Search inside array of array in JSONB column in Postgresql - postgresql

I have a JSONB column in my PostgreSQL database. The data looks like this:
"id": 1,
"brand": "BMW"
"partId": 5,
"type": "battery"
"id": 2,
"brand": "Mercedes"
"partId": 5,
"type": "battery"
"partId": 6,
"type": "engine"
Is there any way that I can search for all cars that have a part with type "battery"? How can I search inside of cars array and then inside of the parts array of each car element?

As it's not clear in your question that what output you want. So I am assuming that you want id and brand name in output:
so you try this:
select distinct x.y->>'id', x.y->>'brand'
from test
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(data->'cars') x(y)
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(x.y->'parts') a(b)
where a.b->>'type'='battery'


Read JSON in ADF

In Azure Data Factory, I need to be able to process a JSON response. I don't want to hardcode the array position in case they change, so something like this is out of the question:
#activity('Place Details').output.result.components[2].name
How can I get the name 123 where types = number given a JSON array like below:
"result": {
"components": [
"name": "ABC",
"types": [
"name": "123",
"types": [
One example using the OPENJSON method:
"result": {
"components": [
"name": "ABC",
"types": [
"name": "123",
"types": [
;WITH cte AS (
JSON_VALUE( o.[value], '$.name' ) [name],
JSON_VALUE( o.[value], '$.types[0]' ) [types]
FROM OPENJSON( #json, '$.result.components' ) o
SELECT [name]
FROM cte
WHERE types = 'number'
I will have a look at other methods.

PostgresSQL nested jsonb update value of complex key/value pairs

Starting out with JSONB data type and I'm hoping someone can help me out.
I have a table (properties) with two columns (id as primary key and data as jsonb).
The data structure is:
"ProductType": "ABC",
"ProductName": "XYZ",
"attributes": [
"name": "Color",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "Silver"
"name": "Case",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "Shells"
I would like to update the value of a specific attributes element by name for a row with a given id. For example, for the element with "name"="Case" change the value to "Glass". So it ends up like
"ProductType": "ABC",
"ProductName": "XYZ",
"attributes": [
"name": "Color",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "Silver"
"name": "Case",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "Glass"
Is this possible with this structure using SQL?
I have created table structure if any of you would like to give it a shot.
Use the jsonb concatenation operator, ||, to replace keys on the fly:
WITH properties (id, data) AS (
(1, '{"ProductType": "ABC","ProductName": "XYZ","attributes": [{"name": "Color","type": "STRING","value": "Silver"},{"name": "Case","type": "STRING","value": "Shells"}]}'::jsonb),
(2, '{"ProductType": "ABC","ProductName": "XYZ","attributes": [{"name": "Color","type": "STRING","value": "Red"},{"name": "Case","type": "STRING","value": "Shells"}]}'::jsonb)
when attribs->>'name' = 'Case' then attribs||'{"value": "Glass"}'::jsonb
else attribs
) as data
FROM properties m
CROSS JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(data->'attributes') as a(attribs)
GROUP BY id, data
Updated fiddle

Select all values inside different arrays inside an array

I have a document that looks like this:
"userName": "sample name",
"values": [
"values": [
"brand": "SOLIGNUM CLEAR",
"name": "Solignum Colourless AZ",
"price": "569",
"qip": "30.00",
"sku": "1L",
"unit": "Piece"
"values": [
"brand": "FirePRO",
"name": "FirePRO",
"price": "419.75",
"qip": "30.00",
"sku": "1L",
"unit": "Cartons"
"name": "Solignum Colourless AZ Aerosol",
"price": "397",
"qip": "30.00",
"sku": "500ML",
"unit": "Piece"
My query looks like this:
SELECT orders.unit, orders.sku,, orders.srp, TONUMBER(orders.price) AS price, orders.qip as quantity
FROM jdi stoCallLog
UNNEST stoCallLog.`values`[0].`values` AS orders
Query result looks like this
I have tried changing the unnest block into this:
UNNEST stoCallLog.`values`[1].`values` AS orders
selects only the 2nd array value
Also like this:
UNNEST stoCallLog.`values`.`values` AS orders
not possible i guess, it returns none
I need a way to select all of the values at once. Is there any way to do it?
Solved by modifying the UNNEST block to:
UNNEST `values` as rawOrders
UNNEST rawOrders.`values` as orders

Extracting info out of lists inside a jsonb

I have a with a jsonb column called jsonb that contains data in the following format.
"stuff": [
"name": "foo",
"percent": "90.0000"
"name": "bar",
"percent": "10.0000"
"countries": [
"name": "USA",
"value": "30"
"name": "Canada",
"value": "25"
"name": "Mexico",
"value": "20"
"name": "Ecuador",
"value": "10"
I am having a lot of trouble working with this data. Specifically what I want to do is find all the different values "name" can have in "stuff" as well as in "countries", kind of like a SELECT distinct.
But my problem is that I can't seem to extract anything useful from this jsonb. My approach so far was to do
SELECT jsonb->>'stuff' FROM table, but this only gave me a column of type text which contained [{"name": "foo","percent": "90.0000"},{"name": "bar","percent": "10.0000"}].
But since this is text I can't really do anything with it. I also tried SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonb) FROM table but that returned the following Error:
ERROR: cannot extract elements from an object
SQL state: 22023
Any help with working with this format of data is greatly appreciated!
You need to unnest each array separately and then create a union on the result of those two steps:
select c.x ->> 'name'
from the_table
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(json_column -> 'countries') as c(x)
select s.x ->> 'name'
from the_table
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(json_column -> 'stuff') as s(x);
Online example:

How to get two same attribute in azure cosmos db

I am creating a service using cosmos db.I am trying to creating a search query.
Query :
SELECT product.Name,product1.Name
FROM catalog
join industry in catalog.Industy
join category in industry.Category
join product1 in category.Product
join Subcategory in category.Subcategory
join product in Subcategory.Product
WHERE CONTAINS(product1.Name,'dg')
But i can not able to get both product and product list . it give me the error. Name already used.
Object creation error, property name 'Name' specified more than once
Tree that i am trying to fetch :
"id": "string",
"industy": [
"id": "string",
"category": [
"id": "string",
"subcategory": [
"id": "string",
"product": [
"id": "string",
"methodOfPreparation": [
"id": "string",
"addons": [
"id": "string"
"product": [
"id": "string",
"methodOfPreparation": [
"id": "string"
"addons": [
"id": "string"
expect Output
How can i solve this?
Firstly, the error could be solved if you use alias as #Zohar mentioned in the comment.
SELECT product.Name as productName,product1.Name as product1Name
FROM catalog
join industry in catalog.industy
join category in industry.category
join product1 in category.product
join Subcategory in category.subcategory
join product in Subcategory.product
The reason is that every retrieved item is an obj, the format of results is an array consists of many objects. The object can't accept duplicate column names.
If you want to get the format like product[],prodcut1[],you need to loop the result and assemble by yourself.(For example,use stored procedure)