Return is getting ignored - roblox

As I wanted to make a script to let the RemoteEvent only fire users in specific groups, I came upon a error
Even if I am not in the groups, it is still continuing to fire the Servers even if not allowed to
so the "else" is getting ignored
if player:IsInGroup(7503826) or (7467047) then
warn("Not in Intelligence Agency, Either in Internal Security Department")
I made a pcall function to check if it was Sucessful or if it Failed
local success, message = pcall(player, PlayerToBlind)
if success then
And it always printed me "failed"
Any fix?

Your condition will always return true. It should be
if player:IsInGroup(7503826) or player:IsInGroup(7467047) then
(7467047) alone as an expression will always be true.


ServerValue.increment doesn't work properly when Internet goes down

The addition of ServerValue.increment() (Add increment() for atomic field value increments #2437) was a great news as it allows field values ​​to be increased atomically in Firebase RTDB.
I have an application that keeps inventories and this function has been key because it allows updating the inventory regardless of whether the user is offline at times. However, I started to notice that sometimes the function is executed twice, which completely misstates the inventory in the wrong way.
To isolate the problem I decided to do the following test, which shows that ServerValue.Increment() works wrong when the connection goes from Online to Offline:
Make a for loop function from 1 to 200:
for (var i = 1; i <= 200; i++) {
print('Pos: $i');
The function incrementTest(i) must increment two variables: position (count from 1 in 1 up to 200) and sum (add 1 + 2 + 3, ..., + 200 which should result in 20,100)
Future<bool> incrementTest(int value) async {
try {
} catch (e) {
return true;
Note that db refers to the Firebase instance (FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference())
With this, comes the tests:
Test 1: 100% Online. PASSED
The function works properly, reaching the two variables to the correct result (in the Firebase console):
position: 200
sum: 20100
Test 2: 100% Offline. PASSED
To do this I used a physical device in airplane mode, then I executed the for loop function, and when the function finished executing I deactivated airplane mode and checked the result in the firebase console, which was satisfactory:
position: 200
sum: 20100
Test 3: Start Online and then go to Offline. FAILED
It is a typical operating scenario when the Internet Connection goes down. Even worse when the connections are intermittent, you are traveling on a subway or you are in a low coverage site for which Offline Persistence is a desired feature. To simulate it, what I did was run the for loop function in online mode, and before it finished, I put the physical device in airplane mode. Later I went Online to finish the test and see the results on the Firebase console. The results obtained are incorrect in all cases. Here are some of the results:
As you can see, the Increment was erroneously repeated 10, 18 and 9 times more.
How can I avoid this behavior?
Is there any other way to increment atomically a number in Firebase that works properly online / Offline ?
firebaser here
That's an interesting edge-case in the increment behavior. Between the client and the server neither can be certain whether the increment was executed or not, so it ends up being retried from the client upon the reconnect. This problem can only occur with the increment operation as far as I can tell, as all the other write operations are idempotent except for transactions, but those don't work while offline.
It is possible to ensure each increment happens only once, but it'll take some work:
First, add a nonce to write operation that unique identifies this operation. You can use a push key for this, but any other UUID also works fine. Combine this with your original set() call into a single multi-path update call, writing the nonce to a top-level node with a server-side timestamp as its value.
Now in your security rules for the top-level location, only allow the write if there is no existing data. This ensures the secondary writes you're seeing get rejected, and since security rules are checked across multi-path updates as a whole, the faulty increment will get rejected too.
You'll probably want to periodically clean up the node with nonce keys, based on the timestamp value in there. It won't matter for performance (since you're never searching here outside of during the cleanup), but may help control the storage cost for the nonces.
I haven't used this approach for this specific use-case yet, but have done it for others. If you'd include a client-side retry, the above essentially builds your own multi-path transaction mechanism, which is what I needed it for in the past. But since you don't need that here, it's simpler without that.
Based on #puf answer, you can proceed as follows:
Future<bool> incrementTest(int value, int dateOfToday) async {
var id = db.push().key;
Map<String, dynamic> _updates = {
'test/position': ServerValue.increment(1),
'test/sum': ServerValue.increment(value),
'test/nonce/$id': dateOfToday,
.catchError((error) => print('Increment Duplication Rejected ${error.message}'));
return true;
Then, in Firebase Security Rules, you need to add a rule in test/nonce/id location. Something as follows:
"previousPath": {
"test": {
".read": "auth != null", //It depends on your root rules
".write": "auth != null", //It depends on your root rules
"nonce": {
"$nonce_id": {
".validate": "!data.exists()" //THE MAGIC IS HERE
In this way, when the device tries to write to the database again (wrongly), Firebase will reject it since it already had a write with that same ID before.
I hope it serves someone else!!!

NullPointerException when trying to access an agent from Main in AnyLogic

I am trying to send a message to an agent in a specific state from Main. I have already done this many times, but this time AnyLogic is returning the NullPointerException error.
Here is the code I am using to send the message:
User chosen_user = randomWhere(users, t -> t.inState(User.Innactive));
Using traceln(chosen_users.getIndex()) for printing the index, everything works fine. Just when I plug the index in the function get() it returns the error.
Even if I plug just a random number, let's say users.get(1).receive("message"), it still returns the same error (my population has 700 agents).
Any thoughts?
It will just be because no user is in the Innactive state at some particular time so your randomWhere call returns null.
You also don't need the indirection of using the index; just send the message directly to it using the send function:
if (chosen_users != null) {
send("message", chosen_users);
(Your naming is misleading too since chosen_users is always one User agent (or null).)

Webflux: OnErrorResume after repeats are exhausted is not being triggered

I am trying to execute the code after repeat exhaustion using onErrorResume but onErrorResume is not being trigger.
Here is the code sample
.map(aBoolean -> performSomeOperationIfConditionIsSatified(request))
.repeatWhenEmpty(Repeat.onlyIf(i -> true)
.exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(5)), Duration.ofSeconds(10))
.onErrorResume(throwable -> {
log.warn("Max timeout reached", throwable);
return Mono.just(false);
onErrorResume is never trigged. I am trying to use it as a fallback. My goal is if the repeat exhaustion is hit, return the false value.
My unit test complains of
expectation "expectNext(false)" failed (expected: onNext(false); actual: onComplete())
Any help or suggestion would be helpful.
since an empty source is valid by itself, repeatWhenEmpty doesn't necessarily propagate an exception after exhausting its attempts. The Repeat util from addons doesn't, even when the "timeout" triggers (as hinted in the timeout parameter's javadoc: "timeout after which no new repeats are initiated", ok that could be clearer).
since you're using repeatWhenEMPTY, I'm guessing that the empty case is always "irrelevant" to you and thus defaultIfEmpty(false) should be the acceptable solution.

Roblox Studio how to loop check if a players name is correctly typed into a texbox

I'm making my admin panel. I have a problem when I write this:
if script.Parent.Frame.PlayersTrollFrame.Textbox == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
How can I get this to loop check the name without a game script timeout
Instead of checking the textbox's contents in a loop, you should use the :GetPropertyChangedSignal(propertyName) functions to get the event that fires whenever a certain property is changed. In this case, we want to get the event that fires whenever the Text property changes:
if script.Parent.Frame.PlayersTrollFrame.Textbox == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
:Connect(function) makes it so that whenever the event is fired, it runs the function that's passed through.
However, if you really need to use a loop for some reason, you can do so by putting the if statement in a while wait() do loop
while wait() do
if script.Parent.Frame.PlayersTrollFrame.Textbox.Text == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then

Stop httputils service in basic4android

I am using basic4android and I made an application that uses httputils services. Sometimes a remote error occurs (possible server overload or limited internet connection) and the application exits with the error message box. The activity closes but httputils service is still running. While I reopen the activity new error occurs, because of the unfinished job of httputils. Everything is OK only if I choose to stop the activity in the second error.
Is there any way to determine if the httputils service is running by a previous instance of my app? Or better, a way to try to stop this service either its running or not.
HttpUtils errors should not cause your program to exit. You should check IsSuccess to make sure that the call succeeded or not.
You can stop the service from running by calling StopService(HttpUtilsService).
Public Sub StationTransfer_Click
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("MyJob", Me)
Dim URL As String=""
ProgressDialogShow2("Getting data From Server...", True)
End Sub
Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
Select Job.JobName
Case "MyJob"
End Select
End Sub
Sub HandleMyJob(Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error downloading Data", True)
End If
end Sub
if there is an httpjob error you catch it in the handler function by looking at the status. if the status is not success than you catch it and display a message.