List out GitHub Organization Members UserName and Email to CSV/Excel - github

Is there a way to export the list of GitHub Organization Members UserName and Email in csv or excel. I need to get the list to clean up users who no longer using the repositories.

Go to<your-organization>/people, click the Export drop down, and choose CSV.
This feature was added in October 2021.
Further documentation.

GitHub doesn't provide an export functionality for organization members, but this can be easily scripted using a language like Ruby and the API. The REST API provides a paginated endpoint to list members, which you can call incrementally to get all the members, and then emit to a CSV format from your script.


How can we prepare chart for Azure DevOps orgnization

I have one Azure DevOps organisation and under that organisation lot of work is happening like adding project, adding users, giving different-different access level to users.
I want to prepare a report and chart which will show how many project got added in given time frame, how many users got access, what kind of access has been given to each users etc.
Can anybody suggest how can i achieve this?
You could use REST api to generate your own report.
Projects - List: Get all projects in the organization that the authenticated user has access to.
User Entitlements - List: Get a paged set of user entitlements.

Mapping user email to ADO user/descriptor

With a git commit, I have access to the author and committer's email and I wish to map that to a user in Azure DevOps. I've done some due diligence in searching this up but I cannot find anything concrete. I've basically reached the same state as the following post: Getting user/users details based on user name/alias as parameter in azure devops
I can see on the Graph API page ( that this is not yet officially supported. The problem is as follows: is there a way to get back a user descriptor from simply an email?
Searching by UPN or Display Name
Often, identities are represented simply as display names such as
Jamal Hartnett or UPNs such as These are not
unique at any scope. Search is an resource that will take a text
string and run a search across an account or project to find all
potential matches. The more distinct the input, the better chance the
resource will return a single result. The search resource will accept
display names, aliases, UPNs, and email style strings such as Jamal
If the commit author email matches the pushed by email, I can use the IdentityRef object from that. But for other cases where this does not apply, I'm at a loss on how to map to a descriptor.
The problem is as follows: is there a way to get back a user descriptor from simply an email?
As far as I know, the official Rest API doesn't support obtaining descriptors by email.
But based on my test, it seems that this requirement is available.
You could get this Rest API in Browser Console tab when you filter the user in Organization Settings -> Users.
Rest API sample: name/_apis/UserEntitlements?
Then you could get the user descriptor in the API result.
In addition , the official Rest API supports to list all user Graph. You could get the user descriptor in the result too.
Hope this helps.

Can't #mention or Assign Work Items to Other Users in Azure DevOps

In the Azure DevOps project I'm currently working on, I am unable to use the # mention feature and am not able to assign work items to other users because no users are ever found. I am aware that you should be able to search for other users if they don't initially show-up in the drop-down list, but searching always returns "No identities found".
Other members of my team that have elevated permissions than I do can use these features because they are able to search for any other user in the same Azure DevOps project. My project administrator gave-up trying to figure-out why these features won't work for me.
Is there a setting in the Azure DevOps Project Settings Permissions that enables or disables the ability to view other user names?
Here is an example of me trying to look-up my own name to assign a bug to myself without success:
And here is an example of me trying to #mention a user in a bug discussion section without success:
* Update *
When my project administrator gives me project administrator rights, I am able to #mention others. Obviously, that isn't the desired user level for a non admin like myself.

Exporting Users From Azure DevOps

Is it possible to customize columns in Azure DevOps --> Organization Settings --> Users page. Currently we have Name, Extensions, Access Level, Last Access. I need to add another column to show whether the user have code read-only access or contributor access.
This page can't be customized as fas as i know. What you want can't be displayed on that site if you have more then one project anyway. If you want to see this organizationwide a better way would be to organize the users in "Organization settings -> Permissions" in groups for readers and contributors

Azure DevOps and Teams - one Group group to control membership to both

I have been trawling the internet and clicking myself blue in the face! Hopefully someone has a definitive answer.
I want to have one Group (in either of Azure AD, Microsoft Teams or Azure DevOps). This group must have access to a DevOps project and a Team site. When I change the membership of the group, the membership must change for both the Team and the DevOps project. I want to avoid the overhead of managing the groups for both separately.
Is this at all possible? Thanks.
This is a really good question, and the answer is not obvious at all. Ironically we had the same exact problem in Microsoft Teams - when a user was added or deleted from the underlying Office 365 Group (which is mastered in Azure AD), it would take up to an hour, sometimes more, to be reflected in Teams, which has its own copy of the member list.
There is a way to do it, and it's how Teams does it: it relies on a relatively new feature in Microsoft Graph called subscriptions. You can find the documentation for it here:
Essentially what you want to do is create a subscription to the group: POST with the right message body and your endpoint will be called whenever there's a membership change in the group. Your endpoint won't know what changed, just the event and some IDs - you will likely have to make a separate call to retrieve the actual data (unless the IDs alone are sufficient).
There's a sample on GitHub that illustrates how to use Microsoft Graph subscriptions including more details on how to subscribe to group notifications specifically.
One thing to be aware of is that to use these APIs, your application will require fairly elevated permissions: Group.Read.All which means it has the ability to read not only the team/group members, but all of its messages too (among other things), for every group in your Office 365 tenant. We are working with the MS Graph team to support a less-privileged, per-group permission approach, but even after that's released for Teams Graph APIs, support for that will have to be added to the subscriptions APIs I just mentioned and that may not happen for a while.