Is there someone who is knowledgable on the Keycloak Session Cookies. I know the use for KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY and KEYCLOAK_SESSION , but in some cases I find the Session Cooies:
I don't know why Keycloak is setting them. Maybe someone can help me?


What are some reasons I could be getting a "Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.)" error when trying to send a delete request?

This is really confusing me because I know I'm setting the csrftoken correctly in the header. When I try and send the delete request on Postman I get the same error. I've been searching for a solution for hours and can't seem to find anything good! Do you know what could possibly be happening?
This is some relevant frontend code
var csrftoken = this.getCookie('csrftoken');
axios.defaults.headers.delete['X-CSRFToken'] = csrftoken
axios.defaults.headers.delete['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
.then(res => this.refreshList());
Let me know if you need anymore info. Any help will be appreciated.
I found the problem. My Delete URL pattern had a slash at the end, and as you can see here, there is no slash after the ID in the axios request. A classic blunder for a coder. I hate small bugs like this, don't you? Still can't help but smile now that it's gone though. I suppose you only learn to check for small things like this with experience. Such is the journey of a young web developer.

How to handle the deprecation of Yahoo API?

When I tried to call below Yahoo API it got responded with 503.I think it got depricated and is there any update API for this or else how can I resolve this issue. * from xml where url="
Does anyone know the successor of
Hope someone could help me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance

How can I create certification_name and degree_school?

I would like to fullfill the certification form.
I have this url from linkedin : and I would like to create my own "certification_name" but I don't know how to do that. It's the same problem with degree_school.
Can you help me please ?

Magento oAuth issue with varnish

I think i have an issue with my config of varnish in relation to my oAuth setup. I've got all of the consumer tokens etc set up in accordance with the docs, but if i try to hit the end points associated with the oAuth/API end points they all return 404s.
I've tested everything else I can, and have narrowed it down to this. Does anyone have any experience with this issue?

Find SSO Server / Service solution like CAS but PHP/ASP.NET

I want to find a solution like CAS ( but source code is PHP or ASP.NET.
I have some websites, ex
I want all user data (username, fullname, email, password_hash,...) are strored on 1 server (ex: / User just neeed login 1 place for access websites
I can not build a system like jasig CAS just want to find a solution like CAS made by PHP/ASP.NET.
Give me some idea.
Thanks !
For some reasons, we will build own SSO Service !
Thanks !