How would I convert spark scala dataframe column to datetime? - scala

Say I have a dataframe with two columns, both that need to be converted to datetime format. However, the current formatting of the columns varies from row to row, and when I apply to to_date method, I get all nulls returned.
Here's a screenshot of the format....
the code I tried is..."InsertDate"),to_date(col("InsertDate")).as("to_date")).show()
which returned

Your datetime is not in the default format, so you should give the format.
to_date(col("InsertDate"), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")
I don't know which one is month and date, but you can do that in this way.


Converting string to date , datetime or Int in Mapping dataflow

I have a parquet file with a start_date and end_date columns
Formatted like this
I've tried every combination conversion toDate, toString, toInterger functions but I still get Nulls returned when viewing the data (see image).
I would like to have see the result in two ways YYYYMMDD as integer column and YYYY-MM-DD as Date columns.
eg 01012021 and 01-01-2021
I'm sure the default format has caused this issue.
First, for the Date formatter, you need to first tell ADF what each part of your string represents. Use dd-MMM-yyy for your format. Then, use a string formatter to manipulate the output as such: toString(toDate('01-Jan-2021', 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
For the integer representation: toInteger(toString(toDate('01-Jan-2021', 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyyMMdd'))
Ah, you say *"I would like to have see the result in two ways YYYYMMDD as integer column and YYYY-MM-DD as Date columns. eg 01012021 and 01-01-2021"* Do you want in YYYYMMDD or dd-mm-yyy cause your example is in the later format.
Anyways, please see below expression you could use:
My source:
Use derived column:
Edit expression:
start_date_toInteger : toString(toDate(substring(start_date,1,11), 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyymmdd')
start_date_toDate: toString(toDate(substring(start_date,1,11), 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-mm-dd')
Final results:

If column having dates in multiple format, Get last date of month for specific date format

I have a spark data frame having two columns (SEQ - Integer, MAIN_DATE - Date) as:
Now I want to add a column based on the condition that if the format of MAIN_DATE is "MMM-YYYY" then it should be converted to Last day of the month and new data frame should look like this:
Any suggestion will be much appreciated.
You can use Spark's when/otherwise methods in order to operate differently for each different date format of the MAIN_DATE column.
More specifically, you can simply match the MMM-yyyy date format values of the column based on the field's String length (since we know that those values we always have 8 characters) as a condition in when and then:
use to_date to convert the String value to a valid date based on a format we give as an argument, and
use last_date to get the last day of the month each curry date in MAIN_DATE is referring to.
As for the "regular" rows with the dd-MMM-yyyy date format, just a to_date conversion would be sufficient within the otherwise method.
After that, all there's left to do is to convert the dates back to the desired dd-MMM-yyyy format (because to_date converts a given date to the yyyy-MM-dd format).
This is the solution in Scala (split in into two withColumns to make it more readable, instead of an one-liner):
when(length(col("MAIN_DATE")).equalTo(8), last_day(to_date(col("MAIN_DATE"), "MMM-yyyy")))
.otherwise(to_date(col("MAIN_DATE"), "dd-MMM-yyyy")))
.withColumn("END_DATE", date_format(col("END_DATE"), "dd-MMM-yyyy"))
This is what the resulting df DataFrame will look like:
| 1|16-JAN-2020|16-Jan-2020|
| 2| FEB-2017|28-Feb-2017|

In snowflake , how to convert one date format to another format. From YYYYMMDD to YYYY-MON-DD

I have table ABC in which I have column Z of datatype Date. The format of the data is YYYYMMDD. Now I am looking to convert the above format to YYYY-MON-DD format. Can someone help?
You can use to_char
Depending on what the purpose of the reformatting is, you can either explicitly cast it to a VARCHAR/CHAR and define the format, or you can change your display format to however you'd like to see all dates:
It's important to understand that if the data is in a DATE field, then it is stored as a date, and the format of the date is dependent on your viewing preferences, not how it is stored.
Since the value of the date field is stored as a number, you have to convert it to date.
select to_date(to_char( z ), 'YYYYMMDD');
(adding this answer to summarize and resolve the question - since the clues and answers are scattered through comments)
The question stated that column Z is of type DATE, but it really seems to be a NUMBER.
Then before parsing a number like 20201017 to a date, first you need to transform it to a STRING.
Once the original number is parsed to a date, it can be represented as a new string formatted as desired.
WITH data AS (
SELECT 20201017 AS z
FROM data;
# 2020-Oct-17

pyspark converting unix time to date

I am using the following code to convert a column of unix time values into dates in pyspark:
transactions3=transactions2.withColumn('date', transactions2['time'].cast('date'))
The column transactions2['time'] contains the unix time values. However the column date which I create here has no values in it (date = None for all rows). Any idea why this would be?
Use from_unixtime. expr("from_unixtime(timeval)")

Date Format Conversion in Hive

I'm very new to sql/hive. At first, I loaded a txt file into hive using:
drop table if exists Tran_data;
create table Tran_data(tran_time string,
resort string, settled double)
Load data local inpath 'C:\Users\me\Documents\transaction_data.txt' into table Tran_Data;
The variable tran_time in the txt file is like this:10-APR-2014 15:01. After loading this Tran_data table, I tried to convert tran_time to a "standard" format so that I can join this table to another table using tran_time as the join key. The date format desired is 'yyyymmdd'. I searched online resources, and found this: unix_timestamp(substr(tran_time,1,11),'dd-MMM-yyyy')
So essentially, I'm doing this: unix_timestamp('10-APR-2014','dd-MMM-yyyy'). However, the output is "NULL".
So my question is: how to convert the date format to a "standard" format, and then further convert it to 'yyyymmdd' format?
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('20150101' ,'yyyyMMdd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
My current Hive Version: Hive 0.12.0-cdh5.1.5
I converted datetime in first column to date in second column using the below hive date functions. Hope this helps!
select inp_dt, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(substr(inp_dt,0,11),'dd-MMM-yyyy')) as todateformat from table;
inp_dt todateformat
12-Mar-2015 07:24:55 2015-03-12 00:00:00
unix_timestamp function will convert given string date format to unix timestamp in seconds , but not like this format dd-mm-yyyy.
You need to write your own custom udf to convert a given string date to the format that you need as present Hive do not have any predefined functions. We have to_date function to convert a timestamp to date , remaining all unix_timestamp functions won't help your problem.
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('01032018' ,'MMddyyyy'), 'yyyyMMdd');
input format: mmddyyyy
output after query: yyyymmdd
To help someone in the future:
The following function should work as it worked in my case
unix_timestamp('2014-05-01','dd-mmm-yyyy') will work, your input string should be in this format for hive yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Where as you are trying with '01-MAY-2014' hive won't understand it as a date string