Move Build and Release Pipeline from one organization to another - azure-devops

We have been working in one organization and now we are migrating all from one organization to another.
Can anyone suggest me How Can I Migrate my Build and Release Pipelines from one organization to another?

You can Export and Import the Pipelines as a template / JSON.

Move Build and Release Pipeline from one organization to another.
We can easily move the classic Build/Release pipelines into new Org with the Export and Import pipeline options, as Abhujit answered above.
However, we still need to modify/fix many configurations to make the newly imported pipelines work. We can't access the Private Agent Pool, Source within old Organization, so we have to do more jobs to fix them.
So if someone only needs to reuse the tasks/steps, it's easier to replicate steps to create new Build and Release pipelines instead of importing the pipelines from another org.
PS: Also, using Yaml pipelines+templates in both orgs is also a good choice for reusing tasks.

As a work-around I found this.
You can't directly import exported configuration file, You need to change lot configurations as you have change organization, which takes time. It is easier to replicate steps to create Build and Release pipelines in New Organization.


Azure DevOps build from dynamic repo name

Anybody know if it is possible to pass in a repo name / base the build on a dynamic repo name? This would allow us to share the same build definition across different branches, cutting down on definitions when creating a feature branch, etc.
When using a TFVC repo we would store the different releases in the same repo but different paths. We could reuse the same build definition across different releases/FB's by altering the source path such as $/product/$(release)/......
It appears Git likes to have the repo hard-coded into the build (hence the dropdown - no way to plug in a variable.
While the question is targeted to On-prem Azure DevOps, if it is possible in the hosted environment it would be helpful to know.
I recommend using YAML build templates. By default these check out "self" and are stored in the repo. That way they work on forks, branches etc. Each branch can contain tweaks to the build process as well.
With the 'old' UI based builds this isn't possible.
What you are looking for is actually two things:
templates - this allows you reuse definition accross different pipelines
triggers - this allows you to trigger pipeline when commit happens on different branches
Looks like Task Groups solved the need (mostly). I was hoping to have one build definition that could be shared across multiple branches; while this appears to be possible on the hosted model, on prem is different.
I am able to clone a build (or use templates) to have an entry point into the repo/branch to get the sources, then pass off the work to a common task group. If I need to modify the build process for multiple branches, just modify the task group.

Deploy many apps through ONE release process via Azure DevOps

I need to deploy many similar apps to the same environments with Azure DevOps.
What are some ways to share and maintain the release process for these apps....
to avoid updating every app's Release process when it changes?
I have dozens of similar apps with identical release processes.
Each app (in its own repo) will have its own Azure Pipeline.
I'm fine with a custom solution to this problem.
Make a Release for every Pipeline -- not a fan!
CON: Azure seems to want a 1-to-1 relationship between Pipelines and Releases.
CON: I want to avoid many Releases at all costs, since changes would be nearly unmaintainable.
Use custom stage templates -- doesn't work for what I need
CON: Releases do not share custom stage templates.
Custom templates that you create are scoped to the project that you created them in. [Azure Documentation]
CON: Custom stage templates cannot be updated (as of this post).
To update an stage template, delete the existing template in a release pipeline and then save the stage as a template with the same name. [Azure Documentation]
Put the release process in the Pipeline .yml file -- seems possible, but....
PRO: The process would be stored in a shared "common" repo.
PRO: Each app will have a minimal Pipeline .yml file, setting some parameters before running the shared process.
CON: How would I track and manually deploy releases without the Release portal UI? Am I missing something?
Trigger the same Release with artifacts from different apps -- not sure this will work....
PRO: One release process, easy to track and deploy as needed via the Release portal UI.
CON: How would I track releases for different apps? Would I name Releases with the app name?
CON: I don't see how to set it up, since a Release is tied to a primary Pipeline.
At the time of linking an artifact source to a release pipeline.... [Azure Documentation]
CON: Though multiple artifact sources can be used, Releases need a default artifact Pipeline or source repo. Would I need to setup the artifact source programmatically?
When you link multiple artifact sources to a release pipeline, one of them is designated as the primary artifact source. The primary artifact source is used to set a number of pre-defined variables. It can also be used in naming releases. [Azure Documentation]
Use multiple artifact sources and artifact variables -- not sure this will work....
When there are multiple artifact sources linked to a release pipeline, you can access information about each of these. [Azure Documentation]
Bottom Line
I was able to solve many of these problems in Octopus Deploy. However, I'm having significant trouble seeing how to move my DevOps process into Azure DevOps. How would you handle this situation?
There is no perfect solution to meet your requirements.
Generally deploy multiple apps to multiple environments, we recommend that Make a Release for every Pipeline. But just as you mentioned it has 1-to-1 relationship between build pipelines and Releases and it has many releases.
We can deploy multiple apps to multiple environments through ONE release with customized Template as you mentioned, we can also use the Task Groups to combine a set of tasks together, then reuse them in different stages. But we still need to update the definitions accordingly (change the Task Group version) once the specific task group is updated.
Another way is Clone Stage, you mentioned they are the same environments, so you can config one stage, then clone stages from the existing one, just name the stages with the specific App names accordingly. But you still need to change the settings accordingly, for example the Artifact filters (see Release triggers) to determine the condition to trigger the specific stage. But in this way it will download all the artifacts first when you add multiple artifact sources, this will take long time to get sources...

Can I create a project template in Azure DevOps

My company creates a lot of projects in Azure DevOps, and they all have the same structure -- same members, same permissions. Each project has different Git repositories within it, but that's the only thing (other than the name) that differs between them. It would be helpful to have a template so that everything is set up correctly each time we need a new one.
I don't see a way to do this through the web interface. I have the sense that I could probably do it with a script, but I don't know where to begin with that (including which tool to use). Where should I start?
It looks like there is now a way to do this without the Azure DevOps CLI (as long as your project that you want to template is one of the supported types (Agile, Scrum and Basic)). There is a tool available here that will step you through the process.
There is also an excellent blog post here that gives you an overview.
Yes, you can accomplish most of the configuration by script. For the beginning you might take a look at the Azure Devops CLI, which allows you to perform several actions on Azure Devops, like:
Create projects, Users and configure security
Create repositories, pipelines and set branch permissions
Create and manage work items

Moving a project using CICD to a derivative process

Our main project is hosted and managed on VSTS online. We are managing the work using Features, User Stories and tasks. In addition, the code is managed and stored in Repos. We are working with pipelines and such for CICD. Last, we installed some extensions downloaded from the marketplace.
Currently, we are running on the build-in Agile process. We would like to create an inherit process and move the project to it. I’ve done that in the past but without the project using CICD.
The question is, can we do that safely without harming or endangering our code and CICD operations?
The CI/CD processes not related to the Work Item process. you can move to inherited process template without harming or endangering your code and your CI/CD pipelines.
Unless you touch the work items during the build (with custom scripts/API) and change fields etc. so you need to update the scripts (e.g. you change a field called "A" and in the new template is "B").

Reusing PowerShell Scripts in Azure DevOps

I have a PowerShell script that I want to re-use across multiple build pipelines. My question is, is there a way I can "store" or "save" my PowerShell script at the project or organization scope so that I can use it in my other build pipelines? If so, how? I can't seem to find a way to do this. It would be super handy though.
It is now possible to check out multiple repositories in one YAML pipeline. You could place your script in one repository and check it out in a pipeline of any other repository. You could then reference the script directly on the pipeline workspace.
More info here.
Depending on how big theese scripts are you can create Taskgroups that contain powershell-tasks with the script as inline-powershell. But this only works on project-scope..
Another attempt i'd try would be to create a repo containing your powershell-scripts, add this repo as submodule in the repository you are trying to build and then call the scripts from the submodule-folder. But this only works when using git-repos.
Or you could create a custom build-task that contains your script.
From what I have seen, no.
A few different options I have explored are:
If using a non-hosted agent, saving the file onto the build server. Admittedly this doesn't scale well, but it is better than copy/pasting the script all over. I was able to put these scripts into version control and deploy them via their own pipeline so that might be an solution for scaling (if necessary)
Cloning another repository that has these shared scripts during the process.
I've been asking for this feature for a bit, but it seems the Azure DevOps team has higher priorities.
How about putting the powershell in a nuget package and install that in depending projects?
I just discovered YAML templates (
I think it may help you in this case (depending how large it is your file), you can put an inline powershell script in that template yaml, and reuse it on your main yaml.
Documentation is pretty straightforward.