How can I test the content in ag-grid using testing-library? - ag-grid

I am trying to write a few simple tests that the headers and data I want to render are showing up as expected. I created a repo - to reproduce. The table looks as I would expect when opened in a browser.
columnDefs={ /* First 2 always findable, others never */
{ field: "make" },
{ field: "model" },
{ field: "price" },
{ field: "color" },
make: "Toyota",
model: "Celica",
price: "35000",
color: "blue"
And the tests
test('renders all the headers', async () => {
const { getByText } = render(<GridExample />);
expect(getByText("Make")).toBeInTheDocument(); // PASS
expect(getByText("Model")).toBeInTheDocument(); // PASS
expect(getByText("Price")).toBeInTheDocument(); // FAIL
expect(getByText("Color")).toBeInTheDocument(); // FAIL
Locally, the first 2 column headers and data are accessible, but none of the other columns are rendered, as I can see in the output of testing-library. I am using --env=jsdom-fourteen as recommended by other posts.
Strangely enough, no headers or data are rendered for the tests when in the codesandbox for this repo, as with local, the browser looks correct. I then tried waiting for gridReady, but it didn't make a difference.
EDIT: Also tried directly calling a function in onGridReady, same problem (first 2 columns pass, second 2 fail)
test('renders all the headers', async (done) => {
let page;
const onReady = () => {
expect(page.getByText("Make")).toBeInTheDocument(); // PASS
expect(page.getByText("Model")).toBeInTheDocument(); // PASS
expect(page.getByText("Price")).toBeInTheDocument(); // FAIL
expect(page.getByText("Color")).toBeInTheDocument(); // FAIL
page = render(<GridExample ready={onReady}/>);

ag-grid uses Column Virtualisation, so it seems the solution here is to disable it via the suppressColumnVirtualisation attribute on the <AgGridReact> element.
Boom! All the tests pass!
In reality, it's probably ideal to only suppress this during testing:
suppressColumnVirtualisation={process.env.NODE_ENV === "test"}

An addition to #olore's answer.
If you use server side data source, make sure
Your mock server responds with expected data, not error.
You use asynchronous selector in testing library, at least for the first cell of the row.
expect(await findByText('Price')).toBeInTheDocument();


Pass Dynamic Variable to highlightResults in Autocomplete.js

I'm building a typeahead component for my Vue application that searches Algolia, which has several different indexes to search in different places, so I've created props to be passed in to set the input placeholder, search index, and displayKey.
All works well except my highlighting function for suggestions.
I'm sure this is something simple but I can't get the highlight return to pick up the dynamic prop passed in.
$('.typeahead').autocomplete({ hint: false }, [{
source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(this.client, { hitsPerPage: 5 }),
displayKey: this.display,
templates: {
suggestion: (suggestion) => {
return suggestion._highlightResult.{this.display goes here}.value;
}]).on('autocomplete:selected', (event, suggestion, dataset) => {
console.log(suggestion, dataset);
If I omit the highlighting all works perfectly.
I knew it was simple, call it via array key instead of dot notation.
return suggestion._highlightResult[this.display].value;

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on one GET request

working with a MEAN Stack and I have three GET requests for the same URL/Route. One is to get a generalised summary of long-term emotions, the other is to get a summary of emotions by dates entered, and lastly, a summary of emotions related to a user-entered tag associated with individual emotion entries.
My first GET request is throwing no issues but the second GET request throws an error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
The error points to the following line:
48| each emotion in dateEmotions
Below is the relative code associated with the error:
each emotion in dateEmotions
p.emotion-left= emotion.emotionName
p.pull-right(class= emotion.emotionLevel) &lpar;#{emotion.emotionLevel}&percnt;&rpar;
GET Request
module.exports.emotionsListByDates = function (req, res) {
{ $match :
{ "date" : { $gte: ISODate("2018-04-09T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt: ISODate("2018-04-13T00:00:00.000Z") } }
}, { "$group": {
"_id": null,
"averageHappiness": {"$avg": "$happiness"},
"averageSadness": {"$avg": "$sadness"},
"averageAnger": {"$avg": "$anger"},
"averageSurprise": {"$avg": "$surprise"},
"averageContempt": {"$avg": "$contempt"},
"averageDisgust": {"$avg": "$disgust"},
"averageFear": {"$avg": "$fear"},
], function (e, docs) {
if (e) {
} else {
res.render('dashboard', {
title: "ReacTrack - User Dashboard",
pageHeader: {
title: "User Dashboard",
strapline: "View your emotional data here."
dateEmotions: docs
This question is already getting pretty long, but I have another GET Request pointed to that URL and it is not throwing any errors, and the only difference is that I am not matching the db records by date in that query. I can post the working code if need be.
After some experimenting, I am able to get each of the three routes working individually if I comment out the other two. It's when multiple routes pull in the multiple requests that causes issues. For example, here are the routes at present where the ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates is working:
// Dashboard Routes
//router.get(/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListGeneralised);
router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates);
//router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByTag);
If I comment out two routes and leave one running, and comment out the respective each emotion in emotions each emotion in dateEmotions and each emotion in tagEmotions blocks in the Jade file and leave the correct one uncommented, then that route will work, it seems to be when I am firing multiple routes. Is this bad practice, or incorrect? Should all queries be in the one GET request if on the same URL?
Apologies, new to routing and RESTful APIs but after some researching into the topic, I now understand the fault.
I assumed that the URL used in routing was the URL you wanted the data to populate...which it still kinda is, but I thought if I wanted to populate the dashboard page, I had to use that exact route and I did not realise I could post the data to different URL routes and take the data from those URLs to populate the one page.
Fixed by adding /date and /tag to those routes and using AJAX to perform those requests and populate the main page.
Thanks all.
I have the same problem but I'm using React+Redux+Fetch. So is it not a good practice dispatch more the one request in the same time and from the same page to a specific url?
I would know what causes that problem. I've found some discussions about it could be a mongoose issue.
My code:
MymongooObject.find(query_specifiers, function(err, data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

vue js 2 - for loop in multiple rest calls fetchData

I am trying to get wp-rest and Vuejs 2 to work together, so far things are coming along nicely apart from this one rest call that requires another request for the design to be complete. Essentially I want to be able to iterate / loop through the first request and dynamically change update the second request.
And my second question is performance, overall the rest calls are taking a bit longer to load - is there something I can do to optimize?
The first result data gives me an id, slug and title to all the posts I want to display only on the homepage as featured - through that id or slug I want to pass it to the second request - so I can pull in more information about those posts - like featured image and other meta field data.
<pre>export default {
name: 'work',
data () {
return {
loading: false,
page: null,
pagesingle: null,
error: null
created() {
methods: {
fetchData() {
.then(result => { =
result => this.pagesingle =
I think you want to look at Promise.all. It will take an array of promises, wait for them all to complete, and then resolve with an array of results.
You would build your array of promises based on the array of slugs and ids in your first request. Maybe something like
const promises = =>
Getting the results is as easy as
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
this.arrayOfSinglePages = =>;
Now your has the array of id (and stuff) and this.arrayOfSinglePages has the page details for each of them in the same order.

Does Moongoose 3.8.8 support $position operator?

Does Moongoose 3.8.8 (the lastest version) support $position ( operator from MongoDB 2.6.0?
In the following code example the new elements is inserted in the end of the array userActivity.activities:
var userActivity = new schema({
userId: {type:String, required:true, unique:true},
activities: [activity]
var activity = new schema({
act: {type: Number, required:true},
var activity = { act: 1 };
{ _id: dbact._id },
{ $push: { activities: {
$each: [ activity ],
$position: 0
function (err, numAffected) {
if (!err) {
// do something
This actually doesn't matter and never matters for any "framework" implementation and I do not mind explaining why.
Every single "framework" ( such as Mongoose, Mongoid, Doctrine, MongoEngine, etc, etc, etc ) are all basically built upon a basic "driver" implementation that has in most cases been developedby the MongoDB staff themselves. So the basic functionality is always ther even if you need to "delve" down to a level in order to use those "native" methods.
So here would be the native usage example in this case:
{ "$push": {
"list": {
"$each": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"$position": 0 }
},function(err,NumAffected) {
Note the "collection" method used from the model, which is getting the "raw" collection details from the driver. So you are using it's method and not some "wrapped" method that may be doing additional processing.
The next and most basic reason is if you cannot find the method and application of the operators that you need the here is a simple fact.
Every single operation as used by the methods in every framework and basic driver method is essentially a call to the "runCommand" method in the basic API. So since that basic call is available everywhere ( in some form or another, because it has to be ), then you can do everything that you find advertised on the MongoDB site with every language implementation on any framework.
But the short call to your particular request is, since this is not actually a method call but is simply part of the BSON arguments as passed in, then of course there is no restriction by a particular language driver to actually use this.
So you can use these new argument without of course updating to the most recent version. But you probably will get some nice methods to do so if you actually do.
Yes, you should be able to use it directly as Mongoose will pass through the update clause:
query, /* match the document */
{ $push:
{ yourArrayField:
$each: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
$position: 0
}, function (err, res) { /* callback */ });
The above would insert the values 1, 2, 3 at the front of the array named yourArrayField.
As it's just a pass-through, you'll need to make sure it works with the server version that you're connecting the client to.

How to update a doc value from an iron-router function

I know this is a nood question, but I'm trying to work out how to update a value in a document from a route in iron router. I've found the spot I need to put the function, but I'm struggling with the mongo code needed to make it work.
I'm trying to increment a views element each time a link is clicked, so have added the following code to the route.
data: function () {
var project = projectDocs.findOne(this.params._id);
// need to increment views value by one
{$inc: {views: 1}}
return project;
The project.views value is returning the correct value, but the code to update the value throws an exception at the moment.
I tried the simple thing of project.views++ which increments the variable within the function but it never gets pushed to the database (no surprises there I guess).
Can someone point me in the direction I need to get this value to inc (and is this even the right place to do this?).
OK, I found this link that has lead me part of the way$inc+modifier+to+non-number&source=bl&ots=h7qyOddRsf&sig=EWFw9kNLGHoFEUS-nTNsBStDRcQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cRGXUse0DNGciAfk6YHgCA&ved=0CFcQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=Cannot%20apply%20%24inc%20modifier%20to%20non-number&f=false which explains that you can only inc numeric values (I had this as a string it seems.
Now the problem is that I seem to be in an endless loop.
The function now looks like
this.route('projectPage', {
path: '/projects/:_id',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('singleProject', this.params._id);
data: function () {
var project = projectDocs.findOne(this.params._id);
// need to increment views value by one
console.log("Views", project.views);
console.log("Project", project);
{$inc: {views: 1}}
return project;
Why would this be looping?
Use _id instead of id. So
projectDocs.update({_id: project._id},
{$inc: {views: 1}}
If that's not it, perhaps you could update your answer with whatever exception you are getting.
Just read the fantastic new documentation on iron-router a bit further and moved the $inc function to the unload hook and all seems to be good.
this.route('projectPage', {
path: '/projects/:_id',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('singleProject', this.params._id);
data: function () {
return projectDocs.findOne(this.params._id);
unload: function() {
var project = projectDocs.findOne(this.params._id);
// need to increment views value by one
{$inc: {views: 1}}
// could possibly use layout: popup_layout? here
Would love some confirmation that this is actually where I should be doing this (and it does seem a bit inefficient to be doing so many "findOne"'s) but its working for the moment.