Load Parquet Files from AWS Glue To Redshift - amazon-redshift

Have an AWS Glue crawler which is creating a data catalog with all the tables from an S3 directory that contains parquet files.
I need to copy the contents of these files/ tables to the Redshift table.
I have a few tables where the Parquet file data size cannot be supported by Redshift. VARCHAR(6635) is not sufficient.
In the ideal scenario, would like to truncate these tables.
How do I use the COPY command to load this data into Redshift?
If I use spectrum, I can only user INSERT INTO from the external table to Redshift table, which I understand is slower than a bulk copy?

You can use string instead of varchar(6635) (Can be edited in the catalog as well ) , if not can you elaborate more on this, Of the files are in parquet then , Most of the Data conversion parameters
that copy provides cannot be used like Escape, null as etc ..


Incrementally loading into a Synapse table using Spark

I am creating a data warehouse using Azure Data Factory to extract data from a MySQL table and saving it in parquet format in an ADLS Gen 2 filesystem. From there, I use Synapse notebooks to process and load data into destination tables.
The initial load is fairly easy using spark.write.saveAsTable('orders') however, I am running into some issues doing incremental load following the intial load. In particular, I have not been able to find a way to reliably insert/update information into an existing Synapse table.
Since Spark does not allow DML operations on a table, I have resorted to reading the current table into a Spark DataFrame and inserting/updating records in that DataFrame. However, when I try to save that DataFrame using spark.write.saveAsTable('orders', mode='overwrite', format='parquet'), I run into a Cannot overwrite table 'orders' that is also being read from error.
A solution indicated by this suggests creating a temporary table and then inserting using that but that still resorts in the above error.
Another solution in this post suggests to write the data into a temporary table, drop the target table, and then rename the table but upon doing this, Spark gives me a FileNotFound errors regarding metadata.
I know Delta Tables can fix this issue pretty reliably but our company is not yet ready to move over to DataBricks.
All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

load orc format to aurora postgres DB

We have a ORC file format which are stored in s3 and we want to load the files into AWS Aurora postgres DB .
What we got from internet was :
postgres support csv, txt and other formats not ORC ..
Can any one please help us to find a solution?
This date PostgreSQL on Aurora supports ingestion of data from S3 through the COPY command only from TXT and CSV files.
Since your files are in ORC format, you could convert these tiles in either CSV or TXT and then ingest the data. You could do this very easily with Athena, by simply creating a table for your original data and running a SELECT * FROM table query. As explained in the Working with Query Results, Output Files, and Query History
page, this will automatically generate a CSV file containing the results.
This would not be optimal as you’d pay not only the transform price but also the he storage twice (as original ORC and converted CSV), but it would allow you to convert the data pretty easily.
A better way to do it would instead be to use a service like AWS Glue, that supports S3 as source and that has an Aurora connector. Using this method would give you an actual ETL and even if now you just need the E(xtract) and L(oad), would still leave the door open for any kind of transform you might need in the future.
In this AWS Blog titled How to extract, transform, and load data for analytic processing using AWS Glue (Part 2) they show the opposite flow (Aurora->S3 via Glue), but it should still give you an idea of the process.

PostgreSQL - mounting csv / other file - type volumes/tablespaces

In few other DB engines I can easily extract (part of) table to single file.
Then if needed I can 'mount' this file as regular table. Querying is obviously slow but this is very useful
I wonder if similar stuff is possible with psql ?
I know COPY FROM/TO function - but for bigger tables I need to wait ages in order to copy records from CSV
Yes, you can use file_fdw to access (read) a CSV file on the database server as if it were a table.

How can we handle Data validations in snowpipe in Snowflake

My Scenario is I have data in AWS S3 flat files.
I am using SNS to trigger the Snow-pipe when new file arrives in S3.
To load the data from flat files in S3 to Snowflake table I am using Snow-pipe.
So While loading data from flat files to snowflake table by Snow-pipe,
Can I handle data-validation and couple of calculations on source data?
Please help me if we have any way to do this...
Thanks in Advance.
Validation_mode copy option is not yet supported by snowpipe. However, snowpipe does support simple transformations like column reordering, cast etc are supported. The best way to perform calculations and transform your data would be to load the data into a staging table and process downstream into target tables.

Redshift insert bottleneck

I am trying to migrate a huge table from postgres into Redshift.
The size of the table is about 5,697,213,832
tool: pentaho Kettle Table input(from postgres) -> Table output(Redshift)
Connecting with Redshift JDBC4
By observation I found the inserting into Redshift is the bottleneck. only about 500 rows/second.
Is there any ways to accelerate the insertion into Redshift in single machine mode ? like using JDBC parameter?
Have you consider using S3 as mid-layer?
Dump your data to csv files and apply gzip compression. Upload files to the S3 and then use copy command to load the data.
The main reason for bottleneck of redshift performance, which i considered is that Redshift treats each and every hit to the cluster as one single query. It executes each query on its cluster and then proceeds to the next stage. Now when i am sending across multiple rows (in this case 10), each row of data is treated a separate query. Redshift executes each query one by one and loading of the data is completed once all the queries are executed. It means if you are having 100 million rows, there would be 100 million queries running on your Redshift cluster. Well the performance goes to dump !!!
Using S3 File Output step in PDI will load your data to S3 Bucket and then apply the COPY command on the redshift cluster to read the same data from S3 to Redshift. This will solve your problem of performance.
You may also read the below blog links :
Loading data to AWS S3 using PDI
Reading Data from S3 to Redshift
Hope this helps :)
Better to export data to S3, then use COPY command to import data into Redshift. In this way, the import process is fast while you don't need to vacuum it.
Export your data to S3 bucket and use the COPY command in Redshift . COPY command is the fastest way to insert data in Redshift .