Keycloak custom Authentication - keycloak

I am new to Keycloak, now i trying to add a custom authenticator, i just get source from link this url and build the jar and deployed in keyclaok jboss deployment folder add tried to added under provider folder also.
But keycloak server not showing my custom autheticator in authentication flows in keycloak.
anyone please help me on this


Configuring Liferay 7.2 OpenID Connect for Keycloak?

I have a fresh Liferay 7.2 and Keycloak 7 install
I created a Keycloak Client for Liferay
I enable Openid Connect in Liferay
In Liferay I configure an OpenID Connect provider with the Keycloak OpenID Connect discovery endpoint
In Liferay
I click Login, Login is presented
I click OpenID Connect, OpenID Connect Login page is presented
I click Login with the Keycloak provider selected, the browser is redirected to the Keycloak log in page
I enter my user and password and Click log in
My browser is redirected back to Liferay
In the Liferay the console looks like this
and the browser shows a Liferay Internal Server Error message
Any suggestions?
Some further debugging shows that When Liferay calls the Keycloak token endpoint, Keycloak returns a 400 http status and an invalid grant message.
I ran into the same problem but later stumbled across a blog post showing a successful configuration which I've reproduced with Liferay 7.2 + Keycloak 4.8.
The key difference between the failures and successes appears to be skipping auto-discovery and instead to populate the individual settings directly. It would appear that Liferay doesn't like something in Keycloaks discovery endpoint.
I recommend updating the Keycloak version and checking the correct Liferay configuration by consulting the official Liferay documentation Authenticating with OpenID Connect. You can also consult the article How to connect Keycloak and Liferay via OpenID Connect
Remember that Keycloak and Liferay must be able to communicate with each other via the HTTP / HTTPS protocol.

Extend Keycloak authentication SPI

I would like to implement myself the authentication part of keycloak. This is to be able to add a custom authentication that communicates with another identity server. I saw in keycloak documentation that we have authentication SPI that we can extend but i did not find any tutorials about this. Doc link: keycloak spi link
I was about to check the keycloak sample provider code for authentication on git hub Ref. link however the used version for keycloak was not found when i iported locally the project. Also I cant find the classes under package org.keycloak.authentication in any of keycloak jars (latest ones)
The section Authenticator SPI Walk Through of last release's Server Development guide is as good as a tutorial, as far as I can see.
If you want to use the samples against a Keycloak release, you have to select the tag on github that matches your Keycloak release, e.g. tag 4.2.1.Final if you are using Keycloak 4.2.1.Final.
The org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticatorFactory class is in keycloak-server-spi-private dependency that is used in the pom.xml of the samples. This maven artifact is on Maven Central like the others used in the POM, so the JARs should be retrieved from there by Maven.

How to configure CA SSO(CA Siteminder) SAML IdP to azure web apps?

I have an azure web app. Now, I am trying to install shibboleth service provider for my web app.
I found a way to do this though this blog.
Is there any other way to set up shibboleth sp without installing a VM on azure?
I have searched a lot on web but all they show is to set up SSO in azure using Azure active directory as IdP.
Is there any way to configure my external Idp to web app in azure?
SSL is the first layer of defense for an SSO web application. Thus you must obtain an SSL certificate for your web site’s URL.
The biggest trick seems to be configuring Azure and Visual Studio to not get confused between the remote desktop certificate and the SSL certificate. The Azure instructions for configuring SSL you could refer to.
Here are the most important points as below:
1.You will need to have the certificate in a PFX file so it can be uploaded to Azure. This PFX file must contain the certificate’s private key! You will also need the certificate thumbprint.
2.Modify the cloud service’s service definition and service configuration files.
3.Upload the SSL certificate to your cloud service application.
4.Now the SSL-modified cloud service application needs to be uploaded to Azure.
5.Browse to your web site using HTTPS. Fingers crossed! It should work but HTTP should be rejected.
If you need to set up a test IdP, Microsoft has produced a series of videos on how to do this.
Of course there is the Shibboleth IdP documentation at
You should also have downloaded the Shibboleth SP 64-bit Windows/IIS 7 MSI file.
Get the latest version from the download site.
Now when you browse to your Azure web site you should be redirected to your IdP’s login page. Once you successfully log in you should be redirected back to your web app. There will now be session variables that contain authentication attributes such as IdP URN, user name, and so on.
For more details, you could refer to this blog.

Enabling mutual auth with tomcat buildpack on bluemix

I have created a J2ee web application and i am pushing it on bluemix with tomcat java_buildpack. Now i would like to enable the mutual auth on the server and would like to modify the tomcat's server.xml to enable mutual and assign a keystore.I am not able to find a way how to do that.
Can you please help?
Thanks in advance.

Unable to Integrating WSO2 Identity Server with Liferay for Authentication

I am trying to work out Liferay Authentication using wso2 Identity Server, I am using liferay 6.2 and Wso2 IS 5.0.0, I am following above link Accordingly I have created file under liferay_home/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ and added following properties in it:
but when I run liferay portal and try to log in I am getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: It should be in org.wso2.liferay.xacml.connector.jar but i am not getting this jar any where I tried to find out this class in other jars but unable to find it, I also tries to google it but no success, Please help me out with this problem, Thanks
You can follow the instructions in You can find the missing jars from