Rebase master to upstream - github

I have a fork of microsoft/vscode-arduino on github. Some time ago I submitted a PR that was accepted. Time passed and now I want to do some more work.
At the time my use of git and github weren't very sophisticated and I rather foolishly did all the work on master.
On my local repo I pulled from upstream master, merged and committed to my fork, and was surprised to find that github thinks my fork is still 7 commits ahead and 113 behind.
Then I tried to rebase on the upstream as described on this page My pull request has been merged, what to do next? but the command
git pull --rebase origin master
and after a bit of mucking about I'm no commits behind and 12 commits ahead.
I really don't care about preserving anything. Everything important has long since been merged into the upstream repo. I just want to make this main exactly the same as current main in the upstream, so I can branch for my new efforts fixing an ongoing problem where every time there's a release of VS Code that uses a different version of node it breaks the serial port native integration until the Arduino extension is updated to the same release of Node and released.
Can anyone advise on how to do that? (discard the 12 commits ahead, not the N-API thing)

This may not be the most elegant but it worked.
Use GitLens in VS Code to find the oldest commit that isn't mine and do a hard reset to that.
In the terminal pane, git push --force. Refreshing the github page it now says I'm two commits behind origin (the repo I forked). I'm rid of the unwanted commits. Now to work forward.
In VS Code terminal pane git pull --rebase upstream master
In VS Code click on the status bar to sync.
Refresh the github web page. Hooray, This branch is even with microsoft:master.


Why can't I revert a GitHub commit?

I am a newbie in the GitHub world. I've been working on a project for my coding bootcamp. I had everything working just right to the specifications of the project and I was all done. Then I foolishly seem to have committed an old early version of the project, thus covering over the final version. I have tried to revert the last commit from the GitHub website, but the interface does not seem to follow the instructions. I tried the "git revert {commit#}'" command from my terminal, but that did not work either. I need suggestions. I'd like to get it done from the command line if possible.
git revert commits a reverse change, so from the history point of view you will have two unnecessary commits that cancel each other. The {commit#} in your case should be the ID of the commit that you want to undo (= the last one). This should work as long as there are no other commits on top of it, otherwise you might get conflicts which require more work.
If you don't have any other commits apart from the one you want to undo, there is also a better way - simply move the branch back to point to the last commit you want to keep (= one before last).
Something like this (I assume you are working on master, that you didn't do revert yet and that there are no other people involved):
git checkout -b tmp_branch master~1
git branch -f master tmp_branch
git checkout master
git branch -D tmp_branch
git push -f origin master
And voilĂ . If your master is protected in GitHub, you will have to unprotect it. You can repeat this to go further back (or just use ~2, ~3 etc.)

GitHub: Commit a point in history as the head of master

There is a certain commit I did to my Git repository which I host in GitHub. After that commit I've made several other commits, which were bad and redundant, in a second look. I thus need to revert to the certain commit / certain point in history before these bad changes.
I didn't find a button like "revert to this version" or "commit this version as the head of this branch (master)".
As you can see, I just want to make that older version the head of the master branch. How will you do that from GitHub?
I emphasize: I ask on GitHub, not on git or any GUI other than GitHub.
If I understand you correctly you want a past commit as the last commit on the branch.
If so, using examples with origin and master:
Use git reset <comit_id> and then git push origin +master to push & delete all commits past the one you reset to. Notice the + sign before the branch name (master).
Note that this is irreversible (as far as I know) so take the necessary precautions.

Github - merging fork into master (locally)

So i have the following problem:
Back when i started programming, i FORKED a repository (using github for windows) for a browser-game. For some time now, i made stuff, did git commit and issued a pull request using the webpage.
The original author did authorize my pull request and my changes went live.
Recently, i have become an "official" author on the original repository.
So i dont want to work on my "fork" any longer but instead dev on the original.
Using github for windows, i decided to "clone" the original repo.
My github now shows my forked (AncientSion/FieryVoid) repository and the original (Aatu/FieryVoid).
Now what i would like to do is somehow "merge" my forked repo into my local clone of the original repo and from there commit to the master repo directly, that way deploying my local, not yet commited changes from my fork to the live version while at the same time getting rid of fork repository.
However, i have no idea if that works and if it does, how.
Can someone please advise ?
I don't think that the Github for Windows interface supports this, but this can definitely be done via the git bash console. This is untested, but the steps ought to be correct, since I've done something similar (identical, in fact) before. This assumes that your clone, AncientSion/FieryVoid, is up-to-date with Aatu/FieryVoid, which can be done with a pull followed by a merge, or, to avoid merge commits, with a git pull --rebase. So now you have AncientSion/FieryVoid and Aatu/FieryVoid, both present locally, with AncientSion/FieryVoid ahead of Aatu/FieryVoid by a few commits. What you need to do is pull in those commits into Aatu/FieryVoid by running the following:
cd path/to/local/clone/of/Aatu/FieryVoid
git remote add local_pull path/to/local/clone/of/AncientSion/FieryVoid
git pull local_pull master
git push origin master
Couple of assumptions:
You were working on the master branch of AncientSion/FieryVoid. If not, replace master in line 3 with your branch name.
origin is a remote that tracks the online repo Aatu/FieryVoid

can't push upstream using EGit

I use EGit in eclipse to pull and push.
my config is:
[remote "origin"]
fetch = refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
push = refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
local branch is master
Remote Tracking branch is origin/master
when I do push, it comes out "origin/master:master[up to date]". Actually the remote branch is not up to date. I wander if I configure the wrong way.
Sometimes I change different configure, I will get either "create a new branch"(which is wrong, as I just push some commits) or "reject-no fast forward"(which is strange, as I am the only user of the remote repository and I have already fetch before push)
Check with Egit if you aren't in a detached HEAD mode:
If HEAD is "detached", i.e. is not pointing to the tip of a local branch but to a commit or tag, then none or several "checked-out" markers may appear in the tree, since any number of remote branch or tags may point to the currently checked out commit.
The state you are in while your HEAD is detached is not recorded by any branch (which is natural --- you are not on any branch).
(See "Why did git detach my head?" for probable cause, and "Git: How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?" for reconciliation).
That is a common cause for an "up to date" message when pushing to a remote repo.
After I push to upstream successfully, like version 0.3.9, I continue to change my codes locally and submit a version 0.5.0. This submit should based on version 0.3.9. I don't know why. That's why I have to do merge every time, and sometimes merge make my codes messy.

How to you rebase a GitHub fork?

There is a project on GitHub that I have forked. My workflow involves cloning my fork to my local machine.
Occassionally I commit my changes to my local branch. And eventually I push those changes to my fork on GitHub. I do this so I can work on my project at work, push my changes, then go home, pull the latest from my fork and continue working.
At this point, on my branch, I have several commits. I want to link my changes to some people for code reviews, but when I view an individual commit, it's diff is only compared to the previous commit from me. I don't want my peers to have to sift through all my commits trying to understand what changed from the beginning.
Is it possible to specify exactly which commit you are diffing against? In my case, I want to diff my latest commit against the latest commit in the origin branch.
If not, is there a way to rebase a fork on GitHub so that it combines my selected commits into one commit?
In most git based code reviews, it's normal practice to go through and review every commit and comment separately for each one. This is normally to help enforce good coding practices in terms of commit size and scope and testability.
In the command line, almost all commands support a revision interval as an argument
git diff <some commit>..<some other commit>
git log <some commit>..<some other commit>
and that will give you the results for changes solely within that range
also there is a difference between
git diff <some commit>..<some other commit>
git diff <some commit>...<some other commit>
as the third dot means inclusive, also showing results for which defaults to HEAD
In the github web client I don't think you can do this, I just checked their native client and it's a no go as well.
I did just look at Atlassian/bitbucket's SourceTree and that allows you to shift-select a range of commits as you're expecting