Tooltips sometimes are very useful in VS code a specially when they hint what is the class or where variable is defined.
Is it possible somehow by clicking on hint to go to the line and file to which hint is applying to?
I tried with ctrl+click, shift+click and others... None of them works.
Recently whenever I am coding specifically in Java and have a line of code like sysout, I keep getting the data type or variable before the actual code. Unable to backspace it as it seems to be an overlay without doing anything to the code. I've never had this picky issue before and am unsure if its been implented through vs code or its an extension I have. If anyone knows how I could get rid of the "x: " in line 4 of the image below then that would be great.
Thank you
Line 4 of code
This is a new vscode feature and has nothing to do with Java or any extensions. To get rid of it, put the following in your settings.json:
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false
To open your settings.json, open the command palette and search for “settings” and click on Open user settings (JSON).
Does anybody know what this weird snippet is? It doesn't expand into anything.
These block-looking snippets underneath are VSCode's built-in snippets, but this first one is useless and it forces me to press the down arrow every time I want to use any loop. It doesn't have anything to do with my extensions and options and I can't get rid of it.
It is not a snippet, for is a keyword in the language you're coding. So it's just a suggestion for code completion.
In Python def is a keyword to create functions:
Check this page from document to see the explanation of the other icons.
Also if "pressing down arrow" bothers you, you have an option to set the visibility of the snippets on the top of the suggestion list:
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
When I put the mouse pointer inside a function, the entire function should be marked like the picture. But it is missing now. Please suggest me some fixes regarding this issue.
N.B: Currently I'm running VS Code 1.41.0 with Flatland Monokai theme.
If by "marked" you mean the yellow line connecting the opening and closing bracket, then this is part of the Bracket Pair Colorizer extension. There are two versions in the Marketplace, I am using version 0.0.29 and tested it with your theme.
The lines should be enabled by default, however, you might want to check your settings JSON for:
I am trying to use Visual studio code to edit my Matlab .m file. After installation and setting of Matlab extension, I can write my m file now. The variables color markers are correct. But I found a problem about the "hints" or "prompts" of my code. I don't know the exact term of it. I just describe it in an example.
When I write some problematic code in Matlab editor, there would be a wavy red line under there. When my mouse cursor stay there, a message pops up, like invalid syntax at the end of the line. In the Vscode editor, there is wavy line, too. But it can't show the content of the prompts but only some rhombus symbols. There is a button Peek Problem under it. Sorry for lacking pictures here. I am trying to describe the problem in details.
I may need to change the settings but don't know how. Do I need more extensions? Any suggestions would be appreciate.
Following prompt of #nekomatic,
add "matlab.linterEncoding" : "gb2312" to the setting.json.
Currently eslint/tslint highlighting for issues/errors is super invisible (comparing, for example, to Atom). Its almost impossible to catch the issue - find the small green highlight zone (see screenshot)
Question is not relevant since June 2018 (VSCode now has awesome highlights)
Simple. I use 2 extensions for that:
Error Lens (usernamehw.errorlens) for highlight the entire line and show on real time the error diagnostic
Error Gutters (igorsbitnev.error-gutters) for put error icons next of line number
Both look like this:
For those who would like a partial solution for this you can actually open up the console in vscode on the PROBLEMS tab to display all errors on across your application grouped by file.
I would prefer the inline visualised approach, but this does resolve this problem more or less.
To open the PROBLEMS tab, click CMD+Shift+M on Mac.
Not sure about windows.