windows GUI, but that's apparently not the same as GitHub Desktop because none of the answers work for me. Alt-T does nothing, and I can't find default storage directory in global options or in repository settings. Also, the shortcut to GitHub Desktop starts in a different directory altogether, so modifying that would be no use.
I know that I can use the command line to git clone to any directory, but it would just be nice if one could configure the desktop version to do that as well.
Does anyone know of a way to change the default directory for cloned repos that works in the current version of GitHub Desktop?
The way to do this now is to change the folder when cloning it in the GUI:
Click on the repo to clone, then change the initial path in the 'Local path' area. After that, it should use that location as the default. Any easy way to get the folder you want is to copy it from the address bar in a file browser:

Removing Sensitive Data From Github using GUI?

I accidentally uploaded a bunch of very sensitive client projects to Github. I need to remove them immediately.
I'm very new to Git. I don't know how to use the terminal. I'm using Github Desktop on Mac. Can someone please explain it to me in the simplest terms possible how to quickly and effectively purge/remove full directories from a GitHub repository's history without using terminal? (or very very simple specific instructions on how to use terminal to do this?)
I found some terminal directions already through Google, but I don't know how to use it. I can't find any option on github.com to do it via browser, and the Desktop app doesn't seem to allow history of files or directories.

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command [Windows]

Not a duplicate of
'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I've set up my github repository, downloaded Github Desktop, but I can't figure out how to upload files to the repo.
Here are Github's instructions for me
I've done the "quick set up", and have set up github Desktop on my computer. However, I can't get the command line repo setup to work. Whenever I type out a git command, it gives the above error. I've tried to research why this happens, but the only relevant source (linked above) gave instructions regarding a past version of the github app.
I know this is probably very simple, but I'm quite new and can't find out what to do. Any help is appreciated.
If somehow the GitHub Destop did not add an internal Git to your PATH, you can do so manually with the latest Git for Windows release.
Uncompress the archive PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit.7z.exe anywhere you want and add it to your PATH (as I do here), then launch GitHub Desktop.

Keeping essential config/configure files hidden on public Github forks

I wish to fork a Github project that has config/configure files within it.
How can I run it alongside my desktop and live website project. But ensure that my config/configure files used on my desktop and live website (with all my db usernames etc) never get accidently copied/pushed over?
this is about envoronment setting. what i saw before is one can have different settings of config in the same location and the program can use an environment variable to determine what configs to be loaded. In addition, confidential settings should be saved in env variable instead of github. hope this helps.
Consider using .gitignore file.
If you create a file in your repository named .gitignore, Git uses it to determine which files and directories to ignore, before you make a commit.
Read more here.

Windows Github issue pushing a new folder

I'm a VSS (Visual source safe) & Dropbox guy but new to GitHub. I'm using Windows Github tool to manage repositories on our remote server as I concluded in my previous SO post. I was glad to have sought this single point easy to use tool without any need for a deeper knowledge of git.
Things have been working fine until one day I had to add a new folder
to my repository. The Windows Github tool wouldn't recognize the
folder as a new content to be pushed! After some struggle I derived
that it "does" maintain sync with my "initial folders" but simply
creating a new folder in the repository directory wouldn't sync it
like Dropbox!
I searched to know how I can do it or if I had to use GitShell. My bad any I tried it, failed. Finally, I decided to purge everything and re-create the repository folder structure with this new folder like I did with my initial setup. But I don't know how or why it kept saying that the /.git/index file was being used by another process. I tried to empty this folder but it wouldn't. Finally, a logoff was able to free that file for me and I re-created everything. Pheew!
I might be doing it wrong as a newbie or even misusing Git due to my Dropbox habits. Pls correct me! What would be the best way?
My usage is more like VSS & dropbox(with version control) in a small remotely connected team. I started with this simple Windows Github tutorial. What about the following two -
Do they provide better management? Pls suggest if Windows GitHub is the best (if so how to add folders later?)
Just in case, do note that adding a folder won't trigger anything for Git: you won't be able to push it if that folder is empty, because Git will consider it as "no content", and will ignore that new folder.
See also "How do I add an empty directory to a git repository?".
If you add a folder and some files in it, then the GitHub for Windows interface will detect that new content, and ask you to add and commit, which means you will be able to push.