Is there a way to undo just a single line in vscode? - visual-studio-code

Say I have a file with 100 lines of code in a file. 1-90 is a python class code. 91-100 is some code that uses the class.
line 1 - class Test:
line 90 - end of class Test
line 91 - t = Test()
line 92 - input = [1,2,3,4,5]
line 93 - output =
line 94 - print(output)
Now I do changes in the following order
change line 92 ( this breaks the code )
fix something in the class from line 1 - line 90. The new input works
To verify the prev input, I need to undo just the line 92. But an undo will undo all the fixes in the file as well.
So I was wondering if there is a way to do it? Or is it asking for too much? As it would have to keep track of all the lines. But if the undo history has a line number already saved in it, I guess this would not be that hard to do.


Trying to open a python file using power shell but it brings up a list 'index out of range' error... but the items are not out of range?

PS C:\OIDv4_ToolKit> python
Currently in subdirectory: train
Converting annotations for class: Vehicle registration plate
0%| | 0/400 [00:00<?, ?it/s]0317.44 497.91974400000004 413.44 526.08
0%| | 0/400 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OIDv4_ToolKit\", line 66, in <module>
coords = np.asarray([float(labels[1]), float(labels[2]), float(labels[3]), float(labels[4])])
IndexError: list index out of range
python file: this is the error it refers to as line 66 (Line 7 here)
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
for class_type in classes:
line = line.replace(class_type, str(classes.get(class_type)))
labels = line.split()
coords = np.asarray([float(labels[1]), float(labels[2]), float(labels[3]), float(labels[4])])
coords = convert(filename_str, coords)
This doesn't look like a PowerShell issue; the python interpreter looks like it is being run correctly. I suggest adding the python tag to your question to get the right people involved.
Having located the source, it seems as if some of the text files in the following directory aren't in the format expected by
C:\OIDv4_ToolKit\OID\Dataset\train\Vehicle registration plate\Label\
You can verify this with:
print("labels length =", len(labels))
after the line.split() method. If you get a length of 1, it is likely the items on a line somewhere aren't separated with whitespace, for example with commas. You can also inspect the files manually to determine the format. To find them, you can use:
print(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))
inside the the for loop, which is on Line 54 in the source I linked above. Note also that the string split() method supports a custom separator as the first argument, should the files be in a different format.
This issue occurs when you don't put the class name in classes.txt
The class name should be same in classes.txt as downloaded class.

Why is no output files written in prinseqlite perl loop?

I am completely new to this type of coding/command lines, so I am sorry if I am asking this question in a wrong way.
I want to loop over all files in a directory (I am quality trimming DNA sequencing files (.fastq format))
I have written this loop:
for i in *.fastq; do
perl /apps/prinseqlite/0.20.4/ -fastq $i -min_len 220 -max_len 240 -min_qual_mean 30 -ns_max_n 5 -trim_tail_right 15 -trim_tail_left 15 -out_good /proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/$i_filtered.fastq -out_bad null; done
The code itself seems to work, I can see in my terminal that it is taking the right files and it is doing the trimming (it is writing a summary log in the terminal as it goes), but no output files are generated - i.e these ones:
-out_good /proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/$i_filtered.fastq
If I run the code in a non-loop way, just on one file it works (= the output is generated). link this example: -fastq 60782_merged_rRNA.fastq -min_len 220 -max_len 240 -min_qual_mean 30 -ns_max_n 5 -trim_tail_right 15 -trim_tail_left 15 -out_good 60782_merged_rRNA_filt_codeTEST.fastq -out_bad null
Is there a simple reason/answer to this?
This problem has nothing to do with Perl at all.
/proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/$i_filtered.fastq is read by the shell as interpolating the contents of i_filtered. There is no such shell variable, so this argument turns into /proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/.fastq ($i_filtered turns into nothing).
Therefore all of your executions place their output in the same file, which (because its name starts with a .) is "hidden": You need to use ls -a to see it, not just ls.
... -out_good /proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/${i}_filtered.fastq
Note that this would give you e.g. 60782_merged_rRNA.fastq_filtered.fastq for an input file of 60782_merged_rRNA.fastq. If you want to get rid of the duplicate .fastq part, you need something like:
... -out_good /proj/forhot/qfiltered/looptest/"${i%.fastq}"_filtered.fastq

Hackerrank stdin only gives me the first line from multiple lines

I am trying to solve this challenge on HackerRank:
the way I tried to read the stdin is this:
let input = readline()!
However, the input consists of three lines, e.g.
How do I get all three lines, ideally in some separated way so that I can cast them to their respective types?
If you need the 3 lines, call it 3 times :)
The documentation is explicit
Returns Characters read from standard input through the end of the
current line or until EOF is reached, or nil if EOF has already been
But it seems they forgot to indicate that reading a line will change the current line
Generally what I would do is use input() to assign the stdin values to a variable and then pass the variables for functions.
a = input() #gives the first line
b = input() #gives the second line
c = input() #gives the third line
if you would like to read all the lines then use a for loop:
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:

Diff command - avoiding monolithic grouping of consecutive differing lines

Playing around with the standard linux diff command, I could not find a way to avoid the following type of grouping in its output (the output listings here assume the unified format)
This question aims at the case that each line differs by little from its counterpart in the other file, and it's more useful to see each line next to its counterpart.
I would like instead of having groups like this show up in the comparison output:
- line 1
- line 2
- line 3
+ line 1 modified
+ line 2 modified
+ line 3 modified
To get this:
- line 1
+ line 1 modified
- line 2
+ line 2 modified
- line 3
+ line 3 modified
Of course, this is a convenience question as this can be accomplished by writing your own code to post-process the diff output, or diverging from the lcs algorithm with your own algorithm. I don't think variants like wdiff etc. would help much, as the plain diff -U0 output format fits my needs very well except for this grouping property, whereas wdiff introduces other aspects that are not optimal for my case.
I'm looking for a command-line way, or a library that can be used in code, not a UI tool.
I was trying to solve this myself. The closest I go was this:
diff -y -W 10000 file1 file2 | grep '|' | sed 's/\s*|\s*/\n/g'
The one issue is that this assumes there are no "white space" difference at the beginning of the lines (or that you don't care about it).

output format of cvs diff

I modified line 494 of a certain file, and use cvs diff -u4 to see what I have modified, cvs outputs something like :
## -490,9 +490,9 ##
printf(" %s:\n",
_i18n_msg_get(ls_catd,NL_SETN,1612, "CURRENT LOAD USED FOR SCHEDULING")); /* catgets 1612 */
- prtLoad(hPtr, lsInfo);
+ prtLoad(hPtr, lsInfo,bhostParams);
if (lsbSharedResConfigured_) {
/* there are share resources */
retVal = makeShareFields(hPtr->host, lsInfo, &nameTable,
I didn't understand what the first line "## -490,9 +490,9 ##" mean, I did modify line 494, but why CVS writes 490 instead? Could anyone tell me what does "## -490,9 +490,9 ##" mean?
The "u" gives you a unified diff and the "4" give you 4 lines of context on either side. From the WP entry I just linked:
The format of the range information line is as follows:
## -l,s +l,s ##
The hunk range information contains two hunk ranges. The range for the
hunk of the original file is preceded by a minus symbol, and the range
for the new file is preceded by a plus symbol. Each hunk range is of
the format l,s where l is the starting line number and s is the number
of lines the change hunk applies to for each respective file.
So basically the number isn't the line that was changed. It's the start of the range being displayed in that hunk. Using your example, the hunk starts at line 490 and 9 lines were in the range. The reason the range covers 9 lines is because of the one line you changed and the four lines of context on either side.
Note that your example seems to have some newlines stripped. I would recommend you fix it so it is clear for other people.