With Gitpod, Heroku Postgres returning Error: FATAL: role ... does not exist - postgresql

I have a Heroku app and it has a Heroku postgres addon attached. Im trying to connect to the remote heroku database from the Gitpod (online IDE) command line.
heroku pg:psql -a my-heroku-app
But its giving the following error:
--> Connecting to postgresql-rigid-XXXXX
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: role "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" does not exist
And I get the same error when I try to connect with the connection URL
psql postgres://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:ppppppppppppppppp#ec2-0000000000.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/ddddddddddddd
I have properly installed postgres and heroku-cli in Gitpod and they work fine.
Appreciate your help.

Ok I found the answer thanks to this and this.
heroku pg:psql does'nt seem to work in Gitpod. So I followed this to import a db dump file into heroku postgres. From Gitpot command line I did
pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dump
and got the db dump file from my local (Gitpod) database. Uploaded it to my google drive and got the publicly downloadable link. Then did
heroku pg:backups:restore https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?xxxxxxxx DATABASE_URL -a my-heroku-app
Now I have all the data in my heroku postgres database.


Heroku pg:pull not possible due to failed authentication

after hours of searching through Google I couldn't find a working solution to my problem.
I am using Heroku with Postgres the very first time and want to download a database backup and store it locally. I followed the instructions from here https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql#local-setup but I fail when importing the backup into my local db.
I did heroku pg:backups:download --app appname and received the file on my desktop. Now when doing pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump I have to enter a password but I don't know which password I have to enter here. I already tried to set the username + password as variable but I am always ending up with a failed authentification. I also tried heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL localdb --app appname but the story is the same as above.
Can anyone please clarify how I can do this?

Ruby On Rails How to Copy local Postgres db to Heroku

I tried this on RubyMine Terminal:
heroku pg:push ror_development postgres://budobqbtsbzmlx:hUNYKkaMap-cExovtPJat4ajPm#ec2-54-217-208-1 58.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5432/dbhsnsvf36h8tu
But its return me error:
Unknown database: postgres://budobqbtsbzmlx:hUNYKkaMap-cExovtPJat4ajPm#ec2-54-217-208-158.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.
com:5432/dbhsnsvf36h8tu. Valid options are: DATABASE_URL, HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ONYX_URL
and also this error:
'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Can somebody show detail sample of doing this action on windows ?
The error message states that you should use the environment variables rather than explicit names. The documentation states you should do something like:
heroku pg:push mylocaldb HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ONYX
That said, I've never used this technique but did manage to successfully push my local db to heroku postgresql using this procedure.
Here's the short version:
install pgbackups:
heroku addons:add pgbackups
backup your local db:
pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U <user> <dbname> > local_pg.dump
upload this file to a web server (I use S3 or dropbox). Let's assume http://www.dropbox.com/me/local_pg.dump
now restore into your heroky db:
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE 'http://www.dropbox.com/me/local_pg.dump'

postgres heroku, no response

I'm just getting started with postgres, sorry for the very novice question.
I have the my heroku psql databade initiated and postgres client installed, but nothing really seems to responding and printing any response other than $ help. Is there anything I need to do after installing the postgres client?
I'm following this post: heroku_postgres database create table
And the command i'm trying is: psql -h XXXXXXX -U XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX
EDIT: heroku pg:psql
sh: psql: command not found
Did you try running heroku pg:psql ?

heroku pgbackups:restore: an error occurred and your restore did not finish

I am attempting to restore a local snapshot of a database into a heroku dev instance.
heroku pgbackups:restore --app app_name HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AMBER_URL https://www.dropbox.com/etc
But I consistently receive the following error
HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AMBER_URL <---restore--- db.dump
Retrieving... done
! An error occurred and your restore did not finish.
The database snapshot was captured using the pg_dump string in the heroku docs:
PGPASSWORD=pwd pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres db > db.dump
and the dump file is in a dropbox share (so available with direct URL access)
Both Heroku and the local database are PG 9.2.
Heroku logs contain all of the output from pgbackups, which will help track down the issue.

Importing a postgresql dump to Heroku

I have a java app and postgresql database to go with it that is running on Heroku. I can push my app just fine, but what about the DB contents? I have exported a full dump from the database, but I don't know how I could import that.
By googling, you can find about db:push which is a limited rubygem, not pushing all the stuff needed. I have sequences, bigint datatypes etc. I also tried importing using heroku pg:psql --app MYAPP < db_all.out which just connects and stops, and going to heroku pg:psql --app MYAPP and issuing \i db_all.out complaints about permissions.
How should I do it?
You can run the pg_restore command from your local machine using the credentials given by heroku pg:credentials HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<COLOR>.
To help others who still stumble upon this issue, what works for me is hgmnz's answer, but with a few modifications.
To be more precise:
Create a dump from the source PostgreSQL database
$ PGPASSWORD=YOUR_PG_PASSWORD pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U YOUR_PG_USER YOUR_DB_NAME > YOUR_DB_NAME.dump
Get the Heroku Postgres credentials for your heroku app
$ heroku pg:credentials:url -a YOUR_APP_NAME
Attempt to import PostgreSQL dump to Heroku using the credentials above
$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h HOSTNAME -U USER -d DATABASE -p PORT PATH/TO/YOUR_DB_NAME.dump --password
Enter the password received from the Heroku Postgres credentials
It should then import the dump successfully
This is very simple and had worked for me:
heroku pg:psql -a {YOUR_APP} -f {YOUR_DUMP_PATH}
I find this a better way then using the standard input syntax (like in the OP example), since it uses an option given by the Heroku command itself.
You may want to check if your dump file it's OK before submitting (in my case it wasn't).