Accessing gitlab postgres omnibus database - postgresql

I'm trying to access my gitlab omnibus's postgres installation from other apps so that I can share data within. How do I find the login information, eg user/pass?

There should be no password.
If you have sudo access on the machine where you installed GitLab Omnibus, then you can confirm this with:
sudo grep gitlab-psql /etc/shadow
and it should show '!' in the password field, something like:
Faced with a similar goal (accessing GitLab's DB in order to derive some usage plots, counts of issues opened/closed over time, etc.), here is what I did (assuming sudo ability):
sudo su -l gitlab-psql
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys << "EOF"
<your ssh public key here>
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Once this is done, first check that you can ssh to that host as gitlab-psql, using the proper key, of course, either from a remote host: ssh gitlab-psql#my-gitlab-host, or locally: ssh gitlab-psql#localhost.
After that, you should be able to access the DB from other apps via ssh. For example, here is a way to query the DB directly from a Python notebook (running on another host somewhere in EC2), and using Pandas:
def gitlab_query(query):
cmdargs = [
'ssh', 'gitlab-psql#my-gitlab-host',
f"""/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -h /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/ gitlabhq_production -A -F $'\t' -c "{query}" """,
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=15)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
outs, errs = proc.communicate()
errors = errs.decode('utf-8')
if errors:
raise ValueError(errors)
result = outs.decode('utf-8')
result = result[:result.rfind('\n', 0, -1)]
return result
# simple example
# NOTE: as is, this is incomplete, because many issues are closed by other
# actions (e.g. commits or merges) and in those cases, there is no
# closed_at date. See further below for better queries. (not included in
# this SO answer as this is getting beyond the scope of the question).
q = """
select, a.title, a.created_at, a.closed_at
from issues a inner join projects b on (a.project_id =
where closed_at > '2018-01-09' and'myproject'
order by 1,4 limit 10
pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(gitlab_query(q)), sep='\t', parse_dates=['created_at', 'closed_at'])

If you have installed a gitlab-praefect node as described here and you are using AWS EC2 and a AWS postgres and want to check if those two can communicate.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U YourExistingUsername -d template1 -h RDS-POSTGRES-ENDPOINT


Able to connect to remote PostgreSQL database using psql, but unable to connect using libpq + libpqxx

I have a PostgreSQL instance running on Digital Ocean. When using the command line tool psql, I am able to connect to the database fine. I am using the following command:
psql " port=25060 dbname=defaultdb user=doadmin password=MY_PASSWORD sslmode=require"
I have now compiled an executable which makes use of libpq and libpqxx. I have compiled the two libraries using the following arguments (as you can see, ssl is supported).
# Unix like system
test -e postgresql-12.2.tar.gz || wget
test -e postgresql-12.2 || tar -xzvf postgresql-12.2.tar.gz
cd postgresql-12.2
test -e build_amd64 && rm -rf build_amd64
mkdir build_amd64
cd build_amd64
../configure --without-readline CFLAGS="-O3 -fpic" CXXFLAGS="-fpic" CPPFLAGS="-fpic" --prefix=$PWD/packaged --with-includes=$(pwd)/../../openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1k/build_amd64/packaged/include/ --with-openssl --with-libraries=$(pwd)/../../openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1k/build_amd64/packaged/lib/
# multithreaded make
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu | xargs -I % make -j%
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
nproc | xargs -I % make -j%
make install
ar dv packaged/lib/libpq.a legacy-pqsignal.o
test -e 7.0.7.tar.gz || wget
test -e libpqxx-7.0.7 || tar -xzvf 7.0.7.tar.gz
cd libpqxx-7.0.7
test -e build_amd64 && rm -rf build_amd64
mkdir build_amd64
cd build_amd64
# Unix like system
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
cmake -DPostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=${PWD}/../../postgresql-12.2/build_amd64/packaged/include \
-DPostgreSQL_LIBRARY=${PWD}/../../postgresql-12.2/build_amd64/packaged/lib/${LIBNAME} \
-DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${PWD}/../../postgresql-12.2/build_amd64/packaged/include \
# multithreaded make
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu | xargs -I % make -j%
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
nproc | xargs -I % make -j%
make DESTDIR=./packaged install
# On centos, it is installed to lib64 instead of lib, so create a symbolic link for consistency
test -e packaged/usr/local/lib || ln -s ./lib64/ ./packaged/usr/local/lib
I then pass the exact same connection string to the pqxx::connection constructor as follows:
m_connectionPtr = std::make_unique<pqxx::connection>(" port=25060 dbname=defaultdb user=doadmin password=MY_PASSWORD sslmode=require");
However, doing so spits out the following exception:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pqxx::broken_connection'
what(): FATAL: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "", user "doadmin", database "template1", SSL on
Aborted (core dumped)
For what it's worth, I'm able to connect to a PostgreSQL database using my libpqxx logic above when it is running locally on the same machine. I for the life of my can't seem to connect to a remote database though using libpqxx. Any ideas?
I don't have access to the pg_hba.conf on the server since it is a managed database hosted by Digital Ocean. However, on the digital ocean console page, it says that the database is open to connections from all IP Addresses.
Edit 2
I now understand the issue. In my executable, I was first connecting to the template1 database, and then making a query to the database to see if the database name provided by the user existed (with libpqxx you can only make database queries once you have established a db connection, and you require a database name in order to create the connection). This approach was not working with hosted database services such as Digital Ocean as they do not allow you to connect to the template1 database. Once I removed that logic from my code, then I was able to connect directly to the specified database correctly.
I know understand what the issue is:
In my executable, I was first connecting to the template1 database, and then making a query to the database to see if the database name provided by the user existed (with libpqxx you can only make database queries once you have established a db connection, and you require a database name in order to create the connection). This approach was not working with hosted database services such as Digital Ocean as they do not allow you to connect to the template1 database. Once I removed that logic from my code, then I was able to connect directly to the specified database correctly.

custom DDEV pull provider to update local database and user generated files

I'm trying to create a custom DDEV Provider, to import the current database and also user generated files from the web server.
I want to use it with TYPO3 Projects, where I develop the EXT locally with DDEV (because its awesome :) ) and I want to update my local database and also the "fileadmin" files with the help of the ddev pull function.
I've read the docs: Introduction to Hosting Provider Integration and I tested the bash commands locally within the DDEV Container (ddev ssh) and I'm able to connect to the remote Webserver and make a database dump and transfer it to the local DDEV container.
So I added the bash commands to the my custom provider .yaml file in the /provider/ folder.
Here is the current file:
DB_NAME: db_name
DB_USER: password
DB_PASSWORD: password
SSH_USERNAME: username
SSH_PASSWORD: password
command: |
# Creates the .download folder if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads
# execute the mysqldump on the remote webserver via SSH
ssh -p ${SSH_PORT} ${SSH_USERNAME}#${HOST_IP} 'mysqldump -h -u ${DB_USER} -p ${DB_PASSWORD} ${DB_NAME} > /tmp/${DB_NAME}.sql.gz'
# download to sql file to the ddev folder
scp -P ${SSH_PORT} ${SSH_USERNAME}#${HOST_IP}:/tmp/${DB_NAME}.sql.gz /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/db.sql.gz.
If I execute the pull with ddev pull my-provider I get the following Error:
Downloading database...
bash: 03: command not found
Pull failed: Failed to exec mkdir -p /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads
I assumed that the commands are executed like I would within the DDEV Container (with ddev ssh). What am I missing?
My Environment:
TYPO3 v10.4.20
Windows 10 (WSL)
Docker Desktop 3.5.2
DDEV-Local version v1.17.7
architecture amd64
db drud/ddev-dbserver-mariadb-10.3:v1.17.7
dba phpmyadmin:5
ddev-ssh-agent drud/ddev-ssh-agent:v1.17.0
docker 20.10.7
docker-compose 1.29.2
The web server is running on Plesk.
Note: I only tried to implement the db pull command so far.
UPDATE 09.11.21:
So I've gotten this far that I'm able update and also download the files. However I'm only able to do it, if I hardcode the variables. Everytime I'm trying to setup the environment_variables: I get the following error, if I run the ddev pull myProvider:
Downloading database...
bash: 03: command not found
Here is my current .yaml file with the environment_variables:, which currently don't work. I've tested all the commands within ddev ssh
and it works if I call them manually.
DB_NAME: db_name
DB_USER: db_user
DB_PASSWORD: 'Password$'
SSH_USERNAME: username
command: |
ssh-add -l >/dev/null || ( echo "Please 'ddev auth ssh' before running this command." && exit 1 )
command: |
mkdir -p /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads
ssh -p ${SSH_PORT} ${SSH_USERNAME}#${HOST_IP} "mysqldump -h -u ${DB_USER} -p'${DB_PASSWORD}' ${DB_NAME} > /tmp/${DB_NAME}.sql"
scp -P ${SSH_PORT} ${SSH_USERNAME}#${HOST_IP}:/tmp/${DB_NAME}.sql /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/db.sql
gzip -f /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/db.sql
command: |
scp -P ${SSH_PORT} -r ${SSH_USERNAME}#${HOST_IP}:/path/to/public/fileadmin/user_upload /var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/files
Do I declare the variables the wrong way? Or what is it that I'm missing?
For anyone who has trouble connecting via ssh without the password promt, you can run the following commands:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 22 username#host
Afterward you should be able to connect without a password promt. Try the following: ssh -p 22 username#host
before you try to ddev puul you have to execute ddev auth ssh
Thanks to #rfay for pointing me into the right direction.
The Problem was, that my password containted a special charater (not a $ though) which needed to be escaped.
After escpaing it correctly like so
DB_PASSWORD: 'Password\&\'
the ddev pull works.
I hope my .yaml file helps someone else that needs to pull from a webserver.

Best ways to test PSQL DB

Assuming I have the following table, functions and data
create table people (
id bigserial primary key,
age int,
height int,
weight int
create or replace function add_person (p_age int, p_height int, p_weight int);
create or replace function get_person_by_age (p_age int);
create or replace function get_person_by_height (p_height int);
create or replace function get_person_by_weight (p_weight int);
add_person (20,180,100);
add_person (20,181,101);
add_person (20,182,102);
add_person (20,183,103);
I am currently testing my database purely in bash so I would have these very long files like so (pseudocode only)
# Insert data
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -c "add_person(20,180,100)"
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -c "add_person(20,181,101)"
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -c "add_person(20,182,102)"
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -c "add_person(20,183,103)"
# Retrieve data
persons=$(sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -c "get_person_by_age (20)")
# Count number of rows and make sure it matches the expected outcome
# (You have to manually strip header and footer lines but ignore for now)
if [ $(echo $persons | wc -l) -ne 4]
echo "Fail"
exit 1
My test scripts have grown too large and there are so many things I am trying to catch (actions which should throw errors but which do not ie. false positives, actions which should not throw errors but which do ie false negatives, actions which throw errors other than that which they are supposed to, etc.). More importantly, the tests are incredibly slow as bash keeps trying to establish a connection to Postgre.
The reason I am not doing this in PGSQL is because the logic of queries can grow very complex as my db queries have many filters.
Is there a better existing solution to solve my problem? I looked at pgTAP but the documentation for that is horrendous
First of all, I think you could gain a lot of speed by running multiple commands in one client initialization. The "-c" flag only runs one command, and there is some small overhead in starting a connection that really adds up if you are running many commands, as you said.
For example, you could do something like this for your insert commands:
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name << EOF
Alternatively, you could list all the commands you want to run in a file and run them with "--file"/"-f":
sudo -u postgres psql -d $db_name -f "my_add_commands.psql"
I can't speak to why you are getting false errors, but generally I find that writing complicated test scripts in bash is a pain. If possible, I would consider using any language you are familiar with that has proper try/catch logic and a robust testing library with assertions. This is personally how I write tests for SQL functions. However, you would probably also need to use library that lets you make and process psql queries in the respective language.
There is a light psql testing library for python, but I haven't used it myself. Maybe worth a look though.

Backup postgresql database from 4D

I am using 4D for front-end and postgresql for back-end. So i have the requirement to take database backups from front-end.
Here what i have done so far for taking backups in 4D.
i_pg_connection:=PgSQL Connect ("localhost";"admin";"admin";"test_db")
LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS("C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.5\\bin\\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 5432 -U admin -F c -b -v -f C:\\Users\\Admin_user\\Desktop\\backup_test\\db_backup.backup test_db")
PgSQL Close (i_pg_connection)
But the it's not taking the backup.
The backup command is ok because it works perfectly while firing on command prompt.
What's wrong in my code?
Thanks in advance.
Unneeded commands in your code
If you are using LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS to do the backup then you do not need the PgSQL CONNECT and PgSQL CLOSE.
These plug-in commands do not execute in the same context as LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS so they are unneeded in this situation.
Make sure you have write access
If the 4D Database is running as a Service, or more specifically as a user that does not have write access to C:\Users\Admin_user\..., then it could be failing due to a permissions issue.
Make sure that you are writing to a location that you have write access to, and also be sure to check the $out and $err parameters to see what the Standard Output and Error Streams are.
You need to specify a password for pg_dump
Another problem is that you are not specifying the password.
You could either use the PGPASSWORD environment variable or use a pgpass.conf file in the user's profile directory.
Regarding the PGPASSWORD environment variable; the documentation has the following warning:
Use of this environment variable is not recommended for security reasons, as some operating systems allow non-root users to see process environment variables via ps; instead consider using the ~/.pgpass file
Example using pgpass.conf
The following example assumes you have a pgpass.conf file in place:
$c:="C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.5\\bin\\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 5432 -U admin -F"
$c:=$c+" c -b -v -f C:\\Users\\Admin_user\\Desktop\\backup_test\\db_backup.backup test_db"
Example using PGPASSWORD environment variable
The following example sets the PGPASSWORD environment variable before the call to pg_dump and then clears the variable after the call:
SET ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE ( "PGPASSWORD" ; "your postgreSQL password" )
$c:="C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.5\\bin\\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 5432 -U admin -F"
$c:=$c+" c -b -v -f C:\\Users\\Admin_user\\Desktop\\backup_test\\db_backup.backup test_db"
SET ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE ( "PGPASSWORD" ; "" ) // clear password for security
Make sure to use the debugger to check the $out and $err to see what the underlying issue is.

How to enable quiet mode for Postgres commands on Heroku

When using the psql command line utility on my local machine, I have the option to use the -q or --quiet switch to tell Postgres to do it's work quietly - i.e. it won't print every single INSERT statement to the console if you're doing a large import.
Here's an example of how I'm using it:
However, when using the pg:psql command line utility in Heroku, that option doesn't seem to be available. So I'm currently having to use it like so:
which produces a lot of output to my console (hundreds of thousands of lines), because of the large size of the SQL file I'm importing. Whenever I try to use the -q or --quiet option, something like this:
heroku pg:psql DATABASE -q -a <SOME_HEROKU_APP> < <SOME_SQL_FILE>
it'll throw an error saying that -q is not a valid option.
Is there some way to enable quiet mode when running Postgres commands in Heroku?
heroku pg:psql is just a wrapper onto your local psql binary (
So, given this - you are able to do:
psql `heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a <yourappname>`
to get a psql connection and consequently pass -q other options accordingly.