pom.xml marks "Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.8.0" - eclipse

I am trying to develop with Eclipse 2020.6 and m2e using openJDK-11 on Win10.
The computer is maintained by IT department having jre-8 in its PATH and I dot have the rights to change that.
I have installed JDK11 below my user folder.
Changed eclipse.ini for Eclipse and toolchain.xml for commandline Maven.
I also checked Module Dependencies in Java Build Path: com.sun.tools.jar is no longer there.
Commandline Maven and Eclipse are using JDK11 instead of jre-8, except the eclipse-editor for pom.xml.
It shows Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.8.0
I checked Dependency Hierarchie with the pom.xml editor and it shows that ant:1.10.8 depends on tools:1.8.0. But this information must be wrong, as the project tests and installs correctly.
I guess, the eclipse-editor for pom.xml somehow does not use the java libaries pointed to by eclipse.ini or toolchain.xml or those configured with the project Build Path.
Eclipse Preferences/Maven/User Settings points to the local repository .m2\repository and to the user settings .m2\settings.xml. I also copied toolchain.xml to .m2, but without solving the problem.
Please note that I do not have any problem running Maven from within Eclipse. It works as expected. My problem is, that errors are flagged within Eclipse where there is none.
Why does the pom.xml editor in Eclipse complains about tools.jar:1.8.0? How can I make m2e not using java from the PATH but using JDK11 installation for my developments in Eclipse?


Gradle Eclipse Plugin only half-working

I am trying to achieve the following between Eclipse and Gradle:
Allow Gradle to handle 100% of my local build logic; only use Eclipse as an IDE for syntax highlighting, refactoring, etc. Every time I wish to build my app I want to drop into a command line and run a Gradle build invocation from there.
I want the dependencies closure of my build.gradle file to be the sole location for configuring 3rd party dependencies; every time I make a change to this closure (adding/removing a dependency/JAR), I want Eclipse to automagically "see" this change and adjust my project's classpath accordingly
I installed the Gradle-Eclipse Integration plugin and then I followed this tutorial for configuring it correctly.
First I ran:
gradle clean build
And then I added:
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
To my build.gradle, and then ran:
gradle eclipse
I saw a lot of output, the tail end of which is:
gradle eclipse
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.3.2/commons-lang3-3.3.2-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sonatype/sisu/inject/cglib/2.2.1-v20090111/cglib-2.2.1-v20090111-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/asm/asm/3.1/asm-3.1-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/inject/guice/3.0/guice-3.0-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all/2.3.7/groovy-all-2.3.7-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/aopalliance/aopalliance/1.0/aopalliance-1.0-sources.jar
Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/inject/javax.inject/1/javax.inject-1-sources.jar
I then opened my .classpath file and see that its been correctly updated with all the transitive dependencies defined in my dependencies closure back inside build.gradle.
However, there is not visual indication inside Eclipse that anything is wired correctly. With Ivy or Maven, you usally get something like a Ivy Repository Manager or Maven Dependency Library that automatically changes anytime you modify ivy.xml or pom.xml.
Most importantly, this just doesn't seem to be working! As you see above, Apache Commons Lang 3 is a dependency, but when I try to add org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils to a Groovy source file, Eclipse can't find it. I have already tried restarting Eclipse to see if that shook any bugs out.
Am I just not using this plugin correctly, or does it just not work? Using Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.6.0.RELEASE here, which is based on Eclipse Luna 4.4.

Eclipse with m2e not building tests

I have an Eclipse project that uses Maven. The regular source files (ie, in src/main) build fine in both Eclipse and Maven. However, the test files (ie, in src/test) will only build in Maven. I cannot find any way to get them to build in Eclipse.
That is, the tests in Eclipse are run as the last version which Maven compiled. Before I used Maven, tests would be compiled automatically when they were run in Eclipse. "Build automatically" in the project menu is still enabled.
This only affects the tests (which are JUnit 4 tests). As mentioned, the regular source files are being built automatically correctly.
Here's the POM file, with irrelevant data pruned: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/10001049
Add the src/test directory to your build path. Windows / Preferences / Java / Build Path, or something like that.
Updating the project might also work, since m2e can get out of sync with your pom file quite often.

In PlayN, how can I upgrade to PlayN version 1.3.1 without getting "no lwjgl in java.library.path" error?

The reason I couldn't update properly was I didn't have game's jar file properly installed. That was fixed by first running this on the command line:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.mygame -DartifactId=mygame-core -Dversion=0.9-beta -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/home/klenwell/projects/mygame/playn/mygame/java/target/mygame-java-0.9-beta.jar
Then, in Eclipse, I right-clicked java folder > Maven > Test. This updated all my dependencies including lwjgl.
Otherwise, see thomasbroad's answer.
Original Question
I've consulted the following authorities on this topic and applied their various recommendations:
Part of the problem is I'm not sure whether I should be following the Maven instructions or the Eclipse instructions. I've tried both and everything in between.
I'm working in Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on Eclipse using Maven. Everything was working fine until I changed the PlayN version in my POM file from 1.2 to 1.3.1 and introduced the lwjgl dependency.
What I would have expected to have worked:
1) Download lwjgl (latest version 2.8.4) and test per lwjgl.org instructions (this was successful)
2) Update the appropriate POM files
2A) Add lwjgl.version as a property to mygame/pom.xml
2B) Add lwjgl as a dependency to mygame/mygame-java/pom.xml
3) Right-click mygame-java project in Eclipse > Run As > Run Configurations > Arguments and add either -Djava.library.path=target/natives or -Djava.library.path=/absolute/path/to/my/lwjgl/lib to VM arguments. (I've tried both variations.)
I can see the dependencies listed under my java project folder in Eclipse. And when I follow the lwjgl.org guide for Eclipse, I can see the jar listed under the java project folder. But I still get the error.
After two hours of hair-wrenching frustration, I hope somebody can either point out my fatal oversight or provide explicit instructions that will help me get back to work. Thanks.
I upgraded my project from 1.2 to 1.3 a while ago. I only updated my pom.xml files to refer to the new version of PlayN . I did not manually install lwjgl and neither did I add the lwjgl dependency as that one is implicitly pulled in by PlayN
Manually apply the diffs found here to your project, to your poms.
The key part being the piece in the java pom that tells Maven to unpack native dependencies. This part was actually added in the previous diff, so you may want to look there as well.
Now your IDE will most likely tell you that your project is not up-to-date with your poms, update your project, this should pull in the lwjgl dependency and set it up correctly.
I believe you should add the -Djava.library.path arguments to the VM Arguments, not to the Program Arguments in your runtime configuration.
The other -using maven- option is described on the Getting Started page, it worth noting, that the default embedded Maven is buggy for development, you should download and use at least Maven 3.0.3 as it is mentioned on the page (but I guess you already do this).
I just started a new project fresh with PlayN 1.4 and encountered this issue again in Eclipse. Resolved it as follows:
Right click mygame-java > Run As > Run Configurations...
Then added the following to VM Arguments under Arguments tab:
Then successfully ran as application.
At one point, I also ran the mvn install:install-file... command mentioned in question but I'm not sure whether that was necessary or not.

NetBeans -- Is it possible to bypass the IDE-generated Ant build for an existing project?

I have a Java project with sub-projects that is currently built using NetBeans's IDE-generated Ant scripts. I am converting the entire project to a Maven build.
My Maven build works fine from the command line and loads perfectly in Eclipse. However, the only way I can get the project to load as a Maven project in NetBeans is to delete the Ant scripts, i.e. build.xml and the directory nbproject for each sub-project. It seems that as long as I have the old IDE-generated build files, NetBeans recognizes the project as a NetBeans Java project only, not as a Maven Java project, even though there is also a pom.xml file present.
Short of deleting the IDE-generated build files, is there any way to tell NetBeans to load the project as a Maven project?
I have been told that we want to keep the Ant build for a while during the transition to Maven.
Using NetBeans 6.9.1, Maven 2.2.
Any help would be appreciated.
Well, the nb ant project metadata has precedence over occurence of pom.xml file (that's how maven projects are recognized and loaded). The whole precedence order hardwired in the IDE, you could only influence it be uninstalling the j2se ant project type for example.
So, yes. You need to get rid of the ant project metadata before you can open the project as maven project. Depending on how and when you delete the metadata, you might need to restart the IDE as well to get the new stuff loaded.
Have you seen http://wiki.netbeans.org/MavenBestPractices? It indicates that you must install the NetBeans maven plugin first. Perhaps that's why your Maven projects aren't recognized.
I must note that I'm not a NetBeans user anymore!
Here is what I ended up doing:
I wrote an Ant script (ironic, huh?) that, for every subproject of my project, renames the file nbproject/project.xml if it exists to nbproject/nb_project_disabled.xml. If nbproject/nb_project_disabled.xml exists instead, the script renames it back to nbproject/project.xml. In this way, the script toggles the opening of the project as a NetBeans Ant build or as a Maven build.
It would be nice if NetBeans, you know, had a setting to open both kinds of projects. Currently (6.9.1), there is just the "Open Project" command. In Eclipse, there is the command "Import Existing Maven Projects" vs. "Import Existing Project Into Workspace" (i.e. native Eclipse format).

Changing Eclipse project to use Maven?

My boss asked me to convert one of our projects to use Maven to build. So I created a pom.xml file and now Maven builds the project fine and runs all the tests and everything. "Fine", my boss said, "We don't need these any more" and he deleted the /libs directory from the project, and he deleted the JRE from the classpath. That's fine, it still builds in Maven, but Eclipse shows everything that was in the jre or in /libs as unresolved in the editor. Because of all the error indications, I'm seriously considering going back to vi. How can I get it so Eclipse can do its thing?
To create the Eclipse .classpath and .project files, do the following:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will create references to your local Maven repository, which means that you'll have to build at least once with Maven, so that it can download the files. I believe you also have to define an Eclipse classpath variable M2_REPO (at least, I have one defined, and can't see any other reason I'd have done that).
I'll assume your boss deleted the JRE entry from the Eclipse classpath, which was dumb but not as dumb as deleting your actual JRE directory. The Maven-build classpath file should include something appropriate, or you can go into the "Build Path" dialog and add the JRE via the "Libraries" tab.
Oh never mind - I clicked the "Maven->Enable dependency management" and that fixed it. Don't know why I didn't think of it before.
Use a Maven-Eclipse plugin.
You can use plugins as Nick mentions, but you can also solve this very simply by pointing eclipse to your local maven repository.
1) create a classpath variable, M2_REPO, in your workspace. It should point to something like "c:\Document and Settings\yourname.m2repo\
2) Add the jars that you need.
These steps can also be automated with mvn eclipse:eclipse goal as well. The docs are here, I used it in the past but had some difficulties customizing it (for WTP and Spring configuration files under /.settings/ folder in the project)