Keycloak: Get UserSessionModel of the current SSO session - keycloak

Keycloak 11.0.2
Is there a way to get UserSessionModel assigned to current SSO session in custom Authenticator?
I am able to take a List<UserSessionModel>:
List<UserSessionModel> userSessions = context.getSession().sessions().getUserSessions(context.getRealm(), context.getUser());
But I don't know which filtering property may I take using AutheticationFlowContext to filter list against and take UserSessionModel of the current SSO session.
Now I am filtering by fetched from Authentication request cookie KEYCLOAK_SESSION (last segment of it). Maybe there is a direct way to take using AuthenticationFlowContext somehow?
I have to use UserSessionModel.getNote() to retrieve UserSessionNotes set previously in another Authentication flows of the same SSO.
Direct method do not works for me to take UserSessionNotes set in another Authentication flows (but in the same SSO):
public void authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext context) {
Map<String,String> sessionNotes = context.getAuthenticationSession().getUserSessionNotes();
// sessionNotes does not reflect notes set in another Authentication flows of the same SSO
So, if someone knows another way to take UserSessionNotes w/o UserSessionModel it will be also solution.

I've received an answer at Keycloak Forum
To take UserSessionModel of the current SSO in Authenticator:
public void authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext context) {
UserSessionModel userSessionModel;
AuthenticationManager.AuthResult authResult = AuthenticationManager.authenticateIdentityCookie(context.getSession(),
context.getRealm(), true);
if (authResult != null) {
// That is it:
userSessionModel = authResult.getSession();


ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 - Multiple authentication schemes with Core Identity

I am aware of the answer given here which is about using Forms Authentication & SAML. In My case I am using core Identity on .Net 5. Also I am using two authentication schemes (Cookies & JWT).
My auth pipeline goes as;
//include identity
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>(SetupIdentityOptions)
//configure cookie and Jwt scheme
services.AddAuthentication(...) //configures default Identity
.AddJwtBearer(options => {...})
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.FallbackPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
What I want to know is where should I add SAML2 in this pipeline.
In general the application should;
Be able to login with Cookie authentication (Identity takes care of this)
Jwt tokens should work as well for Apis (this also works with Jwt scheme)
SSO clients should get authenticated from their IdP and when redirected to AssertionConsumer() I will create additional claims create new ClaimsIdentity, create a JWT token(pass it to client) and get the user to dashboard.
I am stuck at 3rd point which is to properly add the SAML scheme without overriding cookie/jwt schemes.
The error No sign-in authentication handler is registered for the scheme 'saml2' probably occurs bedause you need to add services.AddSaml2() and app.UseSaml2()
You can use the setup from the provided example project. Newly added middleware should not interfere with what you already have.
When a SAML2 IdP redirects back to your application, you are given a result that identifies the authenticated user, e.g. Email Address or SSN (in case it is a government Id Provider).
You can combine that information with a Role (e.g. SpecialCustomer, Citizen, or an existing Role that you already have) into a cookie or JWT Token as you probably already do for other users. This can always be distinguished from other cookies and tokens by the Role. Regular [Authorize(....)] attributes will also work just fine.
I was stuck at the same point.. The solution I found:
If you check the source code of IFOXTEC.IDENTITY.SAML2, the method AddSaml2 overrides your AddAuthentication method and adds the AddCookie section.
public static IServiceCollection AddSaml2(this IServiceCollection services, string loginPath = "/Auth/Login", bool slidingExpiration = false, string accessDeniedPath = null, ITicketStore sessionStore = null, SameSiteMode cookieSameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax, string cookieDomain = null, CookieSecurePolicy cookieSecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.SameAsRequest)
.AddCookie(Saml2Constants.AuthenticationScheme, o =>
o.LoginPath = new PathString(loginPath);
o.SlidingExpiration = slidingExpiration;
o.AccessDeniedPath = new PathString(accessDeniedPath);
if (sessionStore != null)
o.SessionStore = sessionStore;
o.Cookie.SameSite = cookieSameSite;
o.Cookie.SecurePolicy = cookieSecurePolicy;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieDomain))
o.Cookie.Domain = cookieDomain;
return services;
So, to add SAML to your pipeline, you can remove the services.AddSaml2(), add the AddCookie section and, inside your policy, you can add the verification of any cookie with name saml2 to forward to your SAML schema.
.AddAuthentication(sharedOptions =>
sharedOptions.DefaultScheme = "custom-schema";
sharedOptions.DefaultChallengeScheme = "custom-schema";
.AddPolicyScheme("custom-schema", null, options =>
options.ForwardDefaultSelector = context =>
if (context.Request.Headers["Authorization"].Any(x => x.StartsWith("Bearer ")))
return JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
else if (context.Request.Headers["Cookie"].Any(x => x.Contains(".saml2=")))
return Saml2Constants.AuthenticationScheme;
return "Identity.Application";
.AddJwtBearer(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, null, options =>
.AddCookie(Saml2Constants.AuthenticationScheme, o =>
o.LoginPath = new PathString("/Auth/Login");
o.SlidingExpiration = false;
o.Cookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax;
o.Cookie.SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.SameAsRequest;

How to obtain an access token within a Keycloak SPI?

Use case:
From inside a EventListenerProvider on an event I want to make an authenticated REST call to one of our keycloak secured service. For this I need a token.
First I just test printing the token to check whether it is succeeded.
public void onEvent(final Event event) {
Keycloak k = Keycloak.getInstance("http://localhost:8080/auth", "myrealm", "", "password", "myclient");
AccessTokenResponse t = k.tokenManager().getAccessToken();;;
Unfortunatly both the session_state and token is NULL.
All the data are correct, the url,the realm..etc. Otherwise we would know about that. Keycloak doesnt log anything just silently returns null.
On the top of that I can use the above code from anywhere else and it works! I can use it from a plain java main() method and still works. Getting token by hand via postman also works.
What is wrong with the Keycloak Provider? How can I get an accesstoken for a particular user?
You can use the following example to create a AccessToken:
public String getAccessToken(UserModel userModel, KeycloakSession keycloakSession) {
KeycloakContext keycloakContext = keycloakSession.getContext();
AccessToken token = new AccessToken();
token.issuer(Urls.realmIssuer(keycloakContext.getUri().getBaseUri(), keycloakContext.getRealm().getName()));
token.expiration((int) (token.getIat() + 60L)); //Lifetime of 60 seconds
KeyWrapper key = keycloakSession.keys().getActiveKey(keycloakContext.getRealm(), KeyUse.SIG, "RS256");
return new JWSBuilder().kid(key.getKid()).type("JWT").jsonContent(token).sign(new AsymmetricSignatureSignerContext(key));
Note that you also need to specify <module name="org.keycloak.keycloak-services"/> in your jboss-deployment-structure.

Identityserver4 with ComponentSpace SAML 2 get custom parameters during request

I am using IdentityServer4 with two external Idp's, one with WSFederation (ADFS) and one with SAML.
For the SAML implementation I use the commercial product ComponentSpace SAML 2 for ASP.Net Core. I use the middleware-based config.
Logging it with both Idp's works perfectly, but now I have the situation where, depending on the client, I need to pass extra parameters to the SAML AuthnRequest. I know how to pass this extra parameter in the request (I can use the OnAuthnRequestCreated from the middleware), but what I don't know is how to test at that point from where the request is coming, i.e. from which client.
I have control of the client so I could also pass extra acr_values (which I think can be used to pass custom data), but again I don't know how to get them in the OnAuthnRequestCreated event as shown in the code below.
Any help would be much appreciated.
.AddWsFederation("adfs", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
// of config (SSO is working)
.AddSaml("saml", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
// of config (SSO is working)
options.OnAuthnRequestCreated = request =>
//Here I would need to know from which client the request is coming (either by client name or url or acr_values or whatever)
//to be able to perform conditional logic. I've checked on the request object itself but the info is not in there
return request;
The request parameter is the SAML AuthnRequest object. It doesn't include client information etc.
Instead of the OnAuthnRequestCreated event, in your Startup class you can add some middleware as shown below. You can call GetRequiredService to access any additional interfaces (eg IHttpContextAccessor) you need to retrieve the client information.
app.Use((context, next) =>
var samlServiceProvider =
samlServiceProvider.OnAuthnRequestCreated += authnRequest =>
// Update authn request as required.
return authnRequest;
return next();
Thanks ComponentSpace for the reply. I didn't get it to work directly with your solution by using app.Use((context, next)) => ... but your comment on GetRequiredService pointed me into the direction to find the solution like below. Basically I'm getting the IHttpContextAccessor which I can then use to parse the query string. I then get the ReturnUrl from this query string and use the IIdentityServerInteractionService to get the AuthorizationContext object, which contains what I need to build my custom logic.
So thanks again for pointing me into the right direction.
//build and intermediate service provider so we can get already configured services further down this method
var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
.AddSaml("SamlIdp", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.OnAuthnRequestCreated = request =>
var httpContextAccessor = sp.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var queryStringValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.Value);
var interactionService = sp.GetService<IIdentityServerInteractionService>();
var authContext = interactionService.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(queryStringValues["ReturnUrl"]).Result;
//authContext now contains client info and other useful stuff to help build further logic to customize the request
return request;

CakePHP 2.3.1 Facebook authentication

I'm using CakePHP 2.3.1 and this plugin: to implement a facebook authentication. I followed this screen cast but it doesn't work, I can't receive the Facebook user information. I mean $this->Connect->user() always return null.
First make sure your user as granted access to your app. Then make a call to retrieve personal details through the api(/me) => $this->Connect->user()
Personally, I use this
public function beforeFilter(){
if($this->Connect->FB->getUser() != 0){
$this->set('facebookUser', $this->Connect->user());
Initiating ConnectComponent will populate (or not) the Auth Session. If no id is to be found, redirect user to a login dialog.
Call this method from beforefilter..and save the post data received in some variable like fb_data here.
protected function _valdiateFbRequest() {
if (!isset($this->request->data['signed_request'])) {
// not a valid request from fb
// throw exception or handle however you want
$this->signedRequest = $this->request->data['signed_request'];
$this->fb_data=$this->Connect->registrationData(); //save fb data
if (empty($this->request->data)) {
$this->Security->csrfCheck = false;
// validate the request

ServiceStack OAuth - registration instead login

In servicestack OAuth implementation I only saw possibility to automatically login with eg. facebook account.
But is there abbility to support registration process with facebook login. What I wanted is to let users login to facebook app, and then load their Name, Surname and email and prefill needed text boxes for real registration on my site (since I also have to have mobile phone verification etc.) I don't want user to be authorized and authenticated when he logs in with facebook. Only credentials login should be valid one for full site access.
Edit: I found a solution.
In FacebookProvider.cs
public override bool IsAuthorized(IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Auth request = null)
if (request != null)
if (!LoginMatchesSession(session, request.UserName)) return false;
return tokens != null && session.UserName!=null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.AccessTokenSecret);
The catch was the && session.UserName!=null part. So we can check if user is logged in using credentials, this will be !=null and user can use all services. If not, this will be ==null and he can only get facebook info from session.
The SocialBootstrap API project shows an example of handling the callback after a successful Authentication by overriding the OnAuthenticated() hook of its custom user session:
I've pulled out, rewrote some and highlighted some of the important bits:
public class CustomUserSession : AuthUserSession
public override void OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService,
IAuthSession session,
IOAuthTokens tokens,
Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
base.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
//Populate matching fields from this session into your own MyUserTable
var user = session.TranslateTo<MyUserTable>();
user.Id = int.Parse(session.UserAuthId);
user.GravatarImageUrl64 = CreateGravatarUrl(session.Email, 64);
foreach (var authToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess)
if (authToken.Provider == FacebookAuthProvider.Name)
user.FacebookName = authToken.DisplayName;
user.FacebookFirstName = authToken.FirstName;
user.FacebookLastName = authToken.LastName;
user.FacebookEmail = authToken.Email;
else if (authToken.Provider == TwitterAuthProvider.Name)
user.TwitterName = authToken.DisplayName;
//Resolve the DbFactory from the IOC and persist the user info
using (var db = authService.TryResolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open())
//Update (if exists) or insert populated data into 'MyUserTable'
//Change `IsAuthorized` to only verify users authenticated with Credentials
public override bool IsAuthorized(string provider)
if (provider != AuthService.CredentialsProvider) return false;
return base.IsAuthorized(provider);
Basically this user-defined custom logic (which gets fired after every successful authentication) extracts data from the UserSession and stores it in a custom 'MyUserTable'.
We've also overridden the meaning of IsAuthorized to only accept users that have authenticated with CredentialsAuth.
You can use this data to complete the rest of the registration.
Other possible customizations
ServiceStack's built-in Auth persists the AuthData and populates the Session automatically for you. If you want to add extra validation assertions you can simply use your own custom [Authentication] attribute instead containing additional custom logic. Look at the implementation of the built-in AuthenticateAttribute as a guide.