RDS database with a PostgreSQL engine connection limit - postgresql

I've got an RDS instance (db.t2.micro - 1 vCPU, 1GiB RAM) that I'm spamming with connection attempts to mimic high load on the DB over a short period of time and am consistently hitting a DB connection limit of ~100 regardless of the DB instance class (I've tried db.t2.large - 4 vCPU, 16GiB RAM), setting the 'max_connections' parameters as part of a custom parameter group and the use of an RDS proxy for connection pooling.
I do notice that the red line on the DB connections graph below disappears when I increase the DB instance class which looks like more connections should be available but as can be seen in the graph the connection limit is pretty fixed at ~100
I've read threads where people have DB connections into the 000s and 0000s even so I'm convinced I'm missing something here on the configuration side of things, any ideas?
Edit: I am able to exceed ~100 connections if using the JDBC library but when I use mimic our production system which is a REST API running as a service on AWS ECS, I max out at ~100, with a http 500 error
The CloudWatch log indicates the 'rate exceeded'. The REST API is built using Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web. In my use case the server needs to be able to handle ~500 API requests a second every 15mins.

I'm suspecting that your API, which have already identified is the REST api(could be the only one you are using, not sure from the info) is "Throttling".
Firstly to identify if its throttling or not, go to your CloudTrail console
and then create a table for a CloudTrail trail.
check the Athena console
and then select New query, type the below query and replace the table name with your clodtrail table you created.
select eventname, errorcode,eventsource,awsregion, useragent,COUNT(*) count
FROM your-cloudtrail-table
where errorcode = 'ThrottlingException'
AND eventtime between '2020-10-11T03:00:08Z' and '2020-10-12T07:15:08Z'
group by errorcode,awsregion, eventsource, useragent, eventname
order by count desc;
Once you have identified for sure that your API is throttling, You can ask the AWS team to bump up the limit if the throttling is due to the limit
(which they should be able to confirm).
see this for limit related conversation:
also check out the quota doc for the limits on ECS service:
Secondly go ahead and check the PG end what is the connections limit showing there, you can psql into it and run the command:
show max_connections or
postgres=> select * from pg_settings where name='max_connections';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+-----------------------------------------------------
name | max_connections
setting | 83
unit |
category | Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings
short_desc | Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections.
extra_desc |
context | postmaster
vartype | integer
source | configuration file
min_val | 1
max_val | 262143
enumvals |
boot_val | 100
reset_val | 83
sourcefile | /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
sourceline | 33
pending_restart | f
Hope this helps!.
This will tell you the max connections limit for that particular instance. I know there is no limit as such(there is a theoretical limit). The connection limit is dynamic in PG depending on the memory of your instance\cluster.
IF you go to RDS and then on the left side "Parameter groups"
you can search for max_connections and check for the column "values"

I really know very little about Microsoft and .NET but it sounds like your application has a default connection pool of 100 connections.
In your DB connection string try adding Max Pool Size=200;


Orion not using FIWARE Service on Kubernetes

I'm having a weird issue using Orion on Kubernetes. When using Orion 2.5 (also happens with 3.6) and MongoDB 4.4 on Docker-Compose, everything works as expected, I'm able to create and retrieve entities in Orion and they are created properly in databases with the proper name (if fiware-service is service, the database is orion-service).
However, using the same in Kubernetes, with the same commands in Orion and everything configured the same way, it ignores the service. I can see in the logs that Orion receives the service and service-path
time=2022-04-29T12:20:44.125Z | lvl=INFO | corr=cac0239e-c7b6-11ec-abd6-f6ce73396b62 | trans=1651234819-423-00000000003 | from= | srv=acc1234121 | subsrv=/asd | comp=Orion | op=logTracing.cpp[148]:logInfoRequestWithPayload | msg=Request received: POST /v2/entities, request payload (288 bytes)
However, it creates the entity in the orion database (without using the -service, which would be orion-acc1234121 in this case).
Could you provide some insights on how to debug the issue and if there is some configuration I'm missing?
UPDATE: We finally figured out the issue. In the chart, we were not setting properly the multiservice option, so it was set to false. The point is we are not able to see it neither in the command executed (output of ps command) nor in the environment variables. Anyway, thank you very much for your help, we can mark this as closed and solved.

Newbie help - how to connect to AWS Redshift cluster (currently using Aginity)

(I'm afraid I'm probably about to reveal myself as completely unfit for the task at hand!)
I'm trying to setup a Redshift cluster and database to help manage data for a class/group project.
I have a dc2.large cluster running with either default options, or what looked like the most generic in the couple of place I was forced to make entries.
I have downloaded Aginity (Win64) as it is described as being specialized for Redshift. That said, I can't find any instructions for connecting using it. The connection dialog requests the follwoing:
Server: using the endpoint for my cluster (less :57xx at the end).
UserID: the Master username for the database defined for the cluster.
Password: to match the UserID
SSL Mode (Disable, Allow, Prefer, Require): trying various options
Database: as named in cluster setup
Port: as defined in cluster setup
I can't get it to connect ("failed to establish connection") and don't know if I'm entering something wrong in Aginity or if I haven't set up my cluster properly.
Message: Failed to establish a connection to 'abc1234-smtm.crone7m2jcwv.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com'.
Type : Npgsql.NpgsqlException
Source : Npgsql
Trace : at Npgsql.NpgsqlClosedState.Open(NpgsqlConnector context, Int32 timeout)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.Open()
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection.Open()
at Aginity.MPP.Common.BaseDataProvider.get_Connection()
at Aginity.MPP.Common.BaseDataProvider.CreateCommand(String commandText, CommandType commandType, IDataParameter[] commandParams)
at Aginity.MPP.Common.BaseDataProvider.ExecuteReader(String commandText, CommandType commandType, IDataParameter[] commandParams)
--- Inner Exception: ---
It seems there is not enough information going into Aginity to authorize connection to my cluster - no account credential are supplied. For UserID, am I meant to enter the ID of a valid user? Can I use the root account? What would the ID look like? I have setup a User with FullAccess to S3 and Redshift, then entered the UserID in this format
along with the matching password, but that hasn't worked either.
The only training/tutorial I have been able to find/do on this is the Intro AWS direct you to, at https://qwiklabs.com/focuses/2366, which uses a web-based client that I can't find outside of the tutorial (pgweb).
Any advice what I am doing wrong, and how to do it right?
Well, I think I got it working - I haven't had a chance to see if I can actually create table yet, but it seems to be connected. I had to allow inbound traffic from outside the VPC, as per the above snapshot.
I'm guessing there's a better way than opening it up to all IP addresses, but I don't know the users' (fellow team members) IPs, and aren't they all subject to change depending on the device they're using to connect?
How does one go about getting inside the VPC to connect that way, presumably more securely?

Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL `work_mem`

there. I want to tune Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance. Currently, I'm trying to eliminate sorting speed degradation:
Sort Method: external merge Disk: 39592kB
Right now work_mem is set to 4MB, and it seems that is too small. After reading docs, I didn't find the way how to change this setting. It's impossible via Web GUI and via command line:
$ gcloud sql instances patch reporting-dev --database-flags work_mem=128MB
The following message will be used for the patch API method.
{"project": "xxx-153410", "name": "reporting-dev", "settings": {"databaseFlags": [{"name": "work_mem", "value": "128MB"}]}}
WARNING: This patch modifies a value that requires your instance to be
restarted. Submitting this patch will immediately restart your
instance if it's running.
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.patch) HTTPError 404: Flag requested cannot be set.
Any thoughts on that?
You can change it by user or by database.
alter database db1 set work_mem='64MB';
alter user stan set work_mem='32MB';
User overides db, db overrides postgresql.conf / cluster settings. Both override alter system set ... which you might not be able to use due to security settings.

How to change the postgresql.conf parameter on Google Cloud SQL

How to change the postgresql.conf parameter "max_connections" on Google Cloud SQL?
When I exceed 100 connections I get the error: "FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections"
Normally you would do it via CloudSQL flags API (or UI): https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/flags
However, max_connections is not a parameter we currently support. We (Postgres team in CloudSQL) are aware that low max_connections is a problem for some (many?) applications and will address issue in one of the next releases.
Please follow issue 37271935 on our public issue tracker for updates.
Years later, it seems like it's supported now.
For the Terraform gang, you can update the parameter this way:
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "main" {
name = "main-instance"
database_version = "POSTGRES_14"
region = "us-central1"
settings {
tier = "db-f1-micro"
database_flags {
name = "max_connections"
value = 100
Note that at the time of writing the db-f1-micro default max_connections is 25, refs https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/flags#postgres-m

Is there a api for ganglia?

Hello I would like to enquire if there is an API that can be used to retrieve Ganglia stats for all clients from a single ganglia server?
The Ganglia gmetad component listens on ports 8651 and 8652 by default and replies with XML metric data. The XML data type definition can be seen on GitHub here.
Gmetad needs to be configured to allow XML replies to be sent to specific hosts or all hosts. By default only localhost is allowed. This can be changed in /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf.
Connecting to port 8651 will get you a default XML report of all metrics as a response.
Port 8652 is the interactive port which allows for customized queries. Gmetad will recognize raw text queries sent to this port, i.e. not HTTP requests.
Here are examples of some queries:
/?filter=summary (returns a summary of the whole grid, i.e. all clusters)
/clusterName (returns raw data of a cluster called "clusterName")
/clusterName/hostName (returns raw data for host "hostName" in cluster "clusterName")
/clusterName?filter=summary (returns a summary of only cluster "clusterName")
The ?filter=summary parameter changes the output to contain the sum of each metric value over all hosts. The number of hosts is also provided for each metric so that the mean value may be calculated.
Yes, there's an API for Ganglia: https://github.com/guardian/ganglia-api
You should check this presentation from 2012 Velocity Europe - it was really a great talk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/info/developer-blog/2012/oct/04/winning-the-metrics-battle
There is also an API you can install from pypi with 'pip install gangliarest' and sets up a configurable API backed with a Redis cache and indexer to improve performance.