JsTree Get selected node siblings and sub-siblings ids - jstree

I am using jstree to draw departments as a tree, this issue is that if I clicked on the a Node(root) I will only get first siblings IDs; however I want to get sub-siblings id's that are related to the same root as well.
Here is my code:
var currentNode = $("#jstree").jstree("get_selected");
var childrens = $("#jstree").jstree("get_children_dom", currentNode);
for (var i = 0; i < childrens.length; i++) {

You can use the jsTree get_node function to get the node's JSON representation which includes an array of all the nodes siblings.
$('#jstree').bind('select_node.jstree', function (e, data) {
var tree = $('#jstree').jstree(true);
var siblings = tree.get_node(data.selected).children_d;


What would .shift do in MongoDB?

I am learning mongoDB and the below code will find the descendants of "Programming". However, I did not quite understand what would .shift do here.
var descendants = [];
var stack = [];
var item = db.categories.findOne({_id:"Programming"});
var current = stack.shift();
for(let i=0; i<current.children.length;i++){
var children = db.categories.findOne({_id:current.children[i]});
Could anyone help me understand this functionality?
the stack.shift() function shift the array stack one time to left. It says that the first element in the array removes from it, and returns to current.

Get the list of leaf nodes in fancy tree

I'm using https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/ in my project. How to get the list of leaf nodes of the fancy tree at the given moment.
You could try this pattern:
var leafNodes = [];
if ( !node.hasChildren() ) {

I am getting 0 values for my array when I try to add DOM elements from a webpage, how to add values to lists in .each function?

On console it presents just empty array and 0's for all the elements on the Business Insider page with the specific selectors. How can I add each number (which is views on their site) as a list or string of numbers and then .length on the variable and push it to my html interface?
var request = require('request');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var bilist = new Array();
//var x = document.getElementById('bi-stats').innerHTML;
var url = 'http://www.businessinsider.com/moneygame';
request(url, function(err,resp,body)
if (err)
throw err;
$ = cheerio.load(body); //create the dom object string
$('span.hot').each(function() {
function start() {
window.addEventListener('load', bi_list(), false);
So jQuery has a different syntax for the 'for' iterator.
The correct code is shown below which appends the text element that contains # of views of the site Business Insider.
$('span.hot').each(function(i, elem) {
bilist[i] = $(this).text();

JSTree creating duplicate nodes when loading data with create_node

I'm having an issue when I'm trying to load my initial data for JSTree; I have 2 top level nodes attached to the root node but when I load them it looks like the last node added is being duplicated within JSTree. At first it looked as if it was my fault for not specifically declaring a new object each time but I've fixed that. I'm using .net MVC so the initial data is coming from the model that is passed to my view (that is the data passed into the data parameter of the method).
this.loadInitialData = function (data) {
var tree = self.getTree();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var node = new Object();
node.id = data[i].Id;
node.parent = data[i].Parent;
node.text = data[i].Text;
node.state = {
opened: data[i].State.Opened,
disabled: data[i].State.Disabled,
selected: data[i].State.Selected
node.li_attr = { "node-type": data[i].NodeType };
node.children = [];
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].Children.length; j++) {
var childNode = new Object();
childNode.id = data[i].Children[j].Id;
childNode.parent = data[i].Children[j].Parent;
childNode.text = data[i].Children[j].Text;
childNode.li_attr = { "node-type": data[i].Children[j].NodeType };
childNode.children = data[i].Children[j].HasChildren;
tree.create_node("#", node, "last");
My initial code was declaring node like the following:
var node = {
id: data[i].Id
I figured that was the cause of what I'm seeing but fixing it has not changed anything. Here is what is happening when I run the application; on the first pass of the method everything looks like it is working just fine.
But after the loop is run for the second (and last) time here is the final result.
It looks like the node objects are just a copy of each other, but when I run the code through the debugger I see the object being initialized each time. Does anyone have an idea what would cause this behavior in JSTree? Should I be using a different method to create my initial nodes besides create_node?
Thanks in advance.
I found the issue; I didn't realize but I was setting my id property to the same id for both node groups. After I fixed it everything started working as expected.

Trying to work with down() method from ExtJS 4.2.1

I am trying to find a specific element from my page using ExtJS 4 so I can do modifications on it.
I know its id so it should not be a problem BUT
-I tried Ext.getCmp('theId') and it just return me undefined
-I tried to use down('theId') method by passing through the view and I still get a nullresponse.
As I know the id of the element I tried again the two methods by setting manually the id and it didn't work neither.
Do these two methods not function?
How should I do?
Here is the concerned part of the code :
listeners: {
load: function(node, records, successful, eOpts) {
var ownertree = records.store.ownerTree;
var boundView = ownertree.dockedItems.items[1].view.id;
var generalId = boundView+'-record-';
// Add row stripping on leaf nodes when a node is expanded
// Adding the same feature to the whole tree instead of leaf nodes
// would not be much more complicated but it would require iterating
// the whole tree starting with the root node to build a list of
// all visible nodes. The same function would need to be called
// on expand, collapse, append, insert, remove and load events.
if (!node.tree.root.data.leaf) {
// Process each child node
node.tree.root.cascadeBy(function(currentChild) {
// Process only leaf
if (currentChild.data.leaf) {
var nodeId = ""+generalId+currentChild.internalId;
var index = currentChild.data.index;
if ((index % 2) == 0) {
// even node
currentChild.data.cls.replace('tree-odd-node', '')
currentChild.data.cls = 'tree-even-node';
} else {
// odd node
currentChild.data.cls.replace('tree-even-node', '')
currentChild.data.cls = 'tree-odd-node';
// Update CSS classes
You can see my console.log at the end.
Here is what they give me on the javascript console (in the right order):
The precise id I am looking for. And I also try manually in case...
h {dom: table#treeview-1016-table.x-treeview-1016-table x-grid-table, el: h, id: "treeview-1016gridBody", $cache: Object, lastBox: Object…}
I checked every configs of this item and its dom and it is exactly the part of the dom I am looking for, which is the view containing my tree. The BIG parent
And then:
Here is the item I want to access:
<tr role="row" id="treeview-1016-record-02001001" ...>
And I checked there is no id duplication anywhere...
I asked someone else who told me these methods do not work. The problem is I need to access this item to modify its cls.
I would appreciate any idea.
You are looking for Ext.get(id). Ext.getCmp(id) is used for Ext.Components, and Ext.get(id) is used for Ext.dom.Elements. See the docs here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext-method-get
Ok so finally I used the afteritemexpand listener. With the ids I get the elements I am looking for with your Ext.get(id) method kevhender :).
The reason is that the dom elements where not completely loaded when I used my load listener (it was just the store) so the Ext.get(id) method couldn't get the the element correctly. I first used afterlayout listener, that was correct but too often called and the access to the id was not so easy.
So, here is how I did finally :
listeners: {
load: function(node, records, successful, eOpts) {
var ownertree = records.store.ownerTree;
var boundView = ownertree.dockedItems.items[1].view.id;
var generalId = boundView+'-record-';
if (!node.tree.root.data.leaf) {
// Process each child node
node.tree.root.cascadeBy(function(currentChild) {
// Process only leaf
if (currentChild.data.leaf) {
var nodeId = ""+generalId+currentChild.internalId;
var index = currentChild.data.index;
if ( (index % 2) == 0 && ids.indexOf(nodeId) == -1 ) {
ids[indiceIds] = nodeId;
afteritemexpand: function( node, index, item, eOpts ){
/* This commented section below could replace the load but the load is done during store loading while afteritemexpand is done after expanding an item.
So, load listener makes saving time AND makes loading time constant. That is not the case if we just consider the commented section below because
the more you expand nodes, the more items it will have to get and so loading time is more and more important
// var domLeaf = Ext.get(item.id).next();
// for ( var int = 0; int < node.childNodes.length; int++) {
// if (node.childNodes[int].data.leaf && (int % 2) == 0) {
// if (ids.indexOf(domLeaf.id) == -1) {
// ids[indiceIds] = domLeaf.id;
// indiceIds++;
// }
// }
// domLeaf = domLeaf.next();
// }
for ( var int = 0; int < ids.length; int++) {
domLeaf = Ext.get(ids[int]);
if (domLeaf != null) {
for ( var int2 = 0; int2 < domLeaf.dom.children.length; int2++) {
if (domLeaf.dom.children[int2].className.search('tree-even-node') == -1){
domLeaf.dom.children[int2].className += ' tree-even-node';
With ids an Array of the ids I need to set the class.
Thank you for the method.