I was taking a look at different ways to formulate a constraint rule for Optaplanner. I was wondering about the use of InsertLogical.
In the nurse rostering example, is it just a way to measure the length of the consecutive working days? I mean, I'd like to know the difference between using InsertLogical (and then calculating the day length) or plain and simple "accumulate" function.
Also, about this specific example I'd like to know why is perfomance improved by applying different saliences.
insertLogicals are dreadfully slow. Out of 30 examples/quickstarts or so, nurse rostering is the only one using it, for the "n consecutive" constraints. Avoid it if you can.
For ConstraintStreams, we're working on better, faster, cleaner alternatives to handle these kind of constraints.
I'm trying to pick the best first solution strategy to use on a VRP.
My use case is that an individual case takes around 60 seconds to solve on average, but i need to run hundreds or thousands of cases sequentially such that my whole solution takes hours.
I can trade off finding the optimal solution against time; a good solution is usually good enough.
Using the different strategies, i get solve times between 1 and 120 seconds.
My questions:
Is it reasonable to assume that the best strategy for one case will also be the best for other cases given my model does not change much - just different pickup nodes and time windows?
Has anyone tried first testing each strategy then picking the best to use for the rest of the cases?
If i was to set the limit time to e.g. 1 second, would the strategy that gives the lowest objective function after say 1s also be likely to give the best solution strategy after 60s, unlimited?
Many thanks!
At the moment, my problem has four metrics. Each of these measures something entirely different (each has different units, a different range, etc.) and each is weighted externally. I am using Drools for scoring.
I only have only one score level (SimpleLongScore) and I have to find a way to appropriately combine the individual scores of these metrics onto one long value
The most significant problem at the moment is that the range of values for the metrics can be wildly different.
So if, for example, after a move the score of a metric with a small possible range improves by, say, 10%, that could be completely dwarfed by an alternate move which improves the metric with a larger range's score by only 1% because OptaPlanner only considers the actual score value rather than the possible range of values and how changes affect them proportionally (to my knowledge).
So, is there a way to handle this cleanly which is already part of OptaPlanner that I cannot find?
Is the only feasible solution to implement Pareto scoring? Because that seems like a hack-y nightmare.
So far I have code/math to compute the best-possible and worst-possible scores for a metric that I access from within the Drools and then I can compute where in that range a move puts us, but this also feel quite hack-y and will cause issues with incremental scoring if we want to scale non-linearly within that range.
I keep coming back to thinking I should just just bite the bullet and implement Pareto scoring.
Take a look at #ConstraintConfiguration and #ConstraintWeight in the docs.
Also take a look at the chapter "explaning the score", which can exactly tell you which constraint had which score impact on the best solution found.
If, however, you need pareto optimization, so you need multiple best solutions that don't dominate each other, then know that OptaPlanner doesn't support that yet, but I know of 2 cases that implemented it in OptaPlanner by hacking BestSolutionRecaller.
That being said, 99% of the cases that think of pareto optimization, are 100% happy with #ConstraintWeight instead, because users don't want multiple best solutions (except during simulations), they just want one in production.
Matlab offers multiple algorithms for solving Linear Programs.
For example Matlab R2012b offers: 'active-set', 'trust-region-reflective', 'interior-point', 'interior-point-convex', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'trust-region-dogleg', 'lm-line-search', or 'sqp'.
But other versions of Matlab support different algorithms.
I would like to run a loop over all algorithms that are supported by the users Matlab-Version. And I would like them to be ordered like the recommendation order of Matlab.
I would like to implement something like this:
while (isempty(x))
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options);
In 99% this code should be equivalent to
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options);
but sometimes the algorithm gives back an empty array because of numerical problems (exitflag -4). If there is a chance that one of the other algorithms can find a solution I would like to try them too.
So my question is:
Is there a possibility to automatically get a list of all linprog-algorithms that are supported by the installed Matlab-version ordered like Matlab recommends them.
I think looping through all algorithms can make sense in other scenarios too. For example when you need very precise data and have a lot of time, you could run them all and than evaluate which gives the best results.
Or one would like to loop through all algorithms, if one wants to find which algorithms is the best for LPs with a certain structure.
There's no automatic way to do this as far as I know. If you really want to do it, the easiest thing to do would be to go to the online documentation, and check through previous versions (online documentation is available for old versions, not just the most recent release), and construct some variables like this:
r2012balgos = {'active-set', 'trust-region-reflective', 'interior-point', 'interior-point-convex', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'trust-region-dogleg', 'lm-line-search', 'sqp'};
r2017aalgos = {...};
v = ver('matlab');
switch v.Release
case '(R2012b)'
algos = r2012balgos;
case '(R2017a)'
algos = r2017aalgos;
% loop through each of the algorithms
Seems boring, but it should only take you about 30 minutes.
There's a reason MathWorks aren't making this as easy as you might hope, though, because what you're asking for isn't a great idea.
It is possible to construct artificial problems where one algorithm finds a solution and the others don't. But in practice, typically if the recommended algorithm doesn't find a solution this doesn't indicate that you should switch algorithms, it indicates that your problem wasn't well-formulated, and you should consider modifying it, perhaps by modifying some constraints, or reformulating the objective function.
And after all, why stop with just looping through the alternative algorithms? Why not also loop through lots of values for other options such as constraint tolerances, optimality tolerances, maximum number of function evaluations, etc.? These may have just as much likelihood of affecting things as a choice of algorithm. And soon you're running an optimisation algorithm to search through the space of meta-parameters for your original optimisation.
That's not a great plan - probably better to just choose one of the recommended algorithms, stick to that, and if things don't work out then focus on improving your formulation of the problems rather than over-tweaking the optimisation itself.
I've been working on a piece of java code to determine the best threshold for a mergesort to switch to insertion sort at and my results have been less than satisfactory.
The tests I'm running take nearly an hour and produce data which doesn't really represent any particular pattern to me. So I'm hoping to ask what I should expect for the best threshold. Should it be constant? Should it be N/(some number)? is it constant after a certain N value? Roughly what would you expect?
(if it matters I am comparing Integer objects in java)
It depends somewhat on your actual hardware.
The best approach is to benchmark on your target hardware.
It's usually between 10 and 50, but test between 10 and 100.
In implementations I worked on some time ago, the threshold was 22 items.
Hello all this is my very first question here. I am new to datastructure and algorithms my teacher asked me to compare time complexity of different algorithms including: merge sort, heap sort, insertion sort, and quick sort. I search over internet and find out that quick sort is the fastest of all but my version of quick sort is the slowest of all (it sort 100 random integers in almost 1 second while my other sorting algorithms took almost 0 second). I tweak my quick sort logic many times (taking first value as pivot than tried to take middle value as pivot but in vain) I finally search the code over internet and there was not much difference in my code and code on internet. Now I really am confused that if this is behaviour of quick sort is natural (I mean whatever your logic is you are gonna get same results.) or there are some specific situations where you should use quick sort. In the end I know my question is not clear (I don't know how to ask besides my english is also not very good.) I hope someone can help me I really wanted to attach picture of awkward result I am having but I can't (reputation < 10).
Theoretically, quicksort is supposed to be the fastest algorithm for sorting, with a runtime of O(nlogn). It's worst case would be O(n^2), but only occurs if there are repeated values are equal to the pivot.
In your situation, I can only assume that your pivot value is not ideal in your data array, but is still able to sort the values using that pivot. Otherwise, your quicksort implementation is unfortunately incorrect.
Quicksort has O(n^2) worst-case runtime and O(nlogn) average case runtime. A good reason why Quicksort is so fast in practice compared to most other O(nlogn) algorithms such as Heapsort, is because it is relatively cache-efficient. Its running time is actually O(n/Blog(n/B)), where B is the block size. Heapsort, on the other hand, doesn't have any such speedup: it's not at all accessing memory cache-efficiently.
The value you choose as pivot may not be appropriate hence your sorting may be taking some time.You can avoid quicksort’s worst-case run time of O(n^2) almost entirely by using an appropriate choice of the pivot – such as picking it at random.
Also , the best and worst case often are extremes rarely occurring in practice.But any average case analysis assume some distribution of inputs. For sorting, the typical choice is the random permutation model (as assumed on Wikipedia).