first, create diffEditor
this.diffEditor = monaco.editor.createDiffEditor(dom, options);
second, get originalEditor
this.originalEditor = this.diffEditor.originalEditor;
third, addViewZone to originalEditor
this.originalEditor.changeViewZones((changeAccessor) => {
const domNode = doucument.createElement('div');
changeAccessor.addZone({afterLineNumber: 1, domNode})
in Chrom, it can work when editor use side-by-side
enter image description here
but, when i switch to inline-diff, it can't work
enter image description here
I need to bind click event handler for the icon in the red rectangle zone,bind different click event handler for the blue rectangle zone.
right now ,i have no idea how to make it work, any help will be appreciate
example and codes
I figure out an solution.
You can add an icon dom after the label by manual, like below codes.
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var option = {
// your options
const parent = myChart.getDom().parentElement;
const xPixel = myChart.convertToPixel({ xAxisIndex: 0 }, 2) // to get the x postion of target category
var div = document.createElement('img') = `position: absolute;top: 366px;height: 12px;left:${xPixel + 2 * 14}px` // 2 * 14 is in order to correct the left
div.src = 'image path'
div.addEventListener('click', () => {})
if (parent) parent.appendChild(div)
You can change top or left to correct the icon position.
If somebody have greater solution, plz let me know.
I try to open a document from a Hover in a VSCode Extension.
The Hover appears, the link is shown and also the URI, but when I click, nothing happens. There is an output in the Debug Console, that the command is unknown in the Developer Tools Console.
What I am doing wrong? Here is the code, a little bit simplified
vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider({pattern: '**/*.{ttp,tts}'}, {
provideHover(document, position, token) {
const linkPosition = new vscode.Position(10, 1);
const range = new vscode.Range(position, position);
const opts: vscode.TextDocumentShowOptions = {
selection: range,
viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn.Beside
const workspace = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.find(e => e.uri.fsPath.endsWith("workspace"));
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(`${workspace?.uri.path}/`);
const args = [{ uri: uri , options: opts}];
const stageCommandUri = vscode.Uri.parse(
let link = new vscode.MarkdownString(`[Open...](${stageCommandUri})`);
link.isTrusted = true;
let hover: vscode.Hover = {
contents: [link]
return hover;
let x = properties.getHoverFor(document, position, path.basename(document.uri.fsPath).replace(".tts","").replace(".ttp","").toLowerCase());
return x;
Here is how the Hover renders:
Here is the output of the dev console:
You should use a true command like as documented in this article, or your own command.
window.showTextDocument alone is an extension API.
Lex Li pointed me into the right direction, thank you.
Wrapping the openTextDocument task into my own command and adressing this command from the Hover solves the problem:
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('', (uri: vscode.Uri, options: vscode.TextDocumentShowOptions) => {"Opening a document");
vscode.window.showTextDocument(uri, options);
Than composing the Hover use
const stageCommandUri = vscode.Uri.parse(
did it.
I would like to make a control similar to the used by github copilot. I mean highlighting the proposed text. Live share extension uses a very similar approach. What is the name of this control?
Control in live preview extension:
Control in copilot extension:
I guess it could be TextEditorDecorationType? However, I do not know how to style it so that the author is absolutely positioned :/
You can create a similar experience using Text Editor Decorators. These decorators allow you to use custom style patterns for any text in a document (including foreground and background colors).
The text highlighting examples that you have visualized above, are simply adding a a background color to a span of text that has been selected by a user, or suggested by an extension.
As an example: if you wanted to add custom highlighting for console.log:
Then you could use the following:
import * as vscode from 'vscode'
const decorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
backgroundColor: 'green',
border: '2px solid white',
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
vscode.workspace.onWillSaveTextDocument(event => {
const openEditor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.filter(
editor => editor.document.uri === event.document.uri
function decorate(editor: vscode.TextEditor) {
let sourceCode = editor.document.getText()
let regex = /(console\.log)/
let decorationsArray: vscode.DecorationOptions[] = []
const sourceCodeArr = sourceCode.split('\n')
for (let line = 0; line < sourceCodeArr.length; line++) {
let match = sourceCodeArr[line].match(regex)
if (match !== null && match.index !== undefined) {
let range = new vscode.Range(
new vscode.Position(line, match.index),
new vscode.Position(line, match.index + match[1].length)
let decoration = { range }
editor.setDecorations(decorationType, decorationsArray)
Reference Link
I've setup tinyMCE to do image uploading and it displays uploaded images in the editor, but on inspecting the source of the editors HTML I can see that the src attribute is set like it would be a file path:
<img src="../../../api/images/1"/>
I have a file_picker_callback which POSTs the image to my backend server to save the image, and returns an absolute URL in the "location" key as specified in the tinyMCE docs:
But I am unsure why regardless of providing an absolute URL the src set on the image begins with "../../../".
The relevant tinyMCE configuration:
file_picker_types: 'file image',
file_picker_callback: function(cb, value, meta) {
let tinyMCE = this;
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*,.doc,.docx,.txt,.rtf,.odt,.pdf');
input.onchange = function() {
var file = this.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
// Register the blob in TinyMCEs image blob registry.
var id = 'blobid' + (new Date()).getTime();
var blobCache = tinyMCE.editorUpload.blobCache;
var base64 = reader.result.split(',')[1];
var blobInfo = blobCache.create(id, file, base64);
fileLocation => {
let options = {};
if (meta.filetype == 'file') {
options = {
text: 'My Attachment'
cb(fileLocation, options);
(/* error */) => {
I can see that there is an options object I can pass to the callback which sets some element attributes of the image, but I can't find a reference to what this object can contain in the docs :(
Would like some help to solve this and get absolute URLs in my image srcs, thanks
convert_urls: false,
By default all URLs are automatically converted to relative URLs. If you want to insert the real URL of the uploaded image, set convert_urls option to false. It will restore URLs to their original values.
The SelectFeature method in Control class provides a way of adding and removing popups on the Vector layer by listening to events featureselected and featureunselected respectively. Below shows a sample code that I obtained from an example in the openlayers website:
// create the layer with listeners to create and destroy popups
var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Points",{
var feature = evt.feature;
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("popup",
"<div style='font-size:.8em'>Feature: " + +"<br>Foo: </div>",
feature.popup = popup;
var feature = evt.feature;
feature.popup = null;
// create the select feature control
var selector = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector,{
hover:true, # this line
The code above will allow a popup to be shown upon mouseover on the Geometry object (icon or marker on the map). If the line hover:true is removed, the popup will be shown only upon a mouse click on the Geometry object.
What I want, is to be able to display one type of popup (example, an image plus a title) upon mouseover and another type (example, detailed description) upon a mouse click. I am not sure how this could be done. Some help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Also, there another way, it's rather hack than correct usage of API, but seems to work. You can overwrite over and out callbacks.
var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer, {
callbacks: {
over: function(feat) {
console.log('Show popup type 1');
out: function(feat) {
console.log('Hide popup type 1');
eventListeners: {
featurehighlighted: function(feat) {
console.log('Show popup type 2');
featureunhighlighted: function(feat) {
console.log('Hide popup type 2');
Here's working example:
Take a look on select control's source to understand details.