Bottom up vs top down merge sort - merge

The way I've learned or seen merge sort implemented has always been the top-down recursive approach which requires O(n) extra memory.
It seems with the bottom-up approach, you can do this with constant memory. The merge operation is identical to the top-down approach. So it seems to me that bottom up is superior to top down.
Why is the top-down approach more commonly used and taught?

Top down is more commonly taught, but bottom up or more accurately, a hybrid of insertion sort and bottom up merge sort is more commonly used in libraries.
The space overhead for the second buffer is the same for both a conventional top down and bottom up merge sort O(n). The stack overhead for top down is O(log2(n)).
There are variations of merge sort that use a smaller second buffer or no second buffer.


Is QuickSort really the fastet sorting technique

Hello all this is my very first question here. I am new to datastructure and algorithms my teacher asked me to compare time complexity of different algorithms including: merge sort, heap sort, insertion sort, and quick sort. I search over internet and find out that quick sort is the fastest of all but my version of quick sort is the slowest of all (it sort 100 random integers in almost 1 second while my other sorting algorithms took almost 0 second). I tweak my quick sort logic many times (taking first value as pivot than tried to take middle value as pivot but in vain) I finally search the code over internet and there was not much difference in my code and code on internet. Now I really am confused that if this is behaviour of quick sort is natural (I mean whatever your logic is you are gonna get same results.) or there are some specific situations where you should use quick sort. In the end I know my question is not clear (I don't know how to ask besides my english is also not very good.) I hope someone can help me I really wanted to attach picture of awkward result I am having but I can't (reputation < 10).
Theoretically, quicksort is supposed to be the fastest algorithm for sorting, with a runtime of O(nlogn). It's worst case would be O(n^2), but only occurs if there are repeated values are equal to the pivot.
In your situation, I can only assume that your pivot value is not ideal in your data array, but is still able to sort the values using that pivot. Otherwise, your quicksort implementation is unfortunately incorrect.
Quicksort has O(n^2) worst-case runtime and O(nlogn) average case runtime. A good reason why Quicksort is so fast in practice compared to most other O(nlogn) algorithms such as Heapsort, is because it is relatively cache-efficient. Its running time is actually O(n/Blog(n/B)), where B is the block size. Heapsort, on the other hand, doesn't have any such speedup: it's not at all accessing memory cache-efficiently.
The value you choose as pivot may not be appropriate hence your sorting may be taking some time.You can avoid quicksort’s worst-case run time of O(n^2) almost entirely by using an appropriate choice of the pivot – such as picking it at random.
Also , the best and worst case often are extremes rarely occurring in practice.But any average case analysis assume some distribution of inputs. For sorting, the typical choice is the random permutation model (as assumed on Wikipedia).

Does heuristics in constraint satisfaction problems ensure no backtracking? (when there exists a solution)

I'm doing a map-coloring problem with Scheme, and I used minimum remaining values (Select the vertex with the fewest legal colors) and degree heuristics select the vertex that has the largest number of neighbors). If there exists a solution for a certain configuration, will these heuristics ensures that it won't need to backtrack?
Let's do a simple theoretical analysis.
Graph coloring is NP-complete for general graphs (if not asking for a coloring with less than 4 colors). This means there exists no known polynomial time algorithm.
Your heuristic is computable in polynomial time.
Assuming you need no backtracking, then you need to make n steps, each of which requires polynomial time (n is number of vertices). Thus you can solve the problem in polynomial time.
Either you have proven P=NP or your assumption is wrong.
I leave it up to you to decide upon which option in point (4) is more plausible.
In general: no, MRV and your other heuristic will not guarantee a straight walk to the goal. (I imagine they might if your problem has some very specific structure, but don't count on it until you've seen the theorem.)
Heuristics prune the search space, or change the order of the search to make an early termination more likely. This is not the same thing as backtracking.
But it's a related concept.
We prune some spaces because we are confident that the solution does not lie in those branches of the search tree, or change the order because we have some reason to believe that it will be quicker if we look in some subtrees before others.
We also cut ourselves off from backtracking because we are confident that the solution is in the branch of the space we are in now (so that if we don't find it in this subtree, we can declare failure and don't bother).
Both kinds of strategies are ultimately about searching less of the space somehow and getting to the answer (positive or negative) without searching everything.
MRV and the degrees heuristic are about reordering the sub-searches, not about avoiding backtracking. Heuristics can be right and make a short search but that's not the same
thing as eliminating backtracking (e.g. the "cut" operator in Prolog). When you find what you're looking for, you can declare success, and of course that eliminates further backtracking. But real backtracking elimination means making a decision not to backtrack no matter what, before the search completes.
E.g. if you're doing a depth-first search, and you find what you're looking for by dumb luck without backtracking, we cannot say that dumb luck is a fence operation that eliminates backtracking. :)

How is a bitmapped vector trie faster than a plain vector?

It's supposedly faster than a vector, but I don't really understand how locality of reference is supposed to help this (since a vector is by definition the most locally packed data possible -- every element is packed next to the succeeding element, with no extra space between).
Is the benchmark assuming a specific usage pattern or something similar?
How this is possible?
bitmapped vector tries aren't strictly faster than normal vectors, at least not at everything. It depends on what operation you are considering.
Conventional vectors are faster, for example, at accessing a data element at a specific index. It's hard to beat a straight indexed array lookup. And from a cache locality perspective, big arrays are pretty good if all you are doing is looping over them sequentially.
However a bitmapped vector trie will be much faster for other operations (thanks to structural sharing) - for example creating a new copy with a single changed element without affecting the original data structure is O(log32 n) vs. O(n) for a traditional vector. That's a huge win.
Here's an excellent video well worth watching on the topic, which includes a lot of the motivation of why you might want these kind of structures in your language: Persistent Data Structures and Managed References (talk by Rich Hickey).
There is a lot of good stuff in the other answers but nobdy answers your question. The PersistenVectors are only fast for lots of random lookups by index (when the array is big). "How can that be?" you might ask. "A normal flat array only needs to move a pointer, the PersistentVector has to go through multiple steps."
The answer is "Cache Locality".
The cache always gets a range from memory. If you have a big array it does not fit the cache. So if you want to get item x and item y you have to reload the whole cache. That's because the array is always sequential in memory.
Now with the PVector that's diffrent. There are lots of small arrays floating around and the JVM is smart about that and puts them close to each other in memory. So for random accesses this is fast; if you run through it sequentially it's much slower.
I have to say that I'm not an expert on hardware or how the JVM handles cache locality and I have never benchmarked this myself; I am just retelling stuff I've heard from other people :)
Edit: mikera mentions that too.
Edit 2: See this talk about Functional Data-Structures, skip to the last part if you are only intrested in the vector.
A bitmapped vector trie (aka a persistent vector) is a data structure invented by Rich Hickey for Clojure, that has been implementated in Scala since 2010 (v 2.8). It is its clever bitwise indexing strategy that allows for highly efficient access and modification of large data sets.
From Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors :
Mutable vectors and ArrayLists are generally just arrays which grows
and shrinks when needed. This works great when you want mutability,
but is a big problem when you want persistence. You get slow
modification operations because you'll have to copy the whole array
all the time, and it will use a lot of memory. It would be ideal to
somehow avoid redundancy as much as possible without losing
performance when looking up values, along with fast operations. That
is exactly what Clojure's persistent vector does, and it is done
through balanced, ordered trees.
The idea is to implement a structure which is similar to a binary
tree. The only difference is that the interior nodes in the tree have
a reference to at most two subnodes, and does not contain any elements
themselves. The leaf nodes contain at most two elements. The elements
are in order, which means that the first element is the first element
in the leftmost leaf, and the last element is the rightmost element in
the rightmost leaf. For now, we require that all leaf nodes are at the
same depth2. As an example, take a look at the tree below: It has
the integers 0 to 8 in it, where 0 is the first element and 8 the
last. The number 9 is the vector size:
If we wanted to add a new element to the end of this vector and we
were in the mutable world, we would insert 9 in the rightmost leaf
node, like this:
But here's the issue: We cannot do that if we want to be persistent.
And this would obviously not work if we wanted to update an element!
We would need to copy the whole structure, or at least parts of it.
To minimize copying while retaining full persistence, we perform path
copying: We copy all nodes on the path down to the value we're about
to update or insert, and replace the value with the new one when we're
at the bottom. A result of multiple insertions is shown below. Here,
the vector with 7 elements share structure with a vector with 10
The pink coloured nodes are shared between the vectors, whereas the
brown and blue are separate. Other vectors not visualized may also
share nodes with these vectors.
More info
Besides Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors, the ideas behind this data structure and its use cases are also explained pretty well in David Nolen's 2014 lecture Immutability, interactivity & JavaScript, from which the screenshot below was taken. Or if you really want to dive deeply into the technical details, see also Phil Bagwell's Ideal Hash Trees, which was the paper upon which Hickey's initial Clojure implementation was based.
What do you mean by "plain vector"? Just a flat array of items? That's great if you never update it, but if you ever change a 1M-element flat-vector you have to do a lot of copying; the tree exists to allow you to share most of the structure.
Short explanation: it uses the fact that the JVM optimizes so hard on read/write/copy array data structures. The key aspect IMO is that if your vector grows to a certain size index management becomes a  bottleneck . Here comes the very clever algorithm from persisted vector into play, on very large collections it outperforms the standard variant. So basically it is a functional data-structure which only performed so well because it is built up on small mutable highly optimizes JVM datastructures.
For further details see here (at the end)
Judging by the title of the talk, it's talking about Scala vectors, which aren't even close to "the most locally packed data possible": see source at
Your definition only applies to Lisps (as far as I know).

Should I avoid recursion on the iPhone?

Should I avoid recursion with code that runs on the iPhone?
Or put another way, does anyone know the max stack size on the iphone?
Yes, avoiding recursion is a good thing on all embedded platforms.
Not only does it lowers or even removes the chance of a stack-overflow, it often gives you faster code as well.
You can always rewrite a recursive algorithm to be iterative. That's not always practical though (think quicksort). A way to get around this is to rewrite the algorithms in a way that the recursion depth is limited.
The introsort is a perfect example how it's done in practice. It limits the recursion depth of a quicksort to log2 (number-of-elements). So on a 32 bit machine you will never recurse deeper than 32.
I've written quite a bit of software for embedded platforms in the past (car entertainment systems, phones, game-consoles and the like) and I always made sure that I put a upper limit on the recursion depth or avoided recursion at the first place.
As a result none of my programs ever died with a stack-overflow and most programs are happy with 32kb of stack. This pays off big time once you need multiple threads as each thread gets it's own stack.. You can save megabytes of memory that way.
I see a couple of answers that boil down to "don't use recursion". I disagree - it's not like the iPhone is some severely-constrained embedded system. If a problem is inherently recursive, feel free to express it that way.
Unless you're recursing to a stack depth of hundreds or thousands of frames, you'll never have an issue.
The max stack size on the iphone?
The iPhone runs a modified OSX in which every process is given a valid memory space, just like in most operating systems.
It's a full processor, so stack grows up, and heap grows down (or vice versa depending on your perspective). This means that you won't overflow the stack until you run out of memory allocated to your program.
It's best to avoid recursion when you can for stack and performance reasons (function calls are expensive, relative to simple loops), but in any case you should decide what limits you can place on recursive functions, and truncate them if they go too long.

Using Lisp (or AutoLisp) how good is the associative lists performance?

I'm doing an AutoLisp project which uses long associative structures to do heavy geometrical processing - so I'm curious about the associative list intense use timing results.
How simple/complex is the implementation? It uses some data structure or a normal list of dotted pairs?
The are any extension for b-tree or something?
the turning point for SBCL on recent x86 hardware between alists and identity based hashtables, assuming even distribution of access, is around 30-40 elements.
In Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp association lists are linked lists, so they have linear search time. Assuming that AutoLisp is the same (and if it isn't, then their use of the term "Associative List" is misleading), you can assume that all operations will be linear in the length of the list. For example, an alist with 100 elements will, on average, need 50 accesses to find the thing that you are after.
Of course, most Scheme implementations (or maybe it's in the specs?) have hashtables, which use mostly the same API; but it's not transparent, when you ask for an alist, you get a list of pairs, if you want a hashtable, ask for it.
that said, it's important to remember that linear algorithms aren't slow; they're 'unscalable'. for a small number of elements, they'll outperform a more complex 'clever' algorithm. just how large 'n' has to be, depends a lot on the algorithm, and fast processors with big caches but slow RAM, keep pushing it. Also, heavy optimising compilers (like those available on some Lisp's) generate very tight linear code.
I have not worked with AutoLisp in about 10 years, but I never found any real performance issues with association list manipulation. And I wrote code that would do a fair amount of association list manipulation.
Working in VBA or ObjectARX might have some performance benefits, but you would probably need to run some comparison testing to see if it is really better.
There is no extension for b-tree that I know of but if you use Visual LISP you can use ActiveX objects and thus access most types of databases.