Convert octal value to letters and join together - JAVA - octal

I have a octal value, its - 0110 0145 0154 0154 0157 054 040 0110 0151, the result must be - Hello, Hi.
Here is my code :
String octal = "0110 0145 0154 0154 0157 054 040 0110 0151 ";
List<String> result = Arrays.asList(octal.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
long item = 1;
String res = "";
while(item < result.size()) {
char re = (char) Integer.parseInt(result.get((int) item), 8);
res = res + " "+ re;
item += 1;
System.out.println("Its" + res);
But the output :
Its e
Hello, Hi
I tried everything, but failed ):

Why did you think the split pattern "\\s*,\\s*" were a solution for your needs? To split at space, we can use "\\s+".
And in order to start at the first letter, you should initialize item = 0.


Integer encoding format

I've run across some PIN encoding which I'm trying to figure out so I can improve upon a web application used at my place of work.
When I reset users' PINs (in this case, just my own for testing purposes), I'm seeing the following:
000000 = 7F55858585858585
111111 = 7F55868686868686
222222 = 7F55878787878787
999999 = 7F558E8E8E8E8E8E
000001 = 7F01313131313132
000011 = 7F55858585858686
000111 = 7F01313131323232
001111 = 7F55858586868686
011111 = 7F01313232323232
000002 = 7F02323232323234
100000 = 7F01323131313131
111112 = 7F03343434343435
123456 = 7F0738393A3B3C3D
654321 = 7F073D3C3B3A3938
1357924680 = 7F01323436383A3335373931
1111111111 = 7F5586868686868686868686
1234567890 = 7F0132333435363738393A31
It's clearly just hex, and always starts with 7F (1111111 or 127), but I'm not seeing a pattern for how the next two characters are chosen. Those two characters seem to be the determining value for converting the PIN.
For example:
000000 = 7F 55 858585858585
7F (hex) = 127 (dec) or 1111111 (bin) ## appears to not be used in the calculation?
55 (hex) = 85 (dec) or 1010101 (bin)
0 (PIN) + 85 = 85
000000 = 858585858585
111111 = 7F 55 868686868686
7F (hex) = 127 (dec) or 1111111 (bin) ## appears to not be used in the calculation?
55 (hex) = 85 (dec)
1 (PIN) + 85 = 86
111111 = 868686868686
But then also:
1357924680 = 7F 01 323436383A3335373931
01 (hex) = 31 (dec) ?
1 (PIN) + 31 = 32
1357924680 = 323436383A3335373931
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I don't see enough data in your minimal reproducible example to uncover an algorithm how the pinshift value should be determined (supplied to the pin_to_hex function). A random value is used in the following solution:
def hex_to_pin( pinhex: str) -> list:
decode a PIN from a particular hexadecimal-formatted string
inverse of the "pin_to_hex" function (any of the following):
hex_to_pin(pin_to_hex('123456', 7))
xxaux = bytes.fromhex(pinhex)
return [bytes([x - xxaux[1] for x in xxaux[2:]]).decode(),
def pin_to_hex( pindec: str, pinshift: int, upper=False) -> str:
encode a PIN to a particular hexadecimal-formatted string
pin_to_hex('123456', 7)
inverse of the "hex_to_pin" function (any of the following):
hex_to_pin(pin_to_hex('123456', 7))
shift_ = max( 1, pinshift % 199) ## 134 for alpha-numeric PIN code
retaux = [b'\x7F', shift_.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')]
for digit_ in pindec.encode():
retaux.append( (digit_ + shift_).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))
if upper:
return (b''.join(retaux)).hex().upper()
return (b''.join(retaux)).hex()
def get_pin_shift( pindec: str) -> int:
determine "pinshift" parameter for the "pin_to_hex" function
currently returns a random number
return random.randint(1,198) ## (1,133) for alpha-numeric PIN code
hexes = [
maxlen = len( max(hexes, key=len))
deces = []
for xshex in hexes:
xsdec = hex_to_pin( xshex)
print( f"{xshex:<{maxlen}} ({xsdec[1]:>3}) {xsdec[0]}")
import random
for xsdec in deces:
xsshift = get_pin_shift( xsdec)
xshex = pin_to_hex( xsdec, xsshift)
print( f"{xshex:<{maxlen}} ({xsshift:>3}) {xsdec}")
Output SO\
7F01323436383A3335373931 ( 1) 1357924680
7F0738393A3B3C3D ( 7) 123456
7F558E8E8E8E8E8E ( 85) 999999
7f1041434547494244464840 ( 16) 1357924680
7f4e7f8081828384 ( 78) 123456
7f013a3a3a3a3a3a ( 1) 999999

Talend - split a string to n rows

I would like to split a string in a column to n rows in Talend.
For example :
The first number is the "n" which I use to define the row lenght, so the expected result should be :
row 1 = aa
row 2 = bb
row 3 = cc
row 4 = dd
The idea here is to iterate on the string and cut it every 2 characters.
Any idea please ?
I would use a tJavaFlex to split the string, with a trick to have n rows coming out of it.
tJavaFlex's main code:
int n = Integer.parseInt(row1.str.substring(0, 4)); //get n from the first 4 characters
String str2 = row1.str.substring(4); //get the string after n
int nbParts = (str2.length() + 1) / n;
System.out.println("number of parts = " + nbParts);
for (int i = 0; i < nbParts; i++)
String part = str2.substring(i * n);
if(part.length() > n)
part = part.substring(0, n);
row2.str = part;
And tJavaFlex's end code is just a closing brace:
The trick is to use a for loop in the main code, but only close it in the end code.
tFixedFlowInput contains just one column holding the input string.

How to get the UTF-8 code from a single character in VBScript

I would like to get the UTF-8 Code of a character, have attempted to use streams but it doesn't seem to work:
Example: פ should give 16#D7A4, according to
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim adoStr, bytesthroughado
Set adoStr = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
adoStr.Charset = "utf-8"
adoStr.WriteText labelString
adoStr.Position = 0
adoStr.Type = adTypeBinary
adoStr.Position = 3
bytesthroughado = adoStr.Read
Msgbox(LenB(bytesthroughado)) 'gives 2
Set adoStr = Nothing
MsgBox(bytesthroughado) ' gives K
Note: AscW gives Unicode - not UTF-8
The bytesthroughado is a value of byte() subtype (see 1st output line) so you need to handle it in an appropriate way:
Option Explicit
Dim ss, xx, ii, jj, char, labelString
labelString = "ařЖפ€"
ss = ""
For ii=1 To Len( labelString)
char = Mid( labelString, ii, 1)
xx = BytesThroughAdo( char)
If ss = "" Then ss = VarType(xx) & " " & TypeName( xx) & vbNewLine
ss = ss & char & vbTab
For jj=1 To LenB( xx)
ss = ss & Hex( AscB( MidB( xx, jj, 1))) & " "
ss = ss & vbNewLine
Wscript.Echo ss
Function BytesThroughAdo( labelChar)
Const adTypeBinary = 1 'Indicates binary data.
Const adTypeText = 2 'Default. Indicates text data.
Dim adoStream
Set adoStream = CreateObject( "Adodb.Stream")
adoStream.Charset = "utf-8"
adoStream.WriteText labelChar
adoStream.Position = 0
adoStream.Type = adTypeBinary
adoStream.Position = 3
BytesThroughAdo = adoStream.Read
Set adoStream = Nothing
End Function
cscript D:\bat\SO\61368074q.vbs
8209 Byte()
a 61
ř C5 99
Ж D0 96
פ D7 A4
€ E2 82 AC
I used characters ařЖפ€ to demonstrate the functionality of your UTF-8 encoder (the alts8.ps1 PowerShell script comes from another project):
alts8.ps1 "ařЖפ€"
Ch Unicode Dec CP IME UTF-8 ? IME 0405/cs-CZ; CP852; ANSI 1250
a U+0061 97 …97… 0x61 a Latin Small Letter A
ř U+0159 345 …89… 0xC599 Å� Latin Small Letter R With Caron
Ж U+0416 1046 …22… 0xD096 Ð� Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe
פ U+05E4 1508 …228… 0xD7A4 פ Hebrew Letter Pe
€ U+20AC 8364 …172… 0xE282AC â�¬ Euro Sign

Google Translate TTS API blocked

Google implemented a captcha to block people from accessing the TTS translate API I was using it in my mobile application. Now, it is not returning anything. How do I get around the captcha?
Add the qualifier '&client=tw-ob' to the end of your query.
This answer no longer works consistently. Your ip address will be blocked by google temporarily if you abuse this too much.
there are 3 main issues:
you must include "client" in your query string (client=t seems to work).
(in case you are trying to retrieve it using AJAX) the Referer of the HTTP request must be
"tk" field changes for every query, and it must be populated with a matching hash:
tk = hash(q, TKK), where q is the text to be TTSed, and TKK is a var in the global scope when you load (type 'window.TKK' in the console). see the hash function at the bottom of this reply (calcHash).
to summarize:
function generateGoogleTTSLink(q, tl, tkk) {
var tk = calcHash(q, tkk);
return `${tl}&tk=${tk}&q=${q}&textlen=${q.length}`;
generateGoogleTTSLink('ciao', 'it', '410353.1336369826');
// see definition of "calcHash" in the bottom of this comment.
=> to get your hands on a TKK, you can open Google Translate website, then type "TKK" in developer tools' console (e.g.: "410353.1336369826").
NOTE that TKK value changes every hour, and so, old TKKs might get blocked at some point, and refreshing it may be necessary (although so far it seems like old keys can work for a LONG time).
if you DO wish to periodically refresh TKK, it can be automated pretty easily, but not if you're running your code from the browser.
you can find a full NodeJS implementation here:
it exposes a minimal TTS API (query, language), and is deployed to a free Heroku server, so you can test it online if you like.
function shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(num, opArray) {
return opArray.reduce((acc, opString) => {
var op1 = opString[1]; // '+' | '-' ~ SUM | XOR
var op2 = opString[0]; // '+' | '^' ~ SLL | SRL
var xd = opString[2]; // [0-9a-f]
var shiftAmount = hexCharAsNumber(xd);
var mask = (op1 == '+') ? acc >>> shiftAmount : acc << shiftAmount;
return (op2 == '+') ? (acc + mask & 0xffffffff) : (acc ^ mask);
}, num);
function hexCharAsNumber(xd) {
return (xd >= 'a') ? xd.charCodeAt(0) - 87 : Number(xd);
function transformQuery(query) {
for (var e = [], f = 0, g = 0; g < query.length; g++) {
var l = query.charCodeAt(g);
if (l < 128) {
e[f++] = l; // 0{l[6-0]}
} else if (l < 2048) {
e[f++] = l >> 6 | 0xC0; // 110{l[10-6]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[5-0]}
} else if (0xD800 == (l & 0xFC00) && g + 1 < query.length && 0xDC00 == (query.charCodeAt(g + 1) & 0xFC00)) {
// that's pretty rare... (avoid ovf?)
l = (1 << 16) + ((l & 0x03FF) << 10) + (query.charCodeAt(++g) & 0x03FF);
e[f++] = l >> 18 | 0xF0; // 111100{l[9-8*]}
e[f++] = l >> 12 & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[7*-2]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{(l+1)[5-0]}
} else {
e[f++] = l >> 12 | 0xE0; // 1110{l[15-12]}
e[f++] = l >> 6 & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[11-6]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[5-0]}
return e;
function normalizeHash(encondindRound2) {
if (encondindRound2 < 0) {
encondindRound2 = (encondindRound2 & 0x7fffffff) + 0x80000000;
return encondindRound2 % 1E6;
function calcHash(query, windowTkk) {
// STEP 1: spread the the query char codes on a byte-array, 1-3 bytes per char
var bytesArray = transformQuery(query);
// STEP 2: starting with TKK index, add the array from last step one-by-one, and do 2 rounds of shift+add/xor
var d = windowTkk.split('.');
var tkkIndex = Number(d[0]) || 0;
var tkkKey = Number(d[1]) || 0;
var encondingRound1 = bytesArray.reduce((acc, current) => {
acc += current;
return shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(acc, ['+-a', '^+6'])
}, tkkIndex);
// STEP 3: apply 3 rounds of shift+add/xor and XOR with they TKK key
var encondingRound2 = shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(encondingRound1, ['+-3', '^+b', '+-f']) ^ tkkKey;
// STEP 4: Normalize to 2s complement & format
var normalizedResult = normalizeHash(encondingRound2);
return normalizedResult.toString() + "." + (normalizedResult ^ tkkIndex)
// usage example:
var tk = calcHash('hola', '409837.2120040981');
console.log('tk=' + tk);
// OUTPUT: 'tk=70528.480109'
You can also try this format :
pass q= urlencode format of your language
(In JavaScript you can use the encodeURI() function & PHP has the rawurlencode() function)
pass tl = language short name (suppose bangla = bn)
Now try this :
First, to avoid captcha, you have to set a proper user-agent like: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0"
Then to not being blocked you must provide a proper token ("tk" get parameter) for each single request.
On the web you can find many different kind of scripts that try to calculate the token after a lot of reverse engineering...but every time the big G change the algorithm you're stuck again, so it's much easier to retrieve your token just observing in deep similar requests to translate page (with your text in the url).
You can read the token time by time grepping "tk=" from the output of this simple code with phantomjs:
"use strict";
var page = require('webpage').create();
var system = require('system');
var args = system.args;
if (args.length != 2) { console.log("usage: "+args[0]+" text"); phantom.exit(1); }
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) { console.log(msg); };
page.onResourceRequested = function(request) { console.log('Request ' + JSON.stringify(request, undefined, 4)); };""+args[1], function(status) {
if (status === "success") { phantom.exit(0); }
else { phantom.exit(1); }
so in the end you can get your speech with something like:
wget -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0"
"" -O ciao.mp3
(token are probably time based so this link may not work tomorrow)
I rewrote Guy Rotem's answer in Java, so if you prefer Java over Javascript, feel free to use:
public class Hasher {
public long shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(long num, String[] opArray) {
long result = num;
int current = 0;
while (current < opArray.length) {
char op1 = opArray[current].charAt(1); // '+' | '-' ~ SUM | XOR
char op2 = opArray[current].charAt(0); // '+' | '^' ~ SLL | SRL
char xd = opArray[current].charAt(2); // [0-9a-f]
assertError(op1 == '+'
|| op1 == '-', "Invalid OP: " + op1);
assertError(op2 == '+'
|| op2 == '^', "Invalid OP: " + op2);
assertError(('0' <= xd && xd <= '9')
|| ('a' <= xd && xd <='f'), "Not an 0x? value: " + xd);
int shiftAmount = hexCharAsNumber(xd);
int mask = (op1 == '+') ? ((int) result) >>> shiftAmount : ((int) result) << shiftAmount;
long subresult = (op2 == '+') ? (((int) result) + ((int) mask) & 0xffffffff)
: (((int) result) ^ mask);
result = subresult;
return result;
public void assertError(boolean cond, String e) {
if (!cond) {
public int hexCharAsNumber(char xd) {
return (xd >= 'a') ? xd - 87 : Character.getNumericValue(xd);
public int[] transformQuery(String query) {
int[] e = new int[1000];
int resultSize = 1000;
for (int f = 0, g = 0; g < query.length(); g++) {
int l = query.charAt(g);
if (l < 128) {
e[f++] = l; // 0{l[6-0]}
} else if (l < 2048) {
e[f++] = l >> 6 | 0xC0; // 110{l[10-6]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[5-0]}
} else if (0xD800 == (l & 0xFC00) &&
g + 1 < query.length() && 0xDC00 == (query.charAt(g + 1) & 0xFC00)) {
// that's pretty rare... (avoid ovf?)
l = (1 << 16) + ((l & 0x03FF) << 10) + (query.charAt(++g) & 0x03FF);
e[f++] = l >> 18 | 0xF0; // 111100{l[9-8*]}
e[f++] = l >> 12 & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[7*-2]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{(l+1)[5-0]}
} else {
e[f++] = l >> 12 | 0xE0; // 1110{l[15-12]}
e[f++] = l >> 6 & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[11-6]}
e[f++] = l & 0x3F | 0x80; // 10{l[5-0]}
resultSize = f;
return Arrays.copyOf(e, resultSize);
public long normalizeHash(long encondindRound2) {
if (encondindRound2 < 0) {
encondindRound2 = (encondindRound2 & 0x7fffffff) + 0x80000000L;
return (encondindRound2) % 1_000_000;
/ INPUT: query: 'hola', windowTkk: '409837.2120040981'
/ OUTPUT: '70528.480109'
public String calcHash(String query, String windowTkk) {
// STEP 1: spread the the query char codes on a byte-array, 1-3 bytes per char
int[] bytesArray = transformQuery(query);
// STEP 2: starting with TKK index,
// add the array from last step one-by-one, and do 2 rounds of shift+add/xor
String[] d = windowTkk.split("\\.");
int tkkIndex = 0;
try {
tkkIndex = Integer.valueOf(d[0]);
catch (Exception e) {
long tkkKey = 0;
try {
tkkKey = Long.valueOf(d[1]);
catch (Exception e) {
int current = 0;
long result = tkkIndex;
while (current < bytesArray.length) {
result += bytesArray[current];
long subresult = shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(result,
new String[] {"+-a", "^+6"});
result = subresult;
long encondingRound1 = result;
//System.out.println("encodingRound1: " + encondingRound1);
// STEP 3: apply 3 rounds of shift+add/xor and XOR with they TKK key
long encondingRound2 = ((int) shiftLeftOrRightThenSumOrXor(encondingRound1,
new String[] {"+-3", "^+b", "+-f"})) ^ ((int) tkkKey);
//System.out.println("encodingRound2: " + encondingRound2);
// STEP 4: Normalize to 2s complement & format
long normalizedResult = normalizeHash(encondingRound2);
//System.out.println("normalizedResult: " + normalizedResult);
return String.valueOf(normalizedResult) + "."
+ (((int) normalizedResult) ^ (tkkIndex));

How to write a unicode symbol in lua

How can I write a Unicode symbol in lua. For example I have to write symbol with 9658
when I write
string.char( 9658 );
I got an error. So how is it possible to write such a symbol.
Lua does not look inside strings. So, you can just write
mychar = "►"
(added in 2015)
Lua 5.3 introduced support for UTF-8 escape sequences:
The UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode character can be inserted in a literal string with the escape sequence \u{XXX} (note the mandatory enclosing brackets), where XXX is a sequence of one or more hexadecimal digits representing the character code point.
You can also use utf8.char(9658).
Here is an encoder for Lua that takes a Unicode code point and produces a UTF-8 string for the corresponding character:
local bytemarkers = { {0x7FF,192}, {0xFFFF,224}, {0x1FFFFF,240} }
function utf8(decimal)
if decimal<128 then return string.char(decimal) end
local charbytes = {}
for bytes,vals in ipairs(bytemarkers) do
if decimal<=vals[1] then
for b=bytes+1,2,-1 do
local mod = decimal%64
decimal = (decimal-mod)/64
charbytes[b] = string.char(128+mod)
charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2]+decimal)
return table.concat(charbytes)
c=utf8(0x24) print(c.." is "..#c.." bytes.") --> $ is 1 bytes.
c=utf8(0xA2) print(c.." is "..#c.." bytes.") --> ¢ is 2 bytes.
c=utf8(0x20AC) print(c.." is "..#c.." bytes.") --> € is 3 bytes.
c=utf8(0x24B62) print(c.." is "..#c.." bytes.") --> 𤭢 is 4 bytes.
Maybe this can help you:
function FromUTF8(pos)
local mod = math.mod
local function charat(p)
local v = editor.CharAt[p]; if v < 0 then v = v + 256 end; return v
local v, c, n = 0, charat(pos), 1
if c < 128 then v = c
elseif c < 192 then
error("Byte values between 0x80 to 0xBF cannot start a multibyte sequence")
elseif c < 224 then v = mod(c, 32); n = 2
elseif c < 240 then v = mod(c, 16); n = 3
elseif c < 248 then v = mod(c, 8); n = 4
elseif c < 252 then v = mod(c, 4); n = 5
elseif c < 254 then v = mod(c, 2); n = 6
error("Byte values between 0xFE and OxFF cannot start a multibyte sequence")
for i = 2, n do
pos = pos + 1; c = charat(pos)
if c < 128 or c > 191 then
error("Following bytes must have values between 0x80 and 0xBF")
v = v * 64 + mod(c, 64)
return v, pos, n
To get broader support for Unicode string content, one approach is slnunicode which was developed as part of the Selene database library. It will give you a module that supports most of what the standard string library does, but with Unicode characters and UTF-8 encoding.