JMeter variable Encoding is not correct - encoding

I'm using Jmeter 5.3 on Windows 10. I'm facing with the following problem:
I set the HTTP request to content encoding: UTF-8. In the response I saw it as I wanted.
"name": "Győr, autóbusz-állomás",
I tried to extract the response with JSON Extractor, but my assertion is failed and in the debug sampler the extracted name look like:�r, aut�busz-�llom�s
How could I extract the variable in UTF-8 to use it in my assertion?
Thank you in advice,

I had the same problem. It was resolved with setting in HTTP Request "UTF-8" value on field "Content encoding".
Without it in my request was "???" symbols.

I cannot reproduce your issue:
Double check file.encoding System property value using the Debug Sampler, you should have UTF-8
If you don't - try launching JMeter as:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
if it helps - add file.encoding=UTF-8 line to file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation, JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
More information:
Guide to Character Encoding
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Try to resolve with:
Go to file
Add property: sampleresult.default.encoding=UTF-8
Restart jmeter & enjoy
Good luck!


While running recorded simulation in Gatling, I got file not found error

now I'm trying to conduct load test with gatling.
I have been trying create gatling's simulation script via gatling recorder and
it was going well.
but, when I executed that, I encountered file not found error below although there are files
(in this case /step1/0006_request.json is exist)
request_6: Failed to build request: Resource /step1/0006_request.json not found
there are many json files and that error occurred some of specific post requests.
every requests which is failed are composed following setting.
using request header 'headers_6' below
using RawFileBody method
(even if this is obvious thing because content-type is 'application/json')
I already have been using 12 hour over and I have to finish my task in a timely manner.
I'm so sorry about that I can't share my application which is target of this issue.
if anyone have any idea or kindly want to more detail please ask me.
val headers_6 = Map(
"Content-Type" -> "application/json",
"Origin" -> "applicationServerURL")
additionally, I checked json files which were created by gatling recorder on 'resource' directory, them contains only one char 'X'.
this means Gatling recorder doesn't capture request json file's content?
Gatling version gatling 3.5.1
Used Browser: FireFox
I just solved this issue.
this issue was caused by very simple fact.
firstly, I encountered error message below
request_6: Failed to build request: Resource /step1/0006_request.json not found
and I have to check the file paths although this script was auto created by gatling recorder(do not trust gatling tool).
The auto created file path was absolute path and start with ‘/’. And the script started to work once I remove the ‘/’.
I referred other post on stack overflow, and it was written that file path must be written with absolute path if you are using gatling version 3 or later version.
I hope my reply can be informative to someone who may be having same issue as me.
Using 'relative path'.
//As is
//To be

matchOnUriPrefix=true does not seem to be working

I am using:
wildlfy 10.1.0 final
Camel 2.19.1
Camel Java DSL RouteBuilder
In my RouteBuilder.configure I have the following from:
from("undertow:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/DataplatformESB/v3?matchOnUriPrefix=true&httpMethodRestrict=post,get,put,options,patch,delete")
When I test to "localhost:8080/DataplatformESB/v3" with GET, PUT, or PATCH, they all work fine. But when I test to "localhost:8080/DataplatformESB/v3/anythingelse" I'll get a 404 (page not found) in return. In the Wildfly log it stats: "Matched prefix path /DataplatformESB for path /DataplatformESB/v3/anythingelse". So for me it looks like the "matchOnUriPrefix=true" is not working.
I have already tested with from("restlet:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/DataplatformESB/v3?matchOnUriPrefix=true&httpMethodRestrict=post,get,put,options,patch,delete"), but that does not work as well.
I have also tried it with the restConfiguration and .componentProperty("matchOnUriPrefix", "true") but also no luck.
Does anyone has an idea why the matchOnUriPrefix=true does not seem to work for me?
I have done some further research and found out the folliwing:
I got the undertow test project from and run/tested in it in my NetBeans.
The code is:
.transform(bodyAs(String.class).append(" Matching prefix"))
This runs fine and returns OK when the URL starts with the prefix: "bar". So "bar/foo" returns OK as well.
But when I paste this code into the Wildfly Camel Rest Swagger example (there is no Wildfly Camel Rest example) from the website, then I only get an OK when testing with "bar" as path.
Using "bar/foo" result in a 404 return code.
Im still using Wildfly 10.1 final and Camel 2.19.1.
So what is causing the difference in output? What do I have to change in Wildfly to get it working?
Is the option matchOnUriPrefix default disabled/ignored on Wildfly?
When using the Wildfly-Camel 2.18.3 on the Wildlfly installation it seems to work.
It looks like the default value for matchOnUriPrefix is changed or the handling of this property.
In that case it seems to me that this introduced the bug as described above.

How do I properly receive UTF-8 characters in JBoss 7?

I’m using JBoss 7.1.3. Currently, when I submit a request to the server with a special character, for example
it is received by the server as
The only piece of advice I found online for correcting this was to add these sysmte properties to $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml …
<property name="org.apache.catalina.connector.URI_ENCODING" value="UTF-8"/>
<property name="org.apache.catalina.connector.USE_BODY_ENCODING_FOR_QUERY_STRING" value="true"/>
However, even after restarting my server my special characters are still being received incorrectly on the server side. What else can I do to properly interpret the characters?
The thing that fixed the encoding for me for the JBOSS versions 7.1.0 beta or higher was to include the following line to the standalone.conf file directly under the bin
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.apache.catalina.connector.URI_ENCODING=UTF-8"
Try the following in the standalone.conf directly under bin or domain.conf whichever might suit you
*Works for version 7.1 JBOSS
The e-acute is U+00E9.
Encoding using UTF-8, you get 0xC3 0xA9.
If you convert that on the assumption that your terminal or whatever is using cp1252 or similar, you get é. Solution: don't do that. Tell your jboss to use UTF-8.
have you tries following option?
set start up param ,
Try setting org.apache.catalina.connector.USE_BODY_ENCODING_FOR_QUERY_STRING to false.
Had the same problem very recently, the above config being true was the core issue on Jboss EAP 6.4.0.
It seems that no matter what you set in URI_ENCODING, if USE_BODY_ENCODING_FOR_QUERY_STRING is set to true (and body has no encoding) it will default to ISO-8859-1.
As in tomcat docs: (look for useBodyEncodingForURI connector attribute).
Had the same issue in JBoss 6.4. JVM was correctly set, displaying special characters was ok, but the POST requests were encoded in ISO-8859-1.
Someone put a filter which set the encoding without luck.
In the end the issue was that this filter was not the first to be executed. What I did what to put this "UTF8 filter" in the first position and it solved the issue.
The trick is that the fist filter executed set the encoding. It seems that another filter did set the wrong encoding.
The class implements javax.servlet.Filter with the following code:
public void doFilter(ServletRequest inRequest, ServletResponse inResponse, FilterChain inFilterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
inFilterChain.doFilter(inRequest, inResponse);

Can I use a URL with CFZIP action=read?

When I use Coldfusion 10, locally, I can read a zip file's text file content using:
<cfzip action="read" file="" entrypath="sometext.txt" variable="somevar" />
But on my Railo VPS, this produces an internal server error 500 on IIS7.5
Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong with Railo?
Not sure about Railo, but according to the <cfzip> doc, ACF does not support reading off http://, only ram://. You should use <cfhttp> to download the content first.

Jetty Web Server unable to start " cannot read file:.."

015-04-08 12:56:30 Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized Cannot read file: C:\Streem\web\modules\annotations.mod
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Modules.registerModule(
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Modules.registerAll(
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.processCommandLine(
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.main(
I checked that installed Java version 1.7.0_25 and npn-1.7.0_25.mod do exist under web\modules\protonego-impl\
I am using jetty-9.2.5.v20141112 on windows 2008 R2 server
Does annotations.mod need something special regarding this case?
We found the same problem on Windows Server 2008. It happens when Jetty is trying to read the module configuration files and is due to a fault in the check for readability.
In the jetty source file line 39 a check is made using java.nio, to see if the file is readable:
public static boolean canReadFile(Path path)
return Files.exists(path) && Files.isRegularFile(path) && Files.isReadable(path);
The call to isReadable is slow and fails, see also:
The file itself is in fact readable and can be successfully read from Java, but the isReadable incorrectly returns false.
There are two possible workarounds:
Upgrade to Java 8
Remove the check for isReadable from the Jetty source (in any case if the file wasn't readable the reading will fail with an exception).
(See also similar question unable to start jetty service through command in window 7)
This is a fundamental I/O error, something prevented Jetty from reading that file.
Try some basic troubleshooting ...
File permissions?
Windows File Locking issue? (a different process has that file open?)