Data modelling for dynamodb where entity has one to many and many to many relationships - nosql

I am new to the NoSql world. I am building a serverless app with dynamodb. In a relational DB when I would have 3 entities like post, post_likes and post_tags I would have few tables and use joins to fetch data. But, I wonder how should one make a NoSql structure for a scenario where post has one to many relationship with likes, and many to many with tags.
Post model:
user_id <string>
attachment_url <string>
description <string>
public <boolean>
Like model:
user_id <string>
post_id <string>
type <string>
Tag model:
name <string>
I have few access patterns:
Get all public posts
Get all posts filtered by a single tag and public status
Get all posts by user id
Get a single post by post id
And each time a post should be fetched with tags data, and likes data including user data that is attached to a like.
In relational DB I would create post_tags table and fetch all post by tags. But, how can I do this with dynamodb?
I am struggling to figure out how my table should look like and what to set as primary and sort keys amongst post_id, user_id, tag_name or public fields for this case?
My initial thought was to build a table with entity that would look like this:
Partition key | Sort key | data attributes
tag_name | post_id | public | user_id | likes[] | other post attributes...
Then this table would look something like this:
I have set the 2 Global secondary indexes.
First Global secondary index:
partition key set to public and sort key to post_id
Second Global secondary index:
partition key set to user_id and sort key to post_id
That way for each tag a post has, I would have a duplicate of that post in the table. I thought by having a tag as a first filter, that way I could query efficiently posts if I need to query them by a tag.
But, if I do a query by just a public status or user_id, I would get all the duplicates of posts for each tag they belong to.
Or should I have 3 separate entities in the table, tags, posts and likes and if I fetch a post by a tag, I would first do one query to find all post_ids by a tag, then do the second query to fetch posts and their likes id, and then do the third query to fetch the likes array.
I don't know what is the best practice when it comes to this things, since I only just started using dynamodb.
How should this DB structure look like then?

You're off to a great start by thinking deeply about your access patterns and defining your entities (Posts, Users, Likes, etc). As you know, having a thorough understanding of your access patterns is critical to storing your data in DynamoDB.
While reviewing my answer, keep in mind that this is only one solution. DynamoDB gives you a ton of flexibility when defining your data model, which can be both a blessing and a curse! This answer is not meant to be the way to model these access patterns. Instead, it's one way that these access patterns can be implemented. Let's get into it!
I like to start by listing the entities we need to model, as well as the Primary key for each. Throughout this post, I'll be using composite primary keys, which are keys made up of a Partition Key (PK) and a Sort Key (SK). Let's start out with a blank table and fill it out as we go.
Partition Key Sort Key
Users are central to your application, so I'll start there.
Let's start by defining a User model that lets us identify a User by ID. I'll use the pattern USER#<user_id> for the PK and SK of the User entity.
This supports the following access patterns (examples in pseudocode for simplicity):
Fetch User by ID
ddbClient.query(PK = USER#1, SK = USER#1)
I'll update the table with the new PK/SK pattern for Users
Partition Key Sort Key
User USER#<user_id> USER#<user_id>
I'll start modeling Posts by focusing on the one-to-many relationship between Users and their Posts.
You have an access pattern to fetch All Posts by UserId, so I'll start by adding the Post model to the User partition. I'll do this by defining a PK of USER#<user_id> and an SK of POST#<post_id>.
This supports the following access patterns:
Fetch User and all Posts
ddbClient.query(PK = USER#<user_id>)
Fetch User Posts
ddbClient.query(PK = USER#<user_id>, SK begins_with "POST#")
You may wonder about the odd-looking Post IDs. When fetching Posts, you'll probably want to get the most recent Posts first. You also want to be able to uniquely identify Posts by ID. When you have this sort of requirement, you can use a KSUID as your unique identifier. Explaining KSUID's is a bit out of scope for your question, but know that they are unique and sortable by the time they were created. Since DynamoDB sorts results by the Sort Key, your query for a user's posts will automatically be sorted by creation date!
Updating the PK/SK patterns for your application, we now have
Partition Key Sort Key
User USER#<user_id> USER#<user_id>
Post USER#<user_id> POST#<post_id>
We have a few options on how to model the one-to-many relationship between Posts and Tags. You could include a list attribute on your Post item, which simply lists the number of tags on the item. This approach is perfectly fine. However, looking at your other access patterns, I'm going to take a different approach for now (it will be apparent why later).
I will model tags with a PK of POST#<post_id> and an SK of TAG#<tag_name>
Since Primary Keys are unique, modeling tags in this way will ensure that no Post is tagged with the same Tag twice. Additionally, it allows us to have an unbounded number of Tags on a Post.
Updating our PK/SK table for Tag, we have
Partition Key Sort Key
User USER#<user_id> USER#<user_id>
Post USER#<user_id> POST#<post_id>
Tag POST#<post_id> TAG#<tag_name>
At this point we've modeled Users, Posts and Tags. However, we've only addressed one of your four access patterns. Lets see how we can use secondary indexes to support your access patterns.
Note: You could also model Likes in the exact same way.
Defining A Secondary Index
Secondary indexes allow you to support additional access patterns within your data. Let's define a very simple secondary index and see how it supports your various access patterns.
I'm going to create a secondary index that swaps the PK/SK patterns in your base table. This pattern is called an inverted index, and would look like this:
All we've done here is swapped the PK/SK pattern of your base table, which has given us access to two additional access patterns:
Fetch Post by ID
ddbClient.query(IndexName = InvertedIndex, PK = POST#<post_id>)
Fetch Posts by Tag
ddbClient.query(IndexName = InvertedIndex, PK = TAG#<tag_name>)
Fetch All Posts by Public/Private status
You wanted to fetch posts by public/private status, as well as fetching all Posts. One way to fetch all Posts is to put them in a single partition. We can put the public/private status in the sort key to separate the public and private Posts.
To do this, I'll create two new attributes on the Post item: _type and publicPostId. These fields will serve as the PK/SK patterns for the secondary index I'm calling PostByStatus.
After doing this, your base table would look like this:
and your new secondary index would look like this
This secondary index would enable the following access patterns
Fetch All Posts
ddbClient.query(IndexName = PostByStatus, PK = POST)
Fetch All Private Posts
ddbClient.query(IndexName = PostByStatus, PK = POST, SK begins_with "PRIVATE#")
Fetch All Public Posts
ddbClient.query(IndexName = PostByStatus, PK = POST, SK begins_with "PUBLIC#")
Remember, post ID's are KSUID's, so they will naturally be sorted in your results by the date the Post was made.
A Word on Hot Partitions
Storing all your Posts in a single partition will likely result in a hot partition as your application scales. One way to address this is by distributing your Post items across multiple partitions. How you do that is entirely up to you and specific to your application.
One strategy to avoid the single POST partition could involve grouping Posts by creation day/week/month/etc. For example, instead of using POST as your PK in the PostByStatus secondary index, you could use POSTS#<month>-<year> instead, which would look like this:
Your application would need to take this pattern into account when fetching Posts (e.g. start at the current month and go backwards until enough results are fetched), but you'd be spreading the load across multiple partitions.
Wrapping Up
I hope this exercise gives you some ideas on how to model your data to support specific access patterns. Data modeling in DynamoDB takes time to get right, and will likely require multiple iterations to make work for your specific application. It can be a steep learning curve, but the payoff is a solution that brings scale and speed to your application.


Nest TypeORM Postgres update user's column('number of posts') based on the userId in the Posts Table

I'm wondering if it's possible to auto update the User's column('number of posts') if the Posts table updates. The Post entity has a ManyToOne relation with User('userId'). Is there a way to make the User Table "listen" to the Post Table and automatically updates the number of post column, or i need to write it in the post service create function to do so. I'm new to sql so i'm just trying new stuff. I'm using NestJS,typeORM, Postgres and Graphql
#Kendle's answer does work and has the advantage of pushing the computation and complexity down onto your DB server. Alternatively, you can keep that logic in the application by leveraging TypeORM's Subscribers functionality. Documentation can be found here.
In your specific use case, you could register a subscriber for your Post entity implementing afterInsert and afterRemove (or afterSoftRemove if you soft delete posts) to increment and the decrement the counter respectively.
You don't want to duplicate that data. That's the whole idea of a relational database that different data is kept in different tables.
You can create a view if you want to avoid typing a query with a JOIN each time.
For example you might create the view below:
FROM users
LEFT JOIN posts ON = posts.user_id
Once you have created the view your can query it as if it were a table.
SELECT * FROM userDate WHERE id = '0001';
Of course I don't have your table definitions and data so you will need to adapt this code to your tables.

Complex and multiple connected database relations in MongoDB

I am currently trying to model a MongoDB database structure where the entities are very complex in relation to each other.
In my current collections, MongoDB queries are difficult or impossible to put into a single aggregation. Incidentally, I'm not a database specialist and have been working with MongoDB for only about half a year.
To keep it as simple as possible but necessary, this is my challenge:
I have newspaper articles that contain simple keywords, works (oevres, books, movies), persons and linked combinations of works and persons. In addition, the same people appear under different names in different articles.
Later, on the person view I want to show the following:
the links of the person with name and work and the respective articles
the articles in which the person appears without a work (by name)
the other keywords that are still in the article
In my structure I want to avoid that entities such as people occur multiple times. So these are my current collections:
type (single or combination)
simpleKeywordId (optional)
personNameConnectionIds (optional)
workIds (optional)
type (e.g. abbreviation, synonyme)
To meet the requirements, I would always have to create queries that range over 3 to 4 tables. Is that possible and useful with MongoDB?
Or is there an easier way and structure to achieve that?

REST API URI for entities with two different keys

I must design an API to manage a Document entity: the originality of this entity is it can have two different ids:
id1 (number, i.e. 1234)
id2 (number, i.e. 89)
For each document, one and only one id is available (id1 or id2, not both)
Usually I solve this issue by using query parameters to perform some kind of "search" feature:
GET /documents?id1=1234
GET /documents?id2=89
But it works only if there is no sub-entity...
Let's say I want to get the authors of the documents :
GET /documents/1234/authors
Impossible because I can't know what type of id I get: is it id1 or id2 ?
GET /documents/authors?id1=1234
Not really REST I think because id1 then refers to the "Author" entity, not "Document" anymore...
GET /id1-documents/1234/authors
GET /id2-documents/1234/authors
Then you create two URIs that return the same entity (/author) not really REST compliant.
GET /documents/id1=1234/authors
GET /documents/id2=89/authors
It looks like a composite key created only for the API, it has no "backend" meaning. For me it sounds strange to create a "composite" key on the fly.
GET /document-authors?id1=1234
GET /document-authors?id2=89
In this case you completely lose the notion of tree... You end up with an API that contains only root entities.
Do you see another alternative ?
Which one looks the best ?
Thank you very much.
It seems to me that you're conflating two different resources here - documents and authors. A document has a relationship with an author, but they should be separate resources because the authors have existence from any individual document. With that in mind you need to ask whether your clients are searching for authors or documents. If it's authors, then they should be querying an authors API rather than a documents API.
e.g.For all the authors of documents with id1 89 or id1 1234 or id2 4444 you might query like this...
GET /authors?docId1=89&docId1=1234&docId2=4444
That should return a list of author representations. If people care about the documents themselves, the author representations could contain links to the documents.
Alternatively, if you're looking for documents then you should be querying that directly...
GET /documents?id1=89&id1=1234&id2=4444
What you're modelling as a sub-resource isn't really a subresource. It's a relationship between 2 independent resources and should be modelled as a set of links. Each document returned from the documents api should contain a set of authors links (if people really care about the authors) and vice versa from the authors to the documents.
Here's an opinionated solution from SlashDB, which allows for record filtering and traversing to related resources at the same time.
The example is similar to yours - two entities Artist and Album.
Let's identify the Artist first.
Artist by ID:
Artist by Name:
An Artist may have issued Albums. The two entities are related. We allow extending the URL with the name of the related entity, like so:
You can keep "going", say to get to the Tracks from those albums
And even continue filtering too i.e. only tracks, which are shorter than 300000 milliseconds:

Content tagging with MongoDB

I want to implement content tagging using MongoDB. In a relational database, the best approach would be to have a many-to-many relation between the content (say, "products") and tags tables. But what is best approach with NoSQL databases?
Would it be better to put every tag in a tags array of the "content" document, or put references to tags in a string?
In most cases where you have a n:m relation in MongoDB, you should use embedding instead of referencing. So I would recommend you to have an array "tags" in each product with the tag names. I assume that looking at a single product will be the most frequent use-case in your system. This design will allow you to show the user a product with a list of tag names with a single database query.
When you need some additional meta-data about the tags which you don't want to bind to a product (like a long-text description of a tag), you could create an additional tags collection, where the name field gets an unique index for fast lookup and avoiding duplicates. When the user clicks on or hovers over a tag name, you can use an additional query to get the tag details.
A problematic case in this design is the situation when you want to delete or rename a tag. Then you have to edit every product which includes the tag. But because MongoDB doesn't know foreign keys with CASCADE ON DELETE like SQL databases, you will always have that problem when you have documents referencing one another.
Renaming tags could be made easier by storing objectIDs instead of names in the tag array of the product. But IDs have the disadvantage that they are useless for the user. You need to get the names of the tags to show a product page. That means that you have to request every single one from the tags collection, which requires an additional database query.

Facebook "like" data structure

I've been wondering how facebook manages the database design for all the different things that you can "like". If there is only one thing to like, this is simple, just a foreign key to what you like and a foreign key to who you are.
But there must be hundreds of different tables that you can "like" on facebook. How do they store the likes?
If you want to represent this sort of structure in a relational database, then you need to use a hierarchy normally referred to as table inheritance. In table inheritance, you have a single table that defines a parent type, then child tables whose primary keys are also foreign keys back to the parent.
Using the Facebook example, you might have something like this:
UserId (PK)
ItemId (PK)
ItemType (discriminator column)
OwnerId (FK to User)
ItemId (PK, FK to Item)
ItemId (PK, FK to Item)
RelationTo (FK to User)
OwnerId (FK to User)
ItemId (FK to Item)
Compound PK of OwnerId, ItemId
In the interest completeness, it's worth noting that Facebook doesn't use an RDBMS for this sort of thing. They have opted for a NoSQL solution for this sort of storage. However, this is one way of storing such loosely-coupled information within an RDBMS.
Facebook does not have traditional foreign keys and such, as they don't use relational databases for most of their data storage. Simply, they don't cut it for that.
However they use several NoSQL type data stores. The "Like" is most likely attributed based on a service, probably setup in an SOA style manner throughout their infrastructure. This way the "Like" can basically be attributed to anything they want it to be associated with. All this, with vast scalability and no tightly coupled relational issues to deal with. Something that Facebook, can't really afford to deal with at the volume they operate.
They could also be using an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) style processing mechanism to "attach" a "Like" to anything that may need one at page rendering time, but I get the notion that it is asynchronous processing via JavaScript against an SOA style web service or other delivery mechanism.
Either way, I'd love to hear how they have this setup from an architecture perspective myself. Considering their volume, even the simple "Like" button becomes a significant implementation of technology.
You can have a table with Id, ForeignId and Type. Type can be anything like Photo, Status, Event, etc… ForeignId would be the id of the record in the table Type. This makes possible for both comments and likes. You only need one table for all likes, one for all comments and the one I described.
Id | Foreign Id | Type
1 | 322 | Photo
4 | 346 | Status
Id | User Id | Item Id
1 | 111 | 1
Here, user with Id 111 likes the photo with Id 322.
Note: I assume you are using an RDBMS, but see Adron's answer. Facebook does not use an RDBMS for most of their data.
I'm pretty sure Facebook does not store "like" information as how some other suggested it using RDBMS. With millions of users and possibly thousands of like, we're looking at thousands of rows to join here which would impact performance.
The best approach here is to append all "likes" in a single row. For example, a table with user_like_id column of text datatype. Then all id's who liked the post is appended. In this case, you only query one row and you got everything. This will be a lot faster than joining tables and getting counts.
EDIT: I haven't been here on this site lately and I just discovered this answer has been downvoted. Well, here's an example post with like count and their avatars. This is my design where I just implemented what I'm talking about.
The two components here are 1.) XREF table and 2.) JSON object.
The likes are still stored on a XREF table. But at the same time, data is appended on JSON object and stored on a text column on the post table.
Why did I store the likes info on a text column as JSON? So that there's no need to do db lookup/joins for the likes. If someone unlike the post, the JSON object is just updated.
Now I don't know why this answer is downvoted by some users here. This answer provides quick data retrieval. This is close to NoSQL approach which is how FB access data. In this case, there's no need for extra joins/lookup to get likes info.
And here's the table that holds the likes. It's just a simple XREF mapping between user and item table.