Chrome fps meter no longer shows frame rate - google-chrome-devtools

I'm trying to view my animation's frame rate in chrome using dev tools. The old FPS meter would actually show "Frame Rate", but it looks like the FPS meter has changed since then and no longer shows Frame Rate (I'm using Chrome 85).
How do I get the old FPS meter that showed average frame rate?

There is an chromium issue about it [link], and it seems they have decided to remove the old fps meter and rename it to "Frame Rendering Stats" .

I find this on twitter . old fps meter is deleted i think

Open Performance tab and record, that also shows the rendering time.

This has been re-instated, in Chrome builds 90.x and above. See the bottom of this post


Where's the FPS in chrome's FPS meter?

We have the following UI:
I don't see an FPS figure anywhere.
(Using Chrome 85.)
It's been removed in favor for the new design. See

Getting Retina Screen Resolution on Macs with HiDPI in Unity

I am making a custom Unity Editor GUI window and I just want it to stay and the exact center of the screen. Surprisingly, this is harder than I thought it would be on Macs.
This is my code:
.... = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height).center;
The problem is, on a 5K iMac, which has a native resolution of 5120*2880, by default the macOS uses HiDPI to scale everything to 2560*1440. In Unity, Screen.currentResolution returns 5120*2880 without considering HiDPI scaling, but I need that sweet scaled resolution.
I've tried other functions as well. Display.main.systemWidth returns 1920 instead of 5120 or 2560.
Is there a way to do this? Or am I just out of luck? I am using Unity 2018.1.9f1.
Also, if there is a way to get the size of the whole Unity Editor Window(not the game window), I would be fine with it. Thanks in advance!
In Editor, Screen.currentResolution show the resolution of game window. You can enable Maximize On Play to use the maximized window resolution.
And if you deploy to MacOS app, it should be the 5K resolution correctly.
This in an old thread, but in case someone is still wondering, I found out that the highest resolution returned by Screen.resolutions on a retina device is the « magic » resolution. It’s the one that you see in the device settings as « Looks like X x Y ».
This is not mentioned in the doc as far as I could see, so I am not certain in can be relied upon in the long run, but it’s the case currently with Unity 2018.3.
Not quite the same as centre of the screen, but I was having a similar issue and solved it using:

SceneKit scene higher than expected FPS on macOS

My macOS app has two SceneKit sceneViews, and when they're empty, they both appear to be running at an FPS of 120.
I've not manually set preferredFramesPerSecond anywhere in my code. The default for preferredFramesPerSecond is 60 FPS, so I'm a bit confused as to why the FPS is double than that - anyone have any thoughts?
The online documentation seems to be out-of-date.
Here's what you can find in the header documentation for SCNView.h:
The default value is 0 which means the display link will fire at the native cadence of the display hardware.

How to improve camera quality in ARKit

I am building an ARKit app where we want to be able to take a photo of the scene. I am finding the image quality of the ARCamera view is not good enough to take photos with on an iPad Pro.
Standard camera image:
ARCamera image:
I have seen an Apple forum post that mentions this could be iPad Pro 10.5 specific and is related to fixed lens position (
Is there are public way to change the setting?
Alternatively, I have tried to use AVCaptureSession to take a normal photo and apply it to sceneView.scene.background.contents to switch out a blurred image for higher res image at the point the photo is taken but can't get AVCapturePhotoOutput to work with ARKit
Update: Congrats to whoever filed feature requests! In iOS 11.3 (aka "ARKit 1.5"), you can control at least some of the capture settings. And you now get 1080p with autofocus enabled by default.
Check ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportedVideoFormats for a list of ARConfiguration.VideoFormat objects, each of which defines a resolution and frame rate. The first in the list is the default (and best) option supported on your current device, so if you just want the best resolution/framerate available you don't have to do anything. (And if you want to step down for performance reasons by setting videoFormat, it's probably better to do that based on array order rather than hardcoding sizes.)
Autofocus is on by default in iOS 11.3, so your example picture (with a subject relatively close to the camera) should come out much better. If for some reason you need to turn it off, there's a switch for that.
There's still no API for changing the camera settings for the underlying capture session used by ARKit.
According to engineers back at WWDC, ARKit uses a limited subset of camera capture capabilities to ensure a high frame rate with minimal impact on CPU and GPU usage. There's some processing overhead to producing higher quality live video, but there's also some processing overhead to the computer vision and motion sensor integration systems that make ARKit work — increase the overhead too much, and you start adding latency. And for a technology that's supposed to show users a "live" augmented view of their world, you don't want the "augmented" part to lag camera motion by multiple frames. (Plus, on top of all that, you probably want some CPU/GPU time left over for your app to render spiffy 3D content on top of the camera view.)
The situation is the same between iPhone and iPad devices, but you notice it more on the iPad just because the screen is so much larger — 720p video doesn't look so bad on a 4-5" screen, but it looks awful stretched to fill a 10-13" screen. (Luckily you get 1080p by default in iOS 11.3, which should look better.)
The AVCapture system does provide for taking higher resolution / higher quality still photos during video capture, but ARKit doesn't expose its internal capture session in any way, so you can't use AVCapturePhotoOutput with it. (Capturing high resolution stills during a session probably remains a good feature request.)
config.videoFormat = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportedVideoFormats[1]
I had to look for a while on how to set the config, so maybe it will help somebody.
This lets you pick the one with the highest resolution, you can change it so that it picks by most fps, etc...
if let videoFormat = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportedVideoFormats.sorted { ($0.imageResolution.width * $0.imageResolution.height) < ($1.imageResolution.width * $1.imageResolution.height) }.last{
configuration.videoFormat = videoFormat

Possibilities to reduce power consumption with cocos2d apps

I made a board game with includes just some little animations. I reduced the fps from 60 to 30 to reduce the processor load. But the device still gets very warm.
Another application made without cocos2d is not heating it so much.
Are there any methods to calm the iPhone down?
The device state is as follows:
Wifi is always enabled
The app uses gamecenter
GPS is inactive
fps is always on 30
I use cocos2d-iphone as engine
It might be worth experimenting with different director types, e.g. kCCDirectorTypeNSTimer, and seeing if that helps at all. Those will have the biggest effect on the main loop of the game.
You should also spend some time with Instruments if you've not already, as that will show you where the CPU is spending its time and give you some hints on where you could ease things up.
I've noticed that a sequence of small time animations in cocos2d takes a lot of processor time. I've tried making tips at the level which will pulse in size. 0.1 second pulse up, 0.15 down and 0.2 stay. And i've put it all in a repeat forever sequence. Everything was terribly slow. Then i've just made the animation manually and the device calmed down and fps increased back to 60
When showing menus or dialogs that do not require animation, you can actually lower your framerate even further.