c# SqliteConnection set password to database - sqlite-net

using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
private readonly string connectionString = #"Data Source=C:\DataBase\FichasPacientes.db";'''
The below connection string get me an error about version not recognized keyword.
//private readonly string connectionString = #"Data Source=C:\DataBase\DB.db;Version=3;";
My investigation led to me to this way to set the password, but the function don't exist.
using (SqliteConnection connect = new SqliteConnection(connectionString))
How can I set the password to the sqlite database?

In using (SqliteConnection connect = new SqliteConnection(connectionString))
You need to set the Password in your connectionString
Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Password=myPassword;


How to provision an EF database using custom provisioning steps?

We are using EF 6 Code First Migrations in a relatively new project (i.e. there isn't a lot of clutter to contend with). Also, as this is an "enterprise-y" application, we have some specific deployment rules for our target database:
all application level data access must be done through a specific DB user (app-user)
this app-user does not have permissions to create new databases
Therefore, in order to correctly provision a new target database for this application, we need to:
CREATE USER [app-user] WITH PASSWORD=N'p#ssw0rd'
(plus assign specific DB roles to this new user)
I was hoping to carry this out by writing a custom IDatabaseInitializer<TContext>, but it seems that I cannot hook into the database initialization at the correct point.
Conceptually, I want to do this:
have one connection string that is used for read/write access to the DB, using the "controller" app-user user
have a separate connection string that is solely used for provisioning the DB, using more privileged credentials
The code I have tried to use looks a bit like this:
internal class ProvisionThenMigrateInitializer<TContext, TConfiguration>
: MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<TContext, TConfiguration>, IDatabaseInitializer<TContext>
where TContext : DbContext
where TConfiguration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<TContext>, new()
private readonly DbMigrationsConfiguration _readWriteConfiguration;
private readonly string _provisioningConnectionName;
public ProvisionThenMigrateInitializer(string readWriteConnectionName, string provisioningConnectionName)
_provisioningConnectionName = provisioningConnectionName;
_readWriteConfiguration = new TConfiguration
TargetDatabase = new DbConnectionInfo(readWriteConnectionName)
void IDatabaseInitializer<TContext>.InitializeDatabase(TContext context)
if (context.Database.Exists())
if (!context.Database.CompatibleWithModel(false))
DbMigrator migrator = new DbMigrator(_readWriteConfiguration);
// TODO - Create the DB and user here...
string[] sqlStatements =
"USE [database_name]",
"CREATE USER [app_user] WITH PASSWORD=N'p#ssw0rd'",
"USE [database_name]",
"ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [app_user]",
"ALTER ROLE [db_datawriter] ADD MEMBER [app_user]",
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_provisioningConnectionName].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
foreach (SqlCommand command in sqlStatements.Select(sqlStatement => new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, sqlConnection)))
I set the initializer to use in the static constructor of my DbContext derived class:
Database.SetInitializer(new ProvisionThenMigrateInitializer<Context, Configuration>(
However, when I attempt to use my fancy new custom database initializer, in the following manner, it just plain doesn't work:
using (Context c = new Context())
catch (Exception e)
I think that by the time I attempt to call c.Database.Initialize(true) EF has already attempted to connect to the database (using the app_user credentials, not the "provisioning credentials), the connection attempt fails, and we bomb out.
Is it actually possible to use EF 6, Code First and Migrations in a way that will allow this provisioning of my database? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Many thanks.
Here's how I did it:
I have an 'admin' SQL login that is a member of the 'dbcreator' and 'securityadmin' fixed server roles.
I have two connection strings: one specifying the 'admin' sql login, and the other specifying the sql login name I have reserved for use by tenant connections to the db. The 'tenant' login gets created via the initial migration and is granted only reader and writer access to the domain model database.
I have a domain model.
I have my DbContext class.
I have a parameterless constructor on my DbContext class which specifies the ADMIN connection string and is intended to be used to run migrations; and I have another constructor which specifies the TENANT connection string and is the constructor used through the code for all db access made in the context of a logged on tenant user.
public Context()
public Context(int tenantOrgId)
Prior to enabling migrations, I used the DbContext in a unit test, which resulted in EF Code First creating the DB catalog.
I have enabled migrations which has produced an inital DbMigration.
I then edited the initial DbMigration "Up" method to provision the tenant sql login and grant it membership to the reader and writer roles:
public override void Up()
SqlConnectionStringBuilder domainModelConnectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Context.TENANT_CONNECTION_STRING_NAME].ConnectionString);
string domainModelDatabaseName = domainModelConnectionStringBuilder.InitialCatalog;
Sql(string.Format("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'gsp_domainmodel_tenant') CREATE LOGIN [gsp_domainmodel_tenant] WITH PASSWORD=N'ge0sp#tia!', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[{0}], CHECK_EXPIRATION=OFF, CHECK_POLICY=OFF", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("USE [{0}]", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [{0}].sys.database_principals WHERE name = 'gsp_domainmodel_tenant') CREATE USER [gsp_domainmodel_tenant] FOR LOGIN [gsp_domainmodel_tenant] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[gsp]", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("USE [{0}]", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [gsp_domainmodel_tenant]", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("USE [{0}]", domainModelDatabaseName));
Sql(string.Format("ALTER ROLE [db_datawriter] ADD MEMBER [gsp_domainmodel_tenant]", domainModelDatabaseName));
CreateTable( //etc
That is all you need to do if you are happy with the team using Update-Database to apply migrations to their local DBs, and you are happy with exec'ing Migrate.exe on the command line to deploy the db on your build machine, and you are happy with deploying the db changes to production using your own wits.
You can go one step further and specify the MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initializer to automate deploying the migrations, both on local dev workstations and on environments that you deploy to.
The trick is that you need to make the MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initializer run using the parameterless DbContext constructor so that the migrations are applied in the context of the ADMIN sql login (not the TENANT). That is achieved thusly:
static Context()
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion());
// Make the initializer run now, with the parameterless constructor, such that the migrations are run using the admin connection string.
using(var initializerCtx = new Context())
You should be able to do what you want. Key to the matter is making sure context is accessed / renewed with right connection details.
Call the Migrate Method when it suits you in your code.
Change MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion to match you migration strategy.
EDIT: I will try and summarise the idea and show a snippet sample.
Essentially I use a LUW class that defaults to DONT TOUCH DB.
The Luw needs the DBServer and DBName in constructor
I have a tool that gets the DBConnection for SQL Server
From an Admin ui I have a button. Migrate.
I can then trigger automatic migration when it suits.
I currently use Automatic. But this concept woudl apply fine to managed migrations.
public class Luw{
public Luw(string dataSource, string dbName ){ // constructor
Context = GetContext(dataSource, dbName );
public override void MigrateDb() {
// i put this method in my UoW class, I trigger Migrations when I want them to start.
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MYDbContext, MYSECIALMigrationConfiguration>());
public static MyDbContext GetContext(string dataSource, string dbName)
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializerNone<MyDbContext>());
return new MyDbContext((MYTOOLS.GetSQLConn4DBName(dataSource,dbName )),true);
public class MYSPECIALMigrationConfiguration : MYBaseMigrationConfiguration<MYDbContext>{ }
public abstract class MYBaseMigrationConfiguration<TContext> : DbMigrationsConfiguration<TContext>
where TContext : DbContext{
protected MYBaseMigrationConfiguration() {
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true; // you can still chnage this later if you do so before triggering Update
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true; // you can still chnage this later if you do so before triggering Update
public clas SQLTOOLS{
// ..... for SQL server....
public DbConnection GetSqlConn4DbName(string dataSource, string dbName) {
var sqlConnStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
sqlConnStringBuilder.DataSource = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource) ? DefaultDataSource : dataSource;
sqlConnStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
sqlConnStringBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets = true;
var sqlConnFact = new SqlConnectionFactory(sqlConnStringBuilder.ConnectionString);
var sqlConn = sqlConnFact.CreateConnection(dbName);
return sqlConn;

How to set UserID and Password in EnterpriseLibrary 6.0

I have coded like the below:
DatabaseProviderFactory factory = new DatabaseProviderFactory();
database = factory.Create("DBinstanceName");
ConfigFile Entries
<add name="CNQ" />
<add name="CNQ" connectionString=" Min Pool Size=0;Connection Lifetime=120;Max Pool Size=50; Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST= XXXX.com)(PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = cnq) (SERVER = DEDICATED) ) );"
providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" />
With the above code and config settings, the DatabaseObject is created perfectly. When I verify the connectionstring it has the values what I had mentioned in the connnection string. So far good.
Now, I have to add the UserId & Password to the connection string at the runtime. There is no methods I could find to add the user credentials to the existing connection string. Becuase, in the Database object the connection string is READ ONLY.
The only way I find is to set in the configuration file[App.config], which is not the way we want, because for every user, we have a separate userid and password in the Oracle database.
In fact, I had tried by settings the connections at the command object, and passed the command object to the execute reader, even then also the enterprise library 6.0, not taking the connection we set in the command object.
Please help us how to set the userid and password in the runtime.
Thanks in advance
In order to set connection string values at runtime you will have to programmatically create your database objects. For example:
Database database = new GenericDatabase(GetConnectionString(),
Or if you are using OracleDatabase something like:
OracleDatabase database = new OracleDatabase(GetConnectionString());
You could use extension methods to hide a bit of the ugliness:
DatabaseProviderFactory factory = new DatabaseProviderFactory();
Database db = factory.CreateWithConnectionString(GetConnectionString(),
db = factory.CreateOracleDatabase(GetConnectionString());
public static class DatabaseProviderFactoryExtensions
public static Database CreateWithConnectionString(this DatabaseProviderFactory factory,
string connectionString,
DbProviderFactory dbProviderFactory)
return new GenericDatabase(connectionString, dbProviderFactory);
public static Database CreateOracleDatabase(this DatabaseProviderFactory factory,
string connectionString)
return new OracleDatabase(connectionString);
Another way to approach the issue if you know what connections you will have in advance (still at runtime but perhaps at application startup) is to use the DatabaseFactory.SetDatabases method to return the correct database based on a key. Unfortunately, the method only takes a single string so you can't specify nicely the username and password but you might be able to do something like this:
DatabaseFactory.SetDatabases(() => GetDatabase("Default"),
(dbName) => GetDatabase(dbName));
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
public Database GetDatabase(string dbName)
string connectionString = GetConnectionString(dbName);
return new OracleDatabase(connectionString);
Where the GetConnectionString method can create the proper connection string based on a name. However, I'm guessing this last way might not be the best given your description.
Thanks for your response.
Because I am using the Enterprise Library 6.0, only the First answer only works.
Database database = new GenericDatabase(GetConnectionString(),
Oralce.DataAccess.Client.OralceClientFactory ocf = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory();
Database database = new GenericDatabase(GetConnectionString(), ocf);

Entity Framework - Database First without config

I'm developing a class library that deals with an exiting db using EF. I want to avoid the consumer of the class library (and .exe or a web site) to have in the *.config file the Entity connection string. I want the connection string set a run-time.
How do I set the connection string with Database First approach? There is no constructor overload that takes a connection string and when I created one (in a separate partial class) I got an "UnintentionalCodeFirstException".
I have reviewed already the following links:
Is there a way to change connection string in database first?. Its about modifying the connection string in the config file, which I want to avoid, also because it would recycle the process (in the case of a web app)
How can l use Entity Framework without App.config. Not good because it uses ObjectContext and I need the context generated when I imported the database.
There is a constructor on DbContext that takes a DbConnection, and you need to use an EntityConnection object for it:
SqlConnectionStringBuilder sqlBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
// Set the properties for the data source.
sqlBuilder.DataSource = "server name";
sqlBuilder.InitialCatalog = "database name";
sqlBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
// Build the SqlConnection connection string.
string providerString = sqlBuilder.ToString();
var entityBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
// Initialize the EntityConnectionStringBuilder.
//Set the provider name.
entityBuilder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlClient";
// Set the provider-specific connection string.
entityBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = providerString;
// Set the Metadata location.
entityBuilder.Metadata = #"res://*/Model1.csdl|res://*/Model1.ssdl|res://*/Model1.msl";
using(var context = new YourDbContext(entityBuilder.ToString())){
//do stuff here
The important thing to note is the metadata part - "Model1" obviously needs to be replaced for your model name.
Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb738533.aspx
EDIT 20/02/2013 22:25
So as an addition you'll need to extend the created DbContext class with a partial class that adds a constructor to support the above code, like this:
public partial class YourDbContext
public YourDbContext(string connection) : base(connection) {}
This class needs to be in the same namespace as the DbContext that is generated by the entity framework wizard.

Passing ConnectionString for Entity constructor must include provider="System.Data.SqlClient" & providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"

I need to pass a the connection string to an Entity object constructor (cannot be stored in config).
I have successfully used the EntityConnectionStringBuilder to connect to the database but believe because it does not allow me to add providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" (only the provider property > provider="System.Data.SqlClient") will not let me update the database.
How can this be passed to the constructor along with the connection string from the string builder.
My connection string is basically identical to this
provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='Data Source=localhost;
Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=True;Connection Timeout=60;
multipleactiveresultsets=true'" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"
You don't have to set the outer providerName - you just need to replicate the connectionString entry from your web.config.
var sqlBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
var entBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
entBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = sqlBuilder.ConnectionString;
entBuilder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlClient";
entBuilder.Metadata = "res://...";
using ( var db = new AdventureWorksContext( entBuilder.ConnectionString ) )
Also, your metadata configuration looks odd. I have always used this format:
If you're using Code First, you just need the SQL Connection String.
See this question: Entity Framework Code First and Connection String Issue

Best way to retrieve the connection string for IBATIS.NET from the web.config

I have an web application where I have a requirement to encrypt and store the connection string in the web.config.
What is the best way to retrieve this and use this connection string with IBATIS.NET instead of storing the connection string in the SqlMap.config?
The last three messages of this discussion thread discuss what you want.
Essentially, you're overwriting the connection string iBATIS loads from the config file before your call to Configure().
For example, in your SqlMap.config:
<provider name="sqlServer2005" />
<dataSource name="TheDB" connectionString="${connectionString}"/>
And in your code where you configure the builder, something like:
DomSqlMapBuilder builder;
string connection;
NameValueCollection properties;
connection = AccessTheEncryptedStringHere();
// Put the string in collection to pass to the iBATIS configurator
properties = new NameValueCollection();
properties.Add("connectionString", connection);
// Build the iBATIS configurator
builder = new DomSqlMapBuilder();
builder.Properties = properties;
Are you looking out for this? retrieving the encrypted connectionstring from web.config--
You can try the foll. code--
name of the connection string is omni_dbConnectionString
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myProtectedConfigProvider"].ProviderName;
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["omni_dbConnectionString"].ConnectionString;