Stop Dialogflow with Facebook Job Application - facebook

How can I do a takeover, or pause dialogflow when receiving an attachment via a Facebook Job Application?

Ok, figured it out.
Go into the history in Dialogflow and find where someone uploaded an item and copy the url or at least the first part of the url inside messenger.
In this case, a few examples:
Actions and Parameters:
Param name: takeover
entity: sys.any
value: takeover
I also highlighted the training phrases and created sys.url parameters for them and then created another action:
Parameter name: url
entity: sys.url
value: url
Then I added a text response: "Great, we'll be in touch. Thanks."
This is my way of problem solving. I'm not a totally open for other options, especially if they're easier :)


Actions on Google not passing parameters

I'm using Dialogflow (previously to create an Actions on Google app.
Using Dialogflow I have set up a custom Entity to highlight single words from multiple Intents.
ie. mashable, recode, bbc sport are all words picked up as Entities.
The fulfilment sends a post webhook to an api I created.
When using Dialogflow it sends off
"parameters": {
"news-agent": "BBC Sport"
Which is fine, I set up API to detect the parameter and when using Actions on Google simulator
"parameters": {
"news-agent": ""
The parameter is blank, I don't see anything in the documentation about why this is happening.
Could someone help?
It's possible that Actions on Google is not picking up a value for the "news-agent" slot.
Try making the "news-agent" slot required in Dialogflow and define a re-prompt question for it.
That way, the event won't be sent to your app unless the "news-agent" slot is filled.

In Facebook messenger API, how to prevent button postback payload text from being logged to chat window on click?

TLDR; # bottom
I asked the following question in the Facebook bugs section
NOTE: This is more of a platform design suggestion than a bug, as I failed to find a Chat API feedback portal
Currently I'm building a Chat bot that allows the user to track a goal. It will say something like "Did you go for a walk on July 12, 2016 ?" and have Yes/NO buttons below.
Currently in order to pass the intent, the day and the achievement boolean I need to template a string like this "==GOAL== achieved? <<<{goal_achieved}>>>, date tracked [[[{date_tracked}]]]" and use regex to capture the delimited variables. This is prone to parsing error in other cases where the templated strings in the payload are user-input variables i.e. if the '{goal_achieved}' were replaced with the goal variable '>>meditated" then the regex that captures the templated variable could fail.
One could use the postback payload to store a JSON-encoded string but the problem with this is that the payload string gets logged into the user output and JSON strings are a bit ugly and confusing. The challenges I face could be easily remedied if the payload was not logged to the user Instead log the text for the button to help the user confirm the button was clicked.
If that is not possible, is there any other advice for encoding data into button payload ?
The following answer was offered (Mark Wiltse)
Hi Justin,
Unfortunately at this time our payload structure does not support the functionality that you are trying to implement. From my understanding you want to use the Payload to inform your backend if the user accomplished their 'goal' on that specific date. I would suggest that you create your payload response for the button on your end before passing it to us, which is basically the JSON idea that you had initially.
I know this is a bit cumbersome to handle but the payload response passed back is independent of the text that was provided with the messenger thread.
I would suggest that you also attempt to sanitize your strings if you are worried a user has previously provided you would cause an issue with your regex. You should be able to implement this functionality if the prior user data is sanitized to avoid any issues with regex/json parsing.
Since this is an implementation question I will have to close this report as Invalid. If you are still looking for additional insights and concrete tips for implementing this flow please post to our stack overflow where we have Facebook Engineers and a wide range of community members who also contribute.
Take care and best wishes with your messenger bot.
This sentence was particularly unclear:
I know this is a bit cumbersome to handle but the payload response
passed back is independent of the text that was provided with the
messenger thread.
Can anyone inform me of how to prevent the button from logging the payload string so that I can use it to pass JSON to my app without the user seeing it ?
Make sure to comment out sendTextMessage() in your receivedPostback() call :
function receivedPostback(event){
sendTextMessage(senderID, event.postback.payload);
From my understanding you're saying that when you press a button the PAYLOAD instead of the button's text is showing up.
Are you defining your buttons like this?
type: "postback",
title: "View Details",
payload: "details:12345"
I'd recommend removing any special characters that would mess with the parsing of your payload. As long as the special characters are not crucial to the user experience this is probably a fine solution.
If this doesn't solve your issue:
Can you add a screenshot showing the button you are pressing, and the log message you are talking about? From my understanding you're saying that when you press a button the PAYLOAD instead of the button's text is showing up. That's not the case for me, my buttons text shows up when I press a button.

Facebook Ads API: How can I create ads preview without create campaign first?

I check a lot of documents, and flow like that:
Submit data to create Campaign, target, and AdCreative
Use ID of AdCreative to generate preview code
Display preview code to my site (to show to my user)
But I don't want to create Campaign, Targeting, and AdCreative before preview, just submit raw data of AdCreative to get preview code.
I found that doc, and look like they can solve my problem... But it didn't work.
My test data is:{"object_story_spec":{"link_data":{"message":"msg","link":"","caption":"ccccc"}},"name":"NAME 1","body":"dddddd","title":"titititit","call_to_action_type":"OPEN_LINK","object_url":""}&access_token=<token>
And the error:
"error": {
"message": "(#275) Cannot determine the target object for this request. Currently supported objects include ad account, business account and associated objects.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 275,
"fbtrace_id": "GeckbxpU9gr"
I ran into the same problem and got past it, despite not being able to get a fully-functioning dynamic preview working. Here are some more pointers to help save others the pain.
The url needs to include an "ad account, business account or associated objects" like the error message states. For my case I used my ad account id ( The url changed to be the following base format:<your-app-id>/generatepreviews
When you get the response, you need to decode the body and you can use the url directly to test. I replaced \/ with /, & with & and removed the trailing slash. After this you get a url that should give you more specific error messages
I had to also specify a "page_id" parameter that the ad will be associated with. This is a sibling of "link_data" in the sample JSON listed above.
You may get error messages telling you to change the format of certain fields.
Eventually I got the error "Preview Not Available: Unable to display a preview of this ad. (fbtrace_id: Dsfql/z/qVI)" and finally lost the will to continue. The documentation is far from easy to follow and does not have clear examples.
I'm sorry I can't give a working solution, but for my case I was evaluating this API for a non-critical piece of work and timeboxing prevented me from proceeding. Hopefully I help save some time for someone else.
I ran into this problem. The solution for me was to use my app token instead of the Graph API Explorer's token. Hope this helps!
My two cents after struggling on this issue. My request had to be formatted as follows (this is using video data, but should extend to link data):
video_data: {
image_url: <IMAGE_URL>,
link: <URL>
In this case, the call_to_action has to be placed inside the video_data (or link_data) parameter and has to be formatted as an object. I did also have to change & with &, as Matt mentions.

Implement Inbox Functionality in custom cq component?

We want to develop a smooth-flowing workflow experience (but still use workflows). Currently, a user needs to use the sidekick to initiate the workflow, then to the inbox, which takes them back to the page to use the sidekick again. When they go to the inbox, they need to restrict to the model and path of the page. It would be nice for the user to only have to go to the content page and from there, launch the different workflow forms that need to happen, like a little "inbox" right on the page that is subject to the workflow.
I have written a custom component that can initiate the custom workflow. The custom component can also query the WorkFlowSession and obtain any active WorkItems for the current page that the component resides (using the WorkItemFilter interface). What I want to do is provide a link to the user to the next step in the workflow from the custom component, just like the inbox does.
Here is an example output from an WorkItem instance toString method:
21.05.2014 09:45:29.300 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 [1400679929160] GET /content/test/mailing1.html HTTP/1.1] org.rand.whatcounts.EmailCampaignCoordinator Found workitem: -----------------------------
WorkItem Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/workItems/node4_etc_workflow_instances_2014-05-21_model_1400679794564399000
Workflow Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000
Payload: /content/test/mailing1
Payload Type: JCR_PATH
key = historyEntryPath value = /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/history/1400679924113
key = comment value =
My hope is that by using the workflow api items, I can create the link that the user could click on to proceed in the workflow (just like the inbox).
Thanks for listening!
There are two ways to implement this
Java-Based Solution
I was able to figure out one way by looking at
The important part of this jsp is that, given a workItem instance, you can get the path for your next step using the JcrPathBuilderManager:
Using this, I was able to output a link to the next step in the workflow to the user (without having user go to their inbox).
Javascript/JSON Based Solution
I didn't go far with this solution (I didn't write any js) but this was my fall back position if I didn't find the java-solution listed above. Once could implement custom JS in CQ Component that would call the json feed for the user inbox, do some client side filtering (to restrict it to only items related to current page). The URL to the feed is

How to get url of a tab before the page gets loaded in Mozilla Addon SDK?

I am creating an addon for blocking sites on user request.I have done- getting user input and storing in simple-storage.Now i want to access the url of the tab(s) before the page gets loaded so that i can process the url and gets it hostname to block the site.
You do this using the PageMod module with onAttach.
contentScriptWhen: 'start', //This says not to wait until the page is ready
include: ['*'],
//Forget about contentScript(File), we're not attaching a script
onAttach: function(worker) {
var tabUrl =;
if(tabUrl==myString) = ''
But I recommend doing it differently. Instead of checking every URL yourself then doing something , you create an array of URLs or partial URLs and set include: myArrayOfUrls. Then you don't need the if clause in onAttach, you already know that it's one of the websites you want to block.
You can register to the http-on-modify-request notification from the Observer Service. You'll get notified just before the request is made and you can get the URL.
See the following resources on the topic:
Setting HTTP request headers for registration example and Observer Notifications for the list of notifications you can register to.
What you describe is essentially what the Adblock Plus extension is doing, maybe you could use it directly or look into its code.