Entity Framework Core search string for model - asp.net-core-3.1

I use ASP.NET Core 3 with Entity Framework Core. I have problems to implement a search string for one of my models.
My controller method is the following:
public async Task<IActionResult> IndexPartial(string? searchValue)
IQueryable<Student> query = _context.Students;
query = (searchString == null)? query : query.Where(s => s.FullName.Contains(searchValue));
return PartialView(await query.ToListAsync());
My model class does not store FullName in the database, only FirstName and LastName.
public class Student
public int Id {get; set;}
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public string FullName => FirstName+" "+LastName;
Do I have to filter the table client-side, or is there a workaround using LINQ?

I found a workarround.
Just change the controller method like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> IndexPartial(string? searchValue)
IQueryable<Student> query = _context.Students;
var list = await query.ToListAsync();
list = (searchString == null)? list : list.FindAll(s => s.FullName.Contains(searchValue));
return PartialView(await list);
I think when you modify the IQueryable, you can only use Model Properties that are saved in the Database Table created by Entity Framework, because manipulating the query is done with SQL.


Retrieve child entities from CrudAppService in abp.io using .Net 5 EF

I'm using the latest version of ABP from abp.io and have two entities with a many-many relationship. These are:
public class GroupDto : AuditedEntityDto<Guid>
public GroupDto()
this.Students = new HashSet<Students.StudentDto>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Students.StudentDto> Students { get; set; }
public class StudentDto : AuditedEntityDto<Guid>
public StudentDto()
this.Groups = new HashSet<Groups.GroupDto>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Groups.GroupDto> Groups { get; set; }
I set up the following test to check that I am retrieving the related entities, and unfortunately the Students property is always empty.
public async Task Should_Get_List_Of_Groups()
var result = await _groupAppService.GetListAsync(
new PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto()
result.Items.ShouldContain(g => g.Name == "13Ck" && g.Students.Any(s => s.Name == "Michael Studentman"));
The same is true of the equivalent test for a List of Students, the Groups property is always empty.
I found one single related answer for abp.io (which is not the same as ABP, it's a newer/different framework) https://stackoverflow.com/a/62913782/7801941 but unfortunately when I add an equivalent to my StudentAppService I get the error -
CS1061 'IRepository<Student, Guid>' does not contain a definition for
'Include' and no accessible extension method 'Include' accepting a
first argument of type 'IRepository<Student, Guid>' could be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The code for this is below, and the error is being thrown on the line that begins .Include
public class StudentAppService :
Student, //The Student entity
StudentDto, //Used to show students
Guid, //Primary key of the student entity
PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, //Used for paging/sorting
CreateUpdateStudentDto>, //Used to create/update a student
IStudentAppService //implement the IStudentAppService
private readonly IRepository<Students.Student, Guid> _studentRepository;
public StudentAppService(IRepository<Student, Guid> repository)
: base(repository)
_studentRepository = repository;
protected override IQueryable<Student> CreateFilteredQuery(PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto input)
return _studentRepository
.Include(s => s.Groups);
This implements this interface
public interface IStudentAppService :
ICrudAppService< // Defines CRUD methods
StudentDto, // Used to show students
Guid, // Primary key of the student entity
PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, // Used for paging/sorting
CreateUpdateStudentDto> // Used to create/update a student
Can anyone shed any light on how I should be accessing the related entities using the AppServices?
Edit: Thank you to those who have responded. To clarify, I am looking for a solution/explanation for how to access entities that have a many-many relationship using the AppService, not the repository.
To aid with this, I have uploaded a zip file of my whole source code, along with many of the changes I've tried in order to get this to work, here.
You can lazy load, eagerly load or configure default behaviour for the entity for sub-collections.
Default configuration:
Configure<AbpEntityOptions>(options =>
options.Entity<Student>(studentOptions =>
studentOptions.DefaultWithDetailsFunc = query => query.Include(o => o.Groups);
Eager Load:
//Get a IQueryable<T> by including sub collections
var queryable = await _studentRepository.WithDetailsAsync(x => x.Groups);
//Apply additional LINQ extension methods
var query = queryable.Where(x => x.Id == id);
//Execute the query and get the result
var student = await AsyncExecuter.FirstOrDefaultAsync(query);
Or Lazy Load:
var student = await _studentRepository.GetAsync(id, includeDetails: false);
//student.Groups is empty on this stage
await _studentRepository.EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync(student, x => x.Groups);
//student.Groups is filled now
You can check docs for more information.
You may have forgotten to add default repositories like:
services.AddAbpDbContext<MyDbContext>(options =>
Though I would like to suggest you to use custom repositories like
So that you can scale your repository much better.

EF Core - unincluding binrary fields

I have an EF Core model that has a binary field
class SomeModel {
string Id;
string otherProperty;
byte[] blob;
Usually, when I query the DB, I want to return a list of this Model - and then, on subsequent calls, query just a single entity, but return the blob.
I can't see a way in either data or code first to prevent EF Core paying the cost of retrieving the blob field always.
I really want to be able to say something like:
var list = await Context.SomeModels.ToListAsync();
// later
var item = await Context.SomeModels
I think I might have to put the blobs into a 2nd table so I can force a optional join.
The only way you could get a separate loading is to move the data to a separate entity with one-to-one relationship.
It doesn't need to be a separate table though. Although the most natural choice looks to be owned entity, since owned entities are always loaded with the owners, it has to be a regular entity, but configured with table splitting - in simple words, share the same table with the principal entity.
Applying it to your sample:
public class SomeModel
public string Id { get; set; }
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
public SomeModelBlob Blob { get; set; }
public class SomeModelBlob
public string Id { get; set; }
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
modelBuilder.Entity<SomeModelBlob>(builder =>
builder.HasOne<SomeModel>().WithOne(e => e.Blob)
.HasForeignKey<SomeModelBlob>(e => e.Id);
builder.Property(e => e.Data).HasColumnName("Blob");
var test = context.Set<SomeModel>().ToList();
SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[OtherProperty]
FROM [SomeModel] AS [s]
var test = context.Set<SomeModel>().Include(e => e.Blob).ToList();
SELECT [e].[Id], [e].[OtherProperty], [e].[Id], [e].[Blob]
FROM [SomeModel] AS [e]
(the second e.Id in the select looks strange, but I guess we can live with that)

How to use Entity Framework to map results of a stored procedure to entity with differently named parameters

I am trying to create a basic example using Entity Framework to do the mapping of the output of a SQL Server Stored procedure to an entity in C#, but the entity has differently (friendly) names parameters as opposed to the more cryptic names. I am also trying to do this with the Fluent (i.e. non edmx) syntax.
What works ....
The stored procedure returns values called: UT_ID, UT_LONG_NM, UT_STR_AD, UT_CITY_AD, UT_ST_AD, UT_ZIP_CD_AD, UT_CT
If I create an object like this ...
public class DBUnitEntity
public Int16 UT_ID { get; set; }
public string UT_LONG_NM { get; set; }
public string UT_STR_AD { get; set; }
public string UT_CITY_AD { get; set; }
public string UT_ST_AD { get; set; }
public Int32 UT_ZIP_CD_AD { get; set; }
public string UT_CT { get; set; }
and an EntityTypeConfiguration like this ...
public class DbUnitMapping: EntityTypeConfiguration<DBUnitEntity>
public DbUnitMapping()
HasKey(t => t.UT_ID);
... which I add in the OnModelCreating of the DbContext, then I can get the entities just fine out of the database, which is nice, using this ....
var allUnits = _context.Database.SqlQuery<DBUnitEntity>(StoredProcedureHelper.GetAllUnitsProc);
BUT, What Doesn't Work
If I want an entity like this, with friendlier names ....
public class UnitEntity : IUnit
public Int16 UnitId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public Int32 Zip { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
and an EntityTypeConfiguration like this ...
public UnitMapping()
HasKey(t => t.UnitId);
Property(t => t.UnitId).HasColumnName("UT_ID");
Property(t => t.Name).HasColumnName("UT_LONG_NM");
Property(t => t.Address).HasColumnName("UT_STR_AD");
Property(t => t.City).HasColumnName("UT_CITY_AD");
Property(t => t.State).HasColumnName("UT_ST_AD");
Property(t => t.Zip).HasColumnName("UT_ZIP_CD_AD");
Property(t => t.Category).HasColumnName("UT_CT");
When I try to get the data I get a System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException with the message ....
"The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'DataAccess.EFCodeFirstSample.UnitEntity'. A member of the type, 'UnitId', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name."
If I add the "stored procedure named" property to the entity, it goes and complains about the next "unknown" property.
Does "HasColumnName" not work as I expect/want it to in this code-first stored procedure fluent style of EF?
Tried using DataAnnotations (Key from ComponentModel, and Column from EntityFramework) ... ala
public class UnitEntity : IUnit
public Int16 UnitId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
That did remove the need for any EntityTypeConfiguration at all for the DBUnitEntity with the database-identical naming (i.e. just adding the [Key] Attribute), but did nothing for the entity with the property names that don't match the database (same error as before).
I don't mind using the ComponentModel Annotations in the Model, but I really don't want to use the EntityFramework Annotations in the model if I can help it (don't want to tie the Model to any specific data access framework)
From Entity Framework Code First book (page 155):
The SQLQuery method always attempts the column-to-property matching based on property name...
None that the column-to-property name matching does not take any mapping into account. For example, if you had mapped the DestinationId property to a column called Id in the Destination table, the SqlQuery method would not use this mapping.
So you cannot use mappings when calling stored procedure. One workaround is to modify your stored procedure to return result with aliases for each column that will match your object properties' names.
Select UT_STR_AD as Address From SomeTable etc
This isn't using Entity Framework but it is stemming from dbcontext. I have spent hours upon hours scouring the internet and using dot peek all for nothing. I read some where that the ColumnAttribute is ignored for SqlQueryRaw. But I have crafted up something with reflection, generics, sql datareader, and Activator. I am going to be testing it on a few other procs. If there is any other error checking that should go in, comment.
public static List<T> SqlQuery<T>( DbContext db, string sql, params object[] parameters)
List<T> Rows = new List<T>();
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
foreach (var param in parameters)
using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
if (dr.HasRows)
var dictionary = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToDictionary(
field => CamelCaseToUnderscore(field.Name), field => field.Name);
while (dr.Read())
T tempObj = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
foreach (var key in dictionary.Keys)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = tempObj.GetType().GetProperty(dictionary[key], BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (null != propertyInfo && propertyInfo.CanWrite)
propertyInfo.SetValue(tempObj, Convert.ChangeType(dr[key], propertyInfo.PropertyType), null);
return Rows;
private static string CamelCaseToUnderscore(string str)
return Regex.Replace(str, #"(?<!_)([A-Z])", "_$1").TrimStart('_').ToLower();
Also something to know is that all of our stored procs return lowercase underscore delimited. The CamelCaseToUnderscore is built specifically for it.
Now BigDeal can map to big_deal
You should be able to call it like so
Namespace.SqlQuery<YourObj>(db, "name_of_stored_proc", new SqlParameter("#param",value),,,,,,,);
The example posted by "DeadlyChambers" is great but I would like to extend the example to include the ColumnAttribute that you can use with EF to add to a properties to map a SQL field to a Class property.
public string AdjustedName { get; set; }
Here is the modified code.
This code also include a parameter to allow for custom mappings if needed by passing a dictionary.
You will need a Type Converter other than Convert.ChangeType for things like nullable types.
Ex. If you have a field that is bit in the database and nullable boolean in .NET you will get a type convert issue.
/// <summary>
/// WARNING: EF does not use the ColumnAttribute when mapping from SqlQuery. So this is a "fix" that uses "lots" of REFLECTION
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="database"></param>
/// <param name="sqlCommandString"></param>
/// <param name="modelPropertyName_sqlPropertyName">Model Property Name and SQL Property Name</param>
/// <param name="sqlParameters">SQL Parameters</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<T> SqlQueryMapped<T>(this System.Data.Entity.Database database,
string sqlCommandString,
Dictionary<string,string> modelPropertyName_sqlPropertyName,
params System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] sqlParameters)
List<T> listOfT = new List<T>();
using (var cmd = database.Connection.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sqlCommandString;
if (cmd.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
using (var dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
if (dataReader.HasRows)
// HACK: you can't use extension methods without a type at design time. So this is a way to call an extension method through reflection.
var convertTo = typeof(GenericExtensions).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Where(mi => mi.Name == "ConvertTo").Where(m => m.GetParameters().Count() == 1).FirstOrDefault();
// now build a new list of the SQL properties to map
// NOTE: this method is used because GetOrdinal can throw an exception if column is not found by name
Dictionary<string, int> sqlPropertiesAttributes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
for (int index = 0; index < dataReader.FieldCount; index++)
sqlPropertiesAttributes.Add(dataReader.GetName(index), index);
while (dataReader.Read())
// create a new instance of T
T newT = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
// get a list of the model properties
var modelProperties = newT.GetType().GetProperties();
// now map the SQL property to the EF property
foreach (var propertyInfo in modelProperties)
if (propertyInfo != null && propertyInfo.CanWrite)
// determine if the given model property has a different map then the one based on the column attribute
string sqlPropertyToMap = (propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<ColumnAttribute>()?.Name ?? propertyInfo.Name);
string sqlPropertyName;
if (modelPropertyName_sqlPropertyName!= null && modelPropertyName_sqlPropertyName.TryGetValue(propertyInfo.Name, out sqlPropertyName))
sqlPropertyToMap = sqlPropertyName;
// find the SQL value based on the column name or the property name
int columnIndex;
if (sqlPropertiesAttributes.TryGetValue(sqlPropertyToMap, out columnIndex))
var sqlValue = dataReader.GetValue(columnIndex);
// ignore this property if it is DBNull
if (Convert.IsDBNull(sqlValue))
// HACK: you can't use extension methods without a type at design time. So this is a way to call an extension method through reflection.
var newValue = convertTo.MakeGenericMethod(propertyInfo.PropertyType).Invoke(null, new object[] { sqlValue });
propertyInfo.SetValue(newT, newValue);
return listOfT;

Entity Framework Code First ReadOnly Collections

As a new to Entity Framework, and already having developed almost all classes with the ReadOnly collections, my question is:
Is there a way to use ReadOnly collections with Code First?
Should ReadOnly collections be used with Code First?
Entity Framework supports Read Only Collections throught backing fields
There are conventions to folow: field must started with '_'. See field _posts in code bellow.
public class Blog
public int BlogId { get; set; }
private string _url;
public string Url
get { return _url; }
set { _url = value; }
//backing field
private List<Post> _posts;
public IReadOnlyList<Post> Posts => _posts.AsReadOnly();
public class Post{
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public string Content {get;set;}
No there is not way to use read only collections with EF because even during materialization of entities read from database EF must fill that collection with entities or assign writable collection to your navigation property.

Parse string to poco class enum in linq query MVC 2.0

I have the following enum and POCO class
public enum Gender
public class Person
public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public Gender? Gender { get; set; }
I would like to perform a "get all people" query in my repository such that it would look something like this:
return from p in _db.People
select new Model.Person
PersonId = p.PersonId,
LastName = p.LastName,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
Gender = p.Gender,
Unfortunately I get an error "Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'Model.Gender'"
I would like to convert the string which is being queried from the entity framework to my Gender enum and assign it to my POCO class.
Enums are not supported in Entity Framework. There is a workaround by Alex James, but it's quite involved.
Instead, i prefer to do this:
public enum Gender : byte
Male = 1,
public class Person
public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public byte Gender { get; set; } // this is the EF model property
public Gender GenderType // this is an additional custom property
get { return (Gender) Gender; }
set { Gender = (byte)value; }
It's basically a hook/wrapper for the actual value. In your database, store Gender as a tinyint (which maps to byte on the conceptual side).
Then you can use a byte enum to map to and from the model property:
return from p in _db.People
select new Model.Person
PersonId = p.PersonId,
LastName = p.LastName,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
Gender = p.Gender, // sets byte
But then if you access that ViewModel, because your setting the byte field for Gender, you will also have access to the enum property GenderType.
Does that solve your problem?
The Entity Framework that I am familiar with does not provide support for enums. EF uses your query expression to create an SQL statement that it then sends to the server, if it cannot create the SQL equivalent of some operation it will throw a NotSupportedException for that operation. If you are expecting to return a small set of data you can separate from the Entity Framework by creating an object in memory using the ToArray method.
var myEntities = (from entity in _db.Entities
where /* condition */
select entity)
This will create a sequence of entities in memory. Any further query statements will then be in the realm of LINQ to Objects which allows parsing of strings into enums:
return from myEntity in myEntities
select new MyDataContract
ID = myEntity.ID,
Gender g = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), myEntity.Gender, true)
Or you could even break it out into a foreach loop:
List<MyDataContract> myDataContracts = new List<MyDataContract>();
foreach (var myEntity in myEntities)
var dataContract = new MyDataContract { ID = myEntity.ID };
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Gender), myEntity.Gender))
dataContract.Gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), myEntity.Gender, true);
return myDataContracts.AsEnumerable();
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Gender), genderstring))
Gender g = (Gender) Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), genderstring, true);
//Deal with invalid string.
Gender = p.Gender != null ? (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), p.Gender) : (Gender?)null;
To parse the string as one of the enums
here's a workaround but it means changing your nice and clean POCO