VS code background clipping? - visual-studio-code

High width window messes up with the theme, the IDE looses the background color. Only when not on full screen.
So this seems like an issue that only happens only when not in full screen and on high width.
My environment is a Macbook Pro 2020. Running MacOS Catalina.
My theme is: Tokyo Midnight Storm
Let me know if you need more info.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
edit: Resolution: 1440p
see here:

After looking more into it on the vscode repo I found that the solution is to close VS code, go to your terminal and open vscode through there with the following flag:
code --disable-gpu
This is not a solution of course, it's a way to go around the problem. You could make an alias too I suppose.
Either way I hope this helps.


Problem with ZSH arrows' colors in Visual Studio Code

I've tried installing oh-my-zsh on my Windows 10 machine recently and everything is looking alright inside Windows Terminal,
ut when I try using it inside VSCode's integrated terminal, the colors are way off and the arrows' colors are different from the rest.
Imgur link to what my terminal looks like since Stack Overflow won't let me post any photo: https://imgur.com/a/3myV6wf
I've tried multiple Powerline fonts, modifying VSCode color theme and changing the terminal foreground color, but the result is always the same.
Thanks in advance for your help
I was perplexed by this as well, turns out it's something that recently broke in VS Code as a result of a new accessibility feature introduced in version 1.66. The solution is to add the following to your VS Code settings.json file:
"terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio": 1,
Enforcing a minimum contrast ratio for terminal colors is a great idea that will help users with impaired vision, but an unintended consequence was that it would interfere with the way powerline-style tools render separator characters. Thankfully Microsoft offered us a way to disable it.

Highlighting problem in Jupyter Notebook - VSCode

Lately when using Jupyter Notebook in VS Code to write some assignments for my studies I ran into a quite annoying problem - whenever there is a mistake in my code cell that prevents it from running, the "traceback" (or however you call it) to the place where the error persists is colored with a high-contrast marker (the color depends on the theme used) and makes the content pretty much invisible unless you manually "select" it with the mouse coursor. Is there any way I could fix it without going too much in-depth into VSCode/Jupyter Notebook extension settings?
The highlighting looks like shown below.
Yellow syntax marker problem.
And another one here.
I tried all the themes preinstalled with VS Code such as Monokai, Solarized Light etc., and also a custom theme of my choice called Dracula.
Thanks in advance.
This issue has recently reappeared. While the issue is being fixed you can change the highlight colour within the vscode settings.
Open settings and search for "Workbench:ColorCustomizations"
Image of settings page
Create or alter the "terminal.ansiYellow": "#eed202" to a more appropriate value like "terminal.ansiYellow": "#9b4550". See the linked image.
Credit for this fix: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/8717#issuecomment-1241776226
I also have this problem. It looks like they fixed it less than 1 month ago as of writing this, so it may go away if you update to a recent pre-release of Jupyter in VS Code. Personally, I am going to live with it until the next stable release.
My version of Jupyter in VS Code:
Screenshot of Jupyter Versions
Screenshot of vscode-jupyter github: Screenshot of vscode-jupyter github

After update to MacOs Mojave Visual Studio Code text is almost unreadable (dimmed)

I have just installed MacOs Mojave... And when I opened Visual Studio Code... Surprise! The text it's kind of dimmed with less contrast, specially on the external display. The result is that the code it's hard to read. It seemed related to the mode, but not! It happens both in Light and dark modes.
Has anyone found a solution to that problem?
Well, I end up finding the solution thanks to Ahmad Awais post. It is a font rendering issue that affects to many ElectronJS based apps.
Open the terminal and execute
defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE
Restart the system

Visual Studio Code HTML Colors are off?

Can anyone help me figure out why code colors seems to be off? Doesnt matter what theme I am using, my element tags are always the same color as the text that might be in it.
I tried a reinstall and that didnt change anything.
Thank you
example of my issue (in the nav)
Not sure what the cause is but I fixed it by following the instructions on this page. Seems to have normalized everything by doing a complete reinstall
Complete uninstall of vscode

vscode on mac is incorrectly highlighting text around text blocks

It is very annoying to see that background around code is lighter then the rest of the program. When the cursor moves the highlighting moves up and down to full window width. Can you please propose solution how to turn this highlighting off. Same problem is in output of task log, and in file explorer.
I have deleted all the settings and Application data and I have same problem. I have installed vscode on windows and I do not have this problem with same settings.
Unfortunately this is an issue in Chromium. You can work around this by starting VS Code with --disable-gpu from the command line.
It appears this can be fixed for some users by selecting a different color profile in macOS display settings. Note that you have to change this separately for all monitors that you use.
For me, "Apple RGB" will show these blocks, and switching to "LED Cinema Display" or "iMac" solves the issue.
See also: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/12473#issuecomment-269024219