Power Query From Web dynamical DAX - import

I am courious about how to make M coding more dynamically when finding data. Currently i am trying to gather day-to-day stock data. I am Currently using this line of M-code to get the data
= Web.Page(Web.Contents("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MATAS.CO/history?period1=1372377600&period2=" & "1600214400" & "&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d"))
The part "1600214400" is supposed to change each day. However, I tried different ways to make this dynamic. For instance, I used Advanced mode when using Get From Web. But that also failed. I also tried to use other queries, tables and output from functions. Does anyone have any idea or thoughts about to make this part dynamic?
I have enclosed a picture on how it looks on advanced.
I Googled this problem and some pictures illustrated the possibility of using parameters when using From Web. But I do not have that feature...

You can create a small function (see unixTimestampForStartOfToday in code below), which gives you a Unix timestamp in seconds for the start of "today" (where "today" is the date (per UTC) on which the code is running.
You can then use it as the value of the period2 query string parameter -- meaning period2 should always reflect the current date (per UTC).
unixTimestampForStartOfToday = () as number =>
// Should return the unix timestamp for today's date (as per UTC)
// at 00:00 hours.
todayFloored = DateTime.Date(DateTimeZone.FixedUtcNow()),
unixTimestampInSeconds = Duration.TotalSeconds(todayFloored - #date(1970, 1, 1))
in unixTimestampInSeconds,
Source = Web.Page(
Web.Contents("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MATAS.CO/history", [
Query = [
period1 = "1372377600",
period2 = Number.ToText(unixTimestampForStartOfToday()),
interval = "1d",
filter = "history",
frequency = "1d"


Google Sheets - DATE format not working on imported Date in TEXT format

I text based .csv file with a semicolon separated data set which contains date values that look like this
When I go to Format>number> I see the Google sheets has automatic set.
In this state I cannot use and formulas with this data.
I go to Format>number> and set this to date but formulas still do not see the actual date value and continue to display an error
Can someone share how I can quickly activate the values of this array so formulas will work against them?
I would be super thankful
Where the date are in column A, starting in cell A1, this formula will convert to DATE as a number, after which you apply formatting to Short Date style.
Hopefully(!) the dates stay as text, otherwise Google Sheets would sometimes detect MM/dd/yyyy instead of dd/MM/yyyy, and you won't be able to distinguish between July 9th and September 7th in your example.
Solution #1
If your locale is for instance FR, you can then apply
you can try/adapt
function importCsvFromIdv1() {
var id = 'the id of the csv file';
var csv = DriveApp.getFileById(id).getBlob().getDataAsString();
var csvData = Utilities.parseCsv(csv);
date = row[0]
row[0] = date.substring(6,10)+'-'+date.substring(3,5)+'-'+date.substring(0,2)
var f = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
f.getRange(1, 1, csvData.length, csvData[0].length).setValues(csvData);
First thanks to those that suggested a fix. I am not really a programmer and get cold sweats when I see suggesting of running scripts to solve simple problems. Sorry guys.
So the (non programmer) solution with the dates was to do a find/replace (CTRL + H) and replace all the (.)dots with (/)slashes, then to make sure the column is formatted as a date, then Google finally understands it as a date.
With the accounting values as well, I had to do the same find/replace to remove all the ' between thousands, then google woke up and understood them as numbers.
I am significantly underwhelmed by this from Google. They are getting too fat and lazy. They need some competition.

Can I use dt_txt instead of dt for date using flutter?

I've been having problems rendering the dates even after formatting the dates.. I'm using openweather api for 3 hours forecast and trying to render the date as dt_txt format. Can I just use dt_txt for date instead of dt converting to simple date?
Without knowing how you retrieve the other data from the list it is hard to point you in the right direction. But I'll give it a try.
According to the docs cnt means that the list has 40 objects in your case.
You're only using the first one [0] over here:
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
json['list'][0]['dt'] * 1000,
isUtc: false)
If you want to use dt_text from each object you need to do something this using an index.
A simple example using a for loop could also be:
List<String> dateList = [];
for(var data in json['list']){

Export Calendar Date to spreadsheetout - Time Stripped off - Google Script

I am using Google Script to export some calendar events to a spreadsheet; the relevant portion of my script is below:
var details=[[mycal,events[i].getTitle(), events[i].getDescription(), events[i].getLocation(), events[i].getStartTime(), myformula_placeholder, ('')]];
var range=sheet.getRange(row,1,1,7);
This code works but the "time" that is put into the spreadsheet is a real number of the form nnnnn.nn. On the spreadsheet itself the date looks great using the integer to the left of the decimal (eg 10/15/2017) but the decimals are part of the value and therefore are part of the spreadsheet value.
My script drops the data into a sheet in my workbook, and another sheet reads the rows of data with the above date types, looking for specific date info from the other sheet using the match function (for today()). That would work fine if I could get rid of the decimals.
How can I use what I have above (if I stray far from what I have found works I will be redoing hours of work) but adding just what is needed to only put into the output spreadsheet the whole number portion so I have a pure date that will be found nicely by my match function using today()?
I have been digging, but errors abound in trying to put it all together. "Parse" looked like a good hope, but it failed as the validation did not like parse used within getStartTime. Maybe I used it in the wrong manner.
Help would be appreciated greatly.
According to the CalendarApp documentation, getStartTime() generates a Date object. You should be able to extract the date and time separately from the date object:
var eventStart = events[i].getStartTime(); // Returns date object
var startDate = eventStart.toDateString(); // Returns date portion as a string
var startTime = eventStart.toTimeString(); // Returns time portion as a string
You could then write one or both of these to your spreadsheet. See the w3schools Javascript Date Reference for more information:
If you If you want to specify the string format, you can try formatDate in the Utilities service:
You could just use the Math.floor() function
which will round the real number to an integer. Your line would then read:
var details=[[mycal,events[i].getTitle(), events[i].getDescription(), events[i].getLocation(), Math.floor(events[i].getStartTime()), myformula_placeholder, ('')]];

Convert a string into many variables

I want to split a string variable that comes from a gps, like this:
year = 2013 month = 08
I searched for a long time.
I've tried many things but haven't had any succeeded in getting anything to work.
Any ideas?
Here is a basic example of how to do this in Python.
This is neither the most efficient nor the cleanest way to do it, but this illustrates how do split strings and such in a manner that is relevant to a beginning Python programmer.
gpsstring = '2013-08-13T14:33:29.000Z'
year = gpsstring.split('T')[0].split('-')[0]
month = gpsstring.split('T')[0].split('-')[1]
day = gpsstring.split('T')[0].split('-')[2]
hour = gpsstring.split('T')[1].split(':')[0]
minute = gpsstring.split('T')[1].split(':')[1]
second = gpsstring.split('T')[1].split(':')[2].split('.')[0]
Essentially each variable is being set by splitting the gpsstring. We know where to split the gpsstring because the data you've provided is a standard timestamp interpreted from the NMEA Timestamp.
Edit - the Timezone info is the end of the string (the 000Z in this case) and can also be grabbed as follows:
timezone = gpsstring.split('T')[1].split(':')[2].split('.')[1]
Make sense?

Set date in single line edit on opening

I'm using PowerBuilder 10.5 and I have two single line edit (SLE) fields - sle_date1 and sle_date2 on my window.
What I need is for those two fields to be filled once I open my program. sle_date2 has to have the value of today (for example - 09.07.13), and sle_date1 has to have the value of (sle_date2-30 days) (example 09.06.13).
So, as I said, once I open my programs both fields would be filled immediately with values of today's date and the date of a month before.
How could I do that? Any advice just to get me going?
You can add some code to populate the edits in the open() event of your window
with a given date that can be today(), you can compute a new date plus / minus a number of days with RelativeDate()
The following code just answers your question (though it could be better to use some editmask controls instead of singlelineedit as it would ease the handle of user's input):
date ld_now, ld_previousmonth
string ls_datefmt
ls_datefmt = "dd.mm.yy"
ld_now = today()
sle_1.text = string(ld_now, ls_datefmt)
ld_previousmonth= RelativeDate(ld_now, -30)
sle_2.text = string(ld_previousmonth, ls_datefmt)
It shows 09.07.13 and 09.06.13 at this time.
first of all you need to open your window. You can to this with put this code in your application open event (let suppose that your window is w_main):
After that in put this code in your window's open event:
sle_date1.text = string(today())
sle_date2.text = string(RelativeDate(Today(), -30))
I think this solves your problem. Here is a little help for RelativeDate:
Best Regards