Unable to get data using BulkRead method of EFCore.BulkExtensions - entity-framework-core

Hope you are doing well.
I'm using EFCore.BulkExtensions[3.1.6] in .Net Core 3.1 Web API to perform bulk operations. Bulk insert and update are working fine but I'm not able to use BulkRead method to get the bulk data.
I refer this link https://github.com/borisdj/EFCore.BulkExtensions#read-example and tried it but I'm not getting data. Maybe I didn't understand the example.
Here is the code which I've tried:
IList<VehicleSubModel> submodels = new List<VehicleSubModel>(); // VehicleSubModel is the domain Entity
var result = submodels.Select(s => new VehicleSubModel() { Id = s.Id, Name = s.Name }).ToList();
var bulkConfig = new BulkConfig { UpdateByProperties = new List<string> { nameof(VehicleSubModel.Id), nameof(VehicleSubModel.Name) } };
await Task.Run(() => Context.BulkRead(result, bulkConfig));
I want to get Id and Name of all VehicleSubModel but it's not returning any record. Could anyone please explain how we can use the BulkRead method of EFCore.BulkExtensions. I spend several hours to get it done, search many links but not getting its solution.
Can anyone please help?


How do I get the key of my most recent push ID from Firebase Realtime Database in Flutter?

I am trying to get the most recent ID of from my orders table to that I can then use this ID in a path to get the order number and increment it by one.
void _activateListeners() {
final recentOrder = _readRef.child('Orders').limitToLast(1).get();
final readOrder = _readRef
.listen((event) {
final orderNum = event.snapshot.value;
setState(() {
lastOrderNum = orderNum.toString();
intOrderNum = int.parse(lastOrderNum) + 1;
newOrderNum = intOrderNum.toString();
I know that I need to use the "key" word somehow but I have been unable to solve this problem.
my database table looks as follows:
*dateTime:"2022-06-02 15:41:20.470139"
*dateTime:"2022-06-02 15:41:20.470139"
Edit: can someone tell me if it is even possible to fetch the unique push ID after it has been made (not directly after the order is added)? I have looked at all the documentation and I have failed to implement anything. I have also found numerous similar questions that are either just different or unanswered.
If I know SQL is SQLite a better alternative?
You can get the key from the snapshot by using the snapshot's key property, like in this line below:
String? eventKey = event.snapshot.key;
Check out the documentation for Flutter's Realtime Database's DataSnapshot class for more information.

Replace GET handler in TableController

In my table controller, I have:
public IQueryable<MyTable> GetAllMyTable()
I would like to replace the above with my own:
[HttpGet, Route("tables/MyTable")]
public IEnumerable<MyTable> GetAllMyTable()
But I get this response when I call it:
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Somehow the Web API routing does not reach my method.
Why I'm doing this: the original method produces an inefficient Entity Framework SQL query that takes 3 seconds per call on my local test environment. This is running the query captured from SQL Profiler directly in SQL Mgt Studio. An equivalent query takes less than a second to run. Terrible.
Worse, the inefficient EF queries consumes lots of Azure SQL DTUs, tempting you to up your Azure subscription level if you want a quick fix.
Azure Mobile Apps is wonderful, but the multiple layers of abstraction makes it hard to really see what's going on under the hood, and therefore harder to tune.
Any help would be much appreciated.
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Per my understanding, the error is obvious. You could send the GET HTTP verb to your endpoint tables/MyTable for retrieving the data. You need to check your request against your mobile app backend via fiddler.
Azure Mobile Apps is wonderful, but the multiple layers of abstraction makes it hard to really see what's going on under the hood, and therefore harder to tune.
For the common table controller, it would look like this:
public IQueryable<Message> GetAllMessage()
return Query();
The Query() method under EntityDomainManager.cs would equal as follows:
IQueryable<TData> query = this.Context.Set<TData>();
if (!includeDeleted)
query = query.Where(item => !item.Deleted);
return query;
If it deals with the ODATA queries (e.g. $top, $skip, $filter, etc.), the Nested SQL statement would be generated. We could modify the action to clarify it as follows:
public IEnumerable<Message> GetAllMessage(ODataQueryOptions opt)
var message = context.Set<Message>();
var query2=opt.ApplyTo(message, new ODataQuerySettings());
return query2.Cast<Message>().ToList();
Here's my rather crude attempt at bypassing the Entity Framework/OData plumbing and using direct SQL. (Wouldn't it be great if Dapper is supported!) This one works well, and is faster than the nested SQL that EF produces. The handling of OData is hacky; I have not had time to investigate using OData to extract the values for UpdatedAt, skip, and top.
I'm only using this approach for one method that needs optimisation. This is the method that the Azure Mobile App client calls when doing a pull.
public IEnumerable<MyTable> GetAllMyTable()
var qryValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var updatedAtFilter = qryValues["$filter"];
var skip = qryValues["$skip"];
var top = qryValues["$top"];
if (updatedAtFilter != null)
var r = new Regex(#"^.+datetimeoffset'(?<time>.+)'.+$", RegexOptions.None);
var m = r.Match(updatedAtFilter);
if (m.Success)
var updatedAt = m.Groups["time"].Value.Replace("T", " ");
var sqlString = #"SELECT T0.*
FROM MyTable T0
WHERE T0.UpdatedAt >= #UpdatedAt
ORDER BY UpdatedAt, Id
var updatedAtParam = new SqlParameter("UpdatedAt", SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset);
updatedAtParam.Value = updatedAt;
var skipParam = new SqlParameter("Skip", SqlDbType.Int);
skipParam.Value = int.Parse(skip);
var topParam = new SqlParameter("Top", SqlDbType.Int);
topParam.Value = int.Parse(top);
var data = _context.Database.SqlQuery<MyTable>(sqlString, new object[] { updatedAtParam, skipParam, topParam }).AsEnumerable<MyTable>();
return data;
return null;

Logic for tracking entity framework property value changes in MVC

I think I am missing something in my understanding of tracking property value changes in entity framework.
I have an application where i store service requests. Whenever a team value in changed in the service request record, I want to create a team history record in a related teamhistory entity.
I have created the app in MVC using the standard scaffolding for controllers and views.
In the (post)edit task in the controller, the standard logic generated has the following code
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(serviceRequest).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(serviceRequest);
I have modified that to include the creating of the teamhistory record and an individualhistory record for individual assigned within team. The code for creating these related records work, BUT i want these records only created when the values on team or member(individual) change from what they were previously.
So far the conditions i have specified due not trigger this correctly because I havent gotten the condition right. Below is the current code:
//string teamorig = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).OriginalValue.ToString();
//string teamcurr = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).CurrentValue.ToString();
//if (teamorig != teamcurr)
var TeamIsModified = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).IsModified;
if (TeamIsModified)
serviceRequest.TeamAssignmentHistories.Add(new TeamAssignmentHistory()
DateAssigned = DateTime.Now,
AssignedBy = User.Identity.Name,
ServiceRequest = serviceRequest.Id,
Team = serviceRequest.Team
// if individual assigned has changed add individual history record========================
var IndividualIsModified = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Member).IsModified;
if (IndividualIsModified)
serviceRequest.IndividualAssignmentHistories.Add(new IndividualAssignmentHistory()
DateAssigned = DateTime.Now,
AssignedBy = User.Identity.Name,
ServiceRequest = serviceRequest.Id,
AssignedTo = serviceRequest.Member.Value,
The var teamismodified logic doesnt work. When I save the page without making any changes on it- the logic kicks off because in debugging it thinks the field has been modified.
When I comment out that code and uncomment the code above it for original and currentvalues- ie the teamorig and teamcurr logic, teamcurr and teamorig have the same values in debug, even when they have been forced into a change on the save in the MVC view page. Because they have the same values, the if condition is false so the team history record is not created.
The above code has been sandwiched in between
db.Entry(serviceRequest).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
What am I not understanding about entity framework tracking changes in mvc? Why does think its modified when i make not changes to team, and why are teamorig and teamcurr the same when I do make the changes?
Any advice would be welcome. Thanks

Returning multiple resultsets with EntityFramework repository

I am working on a code where I need Multiple tables as result of a stored procedure. I am using Entity Framework repository pattern. It returns and bind an IEnumerable object, but I need to bind it with multiple IEnumerables at the same time.
Can anybody help?
This is the code I am using :
the ways to achieve your goal are disclosed in this article.
From related article the most common way is:
using (var db = new BloggingContext())
// If using Code First we need to make sure the model is built before we open the connection
// This isn't required for models created with the EF Designer
db.Database.Initialize(force: false);
// Create a SQL command to execute the sproc
var cmd = db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[GetAllBlogsAndPosts]";
// Run the sproc
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Read Blogs from the first result set
var blogs = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db)
.Translate<Blog>(reader, "Blogs", MergeOption.AppendOnly);
foreach (var item in blogs)
// Move to second result set and read Posts
var posts = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db)
.Translate<Post>(reader, "Posts", MergeOption.AppendOnly);
foreach (var item in posts)
please note the important remark: The first result set must be consumed before moving to the next result set.

How to make a REST delete method with cfhttp

I have never done it before and now when the need arise, things are not working.
I have to send an ID to delete a DB record with RESTful service. Here is the code I am trying:
<cfhttp url="" method="DELETE" port="8500" result="qryRes1">
<cfhttpparam type="body" value="36"/>
and in the REST function
remote any function someName() httpmethod="DELETE"{
var testID = ToString(getHTTPRequestData().content);
//make db call to delete
return testid;
The result comes as blank [empty string]. I am not able to retrieve the sent value in function. What I am missing?
Edit: one slightly different but related to CF rest, is it necessary to convert query to an array before sending it back to client? Directly serializing won't solve the purpose same way?
you may want to take a look at deleteUser() in http://www.anujgakhar.com/2012/02/20/using-rest-services-in-coldfusion-10/ as an example of how to support DELETE in REST API style.
remote any function deleteUser(numeric userid restargsource="Path") httpmethod="DELETE" restpath="{userid}"
var response = "";
var qry = new Query();
var userQry = "";
qry.setSQl("delete from tbluser where id = :userid");
qry.addParam(name="userid", value="#arguments.userid#", cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric");
userQry = qry.execute().getPrefix();
response = "User Deleted";
} else {
throw(type="Restsample.UserNotFoundError", errorCode='404', detail='User not found');
return response;
As for the 2nd part of your question, it'd be best to first turn a query into a array of structs first unless you're using CF11 which does it for you. See: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2014/5/8/ColdFusion-11s-new-Struct-format-for-JSON-and-how-to-use-it-in-ColdFusion-10
The default JSON structure for query in CF 8 to 10 were designed for <cfgrid> in ColdFusion on top of Adobe's discontinued Spry framework.