How cannot I install a Google Chrome App I developed myself? - google-chrome-app

I have created a Google Chrome App and published in webstore, but not listed.
When I go to this URL:
This appears in the installation button:
However, during development, I could install the application manually.
What is wrong here?
This is the manifest.json file:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "App Name",
"description": "blablabla.",
"version": "1.1",
"permissions": [
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": [ "main.js" ]
"externally_connectable": {
"matches": [ "*://localhost:*/*" ]
"sockets": {
"tcp": {
"connect": "localhost:1437"
"icons": {
"16": "img/icon16.png",
"32": "img/icon32.png",
"48": "img/icon48.png",
"128": "img/icon128.png"
"web_accessible_resources": [ "img/logo.jpg" ]


Can't see my custom extension on Azure Devops Marketplace

My issue
I created an Azure Devops extension task. Deploy it on a publisher, shared it. But I can't find it on the MarkePlace.
What I did
This is my project:
This is my task.json:
"id": "0f6ee401-2a8e-4110-b51d-c8d05086c1d0",
"name": "deployRG",
"category": "Utility",
"visibility": [
"demands": [],
"version": {
"Major": "0",
"Minor": "1",
"Patch": "0"
"instanceNameFormat": "DeployRG $(name)",
"groups": [],
"inputs": [
"name": "Name",
"type": "string",
"label": "RG name",
"defaultValue": "",
"required": true,
"execution": {
"PowerShell3": {
"target": "CreateRG.ps1"
My manifest vss-extension.json:
"manifestVersion": 1,
"id": "deployRG",
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Deploy RG",
"publisher": "Amethyste-MyTasks",
"public": false,
"categories": [
"Azure Pipelines"
"tags": [
"contributions": [
"id": "DeployRG",
"type": "ms.vss-distributed-task.task",
"targets": [
"properties": {
"name": "DeployRG"
"targets": [
"id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services"
"files": [
"path": "DeployRG",
"packagePath": "DeployRG"
"path": "VstsTaskSdk"
What I checked
I am owner of the organization and belong to Project Collection Administrators group.
On the portal:
On the publisher portal:
What I need
I checked some tutorial on Internet and can't see what I do wrong.
Has anybody an idea?
Thank you
Aargh, I have just found and its easy.
After sharing, one should install the extension as indicated here:
Don't know why so many tutorials skip this step

Actions on Google dynamic NO_INPUT response via Actions SDK

Is anyone able to get "NO_INPUT" requests from AoG when once they've configured their action.json to route those requests to their server?
I'm receiving "actions.intent.CANCEL" intent requests, but not "actions.intent.NO_INPUT"
My action.json file...
"actions": [
"description": "Default Welcome Intent",
"name": "MAIN",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "thebigbadtest"
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN",
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
"talk to the Sophmora"
"conversations": {
"thebigbadtest": {
"name": "thebigbadtest",
"url": "",
"inDialogIntents": [{
"name": "actions.intent.CANCEL"
}, {
"name": "actions.intent.NO_INPUT"
"locale": "en"

AWS CodePipeline github webhook not triggering on commit

I set up an AWS CodePipeline that uses github as a source, CodeBuild for build, and deploys to ElasticBeanstalk.
I was able to get it working when everything was set up in the console and I was an admin of the github account (I used a different account for testing)
The actual code I need to deploy belongs to an account where I am not an admin so following this guide I received a Personal Access Token and updated the CodePipeline using the CLI.
Once i updated the project using the cli, it no longer gets triggered when the code is committed.
I'm not sure what changed, because it still doesn't work even when I use the console and set up the webhook directly as an admin of the github account I was testing with.
This is the json I updated the pipeline with:
"pipeline": {
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxx:role/service-role/AWSCodePipelineServiceRole-us-west-2-xxxxx-xxxx",
"stages": [
"name": "Source",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [],
"name": "Source",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Source",
"owner": "ThirdParty",
"version": "1",
"provider": "GitHub"
"outputArtifacts": [
"name": "SourceArtifact"
"configuration": {
"Owner": "xxx",
"Repo": "xxx",
"PollForSourceChanges": "false",
"Branch": "stage"
"runOrder": 1
"name": "Build",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "SourceArtifact"
"name": "Build",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Build",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CodeBuild"
"outputArtifacts": [
"name": "BuildArtifact"
"configuration": {
"ProjectName": "xxx-stage-codebuild"
"runOrder": 1
"name": "Deploy",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "BuildArtifact"
"name": "Deploy",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Deploy",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "ElasticBeanstalk"
"outputArtifacts": [],
"configuration": {
"ApplicationName": "xxx",
"EnvironmentName": "xxx-stage"
"runOrder": 1
"artifactStore": {
"type": "S3",
"location": "xxx-artifacts-stage"
"name": "xxx-stage",
"version": 15
To fix the webhook for the updated GitHub source, you need to perform the following steps:
Use the steps in [1] to deregister and delete the existing webhook that is associated with the old GitHub repository.
Use the steps in [2] to recreate the webhook.
[1] Delete the Webhook for Your GitHub Source -
[2] Create a Webhook for a GitHub Source -
Let me know if you come across any challenges.

language extension project does not seem to load grammar (no grammar provided message)

Im trying to create a simple language extension for visual studio code. I used the "yo code" to generate a language support extension. After adding my Language name, id, extension and etc, I keep getting this message "no grammar provided for < source. arc" when running the tm scope inspector in the extension debugging host even though vscode recognized the language.
Not sure what i can try at this point since the sample should work right off the bat
"name": "ArchsimC",
"scopeName": "source.arc",
"patterns": [
"include": "#keywords"
"include": "#strings"
"repository": {
"keywords": {
"patterns": [
"name": "keyword.control.archsimc",
"match": "\\b(if|while|for|return)\\b"
"strings": {
"name": "string.quoted.double.archsimc",
"begin": "\"",
"end": "\"",
"patterns": [
"name": "constant.character.escape.archsimc",
"match": "\\\\."
"name": "languagetest",
"displayName": "LanguageTest",
"description": "language server test",
"version": "0.0.1",
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.29.0"
"categories": [
"Programming Languages"
"contributes": {
"languages": [
"id": "archsimc",
"aliases": [
"extensions": [
"configuration": "./language-configuration.json"
"grammars": [
"language": "archsimc",
"scopeName": "source.arc",
"path": "./syntaxes/archsimc.tmLanguage.json"
by running inspect TM scope on the "if" should point to the tmLanguage file based on what i have seen in vscode documentation.
Any ideas on what is the issue here and if im doing something wrong?

AWS Cloud Formation Stuck in Review_In_Progress

I was trying to set up AWS Code Pipeline with AWS SAM for Lambda using Java-8 as mentioned in the documentations
(example is in node.js though).
However, my Staging is stuck at CloudFormation Stack is stuck in REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS for a long time. Is there any way to debug this issue?
I don't see any further events coming in console. Is there any specific things to check for?
The template is as follow
$ aws codepipeline get-pipeline --region us-east-1 --name aws-lexbot-facebook-pipeline
"pipeline": {
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/AWS-CodePipeline-Service",
"stages": [
"name": "Source",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [],
"name": "Source",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Source",
"owner": "ThirdParty",
"version": "1",
"provider": "GitHub"
"outputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyApp"
"configuration": {
"Owner": “xxxxxxx”,
"Repo": "lexbot",
"PollForSourceChanges": "true",
"Branch": "master",
"OAuthToken": "****"
"runOrder": 1
"name": "Build",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyApp"
"name": "CodeBuild",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Build",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CodeBuild"
"outputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyAppBuild"
"configuration": {
"ProjectName": "aws-lexbot-facebook-codebuild"
"runOrder": 1
"name": "Staging",
"actions": [
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyAppBuild"
"name": "LexBotBetaStack",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Deploy",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CloudFormation"
"outputArtifacts": [],
"configuration": {
"ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role",
"Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM",
"StackName": "LexBotBetaStack",
"TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
"runOrder": 1
"artifactStore": {
"type": "S3",
"location": “XXXXXX-us-east-1-987802409920"
"name": "aws-lexbot-facebook-pipeline",
"version": 1
In your CodePipeline step, you're using the CHANGE_SET_CREATE action mode. This creates a change set on the CloudFormation Stack, but does not automatically execute it. You would need a second action that executes the change set using CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE. Alternatively, you can change the action mode on your action to CREATE_UPDATE which should directly update your action.
One reason you might want to use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE in CodePipeline, is if you want to have an approval step between them. If you are expecting this to be completed automatically, I'd recommend CREATE_UPDATE.
Below is your CodePipeline Staging stage, but using CREATE_UPDATE instead of CREATE_CHANGE_SET. This creates a new stack named stack, or updates the existing one if one with that name already exists.
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyAppBuild"
"name": "LexBotBetaStack",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Deploy",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CloudFormation"
"outputArtifacts": [],
"configuration": {
"ActionMode": "CREATE_UPDATE",
"ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role",
"Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM",
"StackName": "LexBotBetaStack",
"TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
"runOrder": 1
Below is an example of how you could use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE together. It first creates a change set, on the named stack, then executes that change set. It's really useful if you want to have a CodePipeline Approval step between the change set, and executing it, so you can review the intended changes.
"inputArtifacts": [
"name": "MyAppBuild"
"name": "LexBotBetaStackChangeSet",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Deploy",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CloudFormation"
"outputArtifacts": [],
"configuration": {
"ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role",
"Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM",
"StackName": "LexBotBetaStack",
"TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
"runOrder": 1
"name": "LexBotBetaStackExecute",
"actionTypeId": {
"category": "Deploy",
"owner": "AWS",
"version": "1",
"provider": "CloudFormation"
"configuration": {
"ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet",
"StackName": "LexBotBetaStack",
"runOrder": 2
I went to the change set and hit the execute button so it now shows CREATION_IN_PROGRESS.
Some one has already answered, but for more clarity, Please refer below screenshot. Click on Change Sets and then select the change set and hit Execute.
This can be due to some service bug in your template file/troposphere code. Make sure you can visualize the cf tree to check how the services communicate.