How to call recursive function with Promise Kit? - swift

I am stuck with somewhere to call same function again in promise and because of calling multiple time it's deallocate promise. Actually in my case I have API with multiple page request and I want to call it with promise. I was implemented it as below.
func fetchContacts() -> Promise<FPGetContactResponse?> {
return Promise { seal in
let contactrequest = FPGetContactRequest()
contactrequest.pageNo = getAPICurrentPageNo(Api.API_CONTACTS) + 1
contactrequest.pageSize = SMALL_PAGE_SIZE
contactrequest.doGetContacts(parameter: [:], response: { (response) in
print("Contacts Count : \(response.Contacts?.count ?? 0)")
if(response.Contacts?.count ?? 0 != 0){
_ = self.fetchContacts()
{ (error) in
In above function I check for contact count != 0 then I need to call same function again. But unfortunately it's deallocate promise.
I call promise sequence like below.
func startSyncData(handler:#escaping SyncAPIHandler){
firstly {
self.fetchContacts().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.fetchInteractions().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.fetchAddresses().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.fetchLookupQuery().ensure {
.done { contacts -> Void in
//Do something with the JSON info
print("Contacts Done")
.catch(policy: .allErrors) { error in
Please provide me the right way to call same function again in promise.

Instead of using recursion you should return a response within your promise and check it inside next .then and call fetchContacts again if it's needed:
.then { response -> Promise<FPGetContactResponse> in
if (response.Contacts?.count ?? 0 != 0) {
return fetchContacts() // Make the second call
return .value(response) // Return fullfilled promise
.then {
Also you can make a special wrapper for your case using the next approach -

I implemented things with following solution.
func syncContacts() -> Promise<FPGetContactResponse?> {
return fetchContacts().then{ seal -> Promise<FPGetContactResponse?> in
if(seal?.Contacts?.count ?? 0 != 0){
return self.syncContacts()
return Promise.value(seal)
Now just call syncContacts() method in promise sequence, like below.
func startSyncData(handler:#escaping SyncAPIHandler){
firstly {
self.syncContacts().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.syncInterections().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.syncAddresses().ensure {
}.then { data in
self.syncLookupQuery().ensure {
.done { contacts -> Void in
//Do something with the JSON info
print("Contacts Done")
.catch(policy: .allErrors) { error in


Run multiple request at a time and continue as soon there is success

Given an array of urls, is there a way to run those at once simultaneously? But in such a way so as soon as there is one success move to the next request using that successful url.
So far I tried chaining concatMap, and failed with zip.
func updateAccountInfo() -> Single<Bool> {
var disposable: Disposable? = nil
return Single<Bool>.create { observer in
do {
var urls = try
disposable = Observable.from(urls)
.concatMap { index, url -> Single<URL> in
return self.verifyUrl(url)
.concatMap { url -> Single<Account> in
return self.apiManager.loadAccountInfo(from: url)
.do(onNext: { (account: AccountInfo) in
// use account unfo here
} catch {
return Disposables.create()
Tried like so too:
disposable = Observable.from(urls)
.concatMap { index, url -> Single<(Bool, URL)> in
return self.verifyUrl(url)
.subscribe(onNext: { reachable, url in
if reachable {
self.apiManager.loadAccountInfo(from: url)
.subscribe(onSuccess: { accountInfo in
// use account info here
}, onError: { error in
.disposed(by: self.bag)
} else {
}, onError: { error in
}, onCompleted: {
Maybe I use zip but how would I create an array of verifyUrl(url) calls? Does zip accept arrays of Observable at all?
let obs = Observable.from(urls)
.concatMap { index, url -> Single<URL> in
return self.verifyUrl(url)
let test = Observable
.zip(obs).map { [urls] in
return [urls]
If I understand the question correctly, you are looking for something like this:
func example() throws {
let urls = try
Observable.merge( { verifyUrl($0).asObservable() })
.flatMap { [apiManager] url in
apiManager!.loadAccountInfo(from: url)
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
.subscribe(onNext: { account in
// use account unfo here
.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
But it's hard to tell. Your code samples are a bit jumbled. Putting all your code in a Single.create is odd. Returning a Disposables.create() from the closure when you have a disposable to return is odd. Calling dispose() on a disposable inside the do block is odd. So much weirdness... I suggest you post some code on or look at sample code.

How to synchronously refresh an access token using Alamofire + RxSwift

I have this generic fetchData() function in my NetworkManager class that is able to request make a authorised request to the network and if it fail (after a number of retries) emits an error that will restart my app (requesting a new login). I need that this retry token be called synchronously, I mean, if multiple requests failed, only one should be requesting the refresh token at once. And if that one fail, and the other one requests must be discarded. I already tried some approached using DispatchGroup / NSRecursiveLock / and also with calling the function cancelRequests describing bellow (in this case, the tasks count is always 0). How can I make this behaviour works in this scenario?
My NetworkManager class:
public func fetchData<Type: Decodable>(fromApi api: TargetType,
decodeFromKeyPath keyPath: String? = nil) -> Single<Response> {
let request = MultiTarget(api)
return provider.rx.request(request)
.asRetriableAuthenticated(target: request)
func cancelAllRequests(){
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
.getAllTasks { (tasks) in
tasks.forEach{ $0.cancel() }
} else {
.getTasksWithCompletionHandler { (sessionDataTask, uploadData, downloadData) in
sessionDataTask.forEach { $0.cancel() }
uploadData.forEach { $0.cancel() }
downloadData.forEach { $0.cancel() }
The Single extension that make the retry works:
public extension PrimitiveSequence where TraitType == SingleTrait, ElementType == Response {
private var refreshTokenParameters: TokenParameters {
TokenParameters(clientId: "pdappclient",
grantType: "refresh_token",
refreshToken: KeychainManager.shared.refreshToken)
func retryWithToken(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<E> {
self.catchError { error -> Single<Response> in
if case Moya.MoyaError.statusCode(let response) = error {
if self.isTokenExpiredError(error) {
return Single.error(error)
} else {
return self.parseError(response: response)
return Single.error(error)
.retryToken(target: target)
.catchError { error -> Single<Response> in
if case Moya.MoyaError.statusCode(let response) = error {
return self.parseError(response: response)
return Single.error(InvalidGrantException())
private func retryToken(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<E> {
let maxRetries = 1
return self.retryWhen({ error in
.flatMap { (attempt, error) -> Observable<Int> in
if attempt >= maxRetries {
return Observable.error(error)
if self.isTokenExpiredError(error) {
return Observable<Int>.just(attempt + 1)
return Observable.error(error)
.flatMap { _ -> Single<TokenResponse> in
private func refreshTokenRequest() -> Single<TokenResponse> {
return NetworkManager.shared.fetchData(fromApi: IdentityServerAPI
.token(parameters: self.refreshTokenParameters)).do(onSuccess: { tokenResponse in
KeychainManager.shared.accessToken = tokenResponse.accessToken
KeychainManager.shared.refreshToken = tokenResponse.refreshToken
}, onError: { error in
func parseError<E>(response: Response) -> Single<E> {
if response.statusCode == 401 {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
if let errors = try?[BaseResponseError].self, atKeyPath: "errors", using: decoder,
failsOnEmptyData: true) {
return Single.error(BaseAPIErrorResponse(errors: errors))
return Single.error(APIError2.unknown)
func isTokenExpiredError(_ error: Error) -> Bool {
if let moyaError = error as? MoyaError {
switch moyaError {
case .statusCode(let response):
if response.statusCode != 401 {
return false
} else if == 0 {
return true
return false
func filterUnauthorized() -> Single<E> {
flatMap { (response) -> Single<E> in
if 200...299 ~= response.statusCode {
return Single.just(response)
} else if response.statusCode == 404 {
return Single.just(response)
} else {
return Single.error(MoyaError.statusCode(response))
func asRetriableAuthenticated(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<Element> {
.retryWithToken(target: target)
func filterStatusCode() -> Single<E> {
flatMap { (response) -> Single<E> in
if 200...299 ~= response.statusCode {
return Single.just(response)
} else {
return self.parseError(response: response)
Here is an RxSwift solution: RxSwift and Handling Invalid Tokens
Just posting the link isn't the best, so I will post the core of the solution as well:
The key is to make a class that is much like the ActivityMonitor class but handles token refreshing...
public final class TokenAcquisitionService<T> {
/// responds with the current token immediatly and emits a new token whenver a new one is aquired. You can, for example, subscribe to it in order to save the token as it's updated.
public var token: Observable<T> {
return _token.asObservable()
public typealias GetToken = (T) -> Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)>
/// Creates a `TokenAcquisitionService` object that will store the most recent authorization token acquired and will acquire new ones as needed.
/// - Parameters:
/// - initialToken: The token the service should start with. Provide a token from storage or an empty string (object represting a missing token) if one has not been aquired yet.
/// - getToken: A function responsable for aquiring new tokens when needed.
/// - extractToken: A function that can extract a token from the data returned by `getToken`.
public init(initialToken: T, getToken: #escaping GetToken, extractToken: #escaping (Data) throws -> T) {
.flatMapFirst { getToken($0) }
.map { (urlResponse) -> T in
guard urlResponse.response.statusCode / 100 == 2 else { throw TokenAcquisitionError.refusedToken(response: urlResponse.response, data: }
return try extractToken(
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
/// Allows the token to be set imperativly if necessary.
/// - Parameter token: The new token the service should use. It will immediatly be emitted to any subscribers to the service.
func setToken(_ token: T) {
/// Monitors the source for `.unauthorized` error events and passes all other errors on. When an `.unauthorized` error is seen, `self` will get a new token and emit a signal that it's safe to retry the request.
/// - Parameter source: An `Observable` (or like type) that emits errors.
/// - Returns: A trigger that will emit when it's safe to retry the request.
func trackErrors<O: ObservableConvertibleType>(for source: O) -> Observable<Void> where O.Element == Error {
let lock = self.lock
let relay = self.relay
let error = source
.map { error in
guard (error as? TokenAcquisitionError) == .unauthorized else { throw error }
.flatMap { [unowned self] in self.token }
.do(onNext: {
.filter { _ in false }
.map { _ in }
return Observable.merge(token.skip(1).map { _ in }, error)
private let _token = ReplaySubject<T>.create(bufferSize: 1)
private let relay = PublishSubject<T>()
private let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
extension ObservableConvertibleType where Element == Error {
/// Monitors self for `.unauthorized` error events and passes all other errors on. When an `.unauthorized` error is seen, the `service` will get a new token and emit a signal that it's safe to retry the request.
/// - Parameter service: A `TokenAcquisitionService` object that is being used to store the auth token for the request.
/// - Returns: A trigger that will emit when it's safe to retry the request.
public func renewToken<T>(with service: TokenAcquisitionService<T>) -> Observable<Void> {
return service.trackErrors(for: self)
Once you put the above in your app, you can just add a .retryWhen { $0.renewToken(with: tokenAcquisitionService) } to the end of your request. Make sure your request emits a ResponseError.unauthorized if the token is unauthorized and the service will handle the retry.
I found a solution to my problem using DispatchWorkItem and controlling the entrance on my function with a boolean: isTokenRefreshing. Maybe that's not the most elegant solution, but it works.
So, in my NetworkManager class I added this two new properties:
public var savedRequests: [DispatchWorkItem] = []
public var isTokenRefreshing = false
Now in my SingleTrait extension, whenever I enter in the token refresh method I set the boolean isTokenRefreshing to true. So, if it's true, instead of starting another request, I simply throw a RefreshTokenProcessInProgressException and save the current request in my savedRequests array.
private func saveRequest(_ block: #escaping () -> Void) {
// Save request to DispatchWorkItem array
NetworkManager.shared.savedRequests.append( DispatchWorkItem {
(Of course, that, if the token refresh succeeds you have to remember to continue all the savedRequests that are saved inside the array, it's not described inside the code down below yet).
Well, my SingleTrait extension is now something like this:
import Foundation
import Moya
import RxSwift
import Domain
public extension PrimitiveSequence where TraitType == SingleTrait, ElementType == Response {
private var refreshTokenParameters: TokenParameters {
TokenParameters(clientId: "pdappclient",
grantType: "refresh_token",
refreshToken: KeychainManager.shared.refreshToken)
func retryWithToken(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<E> {
return self.catchError { error -> Single<Response> in
if case Moya.MoyaError.statusCode(let response) = error {
if self.isTokenExpiredError(error) {
return Single.error(error)
} else {
return self.parseError(response: response)
return Single.error(error)
.retryToken(target: target)
.catchError { error -> Single<Response> in
if case Moya.MoyaError.statusCode(let response) = error {
return self.parseError(response: response)
return Single.error(error)
private func retryToken(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<E> {
let maxRetries = 1
return self.retryWhen({ error in
.flatMap { (attempt, error) -> Observable<Int> in
if attempt >= maxRetries {
return Observable.error(error)
if self.isTokenExpiredError(error) {
return Observable<Int>.just(attempt + 1)
return Observable.error(error)
.flatMapFirst { _ -> Single<TokenResponse> in
if NetworkManager.shared.isTokenRefreshing {
self.saveRequest {
self.retryToken(target: target)
return Single.error(RefreshTokenProcessInProgressException())
} else {
return self.refreshTokenRequest()
private func refreshTokenRequest() -> Single<TokenResponse> {
NetworkManager.shared.isTokenRefreshing = true
return NetworkManager.shared.fetchData(fromApi: IdentityServerAPI
.token(parameters: self.refreshTokenParameters))
.do(onSuccess: { tokenResponse in
KeychainManager.shared.accessToken = tokenResponse.accessToken
KeychainManager.shared.refreshToken = tokenResponse.refreshToken
}).catchError { error -> Single<TokenResponse> in
return Single.error(InvalidGrantException())
private func saveRequest(_ block: #escaping () -> Void) {
// Save request to DispatchWorkItem array
NetworkManager.shared.savedRequests.append( DispatchWorkItem {
func parseError<E>(response: Response) -> Single<E> {
if response.statusCode == 401 {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
if let errors = try?[BaseResponseError].self, atKeyPath: "errors", using: decoder,
failsOnEmptyData: true) {
return Single.error(BaseAPIErrorResponse(errors: errors))
return Single.error(APIError2.unknown)
func isTokenExpiredError(_ error: Error) -> Bool {
if let moyaError = error as? MoyaError {
switch moyaError {
case .statusCode(let response):
if response.statusCode != 401 {
return false
} else if == 0 {
return true
return false
func filterUnauthorized() -> Single<E> {
flatMap { (response) -> Single<E> in
if 200...299 ~= response.statusCode {
return Single.just(response)
} else if response.statusCode == 404 {
return Single.just(response)
} else {
return Single.error(MoyaError.statusCode(response))
func asRetriableAuthenticated(target: MultiTarget) -> Single<Element> {
.retryWithToken(target: target)
func filterStatusCode() -> Single<E> {
flatMap { (response) -> Single<E> in
if 200...299 ~= response.statusCode {
return Single.just(response)
} else {
return self.parseError(response: response)
In my case, if the token refresh fails, after a N number of retries, I restart the app. And so, whenever a restart the application I'm setting the isTokenRefreshing to false again.
This is the way I found to solve this problem. If you have another approach, please let me know.

Future Combine sink does not recieve any values

I want to add a value to Firestore. When finished I want to return the added value. The value does get added to Firestore successfully. However, the value does not go through sink.
This is the function that does not work:
func createPremium(user id: String, isPremium: Bool) -> AnyPublisher<Bool,Never> {
let dic = ["premium":isPremium]
return Future<Bool,Never> { promise in
self.db.collection(self.dbName).document(id).setData(dic, merge: true) { error in
if let error = error {
} else {
/// does get called
I made a test function that works:
func test() -> AnyPublisher<Bool,Never> {
return Future<Bool,Never> { promise in
premiumRepository.createPremium(user: userID ?? "1234", isPremium: true)
.sink { receivedValue in
/// does not get called
.sink { recievedValue in
/// does get called
print("Test", recievedValue)
Also I have a similar code snippet that works:
func loadExercises(category: Category) -> AnyPublisher<[Exercise], Error> {
let document = store.collection(category.rawValue)
return Future<[Exercise], Error> { promise in
document.getDocuments { documents, error in
if let error = error {
} else if let documents = documents {
var exercises = [Exercise]()
for document in documents.documents {
do {
let decoded = try FirestoreDecoder().decode(Exercise.self, from:
} catch let error {
I tried to add a buffer but it did not lead to success.
Try to change/remove .cancel() method on your subscriptions. Seems you subscribe to the publisher, and then immediately cancel the subscription. The better option is to retain and store all your subscriptions in the cancellable set.

How do I reverse a promise?

I'm using PromiseKit to handle flow through a process.
Prior, I did a similar app without promises but decided frick it I'm gonna try promises just because, well, why not?
So I'm throwing a back button in the mix as I did in the prior app. Only problem is, I'm not exactly sure how to handle "reversing" if you want to call it that.
So say I have a flow of
doSomething().then {
// do something else
}.then {
// do something else
}.done {
// wrap it up, boss
}.catch {
// you're an idiot, bud
Say I'm in the first or second part of the chain then and I want to go back up the chain - is this possible?
Is there a link y'all can give me that I can use to read up on how to do that?
I'm thinking I might have to restart the "chain", but then how would I step through the flow....WAIT (light bulb), I can programmatically fulfill the necessary promises with whatever the data is that initially was fulfilled with until I get to the point in the "chain" where I needed to go back to, right?
Advice D:?
You can always have a catch and a then on the same promise.
var somePromise = doSomething()
// first chain
somePromise.catch { error in
// handle error
// second chain from the same starting point
somePromise.then {
// do something else
}.then {
// do something else
}.catch {
// you can still catch the error here too
You're basically creating two promise chains from the same original promise.
No, you can not do that. Once you commit a promise, you can not reverse that. Because the chain is supposed to finish in the descending order, it's cumbersome to track the order in each .then block.
What you can do is, handle the internal logic responsible to fulfill or reject a promise and start the chain from the beginning.
func executeChain() {
doSomething().then {
// do something else
}.then {
// do something else
}.done {
// condition to
}.catch {
// you're an idiot, bud
func doSomething() -> Promise<SomeThing>{
if (condition to bypass for reversing) {
return .value(something)
// Normal execution
But if you can improve your question with an actual use case and code then it could help providing more suitable explanation.
No you can't but you can set order in array.
bar(promises: [foo1(), foo2(), foo3()])
func bar<T>(promises: [Promise<T>]) {
when(fulfilled: promises)
.done { _ in
.catch { error in
// When get error reverse array and call it again promises.reversed())
func foo1() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }
func foo2() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }
func foo3() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }
or alternatively
bar(foo1, foo2, foo3)
.done { _ in
.catch { error in
print(error.localizedDescription), self.foo2, self.foo1)
.done { _ in
.catch { error2 in
func bar<T>(_ promise1: () -> Promise<T>,
_ promise2: #escaping () -> Promise<T>,
_ promise3: #escaping () -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
return Promise { seal in
.then { _ in return promise2() }
.then { _ in return promise3() }
.done { model in
.catch {
func foo1() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }
func foo2() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }
func foo3() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { $0.fulfill(()) }

PromiseKit firstly around code, not function call

I don't want to write a separate function to return a Promise in my firstly call. I just want to write this:
return Promise<Bool>
{ inSeal in
var isOrderHistory = false
let importTester = CSVImporter<String>(url: url)
{ (inFieldNames) in
if inFieldNames[2] == "Payment Instrument Type"
isOrderHistory = true
}, recordMapper: { (inRecords) -> String in
return "" // Don't care
{ (inItems) in
{ inIsOrderHistory in
if inIsOrderHistory -> Void
But I'm getting something wrong. ImportMainWindowController.swift:51:5: Ambiguous reference to member 'firstly(execute:)'
None of the example code or docs seems to cover this (what I thought was a) basic use case. In the code above, the CSVImporter operates on a background queue and calls the methods asynchronously (although in order).
I can't figure out what the full type specification should be for Promise or firstly, or what.
According to my understanding, since you are using then in the promise chain, it is also meant to return a promise and hence you are getting this error. If you intend not to return promise from your next step, you can directly use done after firstly.
Use below chain if you want to return Promise from then
firstly {
Promise<Bool> { seal in
}.then { (response) in
Promise<Bool> { seal in
}.done { _ in
}.catch { (error) in
If you do not want to return Promise from then, you can use chain like below.
firstly {
Promise<Bool> { seal in
}.done { _ in
}.catch { (error) in
I hope it helped.
In case you do not want to return anything and then mandates to return a Promise, you can return Promise<Void> like below.
firstly {
Promise<Bool> { seal in
}.then { (response) -> Promise<Void> in
return Promise()
}.done { _ in
}.catch { (error) in