Set Field Value Workflow - workflow

Customer has a custom field (Payment Type) with drop down list of 4 different payment (Cash, Check, Forward Transfer and ACH/Bank File) options on Vendor Payment page. Customer does not want the Check # field to auto fill if Cash, Forward Transfer or ACH/Bank File chosen. Created workflow with Set Field Value action but not working.
Any tips?

Use client script - Field Change Action - This is SuiteScript 2.0
Set Field Value Check# to blank
function fieldChanged(scriptContext) {
log.debug('inside fieldChanged');
var name = scriptContext.fieldId;
var vendorRecord = scriptContext.currentRecord;
if (name == "custbody_payemnt_type") {
var payType = vendorRecord .getValue({
fieldId: 'custbody_payment_type'
if(payType == "1") { //cash
fieldId: 'custbody_check_num',
value: '',
ignoreFieldChange: false,
forceSyncSourcing: true

Just create another Set Field Value workflow action and set "To Be Printed" to true. Netsuite will clear the Check# field for you.


Dynamic form Issue in Angular

Scenario :
A form is generated dynamically, I used this tutorial to create the form dynamically. When I click "Submit" button, the form value I get in the component is
ts :
doSubmitICR(form) {
form.value has the following values
ItemName:"Test Item",
TAX1 and TAX2 are dynamic, those form controls were created from a tax table, If the table has TAX3 and TAX4, then instead of TAX1 and TAX2 in the above form, TAX3 and TAX4 form control is generated.
Issue :
If the TAXs are dynamic, how can I pass these values to Web service say WebAPI2 as a model?
Is it possible to filter only the TAX element from the form.value?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
The solution from alexKhymenko should work well. Alternatively, if the values you want to submit to the API will always have the format of TAX{d}, where d is some combination of digits, you could use the following to get just those values on a request object:
let request = {};
Object.keys(form.value).forEach(key => {
request[key] = form.value[key]

Angular 2 - Removing a Validator error

I wrote a function to update Validator rules on an input if a certain option was selected, using this method (the forms are built using FormGroup):
onValueChanged(data : any) {
let appVIP1 = this.vip1TabForm.get('option1');
let appVIP2 = this.vip2TabForm.get('option2');
let appVIP3 = this.vip3TabForm.get('option3');
//Set required validation if data is 'option3'
if(data != 'option3') {
//Due to initialization errors in UI, need to start with the case
//That there are validations, check to remove them
else {
And I bind that function call to a click event on radio buttons (I initially used the guide from this answer, but the onChange function didn't bind correctly).
This works great, and if the user selects option 1 or 2, the validations are empty, and won't be triggered. If they select option 3, the validations are shown and submission is stopped. However, I run into the problem where the user submits, sees the error, and goes back to change to option 1 or 2. While the validator is cleared, my form still reads as invalid. I have multiple input fields I am validating, so I can't just set the form to valid if the validator is removed this way. How would I go about doing this? Can I remove the has-error for one particular field in the formgroup?
If the correct validators are in place, you can manually call AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity after they select an option:
(Where, of course, this.formBuilder is your FormBuilder instance.)
You can also call it on FormElements directly.
This is commonly used to trigger validation after a form element's value has been programmatically changed.
Instead of removing and adding validations. It is more simple to enable and disable fields. You need to add the Validators.required for all required fields. And disable the fields which are not required.
onValueChanged(data : any) {
let appVIP1 = this.vip1TabForm.get('option1');
let appVIP2 = this.vip2TabForm.get('option2');
let appVIP3 = this.vip3TabForm.get('option3');
if(data != 'option3') {
else {

How to use zend Filter to filter particular string from a text box, in zend

I am using zend Form for creating the form.
Now i need to filter a particular value coming from the text boxes.
How can i use zend_filter or any other method for this purpose
For example;
I have text box called 'name' ,with default value 'First Name'.
After form submit, i need to get the value for 'name' field, so that it don't contain 'First Name' string
As you are saying in the question, that you want to filter the text "First Name".
Why are you put that text default? If you want to show that in the textbox then you can use the Placeholder. Here is the full implementation of it.
It will surly solve your problem.
Here is the example.
Here is the mootool code, mootool is the library of JS:
var firstNameBox = $('first_name'),
message = firstNameBox.get('placeholder');
focus: function() {
if(firstNameBox.value == message) { searchBox.value = ''; }
blur: function() {
if(firstNameBox.value == '') { searchBox.value = message; }

Crm 2011 - How to set a default form depending on attribute value (without using Javascript)?

I have a little requirement that is making me crazy:
We have 8 different forms for the Contact Entity.
We also have a pick list with 8 options.
The idea is that based on the option selected we could open that Contact record showing by default a particular form WITHOUT USING JAVASCRIPT in order to avoid performance problems (each record has to be loaded twice). Example:
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
Pick List Values - Default Form:
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
If Form 3(pick list value) is selected then, the next time I open that record, Form 3 should be displayed by default.
If Form 1(pick list value) is selected then, the next time I open that record, Form 1 should be displayed by default.
I've trayed registering a plugin at the systemform entity, in RetrieveFilteredForms message, updating the userentityuisettings table and I've been able to set a "DEFAULT" that is displayed every time the records is opened regardless the last opened form.
I've trayed registering a plugin at the contact entity, in Retrieve message, updating the userentityuisettings table but I found that Crm only consults the table Once if there is no attribute updated, the following times Crm take the the default form to open value from the cache.
This is an old question but since it's coming up in my searches for this problem I wanted to add my solution.
We use Dynamics CRM 2013. To my knowledge, later versions of 2011 also support this technique.
The form that is displayed when an entity is opened is determined by a few things - the default form, the security roles and fallback settings for a form and the last form used by the current user for that entity. We had a similar problem to the asker where we wanted a different account form displayed based on the value of a form. We were also tired of the constant reload/refresh that javascript techniques are subject to.
I found some blog posts (in particular this one: which mentioned that it is possible to write a plugin to the Retrieve of the entity that allows you to read out the value (LastViewedFormXml) from UserEntityUISettings that stores which form was last used. If it's not the form you want, you can write in the desired value. This avoids the javascript form refreshing.
I had to modify some code from the samples I found to get it to work, but I'm happy with the results. You need to generate an entity class using CrmSvcUtil and include it in the project. You can get your form guids from the url of the form editor.
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
namespace CRM.Plugin.AccountFormSwitcher
public class Plugin : IPlugin
public enum accountType
Customer = 100000000,
Vendor = 100000001,
Partner = 100000002,
Other = 100000003
public const string CustomerAccountFormId = "00000000-E53C-4DF4-BC99-93856EDD168C";
public const string VendorAccountFormId = "00000000-E49E-4197-AB5E-F353EF0E806E";
public const string PartnerAccountFormId = "00000000-B8C6-4E2B-B84E-729AA11ABE61";
public const string GenericAccountFormId = "00000000-8F42-454E-8E2A-F8196B0419AF";
public const string AccountTypeAttributeName = "cf_accounttype";
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
if (serviceProvider == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceProvider");
// Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
var pluginContext = (IPluginExecutionContext)context;
if (pluginContext.Stage == 20) //pre-operation stage
var columns = (ColumnSet)pluginContext.InputParameters["ColumnSet"];
if (!columns.Columns.Contains(AccountTypeAttributeName))
else if (pluginContext.Stage == 40) //post-operation stage
EntityReference currentEntity = (EntityReference)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (currentEntity == null)
var query = new QueryExpression(Account.EntityLogicalName);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("accountid", ConditionOperator.Equal, currentEntity.Id);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(AccountTypeAttributeName);
var accounts = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
Account currentAccount = (Account)accounts[0];
SetForm(currentAccount, service, context.UserId);
private void SetForm(Account account, IOrganizationService service, Guid userId)
var query = new QueryExpression(UserEntityUISettings.EntityLogicalName);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("ownerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, userId);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("objecttypecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, Account.EntityTypeCode);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("lastviewedformxml");
var settings = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
// Some users such as SYSTEM have no UserEntityUISettings, so skip.
if (settings == null || settings.Count != 1 || account.cf_AccountType == null) return;
var setting = settings[0].ToEntity<UserEntityUISettings>();
string formToUse;
switch ((accountType)account.cf_AccountType.Value)
case accountType.Customer:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", CustomerAccountFormId);
case accountType.Vendor:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", VendorAccountFormId);
case accountType.Partner:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", PartnerAccountFormId);
case accountType.Other:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", GenericAccountFormId);
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", GenericAccountFormId);
// Only update if the last viewed form is not the one required for the given opportunity type
if (!formToUse.Equals(setting.LastViewedFormXml, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
var s = new UserEntityUISettings { Id = setting.Id, LastViewedFormXml = formToUse };
And to address the asker's issue with it only consulting the UserEntityUISettings once, I'm not sure why that's happening. But why not use javascript to change the form when the triggering attribute is changed? That what I do and I haven't ran into any problems with the plugin not displaying the desired for.
EDIT: the OP specified after that he needs a solution without javascript, I leave this reply for future references.
You can use javascript, inside the OnLoad event you check the picklist value and navigate to the desired form. Check this code as example
var value = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_optionset").getValue();
switch(value) {
case 100000000:
case 100000001:
case 100000002:
/// ... other cases here
// default form to open when there is no value
This is an oldy but a goody... I use CRM Rules to generate Hide Tab and Show Tab actions that essentially show each user role a different form.
Create one, massive form with all of the fields you want to display (if you already have many forms, this would include all fields across all forms).
Organize the form into TABS, with each tab showing 'one form' worth of data. (You can also have many TABS for each user group). Typically, I create one 'General' tab that has the key option set that will set the rest of the form up, and any fields that are common across roles / user groups / forms, like status, name, etc...
3) Hide all of the tabs except the General tab by unchecking the visible box on those tab form property forms in the Admin UI.
4) Using CRM Rules (, you can then bring in the metadata, with the form, and all of the tabs and sections in there. Then you just have to write one rule for each 'form' you are trying to show... Each rule is of this format:
IF User_Role contains 'Sales' THEN Show Tab: Sales
IF User_Role contains 'Marketing' THEN Show Tab: Marketing
You can also do this, of course, with an option set, or any field on the form as the condition... One of the benefits of this approach is that if users cross role boundaries (or some users were part of security roles that could access multiple forms), this technique shows them both forms at once...
HTH somebody, CRM Rules ( generates the JavaScript to make this happen...

Google Apps Script - Automated Email Based on Cell Value

I'm a total noob when it comes to working with scripts and I'm looking for some help with one that I borrowed and modified to work with my spreadsheet.
I am looking for the value "Need to Order" in column H that will then cause an email to be sent out to a recipient. The only problem I'm having is that every time a value in that column is changed and my "Need to Order" text is present in one of the other cells in the column, an email gets sent out and my inbox gets flooded. Can someone help me tweak it so that it doesn't generate an email if any of the other cells in the column already have the "Need to Order" value present?
Thanks for any help you can afford.
Here's what I'm working with:
function sendEmail(email_address, email_subject, email_message) {
var status = ScriptProperties.getProperty('AlertStatus')+"";
var value = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Vehicle Inventory").getRange( "H2:H100").getValues().toString();
if (value.match("Need to Order" )&&status.match("")) {
ScriptProperties.setProperty('AlertStatus', '')
MailApp.sendEmail('', 'Need to Order', 'Order more equipment. Open the current version of your Google Document "test spreadsheet": ');
else {
if (!value.match("Need to Order" ))
ScriptProperties.setProperty('AlertStatus', '')
How about changing:
var value = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Vehicle Inventory").getRange( "H2:H100").getValues().toString();
var value = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Vehicle Inventory").getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
This way you inspect the current cell where the cursor is on and not the entire column.