Kubernetes control plane how to increase Endpoint Slices for Service - kubernetes

I am gettingthe below error and unable to resolve this.
"Error updating Endpoint Slices for Service default/centosdei2-service: failed to update centosdei2-service-dc4tm EndpointSlice for Service default/centosdei2-service: EndpointSlice.discovery.k8s.io "centosdei2-service-dc4tm" is invalid: ports: Too many: 109: must have at most 100 items"
Tried to add " - --max-endpoints-per-slice=150" in the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml and restarted the master but didnt work. Any pointers?


Ec2 Metadata updgrade from imdSV1 to imdSV2 causes 403 and 401 error- kube2iam

I recently updated my ec2 instances to use imdSV2 but had to rollback because of the following issue:
It looks like after i did the upgrade my init containers started failing and i saw the following in the logs:
time="2022-01-11T14:25:01Z" level=info msg="PUT /latest/api/token (403) took 0.753220 ms" req.method=PUT req.path=/latest/api/token req.remote=XXXXX res.duration=0.75322 res.status=403 time="2022-01-11T14:25:37Z" level=error msg="Error getting instance id, got status: 401 Unauthorized"
We are using Kube2iam for the same. Any advice what changes need to be done on the Kube2iam side to support imdSV2? Below is some info from my kube2iam daemonset:
EKS =1.21
image = "jtblin/kube2iam:0.10.9"

Openshift 3.11 cloud integration fails with lookup RequestError: send request failed\\ncaused by: Post https://ec2.eu-west-.amazonaws.com

Following the docs: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install_config/configuring_aws.html#aws-cluster-labeling
Configuring the cloud integration after the cluster build.
When the cluster services are restarted on the masters it fails looking up AWS instances:
22 16:32:10.112895 75995 server.go:261] failed to run Kubelet: could not init cloud provider "aws": error finding instance i-0c5cbd50923f9c6d2: "error listing AWS instances: \"Request.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a Error: send request failed\\ncaused by: Post https://ec2.eu-west-.amazonaws.com/: dial tcp: lookup ec2.eu-west-.amazonaws.com: no such host\""
On closer inspection seems to be due to incorrect hostname:
https://ec2.eu-west-.amazonaws.com/ VS https://ec2.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/
So I double checked the config, which seems to be correct:
# cat /etc/origin/cloudprovider/aws.conf
Zone = eu-west-2
Had a google and it seems to be a similar issue to this:
Is there a way to work around this? Moving off 3.11 isn't an option right now.
Looks as though it needs to be zone, rather than the region.
# cat /etc/origin/cloudprovider/aws.conf
Zone = eu-west-2a

Kubernetes cluster working but getting this error from the NGINX controller

Although the cluster is working as expected this error is somewhat troublesome.
Kubernetes Version: v1.17.3
E0407 17:57:54.426952 1 reflector.go:123]
Failed to list *v1.VirtualServerRoute:
virtualserverroutes.k8s.nginx.org is forbidden: User
"system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list resource
"virtualserverroutes" in API group "k8s.nginx.org" at the cluster
To fix the problem you have to disable list/watch operations on virtualserver and virtualserverroutes - set the --enable-custom-resources flag to false in your deployment/daemonset manifest.
Enables custom resources (default true)
Take a look also at: nginx-ingress-controller-configuration, disabling-list-watch-virtualserver.

Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined[fabric1.0 k8s]

I am trying to deploy Hyperledger fabric 1.0.5 on k8s, and use the balance transfer to test it. Everything is right before instantiate-chaincode, and I get this:
[2019-01-02 23:23:14.392] [ERROR] instantiate-chaincode - Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined
[2019-01-02 23:23:14.393] [ERROR] instantiate-chaincode - Failed to order the transaction. Error code: undefined
and I use kubectl logs to get the peer0's log which is like this:
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61a Failed connecting to orderer2.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61b Failed connecting to orderer1.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[ConnProducer] NewConnection -> ERRO 61c Failed connecting to orderer0.orderer1:7050 , error: context deadline exceeded
[deliveryClient] connect -> DEBU 61d Connected to
[deliveryClient] connect -> ERRO 61e Failed obtaining connection: Could not connect to any of the endpoints: [orderer2.orderer1:7050 orderer1.orderer1:7050 orderer0.orderer1:7050]
I checked the connectivity of orderer0:7050 and found no problem.
What should I do next?
Thank for help!
You didn't describe what runbook you followed to deploy Hyperledger Fabric but looks like your pods cannot find each other through DNS. If you are following Kubernetes standards your pods should be in the orderer1 namespace and hopefully, you have Kubernetes services for orderer0, orderer1, and orderer2.
You can read more about communication between the Fabric components here in the "Communication between Fabric components" section. Also, read on the "Work around the chaincode sandbox" where it shows you a workaround for --dns-search.
It looks like firewall problem.
In my case to run hlf on k8s, I disabled firewall service.

Received AliveMessage from a peer with the same PKI-ID as myself

I am attempting to port the Hyperledger Fabric Getting Started to Kubernetes. But am struggling to get peer1's to deploy. If I enable CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP, I receive errors "Received AliveMessage from a peer with the same PKI-ID as myself".
How can I debug a peer reportedly having the same PKI-ID as another?
Using this as a starting point:
I am able to create:
orderer and cli pods in default namespace
peer0's one in each org1|org2 namespace.
peer1's but only if I disable (comment out) CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP
If I enable CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP for the peer1's, I receive the following warning and error:
[gossip/gossip#] NewGossipService -> WARN 01c External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization
[gossip/discovery#] handleAliveMessage -> ERRO 02a Bad configuration detected: Received AliveMessage from a peer with the same PKI-ID as myself: tag:EMPTY alive_msg:<membership:<pki_id:"[[REDACTED]]" > timestamp:<inc_number:1495468533769417608 seq_num:416 > >
In order to better map the Orderer, Peers to DNS names, I'm using Kubernetes Namespaces and this configuration:
- Name: Orderer
Domain: default.svc.cluster.local
- Hostname: orderer
- Name: Org1
Domain: org1.svc.cluster.local
Count: 2
Count: 2
- Name: Org2
Domain: org2.svc.cluster.local
Count: 2
Count: 2
In order to expose the peer0's to the other peers in the org and to expose the orderer, I have ClusterIP services for the peer0's (selecting only the peer0's) and orderer. It's inelegant but I'm trying to get it to work before I get it working more beautifully.
I am able to resolve orderer.default.svc.cluster.local, peer0.org1.svc.cluster.local, `peer0.org2.svc.cluster.local' using nslookup from within a pod deployed to default on the cluster.
Absent a curl-like tool for gPRC, I am able to open sockets against these endpoints on 7051 and 7053.
First, make sure you are using the right certificates.
Second, verify that your environment/configuration for gossip is set correctly
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer1.org1.example.com:8051
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP=peer0.org1.example.com:7051
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_ENDPOINT=peer0.org1.example.com:7051
OR in core.yaml
bootstrap: peer0.org1.example.com:7051
externalEndpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:8051
endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051
Edited: Also make sure that you have properly setup your CA
Hope this helps, it worked for me. And I was successfully able to connect peers.
If the peers are started from the same node, its possible that you are mounting the same crypto-material (path to mspconfig directory) for both the peers. If that is the case, separate the directory structures for both the peers and keep their respective certificates in them, update the respective paths for msp in docker-compose file and try to run.