Create my own AccessTokens with MS Identity Platform - jwt

I am in the process of expanding our login options on our product to support MS Identity Platform, to be able to use Azure AD login (and gain SSO/MFA with that)
Currently we are using .Net Core + JWT (JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)
The environment is angular clients, .Net Core APA, and a back-end database.
I have the setup working.
My challenge is that in our business model and backend database we have ~2.000 userrights and our own User/Role model granting access.
I am currently getting the IdToken from MSAL and in my proof of concept using the oid to couple the Azure ID with our User model.
But, in our existing JWT solution, our access token holds claims about the User Id, but also the role, and another property (Unit/Vessel) determining access. From these three properties we can verify against the 2.000 userights on API side whether or not a request is allowed or not.
I would like to keep this information (User, Role, Unit) in the token - but have doubts on how.
We cant create/use Azure claims. We have too many, and customers will manage the Azure application - while we create, add, remove rights for each version of our software.
Azure don't know about role/unit data - and these are different for each customer - so that information can't be in Azure either.
My best idea is outlined below - would this approach be correct, and live up to the way ID/Access is separated?
I hope someone can give me some feedback on this.
My idea is, that the Angular client gets the Azure IDToken. I then use the Azure IDToken, call our API, which on server side, validates ID Token, and then grants me an access token, which contains the user, role and unit. This token is not Azure'd at all, just a token generated by our API - which again will be the only one validating it). Pro's on this approach is also I can keep one type of Access Token, no matter which IDToken is supplied by Azure or our own API.
Tried to outline the flow below in this DrawIO diagram.
I hope someone with more experience in the Token field can validate if this would be a viable approach?
Best regards

This is a viable approach except for one thing.
Do not use Id token for authorization.
Your front-end should acquire an access token from AAD for your back-end.
This access token contains the user objectId, allowing you to map the user to a user in your database.
An Id token is only meant for the application that requested authentication and tells it metadata on the user like their display name etc., but it is not meant for authorizing anything.


Is it right to put the user's identifier in the payload of the access token(JWT)?

I am currently developing financial services as a personal project.
In order to strengthen security in the project, it is designed and implemented to process authentication at the gateway stage using AWS API Gateway.
I tried to log in using a mobile phone number and the received authentication number, and I don't think this is appropriate for Cognito and IAM identifiers, so I'm going to run the Node Auth Server that issues and verifies JWT tokens in AWS Lambda.
In the process, I tried to include an identifier such as user_id or uuid in the payload of the JWT token, but my colleague opposed it.
His opinion was that access token should only engage in authentication and that the token should not contain a user identifier.
I agreed with him to some extent, but if so, I wondered how to deliver the user identifier in an API such as "Comment Registration API".
Should we hand over the user identifier along with the access token to the client when login is successful?
in conclusion
Is it logically incorrect to include the user identifier in Access Token's Payload?
If the answer to the above question is yes, how should I deliver the user identifier when login is successful?
I wanted to hear the majority's opinion, so I posted it.
Thank you.
Typically you want enough information in the access token so that you can also do proper authorization about what the user/caller is allowed to do.
Typically, you separate authentication and authorization like the picture below shows:
So, to make an effective API, you do want to avoid having to lookup additional information to be able to determine if you are allowed to access some piece of data or not. So, I typically include the UserID and some other claims/roles in the token, so that I can smoothly let the user in inside the API.
However, adding personal information in the access token might have some GDPR issues, but sometimes it might be necessary to also add. But I don't see any issues adding information like UserId and roles in the token.
Yes it is logically correct and a normal thing to do. To see how to do it in a Node Auth Server, you can look at this:

Is there a way to authorize users with existing account only?

Iam working on a flutter mobile application where i use Google SignIn for Auth, is there a way to authorize users with existing account only?
Prevent users from creating new accounts? I've looked for the same thing without finding a way to do this with any Firebase project setting.
The solution, I believe, is consider the difference between authentication and authorization. Firebase's Authentication service is aptly named. It does authentication
- validates that a user is actually who they claim to be. It does not do authorization - control what actions authenticated users are allowed to perform or what data they can access within an application. App developers have to be responsible for managing user authorization.
One way to do this is to maintain a collection of "authorized users" in Firestore, for example. When a user authenticates, your app would perform a lookup to see if the current user is actually authorized or not. Security rules can be written for Firestore and Firebase Cloud Storage to also validate that the current user is in the "authorized users" collection before allowing access to data. But this requires extra data queries to obtain this authorization info.
The authorization method I prefer is to use Custom Claims which can be assigned using the Firebase Admin library. A custom claim can be added to an existing user account that can act as a flag indicating what type of authorization they're granted. Front-end code can check the authentication token they've been issued for the custom claim to determine the authorization they've been granted. Server-side code and security rules can also check for those required custom claims within submitted requests.
Realistically, any application you build where different users might have different levels of access will require you to deal with authorization. I believe that assigning carefully thought-out custom claims is the best solution.

OpenIdConnect: how to add additional claims in the token?

I'm quite new to OpenIdConnect so excuse me if i still miss some basic concept.
I have a SPA-style web application I'm developing for my company (AspNet Core + Aurelia).
I want to use AzureAD via OpenIdConnect for authentication and authorization, everything works very well so far i'm able to obrain a token and sign in.
the problem is that my application needs to provide to the client's browser some app-specific claims like: can read X, can edit Y...
if i add these claims to the JWT token provided by AzureAD obviously it will became invalid, as the signature will not match the content.
if i generate a new token with the new claims, but signed with the app key, obviously it will be a different token valid only in the context of my app (what if I'll later need to access some other resource using the AzureAD token?, is it a good idea to insert the AzureID token as claim of the newly issued token?)
Are there something I'm missing in the OpenConnectId? or is there a way to add claims to a token issued by a 3rd-party provider like AzureAD while keeping the token valid? Maybe a way to ask AzureAd to add claims to the token and re-sign it?
I think a good way to solve this situation may be to obtain an access_token for my own application's api (from my app backend) in exchange of the id_token provided by azure (after its validation)
so the application frontend in the browser will own two tokens and it will be able to use the correct one for each type of request.
there are some standardized flow that are quite similar to this but not exactly the same.
You could try to use a custom claim mapping policy. This is documented here.
This feature is used by tenant admins to customize the claims emitted in tokens for a specific application in their tenant.
As far as I can understand, this is still in preview stage. So it may require some trial and error verification.
Alternatively, you can define some policy in your application itself. Given that you know client IDs from your application (hence you require to use them for OpenID Connect requests), you may create a simple policy to check tokens and perform verifications.

Azure Graph API - Query user information

I'm trying to figure out how to use the Azure Graph API to query a user's full name (first and last) from a given username. I understand I can do this with the following Graph API call...{user_id}?api-version
However, I am not sure how I go about getting an access token to use with this, because this process will be called without a user logging in, which is usually how we obtain an access token.
Is there anyway I can pass a username/password to a given URL using cURL or something and obtain an access token that way, so it is done behind-the-scenes?
There are two main authentication methods which are supported by OAuth 2:
Authorization Code Grant Flow
Client Credentials Grant Flow
The first flow requires a user agent to be present to sign into the client service and results in a delegated token. The second method does not require a user to sign in, as it only authenticates using the client secret; this results in an app only token.
If you want to create a background service that captures data from the AAD Graph API, you can absolutely do this using the Client Credentials Grant Flow, which does not require a user to be present at any point during the authentication flow.
You simply need to configure your application to to have app only scopes. Read here: Permission scopes | Graph API concepts. App only scopes all require tenant administrators to consent to the application in order to get access to data.
Finally, I feel I must mention that there is another less used flow specified in the OAuth 2 spec: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. This flow specifies how a client application who has knowledge of a user's username and password could directly pass those parameters and get an access token on behalf of the user. However using this flow is not good practice at all.
The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in
cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the
client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged
application. The authorization server should take special care when
enabling this grant type and only allow it when other flows are not
We support this in our V1 endpoint, but not in our new V2 endpoint. You can read this blog to learn more.

Restricting REST API results based on the user

I am building a messaging application using BackboneJS which naturally persists using a REST interface.
The issue I'm having is that I don't know how to restrict what data a user can pull back from the API. For instance a call to /messages would, at the moment, return messages for ALL users. I would like that resource to only return messages belonging to the current user.
Searching online seems to indicate that oAuth2 is the best way to solve this issue but all the tutorials talk about been redirected to another place to confirm access and retrieve an access token.
Given that my users will have already logged into the message application and that the REST API is actually part of the same application I don't like the idea of asking the users to confirm that my own app can access my own API.
Is there a better way?
oAuth2 is probably your best bet -- you definitely don't want to roll your own security. However, the flavor of oAuth2 you are thinking of is probably not what you want.
oAuth2 has four different flavors, known as authorization grant types:
Authorization code: This is the type you are thinking about. It is often called three-legged oAuth, because there are three actors in the token granting process (app, resource owner, and user). The app asks the user whether it is ok for the resource owner to give specific type(s) of access to the resource. It is a rather complex process that allows the validation of user credentials without allowing the app access to them. This is not necessary in your case, since you are both the app and resource owner.
Client credentials: This is a method for authorizing a client application with the server. It does not use user credentials at all. If you completely trust your client application (all client applications) to correctly protect user data and not expose other user's data to the user using the app, or you are providing only non-user data via the API (for example, map data or catalog data), you might be able to use this fairly simple type of oAuth2. However, if you want to be vigilant in protecting user data (and not allow apps to get to the data without the user providing credentials), you might not use this one.
Resource owner password credentials: The username and password of the user is passed via https to your backend server, which authenticates and authorizes access by providing an access token. The access token can then be passed with each call, and it remains valid for accessing the backend until a configurable time period has elapsed. This means that someone intercepting the token could only use it successfully for a limited amount of time (some number of minutes, generally). The interceptor would not know the username and password of the user. In addition, you can supply the app with a refresh token, which can be used to get a new access token once it has expired (until the refresh token expires -- usually with a significantly longer expiration date). Since the credentials are not passed across the wire often (and must only be passed encrypted), this is often the best solution for protecting user credentials and not requiring the user to pass them in often (good user experience). Implementation is much simpler than for the authorization code grant type.
Implicit: This is the least secure method -- no credentials are validated server side at all. This is usually used for client side scripting languages where credentials cannot be stored safely. If you are worried about security at all, avoid this type if possible.
So, check out OAuth 2.0, and look for the resource owner password credentials grant type.