Makefile: Terminates after running commands "go test ./..." - postgresql

I encountered a problem running "go test" from a makefile. The idea behind all this is to start a docker container, run all tests against it and then stop & remove the container.
The container gets started and the tests run, but the last two commands (docker stop & rm) aren't executed.
Make returns this message:
make: *** [test] Error 1
Is it "go test" which terminates the makefile execution?
.PHONY: up down test
docker-compose up
docker-compose down
docker run -d \
--name dev \
--env-file $${HOME}/go/src/test-api/testdata/dbConfigTest.env \
-p 5432:5432 \
-v $${HOME}/go/src/test-api/testdata/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
# runs all tests including integration tests.
go test ./... --tags=integration -failfast -v
# stop and remove container
docker stop `docker ps -aqf "name=dev"`
docker rm `docker ps -aqf "name=dev"`

Assuming that you want the 'make test' to return the test status consider the following change to the makefile
docker run -d \
--name dev \
--env-file $${HOME}/go/src/test-api/testdata/dbConfigTest.env \
-p 5432:5432 \
-v $${HOME}/go/src/test-api/testdata/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
# runs all tests including integration tests.
go test ./... --tags=integration -failfast -v ; echo "$$?" > test.result
# stop and remove container
docker stop `docker ps -aqf "name=dev"`
docker rm `docker ps -aqf "name=dev"
exit $$(cat test.result)
It uses the test.result file to capture the exit code from the test


Azure Devops Container Pipeline job is trying to redundantly give user:1000 sudo priveleges

I have a docker image, already made, that another pipeline uses for build jobs. That image already has a user:1000 with sudo (paswordless) permissions and a home directory. This was done to make manual use of the container more useful... there are applications in the image that prefer to run under a non-root user.
The pipeline using this image finds the existing user (great!) but then tries to give the user sudo permissions that it already has and this breaks the flow...
--<yaml pipeline code>--
image: acr.url/foo/bar:v1
endpoint: <svc-connection>
--<pipeline run>--
/usr/bin/docker network create --label dc4b27 vsts_network_6b3e...
/usr/bin/docker inspect --format="{{index .Config.Labels \"\"}}" ***/foo/bar:v1
/usr/bin/docker create --name 9479... --label dc4b27 --network vsts_network_6b3ee... -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/opt/azagent/_work/9":"/__w/9" -v "/opt/azagent/_work/_temp":"/__w/_temp" -v "/opt/azagent/_work/_tasks":"/__w/_tasks" -v "/opt/azagent/_work/_tool":"/__t" -v "/opt/azagent/externals":"/__a/externals":ro -v "/opt/azagent/_work/.taskkey":"/__w/.taskkey" ***/foo/bar:v1 "/__a/externals/node/bin/node" -e "setInterval(function(){}, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);"
/usr/bin/docker start 9056...
/usr/bin/docker ps --all --filter id=9056... --filter status=running --no-trunc --format "{{.ID}} {{.Status}}"
9056... Up Less than a second
/usr/bin/docker exec 9056... sh -c "command -v bash"
id -u devops
Try to create a user with UID '1000' inside the container.
/usr/bin/docker exec 9056... bash -c "getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1 "
/usr/bin/docker exec 9056... id -u viv
Grant user 'viv' SUDO privilege and allow it run any command without authentication.
/usr/bin/docker exec 9056... groupadd azure_pipelines_sudo
groupadd: Permission denied.
groupadd: cannot lock /etc/group; try again later.
##[error]Docker exec fail with exit code 10
Finishing: Initialize containers
I am OK working with user:1000 in the container as the azure agent runs on the host VM under user:1000('devops') and so the id's match inside and outside of the container, getting around a shortcoming of the docker volume mount system.
The question is: Is there a pipeline yaml method or control parameter to tell the run not to try and setup sudo permissions on the discovered user account (uid:1000) in the container?
I am getting around this issue right now by adding options: --user 0 to the container: section in the yaml script but I would prefer not to do that...

Cannot specify current directory with docker run -v

I am trying to execute the following docker command in PowerShell but I cannot get it to recognize the $(PWD) for the current directory. Help please.
docker run -it -v $(PWD):/app --workdir /app samgentile\aspnetcore
I get:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: invalid reference format.
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.
You should use "/" instead of "\" in the image name:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/app --workdir /app samgentile/aspnetcore
Mihai is correct to point out the parentheses. These signify that you want to run the command PWD and use its output, whereas without the parentheses PWD is considered a variable. A correct invocation would take the form:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app --workdir /app samgentile/aspnetcore
docker run -it -v $PWD:/app --workdir /app samgentile/aspnetcore

How to pass arguments to spark-submit using docker

I have a docker container running on my laptop with a master and three workers, I can launch the typical wordcount example by entering the ip of the master using a command like this:
bash-4.3# spark/bin/spark-submit --class --master spark://spark-master:7077 /opt/spark-apps/learning-spark-mini-example_2.11-0.0.1.jar /opt/spark-data/ /opt/spark-data/output-5
I can see how the files have been generated inside output-5
but when I try to launch the process from outside, using the command:
docker run --network docker-spark-cluster_spark-network -v /tmp/spark-apps:/opt/spark-apps --env SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION=$SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION --env SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS=$SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS -e APP_ARGS="/opt/spark-data/ /opt/spark-data/output-5" spark-submit:2.4.0
And when I enter the page of the worker where the task is attempted, I can see that in line 11, the first of all, where the path for the first argument is collected, I have an error like this:
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
It is clear, in the zero position is not collecting the path of the first parameter, the one of the input file of which I want to do the wordcount.
The question is, why is docker not using the arguments passed through -e APP_ARGS="/opt/spark-data/ /opt/spark-data-output-5" ?
I already tried to run the job in a traditional way, loging to driver spark-master and running spark-submit command, but when i try to run the task with docker, it doesn't work.
It must be trivial, but i still have any clue. Can anybody help me?
I have to use a command like this:
docker run --network docker-spark-cluster_spark-network -v /tmp/spark-apps:/opt/spark-apps --env SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION=$SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION --env SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS=$SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS --env SPARK_APPLICATION_ARGS="/opt/spark-data/ /opt/spark-data/output-6" spark-submit:2.4.0
Resuming, i had to change -e APP_ARGS to --env SPARK_APPLICATION_ARGS
-e APP_ARGS is the suggested docker way...
This is the command that solves my problem:
docker run --network docker-spark-cluster_spark-network -v /tmp/spark-apps:/opt/spark-apps --env SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION=$SPARK_APPLICATION_JAR_LOCATION --env SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS=$SPARK_APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS --env SPARK_APPLICATION_ARGS="/opt/spark-data/ /opt/spark-data/output-6" spark-submit:2.4.0
I have to use --env SPARK_APPLICATION_ARGS="args1 args2 argsN" instead of -e APP_ARGS="args1 args2 argsN".

Running new meteorhacks/meteord application, don't have meteor app

I try to create a new project based on the meteor with docker.
I found the repository for this:
I created Dockerfile and put there
FROM meteorhacks/meteord:onbuild
And then run:
docker run meteorhacks/meteord
docker run mongo
After downloading all packages so finally I run
docker run -i -t 807754a01782 -d
-e ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000
-e MONGO_URL=mongodb://
-e MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://
-p 8080:80 myapp
Based on this example:
docker run -d \
-e ROOT_URL= \
-e MONGO_URL=mongodb://url \
-e MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://oplog_url \
-p 8080:80 \
Inside myapp folder, I have fresh meteor project.
But as a result, I received
> You don't have an meteor app to run in this image.
Can anyone help me and give me some clues what I'm doing wrong? Or I misunderstanding how Docker with this repository works?
The problem was in command correct command is:
docker run -d
-e ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000
-e MONGO_URL=mongodb://
-e MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb:// -p 8080:80
But now when I check the status of this container I see it is excited. How Can I check what causing the problem?

mongo disconnect after connecting to executing thru shell in docker

I want to close the mongo shell after executing the following in a docker command:
docker run -it --link sonams-mongo:mongo --rm mongo sh -c 'exec mongo "$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR:$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT/test"'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \
echo "connected to mongo successful"; \
else \
echo "mongo connection NOT successful"; \
fi; \
When it connects it goes to a shell prompt within mongo. Is there a way to pass a shell command to do an exit right in or after the docker command?
Usually (of course it depends on the base image you're using) you wouldn't need to invoke "sh -c". Also, the -it combination is usually what makes the shell open and wait for input. Try to change your command a little bit, like below, without -it and sh -c:
docker run --link sonams-mongo:mongo --rm mongo mongo "$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR:$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT/test"
if that doesn't help, try this:
echo "$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR:$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT/test" | docker run --link sonams-mongo:mongo --rm mongo mongo