Kafka Stream automatically read from new topic? - apache-kafka

Is there any way to make my Kafka Stream application automatically read from the newly created topic?
Even if the topic is created while the stream application is already running?
Something like having a wildcard in topic name like this:
KStream<String, String> rawText = builder.stream("topic-input-*");
Why I need this?
Right now, I've multiple clients sending data(all with the same schema) to their own topic and my stream application reads from those topics. Then my application does some transformation and writes the result to a single topic.
Although all of the clients could write to the same topic, an unbehaving client could also write on behalf of someone else. So I've created individual topics for each client. The problem is, whenever a new client comes, I create the new topic and set the ACL for them with a script but that is not enough. I also have to stop my streaming application, edit the code, add the new topic, compile it, package it, put it on the server and run it again!

Kafka Streams supports patter subscription:
(I hope the syntax is right; not sure from the top of my head... But the point is, instead of passing in a String you can user an overload of the stream() method that takes a pattern.)


Does KStream filter consume every message?

I have used Kafka in the past, but never the streams API. I am tasked with building a scalable service that accepts websocket connections and routes outbound messages from a central topic to the correct session based on user id.
This looks ridiculously simple using KStream<String, Object>. From one online tutorial:
builder.stream(inputTopic, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), publicationSerde))
.filter((name, publication) -> "George R. R. Martin".equals(publication.getName()))
.to(outputTopic, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), publicationSerde));
But does the filter command consume every message from the topic and perform a filter in application space? Or does KStream<K, V> filter(Predicate<? super K,? super V> predicate) contain hooks into the inner workings of Kafka that allow it only to receive messages matching the correct key?
The wording on the KStream<K,V> javadoc seem to suggest the former: "consumed message by message."
If the only purpose of the filter is to consume every message of a topic and throw away those that are not relevant, I could do that by hand.
You are correct - messages need to be deserialized, then inspected against a predicate (in application space)
throw away those that are not relevant, I could do that by hand
Sure, you could, but Kafka Streams has useful methods for defining session windows. Plus, you wouldn't need to define a consumer and producer instance to forward to new topics.

What happens to the consumer offset when an error occurs within a custom class in a KStream topology?

I'm aware that you can define stream-processing Kafka application in the form of a topology that implicitly understands which record has gone through successfully, and therefore can correctly commit the consumer offset so that when the microservice has to be restarted, it will continue reading the input toppic without missing messages.
But what happens when I introduce my own processing classes into the stream? For instance, perhaps I need to submit information from the input records to a web service with a big startup time. So I write my own processor class that accumulates, say, 1000 messages and then submits a batch request to the external service, like this.
KStream<String, Prediction> stream = new StreamsBuilder()
.stream(inputTopic, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), new MessageSerde()))
// talk to web service
.map((k, v) -> new KeyValue<>("", wrapper.consume(v.getPayload())))
.flatMapValues((ValueMapper<List<Prediction>, Iterable<Prediction>>) value -> value);
// send downstream
stream.peek((k, v) -> metrics.countOutgoingMessage())
.to(outputTopic, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), new PredictionSerde()));
Assuming that the external service can issue zero, one or more predictions of some kind for every input, and that my wrapper submits inputs in batches to increase throughput. It seems to me that KStream cannot possibly keep track of which input record corresponds to which output record, and therefore no matter how it is implemented, it cannot guarantee that the correct consumer offset for the input topic is committed.
So in this paradigm, how can I give the library hints about which messages have been successfully processed? Or failing that, how can I get access to the consumer offset for the topic and perform commits explicitly so that no data loss can occur?
I think you would might have a problem if you are using map. combining remote calls in a DSL operator is not recommended. You might want to look into using the Processor API docs. With ProcessorContext you can forward or commit which could give you flexibility you need.

Kafka Streams Processor API clear state store

I am using kafka Processor API to do some custom calculations. Because of some complex processing, DSL was not the best fit. The stream code looks like the one below.
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore("storeName");
StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<String, StoreObject>> storeBuilder = Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(storeSupplier,
Serdes.String(), storeObjectSerde);
topology.addSource("SourceReadername", stringDeserializer, sourceSerde.deserializer(), "sourceTopic")
.addProcessor("processor", () -> new CustomProcessor("store"), FillReadername)
.addStateStore(storeBuilder, "processor") // define store for processor
.addSink("sinkName", "outputTopic", stringSerializer, resultSerde.serializer(),
I need to clear some items from the state store based on an event coming in a separate topic. I am not able to find the right way to probably join with another stream using Processor API or some other way to listen to events in another topic to be able to trigger the cleanup code in the CustomProcessor class.
Is there a way we can get events in another topic in Processor API? Or probably mix DSL with Processor API to be able to join the two and send events in any of the topic to the Process method so that I can run the cleanup code when an event is received in the cleanup topic?
You just need to add another input topic (add:Source) and add Processor that transforms messages from that topic and based on them remove staff from state store. One note, those topics should use same keys (because of partitioning).

Consume all messages of a topic in all instances of a Streams app

In a Kafka Streams app, an instance only gets messages of an input topic for the partitions that have been assigned to that instance. And as the group.id, which is based on the (for all instances identical) application.id, that means that every instance sees only parts of a topic.
This all makes perfect sense of course, and we make use of that with the high-throughput data topic, but we would also like to control the streams application by adding topic-wide "control messages" to the input topic. But as all instances need to get those messages, we would either have to send
one control message per partition (making it necessary for the sender to know about the partitioning scheme, something we would like to avoid)
one control message per key (so every active partition would be getting at least one control message)
Because this is cumbersome for the sender, we are thinking about creating a new topic for control messages that the streams application consumes, in addition to the data topic. But how can we make it so that every partition receives all messages from the control message topic?
According to https://stackoverflow.com/a/55236780/709537, the group id cannot be set for Kafka Streams.
One way to do this would be to create and use a KafkaConsumer in addition to using Kafka Streams, which would allow us to set the group id as we like. However this sounds complex and dirty enough to wonder if there isn't a more straightforward way that we are missing.
Any ideas?
You can use a global store which sources data from all the partitions.
From the documentation,
Adds a global StateStore to the topology. The StateStore sources its
data from all partitions of the provided input topic. There will be
exactly one instance of this StateStore per Kafka Streams instance.
The syntax is as follows:
public StreamsBuilder addGlobalStore(StoreBuilder storeBuilder,
String topic,
Consumed consumed,
ProcessorSupplier stateUpdateSupplier)
The last argument is the ProcessorSupplier which has a get() that returns a Processor that will be executed for every new message. The Processor contains the process() method that will be executed every time there is a new message to the topic.
The global store is per stream instance, so you get all the topic data in every stream instance.
In the process(K key, V value), you can write your processing logic.
A global store can be in-memory or persistent and can be backed by a changelog topic, so that even if the streams instance local data (state) is deleted, the store can be built using the changelog topic.

Dynamically create and change Kafka topics with Flink

I'm using Flink to read and write data from different Kafka topics.
Specifically, I'm using the FlinkKafkaConsumer and FlinkKafkaProducer.
I'd like to know if it is possible to change the Kafka topics I'm reading from and writing to 'on the fly' based on either logic within my program, or the contents of the records themselves.
For example, if a record with a new field is read, I'd like to create a new topic and start diverting records with that field to the new topic.
If you have your topics following a generic naming pattern, for example, "topic-n*", your Flink Kafka consumer can automatically reads from "topic-n1", "topic-n2", ... and so on as they are added to Kafka.
Flink 1.5 (FlinkKafkaConsumer09) added support for dynamic partition discovery & topic discovery based on regex. This means that the Flink-Kafka consumer can pick up new Kafka partitions without needing to restart the job and while maintaining exactly-once guarantees.
Consumer constructor that accepts subscriptionPattern: link.
Thinking more about the requirement,
1st step is - You will start from one topic (for simplicity) and will spawn more topic during runtime based on the data provided and direct respective messages to these topics. It's entirely possible and will not be a complicated code. Use ZkClient API to check if topic-name exists, if does not exist create a model topic with new name and start pushing messages into it through a new producer tied to this new topic. You don't need to restart job to produce messages to a specific topic.
Your initial consumer become producer(for new topics) + consumer(old topic)
2nd step is - You want to consume messages for new topic. One way could be to spawn a new job entirely. You can do this be creating a thread pool initially and supplying arguments to them.
Again be more careful with this, more automation can lead to overload of cluster in case of a looping bug. Think about the possibility of too many topics created after some time if input data is not controlled or is simply dirty. There could be better architectural approaches as mentioned above in comments.