Apache Flink - Partitioning the stream equally as the input Kafka topic - apache-kafka

I would like to implement in Apache Flink the following scenario:
Given a Kafka topic having 4 partitions, I would like to process the intra-partition data independently in Flink using different logics, depending on the event's type.
In particular, suppose the input Kafka topic contains the events depicted in the previous images. Each event have a different structure: partition 1 has the field "a" as key, partition 2 has the field "b" as key, etc. In Flink I would like to apply different business logics depending on the events, so I thought I should split the stream in some way. To achieve what's described in the picture, I thought to do something like that using just one consumer (I don't see why I should use more):
FlinkKafkaConsumer<..> consumer = ...
DataStream<..> stream = flinkEnv.addSource(consumer);
stream.keyBy("a").map(new AEventMapper()).addSink(...);
stream.keyBy("b").map(new BEventMapper()).addSink(...);
stream.keyBy("c").map(new CEventMapper()).addSink(...);
stream.keyBy("d").map(new DEventMapper()).addSink(...);
(a) Is it correct? Also, if I would like to process each Flink partition in parallel, since I'm just interested to process in-order the events sorted by the same Kafka partition, and not considering them globally, (b) how can I do? I know the existence of the method setParallelism(), but I don't know where to apply it in this scenario.
I'm looking for an answer about questions marked (a) and (b). Thank you in advance.

If you can build it like this, it will perform better:
Specifically, what I'm proposing is
Set the parallelism of the entire job to exactly match the number of Kafka partitions. Then each FlinkKafkaConsumer instance will read from exactly one partition.
If possible, avoid using keyBy, and avoid changing the parallelism. Then the source, map, and sink will all be chained together (this is called operator chaining), and no serialization/deserialization and no networking will be needed (within Flink). Not only will this perform well, but you can also take advantage of fine-grained recovery (streaming jobs that are embarrassingly parallel can recover one failed task without interrupting the others).
You can write a general purpose EventMapper that checks to see what type of event is being processed, and then does whatever is appropriate. Or you can try to be clever and implement a RichMapFunction that in its open() figures out which partition is being handled, and loads the appropriate mapper.


In Kafka Streams, how do you parallelize complex operations (or sub-topologies) using multiple topics and partitions?

I am currently trying to understand how Kafka Streams achieves parallelism. My main concern boils down to three questions:
Can multiple sub-topologies read from the same partition?
How can you parallelise a complex operation (making up a sub-topology) that uses the processor API and requires reading the entire topic?
Can multiple sub-topologies read from the same topic (such that independent and expensive operations on the same topic can be run in different sub-topologies)?
As the developer, we don't have direct control about how topologies are divided into sub-topologies. Kafka Streams divides the Topology into multiple sub-topologies using Topics as a "bridge" where possible. Additionally, multiple stream tasks are created that each read a subset of data from the input topic, divided by partition. The documentation reads:
Slightly simplified, the maximum parallelism at which your application may run is bounded by the maximum number of stream tasks, which itself is determined by maximum number of partitions of the input topic(s) the application is reading from.
Assume there was a sub-topology that reads multiple input topics whose number of partitions are not identical. If the above excerpt of the documentation is to be believed, then one or more partitions of the topic that has less partitions would need to be assigned to multiple stream tasks (if both topics need to be read for the logic to work). However, this should not be possible, because, as I understand it, multiple instances of the streams application (each sharing the same application id) act as one Consumer group, where each partition is only assigned once. In such a case, the number of tasks being created for a sub-topology should actually be limited by the minimum number of partitions of its input topics, i.e. a single partition is only assigned to one Task.
I am not sure if the initial problem, i.e. a non-co-partitioned sub-topology would actually occur. If there is an operation that requires to read both input topics, the data would probably need to be co-partitioned (like in Joins).
Say there was an expensive operation between two topics (possibly built from multiple custom processors) that requires the data of one topic to always be available in its entirety. You would want to parallelise this operation into multiple tasks.
If the topic had just one partition, and a partition could be read multiple times, this would not be a problem. However, as discussed earlier, I don't believe this to work.
Then there are GlobalKTables. However, there is no way to use GlobalKTables with custom processors (toStream is not available).
Another idea would be to broadcast the data into multiple partitions, essentially duplicating it by the partition count. This way, multiple stream tasks could be created for the topology to read the same data. To do this, a custom partitioner could be specified in the Produced-Instance given to KStream#to. If this data duplication can be accepted, this seems to be the only way to achieve what I have in mind.
Regarding question number three, because the Streams application is one Consumer group, I would also expect this to not be possible. With my current understanding, this would require to write the data into multiple identical topics (again essentially duplicating the data), such that independent sub-topologies can be created. An alternative would be to run separate streaming applications (such that a different consumer group is used).
Without seeing your topology definition, this is a somewhat vague question. You can have repartition and changelog topics. These are duplicated data from the original input topic.
But stateless operators like map, filter, etc. pass data through from the same (assigned) partitions for each thread.
A "sub topology" is still part of only one application.id, thus one consumer group, so no, it cannot read the same topic partitions more than once. For that, you'd need independent streams/tables via branching operations within the whole topology, for example, filtering numbers by even and odd only consumes the topic once; you don't need to "broadcast" records to all partitions, and I'm not sure that's even possible out of the box (to sends one-to-one, and Produced defines serialization, not multiple partitions). If you need to cross reference different operators, then you can use join / statestores / KTables.
None of this is really related to parallelism. You have num.stream.threads, or you can run multiple instances of the same JVM process to scale.

Event Driven Architectures - Topics / Stream Design

This could be some kind of best practice question. Someone please who has worked on this clarify with examples. So that all of us could benefit!
For event-driven architectures with Kafka / Redis, when we create topics/streams for events, what are all the best practices to be followed.
Lets consider online order processing workflow.
I read some blogs saying that create topics/streams like order-created-events, order-deleted-events etc. But my question is how the order of the messages is guaranteed when we split this into multiple topics.
For ex:
order-created-events could have thousands of events and being slowly processed by a consumer. order-deleted-events could have only few records in the queue assuming only 5-10% would cancel the order.
Now, lets assume, an user first places an order. then he immediately cancels. This will make the order-deleted-event to process first as the topic/stream do not have much messages before some consumer processes order-created-event for the same order. It will cause some data inconsistency.
Hopefully my question is clear. So, how to come up with topics/streams design?
Kafka ensures sequencing for a particular partition only.
So, to take use of kafka partitioning and load balancing using partitions, multiple partitions for a single topic( like order) should be created.
Now, Use a partition class to generate a key for every message and that key should correspond to same partition only.
So , irrespective of Order A getting created , updated or deleted , they should always belong to same partition.
To properly achieve sequencing , this should be the basis of deciding topics , instead of 2 different topics for different activities.

We read data from brokers through multiple consumers using consumer group, but how the consumed data is combined?

I need data from kafka brokers,but for fast access I am using multiple consumers with same group id known as consumer groups.But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
By design, different consumers in the same consumer group process data independently from each other. (This behavior is what allows applications to scale well.)
But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
The short but slightly simplified answer when you use Kafka's "Consumer API" (also called: "consumer client" library), which I think is what you are using based on the wording of your question: If you need to combine data from multiple consumers, the easiest option is to make this (new) input data available in another Kafka topic, where you do the combining in a subsequent processing step. A trivial example would be: the other, second Kafka topic would be set up to have just 1 partition, so any subsequent processing step would see all the data that needs to be combined.
If this sounds a bit too complicated, I'd suggest to use Kafka's Streams API, which makes it much easier to define such processing flows (e.g. joins or aggregations, like in your question). In other words, Kafka Streams gives you a lot of the desired built-in "logic" that you are looking for: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/streams/
The aim of Kafka is to provide you with a scalable, performant and fault tolerant framework. Having a group of consumers reading the data from different partitions asynchronously allows you to archive first two goals. The grouping of the data is a bit outside the scope of standard Kafka flow - you can implement a single partition with single consumer in most simple case but I'm sure that is not what you want.
For such things as aggregation of the single state from different consumers I would recommend you to apply some solution designed specifically for such sort of goals. If you are working in terms of Hadoop, you can use Storm Trident bolt which allows you to aggregate the data from you Kafka spouts. Or you can use Spark Streaming which would allow you to do the same but in a bit different fashion. Or as an option you can always implement your custom component with such logic using standard Kafka libraries.

kafka topics and partitions decisions

I need to understand something about kafka:
When I have a single kafka broker on a single host - is there any sense to have it have more than one partition for the topics? I means even if my data can be distinguished with some key (say tenant id) - what is the benefit of doing it on a single kafka broker? does this give any parallelism , if so how?
When a key is used, is this means that each key is mapped to a given partition? Does the number of partitions for a topic must be equal to the number of possible values for the key I specified? OR is this just a hash and so the number of partitions doesnt have to be equal?
From what I read, topics are created due to types of messages to be places in kafka. But in my case, i have 2 topics I have created since I have 2 types of consumption: one for reading one by one message. the second in case of a bulk of messages comes into the queue (application reasons) and then it is being entered into the second topic. Is that a good design although the messages type is the same? any other practice for such a scansion?
Yes, it definitely makes sense to have more than one partition for a topic even when you have a single Kafka broker. A scenario when you can benefit from this is pretty simple:
you need to guarantee in-order processing by tenant id
processing logic for each message is rather complex and takes some time. Especially the case when the Kafka message itself is simple, but the logic behind processing this message takes time (simple example - message is an URL, and the processing logic is downloading the file from there and doing some processing)
Given these 2 conditions you may get into a situation where one consumer is not able to keep up processing all the messages if all the data goes to a single partition. Remember, you can process one partition with exactly one consumer (well, you can use 2 consumers if using different consumer groups, but that's not your case), so you'll start getting behind over time. But if you have more than one partition you'll either be able to use one consumer and process data in parallel (this could help to speed things up in some cases) or just add more consumers.
By default, Kafka uses hash-based partitioning. This is configurable by providing a custom Partitioner, for example you can use random partitioning if you don't care what partition your message ends up in.
It's totally up to you what purposes you have topics for
UPD, answers to questions in the comment:
Adding more consumers is usually done for adding more computing power, not for achieving desired parallelism. To add parallelism add partitions. Most consumer implementations process different partitions on different threads, so if you have enough computing power, you might just have a single consumer processing multiple partitions in parallel. Then, if you start bumping into situations where one consumer is not enough, you just add more consumers.
When you create a topic you just specify the number of partitions (and replication factor for this topic, but that's a different thing). The key and partition to send is completely up to producer. In fact, you could configure your producer to use random partitioner and it won't even care about keys, just pick the partition randomly. There's no direct relation between key -> partition, it's just convenient to benefit from having things setup like this.
Can you elaborate on this one? Not sure I understand this, but I guess your question is whether you can send just a value and Kafka will infer a key somehow itself. If so, then the answer is no - Kafka does not apply any transformation to messages and stores them as is, so if you want your message to contain a key, the producer must explicitly send the key.

Processing records in order in Storm

I'm new to Storm and I'm having problems to figure out how to process records in order.
I have a dataset which contains records with the following fields:
user_id, location_id, time_of_checking
Now, I would like to identify users which have fulfilled the path I specified (for example, users that went from location A to location B to location C).
I'm using Kafka producer and reading this records from a file to simulate live data. Data is sorted by date.
So, to check if my pattern is fulfilled I need to process records in order. The thing is, due to parallelization (bolt replication) I don't get check-ins of user in order. Because of that patterns won't work.
How to overcome this problem? How to process records in order?
There is no general system support for ordered processing in Storm. Either you use a different system that supports ordered steam processing like Apache Flink (Disclaimer, I am a committer at Flink) or you need to take care of it in your bolt code by yourself.
The only support Storm delivers is using Trident. You can put tuples of a certain time period (for example one minute) into a single batch. Thus, you can process all tuples within a minute at once. However, this only works if your use case allows for it because you cannot related tuples from different batches to each other. In your case, this would only be the case, if you know that there are points in time, in which all users have reached their destination (and no other use started a new interaction); ie, you need points in time in which no overlap of any two users occurs. (It seems to me, that your use-case cannot fulfill this requirement).
For non-system, ie, customized user-code based solution, there would be two approaches:
You could for example buffer up tuples and sort on time stamp within a bolt before processing. To make this work properly, you need to inject punctuations/watermarks that ensure that no tuple with larger timestamp than the punctuation comes after a punctuation. If you received a punctuation from each parallel input substream you can safely trigger sorting and processing.
Another way would be to buffer tuples per incoming substream in district buffers (within a substream order is preserved) and merge the tuples from the buffers in order. This has the advantage that sorting is avoided. However, you need to ensure that each operator emits tuples ordered. Furthermore, to avoid blocking (ie, if no input is available for a substream) punctuations might be needed, too. (I implemented this approach. Feel free to use the code or adapt it to your needs: https://github.com/mjsax/aeolus/blob/master/queries/utils/src/main/java/de/hub/cs/dbis/aeolus/utils/TimestampMerger.java)
Storm supports this use case. For this you just have to ensure that order is maintained throughout your flow in all the involved components. So as first step, in Kafka producer, all the messages for a particular user id should go to the same partition in Kafka. For this you can implement a custom Partitioner in your KafkaProducer. Please refer to the link here for implementation details.
Since a partition in Kafka can be read by one and only one kafkaSpout instance in Storm, the messages in that partition come in order in the spout instance. Thereby ensuring that all the messages of the same user id arrive to the same spout.
Now comes the tricky part - to maintain order in bolt, you want to ensure that you use field grouping on bolt based on "user_id" field emitted from the Kafka spout. A provided kafkaSpout does not break the message to emit field, you would have to override the kafkaSpout to read the message and emit a "user_id" field from the spout. One way of doing so is to have an intermediate bolt which reads the message from the Kafkaspout and emits a stream with "user_id" field.
When finally you specify a bolt with field grouping on "user_id", all messages of a particular user_id value would go to the same instance of the bolt, whatever be the degree of parallelism of the bolt.
A sample topology which work for your case could be as follow -
builder.setSpout("KafkaSpout", Kafkaspout);
builder.setBolt("FieldsEmitterBolt", FieldsEmitterBolt).shuffleGrouping("KafkaSpout");
builder.setBolt("CalculatorBolt", CalculatorBolt).fieldsGrouping("FieldsEmitterBolt", new Fields("user_id")); //user_id field emitted by Bolt2
--Beware, there could be case when all the user_id values come to the same CalculatorBolt instance if you have limited number of user_ids. This in turn would decrease the effective 'parallelism'!