Why is the Experience Row missing in Chrome 85 Devtools? - google-chrome-devtools

I am trying to access the Experience Row in DevTools to be able to measure CLS as per the new addition to Chrome here: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/05/devtools#cls
I can't see this row but I know there is a layout shift on the page. Any suggestions please? Thanks!


Creating a cascading input control with a multi-select input control

I have to build some cascading multi select input controls in JasperServer Report, but I'm having the same problem as this guy here:
The thread is very old, and people replied him to search for a "Cascading_multi_select_report" sample. I've searched for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I'm struggling to make this type of cascading input control... Does anyone have any idea?
I don't have an answer for this, but I may have an answer to help you debug. Whenever you are trying to run your report on the jasper server and are just getting a blank page (no input controls), you can use Chrome developer tools or Firebug or whatever browser web developer tool you use (usually Ctrl + Shift + Q will pull it up) and in the Network pane, you can see the requests. Find the last GET request, and look at the response for it and you can see the error.

Anyway to disable "Confirm Form Resubmission" on Google Chrome?

Chrome is my browser of choice for web development. Whenever I reload a page that has a form using "Post" I get a "Confirm Form Resubmission" pop-up. This is extremely time consuming over the course of a day.
Is there any known way to disable this? I've searched for an answer but have only found posts from 2010-2011 with no relevant information.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I know this too old issues but I got the solution... I was getting too this error from chrome confirm form resubmission back button.. "pop up"I follow this tip enter it's working for me...
Changing Chrome properties
Switching POST method
Cripple the motion sensor functionality
Evident the Chrome browser data
Full reset them
You can follow the tips from here

Identifying feature of page inspector (Chrome)

What are the highlighted number bubbles representing in this picture of my Chrome browser console output?
(In the code I'm iterating over some elements in HTML being returned by an AJAX call. I'm guessing it is counting the iteration or something.) Couldn't find it in the DevTools documentation.
Thank you!
The numbers represent the number of times that piece of code was run. So, 2 times it ran the line entered disabledOb... where ever that console.log is, and so on.
I have created an issue for adding this to the docs too here https://github.com/GoogleChrome/devtools-docs/issues/198

Chrome view-source versus POST

When you ask Chrome to View/Source, it resubmits your URL as a GET, even if it got there in the first place as a post. Is there some way around this for those of us debugging JAX-RS services invoked from forms that can't work with GET?
Two workarounds from this page:
Find a working View Source plugin such as "View Source With": http://members.iinet.net.au/~bertdb/ryan/ViewSourceWith/help.html
Open developer tools.
Turn on resource tracking
LEAVE THE TOOLS OPEN. Click on Elements.
Top half should be page. Bottom half should be source code.
Click the Submit button in the top half. Your source code should now update to the proper POSTed source.

How to get the Current tab url from chrome using c# window application

I'm trying to get URL from Current tab url which is currently opened. Is there any
way to get it? I want my application to store that address and use it
later for something useful
can anybody halp me.
thanks in advance.
I do not know how far to meet your expectations.
Chrome only in test.
I use it for Firefox and work great. You can test your website in the new dimension.
If you modified source in simply you can open few Firefox in one time.