How to solve Sign in with Facebook after deploy to Heroku? - facebook

I built a website and i worked on my localhost , after i deployed my project to Heroku i cant access login with facebook from mobile phones.
I gen an error:
“Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.“
This is my project:
I dont have any idea how can i solve this


How to get referrer while opening any Image/PDF File through ionic Mobile App

Files uploaded in my Project are uploaded in the S3 Bucket in AWS. We want to restrict the access of the files and therefore we want to setup allowed Referrer in S3 configuration. For Web Application, I know how I can get the Referrer. But, for Hybrid Mobile App developed in ionic framework, how can I get the Referrer.

Aws amplify facebook login app - broken url detected

Simple question really.
How do I make my facebook app live.
Steps taken...
I made a very basic project by running:
amplify init;
Then I created a facebook app in facebook for developers.
Using the app id and app secret from that app I ran:
amplify add auth
amplify push
At which point my amplify project was created in AWS.
I took the user pool domain and added it to the facebook app:
App domains: [Userpool Domain]
Site url: https://[Userpool Domain]/oauth2/idpresponse
At this point I can use aws amplify in my react project to login using facebook, so it must be set up correctly.
But I can't set my facebook app to live, since it complains about a broken url detected.
And using the sharing debugger I see the https:///oauth2/idpresponse url returns a response code 400.
Can anyone please tell me.
How do I fix this??
This is the error thrown by facebook:

how to give phonegap app a valid redirect uri

i am begginner in phonegap and using android studio for editing and running phonegap coding
i have to add facebook login in my phonegapp app ,for this i am using openfb.js plugin
link --
sucessfully integrated all things but when running its showing me valid oauth redirect uri error
what will be "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" if my project file is saved in computer c drive and not on localhost

Visual Studio 2015-Angular-Cordova-facebook login error

My Visual studio 2015 Cordova app, which uses facebook login is working fine in Ripple emulator. However, when I try to run the same app in Android emulator or in device, I get the error: “Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.".
In my facebook settings ( for website I have following entry:
Site URL: http://localhost:4400/
Mobile Site URL: http://localhost:4400/
In Advanced Tab, OAuth settings, both Client OAuth Login and Embedded browser OAuth Login are “yes”.
I tried with “Valid OAuth redirect URIs” keeping empty or http://localhost:4400/login
Hosts file does have an localhost entry.
What should be the right URL in Site URL for an application in Basic and Advanced tab of Wondering if these fields are ignored for a mobile app?
Like on a device, when running in the Android emulator, the Android OS believes "localhost" is the device itself rather than your PC. This is just like running Windows in a VM in this regard. Try fully qualifying your machine name or using an external IP instead.

FB canvas app Chrome and https

Why chrome is not showing my canvas application on facebook ?
It will show it when you surft direct to it om our domain. But it will give the error below when accessing it it through the domain.
We are running on a self signed certificate. Using Firefox on fb canvas app gives you an option if i want to continue surfing an insecure site. Chrome will show an error with no options.
This webpage is not available
might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 501 (net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
Google chrome version 16.0.912.63 m
Had the same problem and solved it by going to my local canvas site, exported the certificate (as p7b) and imported it again into Chrome. There was an older local certificate installed, maybe that was the problem.