How to install glib2.64 on Ubuntu 16.04 - gtk

I have Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS and installed glib version returned by pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0 is 2.48.2.
I want to install latest glib 2.64 for my development uses.
I tried with sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev but it is saying I have already latest version installed 2.48.2-0ubuntu4.6.

I would recommend upgrading to a later LTS version, or using a VM, a Docker container, or a Flatpak container.
If that's not possible, you might try building it and installing it yourself into a different prefix (configure with meson -Dprefix=/opt/glib or whatever). You could look into using a tool such as JHBuild to manage the prefix, but it might be more complicated than you need.


Erro install paramiko on raspberrypi

When I install paramiko on raspberypi , have this problem:
ImportError: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `GLIBC_2.25' not found
Have you try to upgrade your libc6 package?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6
From: How to fix “/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found”?
That means the program was compiled against glibc version 2.14, and it requires that version to run, but your system has an older version installed. You'll need to either recompile the program against the version of glibc that's on your system, or install a newer version of glibc (the "libc6" package in Debian).
Finally,I solve the problem by the root.Upgrade Raspbian Stretch to Raspbian Buster.

E: Package 'oracle-java8-installer' has no installation candidate

I tried to install java8 using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
I'm getting an error as follows :
Package oracle-java8-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'oracle-java8-installer' has no installation candidate
when I searched the error, I found out that "WebUpd8" team has officially discontinued there support.
Please help to install oracle java 8. I'm using ubuntu 16.04.
I just went through the same process and I fixed the problem by manually installing java 8 on my ubuntu 18.04 machine. Hopefully my answer will help you.
Download the latest JAVA 8 SE development kit from here:
Open your terminal.
Type $mkdir /opt/jdk.
Untar Java in your new folder $tar -zxf jdk-8u5-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /opt/jdk.
Set oracle JDK as the default JVM by running those two instructions (or something around that depending on your configuration):
Note: Each bullet point is one single command
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_<YourVersion>/bin/java 100
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_<YourVersion>/bin/javac 100
You can check the result by running java -version !
Before I started, I went through those steps as well in order to remove completely java from my system:
The source I used for the manual installation of JAVA was this article:
Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stable main
Install GPG key of the repository:
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Update the package index:
sudo apt-get update
Install oracle-java8-installer deb package:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
I was facing the same issue and resolved with this:\
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Please read the details when we execute the below command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16,
The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE
is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK licenses. The new
license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development
use, at no cost -- but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDK
licenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully
before downloading and using this product. An FAQ is available here:
Oracle Java downloads now require logging in to an Oracle account to
download Java updates, like the latest Oracle Java 8u211 / Java SE
8u212. Because of this I cannot update the PPA with the latest Java
(and the old links were broken by Oracle).
For this reason, THIS PPA IS DISCONTINUED (unless I find some way around this limitation).
This PPA works (Ubuntu 16.04)
sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

glibc 2.11 error on Marklogic 8.0 installation on CentOS 6.6

When I try to install Marklogic 8.0 (MarkLogic-8.0-2.x86_64.rpm) on CentOS6.6 it fails with following error:
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by MarkLogic-8.0-2.x86_64
I checked installed package of glibc and found that GLIB_2.12 is installed.
I tried erasing GLIBC_2.12, but Cent OS doesn't allow because it has dependencies.
I would appreciate if somebody help me how to install Marklogic 8.0 on CentOS6.6 keeping glibc 2.12 or how to downgrade glib version on CentOs
I haven't tested myself with CentOS 6.6, but am running CentOS 6.5 a lot. Did you try running this before the RPM?
yum -y install glibc.i686 gdb.x86_64 redhat-lsb.x86_64
See also Install Marklogic centos virtualbox vm
To add to this: you're seeing this message when you attempt to install because a dependent library is unavailable; in the case of this particular message, if you run this beforehand:
yum install glibc.i686
You should get past that particular issue.

Cannot update kernel-devel in CentOS 6.5

First of all I want to note that I am booting CentOS from a flash drive (if it matters).
Now I am trying to install Nvidia drivers for my GPU but the problem is that I must update kernel-devel first. I did the following:
yum update
yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc make
yum -y upgrade kernel kernel-devel
After that I checked which kernel I am using:
uname -r
Which gave me this: 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64
Then I did: rpm -q kernel-devel , with the following result: kernel-devel-2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64
I tried to upgrade again, but it said "No Packages marked for Update
When I tried to install the kernel again, it said that I already have installed the latest version:
Package kernel-devel-2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package kernel-headers-2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package gcc-4.4.7-11.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package 1:make-3.81-20.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
I am confused and I don't know how to make the lates kernel active, so I can install my Nvidia drivers.
Usually which kernel to use is selected via grub at boot time. If you have both installed its most likely that grub is still starting the older kernel.
You can look at /etc/grub.conf to make sure "default" is set to what you would expect. Default is 0 keyed off the "Title" entry.
Did you reboot? most of the time the latest kernel is set to default in grub.conf and a reboot is all you need.
Also might be the answer.

How to install Oracle JDK 7 and Netbeans IDE in Linaro 13.01 ubuntu tty1?

I have a Processor A13(cpu: cortex-A8 ARM v7) of allwinner and my OS is Linaro 13.01 Ubuntu tty1.
So how do I install Oracle JDK7 and Netbeans IDE on that?
If you're using Ubuntu, there are several ways to install NetBeans. One way is to use Ubuntu's "Software Centre" which you can use just to search to NetBeans and it should install it including all dependencies.
You can also use your web browser in Ubuntu and head to and click "Download" at the top right, there you can choose your operating system and download the correct version of NetBeans.
Once downloaded you can run the NetBeans installer through terminal using: sh ./<NetBeans file name here>. And the installer will start.
To install Open JDK:
However, you may need to download and install the JDK first; which you can also do in terminal by typing: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk.
To install Oracle JDK:
This is taken from this link:
Remove open JDK from your system: sudo apt-get purge openjdk-\*
Create a new directory for the oracle JDK: sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/java
Download the Oracle Java JDK for linux by clicking here
Copy the Oracle Java binaries to the /usr/local/java directory: cd /home/userName/Downloads, sudo -s cp -r jfk-7u13-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/java, cd /usr/local/java.
Extract the file: sudo -s tar xvzf jdk-7u13-linux-x64.tar.gz
Edit the system path file: sudo nano /etc/profile
Scroll to the bottom of the file and add this:
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Save the file and exit (Ctrl+X), then enter "y" for nano.
Let Ubuntu know where the Oracle Java JDK is:
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "${LOCN}/bin/java" 1
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "${LOCN}/bin/javac" 1
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javaws" "javaws" "${LOCN}/bin/javaws" 1
Make sure Ubuntu knows to use this as the default JDK:
sudo update-alternatives --set java ${LOCN}/bin/java
sudo update-alternatives --set javac ${LOCN}/bin/javac
sudo update-alternatives --set javaws ${LOCN}/bin/javaws
Reload system path: /etc/profile, or just restart.
If you have trouble following my instructions then take a look at the link I posted above.
I would recommend using Open JDK instead though, as you can see; it's much easier to install.
I hope this helps.
Install Oracle JDK for ARM processor and Hard Float OS Image is here.
Oracle JDK for ARM Processor
And download Netbeans IDE 7.0.1 for Linux and install it.
Not to spoil your fun, but the A13 is a very weak SOC for this task.
I wouldn't even try anything below dual Cortex A15 with 2GB RAM (The Samsung XE303).
Oracle now releases the standard JDK8 for ARM Linux hardfloat so it is possible to install it on Debian/Ubuntu fairly easily:
Get JDK8 from Oracle's webpage (currently early access)
Extract th tar.gz-d JDK8 ARM/LInux/hfloat into /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0
Use update-alternatives (first answer)
Run "java -version" to check the results
I learned from Digital Ocean Docs how to manually install Oracle JDK on a headless ubuntu.
With a bit of Googling, I found following script to be useful.
wget --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"